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Survey3/12/09 2:20 PM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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thanks everyone, very interesting yes im a little keyed up john but one only learns by doing and i will see if it the right thing to be doing soon enough !

Survey3/12/09 10:13 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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i was given j c ryles book 'the old paths' recently as a wedding present and havent read it yet - dont know if i will now - that teaching is at odds it seems to me with a straight reading of (John 10: 14-16)

Survey3/12/09 9:34 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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djc what is your view on creation presentations - i am giving one in public next week on information theory, origins, dna that kind of thing i like talking about creation and think of it as the 67 book of the bible and it has been very helpfull to me but my interest came after preaching and the bible - some people think that presenting the creation is irrelevant and the elect will only be called through the bible do you think creation presentations with some gospel have a place ? do you for instance think that creationists are mainly arminists (they seem to be to me ) im fairly new to this ive only been a repentant believer for two years.
anyone else got a view ?

Survey3/12/09 9:09 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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''If men are condemned for NOT believing on the Son of God, it just proves that the Son had something for them which they chose not to believe in.

If men are condemned for breaking the law, the law was there for them to break. It's the same''

does the breaking of the law come first ? isnt unbelief a consequence of the breaking of the Law ?

Survey3/12/09 8:05 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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thx djc

''In your economy, all the sins of men have been atoned for by Christ. The sin "debt" is totally paid for; God is owed nothing. Therefore, men will be condemned for one reason: unbelief. Correct?''

nearly, they willbe condemned for their rebellion and transgresions against the Holy creator as eveidenced by the law and in the case of unbelief the first commandment

i do believe that the Bible teaches(like yourself ?) that there are varying degrees of rebellion and therefore punishment howeverthe paradox being that the sovreign God has ordained the bounds of that rebellion but He is not unjust - the sinner was born a rebel and an enemy of God, anyway God is very kind to the sinner in life giving them good many good things and preserving their life - including im sure all of us !

i concur with your note that only reformed theology allows a category for those who have not heard the Gospel - very important worth remembering when discussing the issue of those who have not heard same as those who hear and do not believe - they arent invited - the sovreign God decides whom shall reside in His house with Him

Survey3/12/09 6:48 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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Thanks michael tho i take it brother that you wouldnt describe yourself as a 'calvinist' ? i find that tho i do believe that a sovreign God would indeed avenge Himself upon His enemies which would be the entire human race were it not for the mystery of election i feel i have to be consistent with the treatment of the term 'world' and the idea odf the debt of sion is my way of doing this but how correct is this ? is there some theological error here ?

Survey3/12/09 5:22 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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could someone comment on my yesterday post pls regarding Jesus atonement for 'the world'? I am an orthodox calvinist however the text says the world and so to be consistent i solve it this way: that the work of the cross was for the salvation of the elect however the creation is not to be in debt to the creator at the end of all things with regard to sin. All sin must be atoned for wether it is the sin of the elect or non elect. This makes the final judgement of the unregenerate more fearful since In addition to Jesus usually understood qualifications and right to judge must be added that he actually made atonement for the sin of the accused and was rejected - what wrath and fury must be the portion of such.

Noted that some people were complaining of having difficulty in finding a calvinist church Ha ! what luxury ! Thats not even a remote possibility anywhere here in UK

Survey3/11/09 7:56 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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i believe that also, that only the elect of God can be given to peresevere through faith. No man can come to faith by his own mind and no man may continue without he is one of the ellect of God. Satan said i shall ascend to the most high, the like of Billy G sell the idea that a man can choose his salvation and likewise 'ascend to the most high' but heavan is Gods dwelling place and He chooses whom he will have to dwell there.

Survey3/11/09 6:06 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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i undrstand limited atonement to mean thaqt the work of the cross was for the salvation of the elect however the Bible teaches that Jesus died for the sins of the world so i explain it this way, that when God destroys the old heaven and earth He must be not owed anything, the sins of the old earth must be atoned for in entirety.
This has implications for the judgement of the unregenerate - when people ask me what right has Jesus to judge me? I say he is your creator, has sustained your life, He has the moral right to judge you since He is the only judge in the world never to have done anything wrong Himself, He wrote the Law and finally, He has actually paid for your sin wether you receive it or not atonement has been made to the father. So rejection of that free pardon is an even more serious offence against God - Jesus is the supreme judge and supremely qualified to carry out judgement even more so in the light of atonement for the sins of the world.

Survey3/6/09 3:31 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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ive listened to a lot of JM teaching since the lessons became public (november i think) ive got a lot out of them really helpfull and lots of differnt subjects plus you can find things easily on the gty website

News Item3/6/09 3:17 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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yes, its called satanic you see because satan said it, thats the connection. repeated by paul in rom 10.
well guess this thread is winding down its been fun bye....

Survey3/5/09 11:14 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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The teaching of a literal interpretation of Genesis

The Law, free grace and the error of all forms of works religeon

doctrines: election, sovreignty, reprobation

Priorities: to feed the sheep and be a light to the unsaved

News Item3/5/09 10:58 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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not a bad exposition of romans 9 and 10 but we also thank God for the 'good' things (i hope)

i think sermonaudio is a wonderful site

'dark lords spread some of the most wicked of satanic heresies worldwide '

thats a pretty good description of Billy Graham a bit strong tho

its somewhat wide of the mark to equate this reformed theology site with the RC church doctrines unless one was unsure of both

theistic evolutionist and billy grahamite ? no doubt the 'many roads to God ' school. broad is the road to damnation and many there are that travel it' its not about the world its about the remnant that our sovreign and gracious God has set apart for salvation. Jesus will never turn any away but they wont come unless God effectually calls them, if the doctrine of predestination causes a man or a woman to be joyful and grateful then thats a sure sign of salvation. The sovreign God does not set out His stall or hawk Jesus and see who comes, He is in control its not man who decides who goes to heaven but God. Satan thought that he should 'ascend to the most high' and so do some men, therefore arminism is a satanic doctrine.

News Item3/3/09 3:44 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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ha ha ! gene thingumy and rowan williams there is a duo to conjure with ! i meet more than a few people who claim things that they self evidently dont believe in, 'calvinists 'who have an allergic reaction when one alludes to total depravity or limited atonement 'creationists' who think you are mentaly handicapped for believing in a 6 day creation, or folk who talk sovreignty but still cant explain why a 'good' god allows 'bad' things to happen, even some who talk about being 'saved' and cant even begin to explain what they have been saved from ( doubt there would be anyone like that here tho)fred a plonker? check the snarling beasts who surround them an eyeopener to me anyway i realised for the first time the natural man really does hate God the Bible is right after all.

News Item3/2/09 1:26 PM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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yes ive noticed that as well, being a baptist doesnt neccessarily make you a calvinist, in fact id go furthur, ive never yet met a baptist that was a calvinist but WBC are firmly calvinist, i know this because Ive heard the teaching. They dont stand outside funerals protesting they are rmoved hundreds of meters away and just stand there anyway, they would be welcome at my funeral id be honored to have anyone of this wonderful Godly family preach.

lots of christians seem to be confused about showing a loving attitude to sinners - to do what wbc do and endure the ineviteble hatred and disgrace and finger wagging from other christians specifically to warn sinners about their fate - that is a high expression of love - how many of their detractors would dare to confront mobs of militant sodomites with their sin ? I admit that my heart shrinks at the prospect and I admire WBC for their love of the Word. (Jesus is the word)

like i say if someone does not understand why they do what they do then that person does not have an sufficient grasp of sound doctrine.

i believe fred is right when he says if you love the doctrines of election, reprobation, linited atonement and Gods absolute sovreignty it is an excellent indicator of salvation

Survey2/27/09 5:02 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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Amen Dawie !

i thank God for Fred and his family and pray for their work. I never miss a sermon, fred is extremely knowlegable about scripture and brave and took on civil rights cases back in the 60's when no one in his jim crow town would touch them. I take comfort from the fact that i understand his preaching it gladdens my heart i and count it as one of the evidences of my election and calling. It is a measure of the lateness of the hour that our gracious God has sent fred and his family to the world. If you dont like the phelps and dont understand them then you are probably rather worldly and have some doctrinal issues or are simply not one of the elect

News Item2/26/09 7:16 AM
charles m | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by charles m
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i thank God for Fred and his family and pray for their work. I never miss a sermon, fred is extremely knowlegable about scripture and brave and took on civil rights cases back in the 60's when no one in his jim crow town would touch them. I take comfort from the fact that i understand his preaching and count it as one of the evidences of my election and calling. It is a measure of the lateness of the hour that our gracious God has sent fred and his family to the world. If you dont like the phelps and dont understand them then you either have some doctrinal problems or are not one of the elect
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