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News Item12/9/2020 3:47 PM
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And here I thought, what with being locked up together and all that, that this CCP virus was going to be remembered for the next big baby boom!

News Item12/9/2020 4:34 AM
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Thanks Lurker. I known all along that James gets it. But there are some here that don't!

"I've never investigated an innocent person, who did not want me to see the evidence they controlled, that proved their innocence."
-Phil Kline, Director of the Amistad project, Kansas City Attorney General Beurau of investigations

The swamp wants to prove their innocence by hiding the information they have!!!!

They are running interference until the clock runs out. And they control the registers and logs and videos which are being hidden, just like the ballots were from pole watchers.

News Item12/8/2020 10:10 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
They will still spin it the best they can when the proverbial truth hits the fan.
You are correct CV, America is under attack but they have been caught and things are going to get more interesting over the next 30 days than the last 30 have been.
They're trying to get you to buy the "in 2024." Don't buy it!!

They just need to get in now somehow.Because now matters!! If 2024 mattered, then why didn't they want to wait. Trump would've had to go on his own by then. But they're fighting for their life NOW!

News Item12/8/2020 10:02 PM
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John Lee wrote:
[The number of people in Wales dying with Covid-19 is above the worst case scenario, Welsh Government advisers have said.
If the numbers didn't have to be cooked. If many ways to overcome the china virus wasn't covered up and prohibited and doctors silenced and debate blacked out, then yes they could have something to say

News Item12/8/2020 8:50 PM
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Peoples vax fears are fickle. Their initial fear will eventually wane after they see those taking the jab don't drop dead coming out of the clinic.
What's holding them back is the, "you take it first," mentality which is hardly a strong reason.
I believe the vax will have an appearance of a pretty good record.

The pharma will use slick promo productions, and with doctors and celebrities "strongly encouraging." But other then in the USA, that is not translated as a choice!!

The state can do whatever it wants in all matters. All we can do is observe & have an opinion, that's all we have, & leave
the outcome to the providence of God.

They do not need to make it mandatory right out of the gates because they don't have enough. They will jab elderly 1st and some front line workers. Some of the population will fall over each other to get to it. Others will move with the current as it gathers momentum. A few who hold out will find they need a vax certificate to get a job, go into stores or restaurants, have a health policy, drivers licence etc. It'll take a few years. By then there will be no choice!

News Item12/8/2020 8:06 PM
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Watcher wrote:
Regardless if it's seat belts, speed limits, taxes, or wearing masks, they tell me to do it..

If they tell me that I'm not allowed to preach Jesus anymore, I slam my foot down

Christians are the most law abiding citizens. They do not go around overthrowing governments.
Wearing masks is all encompassing and includes denying church the right to assemble and controlling what can be said, & is not along the lines of seat belts and taxes. It IS attacking the preaching of the gospel.

The real issue is that you are scared out of your wits and have found a nice place in scripture to park your fear. That's why you attacked Mcarthur & Trump cause they would not aqeiesce to the fear narrative.

You say there's no limit to the powers of gov, then you go on to state "unless those powers come into direct opposition to God's holy law."
Well YOU just stated the limits. And by the time you flush out what Gods holy laws cover, you're in nowhere land.
Does the state have a right to murder? Do you have a right to life or does state own that? Has God given you or the state the right of headship and protection of your family.
Christians went to their deaths because the state had the might, and that this world was not their possession.

News Item12/8/2020 3:18 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It should be remembered that Trump also supported queer rights and abortion until it wasn't politically expedient for him to do so.
I agree that Trump got better, and Biden couldn't get worse.

Trump is real, albeit flawed. He loves his country. His understanding of God is his journey, not yours. Only God knows and orders the path. He is not a theologian and not giving doctrinal statements. So don't hold him to it!
All that negativity towards Trump is proof of the effectiveness of the establishment press. MSM dug up old dirt when he started his campaign.
Trump is real and unscripted, and that is painted as "bad."
Trumps bad image is proof how good the controlled media is. Biden is a polished scripted lying career politician who never worked a day in his life, MSM loves him.

Trump isn't pandering for votes.
If Trump was lying to get votes, he would be for abortn. Biden & EVERY prez prior has been for its votes. If Trump was pandering to evanjelly's, he wouldn't have supported LGBTQRST..
No, Trump is real. That's his level of understanding now.

Right now, America's under attack. He would be far better to let everyone fend for themselves, but he is taking the hit.

Biden & Kamalla, pray for them

News Item12/8/2020 2:26 PM
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Ladybug wrote:
"One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.
If there's death, it'll be chalked up to - "well they're old and people die."
If they live, the vaccines will be touted for its "effectiveness."
When there is a need to create fear to prepare the need for vaccines, the same situation takes a different spin.

Does it matter if the VAX came from an abort?
There is no issue that does not have many angles which muddle the demarcation to truth. But the devil reserves the best sophists for bio ethics, because it is closest to Gods pinnacle creation - Life. Which also is most susceptible to delusion, because that is what people are most possessive of -even above God!

You never cross the line, you creep there. The DNA/Rna is babel overwriting God. When we will get new human organs out of animals, who doesn't want to live 4evr
Where you play with God, He accommodates you in your delusions.

News Item12/7/2020 11:12 PM
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
If this can happen in the presidential election, what about other candidates?
It's unfortunate that you don't see a coup d'Ă©tat taking place. America is under attack.

There was alway some mismanagement at votings in the past, as well as attempts to steal a win at local levels.

But this time the attack was centralised and from higher up. They seized opportunities out of small clerical errors and went full throttle to use fake ballots, rigged machines, and china virus as a cover to deny pole watchers. The Dems had passed bills to bypass id verifications and mass mailed ballots. They hid nefarious acts behind "mismanagements" and errors.

The've trained you to ask, "where's the evidence," while they obfuscate and run interference to run the clock out on investigating. That alone suffices for evidence, leave alone a mountain of other evidence.

Imagine if you had a dead body with a bullet hole. And the thugs standing there shows you a clock and says that unless you have the person & the gun used before the clock runs out, "where's the evidence." Knowing that you have no power to arrest or subpoena.
The dead body IS the evidence. But such is the power of the press to condition a response, "where's the .."

News Item12/2/2020 7:34 PM
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Watcher wrote:
.. We have no right to question authority unless it goes in direct opposition to what God has commanded us to do in scripture. Masks, social distancing, vaccines, etc. do not get in the way of my preaching the Gospel and loving my neighbor as myself.
This is how cults get started. Your 1st statement is true. Your 2nd is an imposition tainted by your agenda.

Your unquestioned reverence of the state borders on deification, which coincidentally matches your push for masks. We disagree on where the Bible sets the limits on Cesar, not that Cesar wont over reach anyway.

God is sovereign over governments, AND over me & my actions.

News Item12/2/2020 4:30 AM
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Bar is a swamp creature. He wants Biden to win. But he wants to keep Trumps trust throwing him a biscuit with the Durham probe. FIRE HIM

Jim Lincoln wrote:
Barr says no widespread election fraud
Then why deny Republicans from observing the count by keeping them far away, threatening them, calling the police to evict them. Why the rush to wipe the machines clean. Aren't all the eyewitness account good enough?

I know, you have a link from some CNN spin writer opposing the eyewitnesses.

News Item12/2/2020 3:52 AM
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USA, the free'st country in the world, was given to the free'st people in the world.

I AM NOT A YANKEE. I was born & live, the Brit Commonwealth.

The Brit parliamentary system is the top of the heap of a tyrannical swamp. When the Brexit Brits wanted sovereignty, they were handed the biggest Globalist con, Boris. Germany's Merkel was putting out a state visit for oh bummer while President Trump was in the White House.
We don't want freedom.

Imagine if CNN & NY comPost were the only media you had access to. Thats what the rest of the world gets - propaganda control. And the masses lap it up like hungry dogs on vomit. Yet in spite of heavy swampy control, there are many from around the world, who know of or have fled tyranny and wars, that support the President and America.

At the making of the American Republic, God had His hand in it. America was a Christian Nation. Clearly!! Yes, the devil was busy at work too, promising its rebellious and obstinate people the world one day. The world of swamp.

I had expected Biden to win, because I thought God had given USA over to its sin. But Trumps landslide support shows that Gods favour still rests on America. If the swamp wins, it is to show a deliberate act by those who later can't plead ignorance before God.

News Item12/1/2020 9:14 PM
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Watcher wrote:
This church is another in a long list of rebellious churches that flaunt their so-called rights in the faces of the governments that GOD (yes God) put into place. You can rebel against anything you don't agree with, but if that rule or law was sanctioned by a governmental authority, you are rebelling against God.
In NY, the Supreme Court (that God instituted, yes God instituted) sided with the churches that had rebelled against the governor, whom it was that was actually in rebellion after all.

Maybe you ought to have another reading of what the bible defines the authority of Caesar is.
It does not give it rights to reassign gender usurping parental rights, for instance instance.

The bible warns against such state worship. Ffrom Peter's defiance, escalating to the end times of receiving the mark, to a call to flee the cities. Fleeing is rebelling!

Your crusade to force masks on everybody is a roadblock to you understanding the bible. I suppose just like in Germany, they will need compliance officers. What happens when euthanasia comes around?

The authority to meet as a church is from God!

News Item11/26/2020 4:34 AM
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Patriot wrote:
Jim L,
No, Jim is still campaigning for Biden with cheesy, fairy cliches.

This is the same Biden, whose marxist Saul alinski loving obummer renounced Americas Christian Heritage, had a cross removed from behind him when giving a speech at a university, forgot the bible at his presidential inauguration but gave an address from a replica of pergamus temple, didn't honour the flag, bombed Christians and dropped leaflets on isis (sold us the Russian plane attack footage to.)
Oh but Trump went and freed Christins abandoned in jails and refugee camps and helped them.

Oh but I digress, we were talking about Bidens Thanksgiving speech.
Oh yes I remember, the obummer/Biden Thanksgiving completely social distanced Our God out of existence.

Jim wouldn't know God from a bar of soap

News Item11/25/2020 10:21 PM
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Who says anybody's celebrating that?

People are quite capable of being safe around their family without a state nanny.

Australia & Canada are spawns of that great Harlot, the UK
From Africa to Asia, Britain went about to expand its empire by establishing colonies for the monarch - setting up a copy of its parliamentary system. America on the other hand, came about as a result of those fleeing tyranny /nicolaitanism. Of these two ways of establishing a nation, one fleeing and the other a transplant, marked a very noticeable difference in the ethos of the people. Americans understand and expect by way of certainty, liberty and freedoms guaranteed under law. America is a constitutional republic that operates under a rule of law. Australia, (or any other colony,) is a parliamentary democracy set up for majority rule. While Australia as a Brit colony has a charter, it is subservient to the mob rule law of “greater good.” It mirrors the UN charter in sounding as appealing as it does - what freedom the government gives, and it’s for the government to give, it takes away when not compatible. It's a living document. This is a system set up to meld seamlessly into - the UN.

Where you have freedom except when you don’t. Well then you don’t!

News Item11/25/2020 7:50 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Key government agency acknowledges Biden's win and begins formal transition" đź‘Ť
I thought it was over. But our side is NOT giving up.

It's not Trump's to give up Jimmy, it's the people that have been robbed.

What have your side got to hide? I thought you said Biden won, then why this rush ahead and refuse to show the ballots. And why does all the count go into this black box in Spain & Germany, and by magic - we get a count. Seriously?

Why'd they do it?
Because when obummer hid his Birth Cert, nobody cared. When they got caught for fabricating Russia collusion, fake impeachment, Benghazi, nothing happened.

Why'd they do it?
Because getting caught meant you get a job at CNN!

News Item11/25/2020 7:17 PM
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Watcher wrote:
the teen was acting like anyone here in my area, when told to put on a mask, II can understand the policeman's frustration and aggression. It's just a mask, people. Honestly, this whole rebellion thing is completely getting out of hand.
People here have accosted and attacked store employees, spit on them, sworn at them, and made a huge scene because they were politely asked to put on a mask.
He was choked unconscious?
The police in Victoria were going over the top in trying to be belligerent because they wanted you to know they were called a "force" for a reason!

NY police that thought it was unconstitutional to go into peoples homes over Thanksgiving, Cuomo called them, "dictators," for not following orders.
You call rebellious those whom you are forcing a mask on.

From my experience, its you compliance warriors that epitomise the behaviour you accuse others of. You say its just a mask, not affecting the gospel. But when it did, you accused Mcarthur of doing it for the money. You can question his theology, but not his heart!

News Item11/23/2020 6:34 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
cv, no there isn't the fraud
Where's the proof? Did you ask that question when Mcabe's hand picked people to go after trump on Russia. On Obummer's FISER court lies? Fake Steele dossier. FBI withholding info as they impeached Trump. Bidens Ukraine, China. The laptop.
Obummer lied throughout his residency. Comey, Kavanaugh, Rice, Brenaugh, Holder, Mueller
You agree Obummere lied about his health policy. Biden was there. Biden lied about his law degrees, plagiarised his speeches, lied all the way into the election.

And you say the liers didn't cheat. No, they used illegal votes to cancel people's votes.

The cheating was well planned. Dem rats mailed out en-mass ballots wanting to open it up for cheating. What's wrong with letting people who want to vote ask for it. And why use a machine the CIA has used to install many despots. This machine that counts the ballots on a foreign server - who controls? No transparency there or on auditing ballots. Breaking Trumps exec order not to use Chinese hardware for an American election.
You got Obummer appointed judges ruling on challenges. And the foxes in charge of the ballot counting henhouse.

Why the swamp never appeared during Bush's-Clinton-Obumm? Because they are

News Item11/23/2020 3:41 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
So what is it about the human psyche that makes us so susceptible to disinformation?...

"Why millions don't trust the election results, despite no evidence of widespread fraud: Experts"

Well now, that's interesting Jimmy.
You've got all the power of media, and the control of information on your side. Then you slyly repeat, I mean repeat often the lie that, "there's no widespread fraud." Of course you attach "expert" to that claim.

So Jimmy, is that what your side doing, practicing on us our susceptibility to disinformation?

News Item11/22/2020 5:22 PM
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James Thomas wrote:
Biden ..did deliver on another statement ..
Indeed! A man of his word.
When he steals his way into the Whitehouse, we can call him Resident Biden!

Biden's handlers should not have Biden in the room on important matters because Biden will repeat not always knowing where he.

Will Trump succeed on the Challenge? Because they are doing it alone. Where's the FBI, CIA, DOJ. Look at the MSM and internet censorship and control of the narrative.
The swamp is far bigger than Washington, it's global.

The cheating took place. But the challenge is important. It points out those who want to buy into the narrative, along with those who join in by claiming wilful ignorance.

God is sovereign. He is our king. And when He will establish His rule, then we will have a perfect country. What we are seeing now is where America is in rejecting Gods blessings. And God will accomodate this nation in its rejection and give it over.

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