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Survey4/17/08 10:24 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Casob (JD) and others still have not answered my question. They get hung up on the idea that God sent His Son to die and pay for everybody, but that He did not receive what He paid for. It comes back to my original question about sin and its effects. I still want to know how I can have confidence in a God who says He is Almighty, who promises me that all works for good to those who love Him, but can't really back this promise because so many things in the world are out of His control. He wants to save everybody, but sinful man thwarts Him. He promises the Son that all He gives Him will come to Him, but it is all conditioned on man agreeing to being saved. Can you not see what an accursed lie this is? Can you not see how you insult God, how you slight Him? What confidence can we have in a God who cannot act until man allows Him? How impotent is this God, till Almighty man makes His decision? Theology begins with God - not with man. The Bible tells us time and time again that God does as He pleases in all things, that no one can stay His hand or even ask Him what He is doing? JD - you say you can stay His hand? You think you have the right to ask Him what He is doing? You believe that He has no right to do with His own as He sees fit? What sort of impotent God do you serve?

Survey4/17/08 6:51 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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by faith wrote:
Regeneration is the result of repentance. #6 A lot of your friends do not even include repentance in conversion because they say repentance is a work.
If you believe repentance is necessary…I think there is hope for your full understanding
You make a statement like that; Regeneration is a result of repentance and then talk about full understanding?
Before regeneration you are dead in sin - hence the need for regeneration. Before regeneration you are blind, you cannot even see the need for repentance because you do not now what sin is. Before regeneration you think you are able to do good and please God, just like Nicodemus the Pharisee. Unless you are regenerated you can no more repent than Lazarus could leave the grave before his resurrection. In the words of Paul I ask you, "What do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you glory as if you had not received it?" You think you were somehow different than those around you who did not choose Christ, so they did not go forward to become regenerated. Why did you and not they? What made you different?

Survey4/17/08 6:21 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Peanuts Gallery wrote:
Would "none" also include the Calvinist or is there also a special meaning behind "none"?
Your reply is not even worth peanuts! We are not talking about "Calvinists", but about sin.
Sin is not an action, it is a condition which manifests itself in sinful thoughts, words and deeds. It is a fountain which produces nothing but bad. In the eyes of the world man is able to produce relative good. But in the eyes of God even the very best, the most righteous work we can produce are as stinking filthy rags to him - highly offensive and not to be accepted in His presence. I gave a long row of texts below and you guys brush them aside with your philosophical nonsense. If we are not DEAD in sin, we would not need to be regenerated. If we were not totally blind to spiritual truth and reality, we would not need God to give us eyes to see. You do not understand grace because you do not understand sin. You think more of yourself than you really are. The Bible says you are dead in sin, you say, "No!" I am just sick.

Survey4/17/08 6:15 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Some can't get it into their heads that "the world" does not mean every single individual; that "whosoever believes" can only mean those who are regenerated by the Spirit so that they are able to first see the kingdom, then enter into it by grace through the faith which God gives them.
I posted a serious question last night and got no takers. I will ask it again. Where is my comfort in vs28 of Romans 8 if you make vs 29 redundant through your Free Will/God-loves everybody theology? Vs 28 only exists because of vs 29. No election, predestination, no being conformed(sanctified) etc then no being glorified. Vs 28 says we KNOW that all things work together for good fo those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. HOW do we know - FOR whome He foreknew....
But you change it from HIS purpose - He loved the world, gave His Son etc to OUR purpose - we choose Jesus so we can go to heaven. Sorry guys, but you have cheapened the cross of Christ beyond belief and robbed God of His glory and His Autority.
Where is your assurance of vs 28 now that you have re-modelled or made redundant vs 29?

Survey4/17/08 3:12 AM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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It comes down again to Total Depravity.
Gen2:17,6:5,8:21; Jdgs21:25; IKngs8:46; Job9:2, 14:4, 15:14-16, Ps51:5, 53:2,3, 58:3, 130:3, 143:2; Prov20:9, 20:11, 21:4, 30:12, Ecc7:20,29, 9:3; Is48:8, 53:6, 64:6; Jer 13:23, 17:9; Jhn3:5,18, 5:42, 6:44,53, 8:34,43; Acts26:18; Rom1:28, 3:9,19,23, 5:6,12, 6:20, 7:18,23, 8:7; ICor1:18, 2:14; IICor 4:3, 5:17; Gal 3:22; Eph2:1,5, 2:12, 4:17; Col2:13; IITim2:25; Heb11:5; Jms3:2,8; IIPet2:19; IJhn1:8,10, 3:10, 5:19.

These are some of the texts that show man's condition because of sin. Put that composite picture together and ask yourself if a man in that condition is able to make a decision for Christ? Is willing to make a decision for Christ? Is able to see his need of Christ? The Bible says no! Unless a man is first born again, he cannot even see the condition he is in. Settle that one in your minds first, before asking questions like "Does God love everybody". Settle your minds about sin first - arrive at a Biblical understanding about the condition of natural man, then the rest will fall into place naturally. Then you will see that man is free alright - free to sin and nothing else. He is responsible to do good, He is responsible to repent of His sin and turn to Christ. But without God the Holy Spirit he can't - cos he's dead in sin!

Survey4/17/08 2:58 AM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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The word 'propitiation' has a two-fold meaning. Firstly it asks God to cover/blot out my sin and secondly to shield me from the wrath that is due to me because of my sin. It is what the tax collector asked when he prayed, "Lord, be merciful to me, sinner." John Gill's explanation below has much merit - the world or the whole world has that meaning, and does not refer to every individual in the world. Let me throw out a question; is God Almighty? That is, is it true what He says about Himself, that He does what He pleases, that He acts according to the good pleasure of His will, that there is nothing He can not do? All mighty? If this is true then the rest of the argument becomes redundant. Does Almighty God love everyone and does He want to save everyone? If He does and yet He is frustrated by sinful man, how can we still call Him Almighty? What comfort does Romans 8:28 afford me? It rests totally on the truth of vs 29! You take away vs 29 which tells us clearly that it are God's elect on whom He sets His love, whom He predestines to become believers and so bring them to glory. You take that away and vs 28 becomes meaningless. Then the difficult questions of our life are devoid of any meaningful answer for God is not in control - man is. God is not Almighty - man is.

Survey4/16/08 11:24 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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I don't think you can seperate worship and praise any more than you can seperate fear and reverence or grace and mercy. They always go together, and are often used in that way in Hebrew poetry where they say the same thing in another way. To get a good idea of worship as it should be conducted look at the living creatures and elders in Revelation. You see in that text 4 elements of worship. The first two elements are preparatory to worship, namely having a vision of God's holiness and submitting to His dominion. The second are actual worship, casting your crowns before Him and vocally acknowledging God worhty of all glory and praise. You remove any of these 4 elements from worship and it ceases to be worship. Much of what transpires in churches today is no more worship than watching a movie is. It has all become man-centred and man-pleasing.

Survey4/16/08 10:38 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Moderator Alpha wrote:
Rightly so.
. . .
To the poster named God Loves Everybody,
Before you enter another post please review the Forum Policies in the Add New or Reply to comment window.
SermonAudio is an open forum so disagreement is not unusual but it is also a Christian forum and we expect all our poster to conduct themselves accordingly with regard for the policies.
Amen! Thank you Mr Moderator for that timely reminder. I would personally like to apologise and ask forgiveness for some of my more caustic comments which you have had to censor or remove. Debating passionately is one thing, but some of us tend to get a bit personal. Sorry, please forgive me.

Survey4/16/08 10:34 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Daddy wrote:
I just want you to know that I love you and if you would not mind, I can be your daddy too.
My mother warned me about people like you!
Jesus said, call no man on earth father, because your father is God in heaven.

Survey4/16/08 10:32 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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DJC49 wrote:
I could be very wrong on this, but I believe that *God Loves All* has his tongue firmly planted in his cheek as he types his anathemas and facetiously flaunts the John 3:16 banner.
He claims that John 3 is about total ability. He can't be serious. Not with verses such as John 3:8 staring him squarely in the face.
Sorry mate, but I don't like to get tongue-in-cheek when it comes to the Bible. We are talking about Almighty God and His Holy Infallible Word here. We are talking about God's children for whom Christ died. Having a disagreement and discussion is one thing but ranting like some demented fruitcake is different. I do not wish to be associated with people like that and won't waste my time on them. These people don't read anything they disagree with. I gave him a row of Scripture and he comes at me foaming at the mouth. Makes me shudder. You can talk to him if it makes you feel better - me, I can't be bothered with his kind.

Survey4/16/08 10:25 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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God Loves All wrote:
Icon: Your Scriptures mean nothing to me.
And that from someone who throws curses at his opponents like a demented lunatic. I am done talking to you mate! Go rant at someone who cares about your twisted logic.


Survey4/16/08 10:20 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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God Loves All wrote:
Jesus died for all!! Anathema on all those who disagree.
You have no Scripture and you prove yourself a pervert if you bring me any. I can't stand those who twist Scripture. I will prove you wrong any day.
God loves all men. Anathema on all those who disagree!!!
Excuse me Mr Moderator - but I object to being called a Pervert and I object to someone cursing me to eternal damnation. I love reasoned discussion, do not mind heated debate - but I object to this vitriolic attack Mr Moderator.

Survey4/16/08 10:16 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Read John Murray on "Definitive Sanctification". The Reformers always said, "Justification once for all, Regeneration once for all, Sanctification for the rest of your life." That is way too shallow. The Spirit of God will not live in a corpse, so He regenerates you. He will not live in an enemy of the Father, so He justifies you. He will not live in a toilet, so He sanctifies you. You are given a new heart in regeneration, a new record in justification and a new life in sanctification. These are produced by Christ but applied by the Spirit. And throughout your life there is a continual outflow of these three in daily repentance, renewal and forgiveness.
You see these three introduced in Joshua, promised in Ezekiel, preached by Jesus and expounded by the Apostles.
No - there is no perfection in this life. But neither is sanctification a mountain you climb whose top you reach just before you die. We are totally and fully regenerated, justified and sanctified in Christ's death and resurrection. He made a complete propitiation for all our sins and all whom the Father chose He gave to Christ and He shall lose none but shall raise them up at the last day. Then they will also be glorified and experience the perfection promised to them and bought for them.

Survey4/16/08 10:10 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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You are a bit easy-going with the anathema's aren't you mate? I know the Catholics like to throw them around like confetti, but why do you? Do you even know what it means?
Have a look at these verses. They are but few in comparison to the dozens of others but they will suffice for the moment.
Gen15:16; Deut 2:30; Josh 11:20; ISam2:25; Prov16:4; Is6:9, 8:13; Mat 7:6; Luke 8:9; John 9:39; Acts 16:6; Rom 9:22; 11:8; IIThes 2:11; IPet 2:8; IIPet2:12; Rev 11:17; 13:8
After checking these and pondering them I suggest you take an aspirin with a cup of weak tea and have a little lie down. To preach another gospel than the Bible teaches makes you anathema. The Bible does not say that God is love and only love. He is also righteous, wrath, justice and above all He is holy. Your God is not the God of the Bible. He is a pathetic wretch who impotently loves everybody and wishes he could save them, but the beggars keep refusing him. The God of the Bible sets His love upon His own and He delivers them. Paul belabours the point in Romans 9 yet you ignore it. And you throw your anathema at me like it is a frisbee?

Survey4/16/08 9:29 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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I think you would need to simplify your argument for Woodhead to comprehend. He obviously does not know what propitiation means. I have deduced this from some of his statements. Also he obviously does not know what Calvinism means. It seems that empty vessels do make the most sound.

Survey4/16/08 8:24 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

Survey4/16/08 8:10 PM
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

Survey4/16/08 8:07 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Yes, things are getting idiotic. Or rather, more idiotic. We are going over the same ground as Augustine and Pelagius, Luther and Erasmus and the Arminians and Synod of Dort did. All their reasonings and results are clearly recorded. The church rejected Pelagianism, then Erasmus and then the followers of Arminius. And please don't come back and say Augustine was a Catholic and that is why Calvin got it wrong. Augustine was the last of the true Biblical theologians - after him it went to blazes. Calvin had very little else to refer to. On top of that, Calvin actually wrote very little about what we call Calvinism. It was given that name long after his death and he has been villified for it ever since. Calvin was a pastor first and foremost, a preacher and evangelist. He is being slagged off by people who have never read him or about him - ditto for Augustine and probably ditto for Luther. Luther wrote more strongly on these things that Calvin did. Who among you guys have read his "Bondage of the Will"? Who among you have read the history and the canons of Dortd? You drag others through the mud to make yourselves look learned when all you do is parade your ignorance. Go and read something substantial first, then come back to the table and open your flap.

Survey4/16/08 7:58 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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It all comes down to John 3:16 does it? Ignore the rest of what Jesus said to Nicodemus, ignore the rest of what He said about man's inability, how no one can come to Him unless it is granted to them by God - forget all that, just keep looking at John 3:16.
For God loved everybody, every-single-body, in the world sooooooo much, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever exercises their free will and believes in Him shall not perish but go to heaven. I am staggered at the ignorance displayed on this forum. Personal attacks on Calvin whom you probably know nothing about (by the way, Arminianism is the official position of Rome) is one thing. Ignoring large slabs of Scripture because it disagrees with you is something else. But to mutilate John 3, take vs 16 out, and parade it as the answer to every objection is nothing short of pathetic. Where does that verse say that God loves everybody - not in my Bible - not by a long shot.
Oh, and DJC49, sorry mate, but Paul wrote in Galatians 1:15-18 that no one taught him, but he went after conversion to Arabia. They say for 3 years, but it doesn't actually say that. They say Jesus taught him personally, but it doesn't actually say that either. Then again, they say that God loves Hitlers and Saddams, and Psalm 5:5 says

Survey4/16/08 3:05 AM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Bernard wrote:
You mean to be saved I must be born again? How can I enter again into my mother's womb?
Likewise, how can you make yourself adopted, make yourself redeemed etc? Why do people confuse human responsibility, which is clearly taught in the Bible, with human ability, which is clearly refuted in the Bible? Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard his spots? Neither can natural man do anything about his spiritually dead condition. If it is not all of God and from God then we are without hope. But God is the Author and the Finisher; He started it in election and He will finish it in glorification. Was Paul deluded when he clearly laid out unconditional election time and time again? Paul was a Calvinist!!
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