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News Item11/5/08 6:19 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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The United States is going to Hell in a hand basket if it elected a psychotic like Obama president. The judgement of God will soon come upon the United States for electing a mentally deranged and psychotic man like Obama president.

News Item11/4/08 7:31 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
No, John, that does not prove me wrong. Just because a church has sermons on this website does not make it a correct church. A church is correct according to the Bible's declaration not by presence on a website. If that is true, I would press SA to banish such an immoral church from this website. Again, present the scriptures to justify what McCain and Reagan have done. Present a case where Jesus or his Apostles say a man may leave his wife for another woman he falls in love with. It simply cannot be found. I haven't seen it yet in all my reading of the New Testament. Yep, the best thing McCain could do would be to repent and live single or return to his wife.
All you have to do is look up North Phoenix Baptist Church website and it states what there Statement Of Faith is and you will find out that North Phoenix Baptist Church is not an apostate Baptist Church. Also you will find out on North Phoenix Baptist Church website that it has videos of sermons that North Phoenix Baptist Church has on this website. Do you believe because Reagan did not repent before he passed away of divorcing his first wife that he is in Hell?

News Item11/3/08 5:27 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Enough already:I do not cling to any of the heretical RCC doctrines. How many times do I have to state this that I have dispensed with every single heretical RCC doctrine? And I have dispensed with every single heretical part to the Mass. And thus I do not follow any false doctrine. So knock off this insanity that I am following false doctrine. I only adhere to the scriptural RCC doctrines and I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass.

DJC49:Yes I partake of Holy Communion in the RCC. When I receive the bread and the cup of wine(Yes they have the cup of wine available for whoever wishes to take the wine) I do not state "Amen" when I am handed the bread and the cup of wine because that would be acknowledging the belief that the bread and wine are the actual Body And Blood Of Jesus. I accept the Lutheran doctrine of Holy Communion instead. And most of the time the priest(There is only one priest at my parish) is not distributing the bread on the side of the church where I sit. There are Eucharistic Ministers who help distribute the bread and the cups of wine. The priest and the Eucharistic Ministers do not care if someone does not state "Amen" when they are handed the bread and the cup of wine.

News Item11/2/08 7:27 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Evidently, that is an apostate Baptist church where McCain got another marriage. The Bible says nowhere that a man is permitted to leave his first wife because he starts dating another woman and desires to marry her. It does not get much worse than that.
Well you are wrong about North Phoenix Baptist Church where McCain attends church in Phoenix, Arizona being an apostate Baptist Church because on the web site for North Phoenix Baptist Church it has video of sermons that are available on Sermon Audio(This web site). I suppose you think that because Reagan divorced the first wife and got married to the second wife and he did not repent before he passed away of divorcing the first wife that Reagan is in Hell?

enough already:And what happens if McCain repents and believes in the Gospel Of Jesus? What is he supposed to do then? Divorce his current wife and go back to his first wife?

News Item11/2/08 2:54 PM
John Yurich  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
McCain is not legally married according to the Bible. He ended up dating another woman(his current wife) and asking his first wife to divorce. It does not get much worse than that.
Palin's spiritual background is as confused as the Roman Catholicism she was born into and the pentecostalism she now appears to belong to. Or was it a Bible Church...actually all three at some time..maybe even now.
Well the Baptist minister of that Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona who married McCain and his current wife does not believe that they are in an invalid marriage. The Bible states that divorce is permissable for adultery and that remarriage is permissable.

News Item11/1/08 4:27 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Enough already:Just who do you think you are anyway to state categorically that I am not saved? If I received Jesus as my Personal Savior and Lord by praying to Him and asking Him to become my Savior and Lord then I am saved regardless if I have not left the RCC. Why do you state that there are no RC's who are Born Again(saved)? There are saved individuals in the RCC, the Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches. Saved individuals are not just in Fundamentalist Protestant Churches. I Have dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass. I adhere only to the scriptural RCC doctrines and the scriptural parts to the Mass and I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass.

Nebraska Jim:Why do you state that a candidate for the priesthood in the RCC can not be a man who has received Jesus as their Savior and Lord by praying to Him and asking Him to become their Savior and Lord?

News Item11/1/08 7:59 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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enough already wrote:
This denomination has Satan as it's father, it is a cult
That is totally false that the RCC has Satan as it's father. Just because there are some unscriptural doctrines and some unscriptural parts to the Mass does not mean that the RCC has Satan as it's father. And the RCC is not a Cult because it does not fit the definition of a Cult which is a religious organization that denies the Deity Of Jesus and the Holy Trinity. The RCC has always acknowledged the Deity Of Jesus and the Holy Trinity. Only someone who's mind is totally gone would believe that the RCC is a Cult.

News Item11/1/08 7:33 AM
John Yurich  Find all comments by John Yurich
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The truth of course wrote:
John and Cindy McCain = adultry
Palin apostacy: being in league with the Church of Rome
Why do you state that McCain and his old lady are in an adulterous relationship? McCain and his old lady are legally married to each other. Why do you state that Palin is in league with the RCC? Palin belongs to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in Alaska.

News Item10/31/08 6:48 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Vogue wrote:
What about John McCain, his wife Cindy, and Sarah Palin's sins?
And what sins would those be that McCain's old lady and Palin have done?

News Item10/29/08 8:50 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Who cares about the Pope's brother? I sure don't. I do not even care about the Pope that much. I accept the Pope as the earthly leader of the Catholic Church but I do not accept the Pope as the Vicar Of Christ.

News Item10/27/08 9:07 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Why did you state Schuller Sr? The old man and the son have different middle names and thus there is no Sr or Jr.

News Item10/27/08 9:00 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Godless societies are not approved of by me, John. Yet at the same time I will not lie by saying the pope is preaching a scriptural gospel and is a godly man. Godless societies are doomed, as are preachers of false gospels even if they sound pleasing. Mormons are like this also...look real good and talk about a godly society......yet.... I think that is what people here are saying...despite the Pope's criticism, what about himself and the institution he leads. Is it godly? Holding the truth and delivering unadulterated truth?
This news story is about the Pope criticizing godless societies, not about what the Pope teaches. If the Pope criticizes godless societies then you Fundamentalist Protestants should be in agreement with the Pope criticizing godless societies instead of criticizing the Pope for criticizing godless societies.

News Item10/23/08 7:41 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Vogue wrote:
This is just another futile attempt to smear and denigrate this very gifted and talented man, who is poised to be our next President! Tell Mr. Berg to get a life!
Obama is not a gifted and talented man but is nothing but a psychotic liar.

News Item10/16/08 7:35 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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hidemi williges wrote:
Unfortunately, most of the private schools are catholic. Home schooling is the only alternative.
That is false that most of the private schools are Catholic. There are Lutheran and Baptist schools. And the Catholic schools do not teach that homosexuality is right. The Catholic schools teach that homosexuality is wrong.

News Item10/16/08 7:28 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
No John Y, just because somebody criticizes the Pope does not mean we now defend godless societies.
The Pope criticized godless societies and yet you Fundamentalist Protestants are not sticking up for the Pope criticizing godless societies. So ergo you guys are sticking up for godless societies. Either one sticks up for criticizing godless societies or one sticks up for godless societies. If someone criticizes someone who is criticizing godless societies instead of sticking up for that one who is criticizing godless societies then they are sticking up for godless societies.

News Item10/8/08 5:28 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Why are you Fundamentalist Protestants on here criticising Benedict XVI for lambasting Godless societies? If you guys are critising Benedict XVI for lambasting Godless socieities instead of sticking up for Benedict XVI then ergo that means that you guys are sticking up for Godless societies.

News Item9/30/08 8:46 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Born Again wrote:
Isn't it like satan to make Jesus political. They forget He was here from the foundation. Me being raised in a roman catholic famliy I know first hand they do not read our Bible the KJV. There is NO Jesus in their religion. He just hangs on a cross to be merchandise.
That is totally false that Catholics do not read the King James Version of the Holy Bible. I am a Catholic and I own and read both the Catholic and King James Versions of the Holy Bible. And it is totally false that the Catholic Church does not believe in the biblical and historical Jesus. The Apostles and Nicene Creeds which are the Statements Of Faith of the Catholic Church states "WE BELIEVE IN ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST THE ONLY SON OF GOD". So knock off this insanity that the Catholic Church does not believe in the biblical and historical Jesus.

News Item9/30/08 8:27 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Just Wondering wrote:
I know this is slightly off the subject, but I know there will be catholics on this site that will comment on this story. Below is a site that shows the different prayers to Mary. Do any of you catholics agree with praying these prayers to Mary?
As a Catholic I do not agree with prayers to the Virgin Mary. I only agree with praying the first half of the Hail Mary Prayer because the first half comes directly from the Gospel Of Saint Luke and thus the first half is totally scriptural. Whereas the second half of the Hail Mary Prayer is not found anywhere in the Bible and thus the second half is totally unscriptural.

As regard to this story. It is pretty stupid that the Catholic Parochial School in France allows the Muslim students to practice the Satanic religion of Islam in that Catholic Parochial School. Another thing that is pretty weird is why is 80 percent of the students enrolled at that Catholic Parochial School Muslim. Where are all the Catholic students?

News Item9/30/08 8:24 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well it is good that the Canada Anglican parish broke away from the Church Of England and joined that conservative Anglican Province. Maybe if enough Anglican parishes broke away from the Church Of England the Church Of England would get the message and go back to the original Anglican teachings.

News Item9/29/08 8:31 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Patrick Hamilton wrote:
Does this mean in future no more burning of heretics.
Does this mean all those popes in the past were wrong to burn people and add to the green house effect. Remember old Ratty was the grand inquisitor under another name.
Does this mean no more white smoke.
The burning of heretics ended when the inquisition ended and the burning of heretics will never take place ever again because the RCC repented of the inquisition.
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