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News Item12/20/19 3:22 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I don't think saying because a new doctrine is new that therefore it's definetely wrong and unbiblical is a good argument, considering that throughout church history baptism = salvation was the norm, and then came early anabaptist theology which was considered new theology.

Much of Reformed doctrine, especially in relation to predestination, original sin, the bondage of the will, and efficacious grace, has been attributed to the work of Augustine.

We also have better education, science, history, new manuscripts, Luther never had the country of Israel, no dead sea scrolls, how could he ever know what Israel is as it was just a desert.

It's more like recovering lost theology, than making up a new one. Just like the trinity. It was always there, but was never systematized until much later.

News Item12/20/19 4:50 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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A legitimate photo with the president would give her a lot of clout in her business back home, she can start a travel agency and put that photo or video and people would come like crazy. Many Chinese don't want to stay in America or return, so this is an easy gamble for them to take if it gives them an opportunity for $$$ back home.

News Item12/20/19 4:43 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I feel this doctrine is important if you do verse by verse preaching, you will eventually come to a passage where you have to explain your eschatology. I recently had a man tell me he wants to be part of the 144,000 of Revelation. I told him that the bad news he can't be one them because he is not Jewish, but he can be a child of God... Well their teacher interjected and told me he don't interpret things literary in his church. And we had a schism. These things matter, denominations matter, thorough statements of faith matter, or else confusion will come.

News Item12/18/19 6:22 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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He was a role model for an ungodly hollywood lifestyle for many years, now in his old age, not the hunk he was before, decides to try this thing called marriage. Even then it's a wordly definition of marriage, I have no doubt he would encourage LGBT people to get married.

News Item12/13/19 3:58 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Those are some good definitions Adriel.

How would you define conservatism?

News Item12/13/19 3:50 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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If there are zero consequences, and the rewards are huge, this will continue to happen.

The rules are for little people, these worldy giants are above the law and they know it.

News Item12/12/19 7:19 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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It's crazy how quickly this ideology is spreading, and how radical they are. There is no doubt that if these people get in power, they will throw coloured white people in jail sooner or later for standing up. You can't have conversations with them anymore, but rather confrontations!

First it was ok to call a man dumb, but not ok to call a woman dumb, now it's ok to call whites evil, but not ok to call blacks evil.

These people have gone insaneeeeeeeeeeee!

News Item12/10/19 8:20 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I just want to say I'm not comfortable thinking about this child's future. It's a blessing he has committed parents to take care of him, but the amount of problems and suffering he experiences is terrifying to me.

News Item12/9/19 9:05 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I am praying for you Lisa, that God would make himself clear to you. But homosexuality is a sin, and by very definition a perversion, just like a son marrying his mother.

News Item12/9/19 7:01 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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There are many good unaccredited schools, many missionary run schools, local church run schools are like that.

The Church has enough With all the resources that people have today, such as easy to access to online books through, library genesis, to sermons on sermon audio and, to free printable textbooks from

To science stuff from Ken Ham,

Not to mention the YouTube lectures, and free lectures from the best secular universities on

Most accredited schools put people in debt, and people leave them worse than they came in. Not to mention accreditation requirements in most countries need to allow secular worldviews in the classroom.

News Item12/9/19 1:17 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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This reminds me of a Bible verse:

"When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path."
Matthew 13:19 ESV

I'm afraid Kanye did not understand that the church is living amongst many false teachers, of whom Joel Osteen is one.

"Then He said, ā€œWhat is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.ā€ (Luke 13:18, 19 NKJV)"

News Item12/9/19 1:11 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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They should do the study in the middle east, china, where homosexuality is banned or socially unacceptable. What will their statistics reveal then?

Without a proper peer review outside of an echo chamber that is the ivory tower university, these findings mean nothing.

And so is this article, which while quite wordy, has absolutelly no substance whatsoever!

No explanantion of what the scientists meant, or how they reached their conclusion, the author I feel is too afraid to step on anyones toes and therefore relies on people to come to their own bias conclusions on a click bait headline.

News Item12/2/19 4:55 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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(This news item is no longer available)
I know about YWAM, you can't call it a Christian ministry, it's so post modern, and believes in the Pope of Rome. And if I remember it correctly, also has some pentacoastal new age stuff mixed in.

There was a sermon about them here, but all you need to do is check out their YouTube to know.

News Item11/2/19 6:45 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I ministered to 2 suicidal young people today, chinese and japanese, please pray for me, as this is very hard.

News Item11/1/19 11:45 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Ok, thank you for your opinion, I want you to be blessed, and not ruin your day. We all have much to learn.

News Item11/1/19 7:52 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Is that a strawman frank?
I think it is! I have to waste time and burn it by telling you I don't believe the Holy Spirit is "unkind and unloving"

and no I don't have kids of my own... so what? Who else are you gonna tell this to, APOSTLE PAUL šŸ˜?

The reality is, the Bible does not forbid spanking, but neither does it demand it, hence I repeat my own words "we do have other methods", such as:

"Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."
Ephesians 6:4

Here is a question:
Is using the "rod" always bring about discipline? How about the opposite, is not using a "rod" will always bring about an ungodly child?

The answer is no.
You get many testimonies, especially from the 20 century, where the child hates his father for beating him like an unwanted mule.

And of course there are testimonies of Christians who were never or seldom spanked, and they were BLESSED by such parents.

News Item11/1/19 7:07 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Rob, they are not an animal, we do have other methods, such as teaching them the consequences of their actions, take them to a homeless shelter and show all the disabled people and tell them, that can be you son!

What about not rewarding them, for every stupid thing they do, withhold something nice from me, like dinner.

But that would require parenting skills, but you know it's easier to just "whoop em in ye' old backside, like me pappy used to do to me!"

News Item11/1/19 12:53 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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A lot of legislation news on todays sermon audio news, like a pendulum, the law courts are swinging from one direction to another, and then back again.

News Item10/31/19 5:59 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I watched the movie about Martin Luther. Makes want to read his writtings.

I don't often read Church Fathers, because of their many false teachings, Luther included.

News Item10/30/19 6:54 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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True headline:

"Western Christian apathy towards North Korea leads to persecution in China."

There are consequences for being an ignorant church, every time we forget to pray for North Korea, to tell other people about North Korea, this is what happens.

If this is true of your church, then you are guilty too.

Remember the prisoners as if chained with themā€”those who are mistreatedā€”since you yourselves are in the body also. (Hebrews 13:3 NKJV)

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