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Survey10/7/08 8:25 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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DJC49 wrote:
There should be no takers to your challenge because there simply isn't any Scripture which ACTUALLY states that THE Antichrist will make some sort of "peace treaty." That sort of interpretation of Daniel 9:27 is only a product of imagination and/or eisegesis.
What I find interesting DJC is that anytime a covenant is mentioned, the scriptures are very clear as to who the contracting parties are and what are the terms of the covenant. The fact that the person mentioned in Daniel 9:27 "confirms" THE covenant, it confirms a covenant already in place. If there is no mention of a so-called peace treaty between the antichrist and Israel, then it needs to be interpreted to another covenant already given to us in scripture. Or else we would be going extrabiblical in our revelation or tradition.

Survey10/6/08 10:22 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Are there any takers to this challenge?

Survey10/6/08 12:11 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Pastor Gary Click wrote:
Hope: I'll check it out and see what I can do. I'm not very active in these type of discussion rooms. In fact, this is my first. And I'm finding that it is occupying an inordinate amount of my time. I enjoy and profit from the dialogue. I like to be challenged and I like to challeng others. But I do have to prioritize.
So I'll see what I can do. But FYI - Dispensational
Thanks dear Brother and I know your time is limited. I've been in a dispensational church for many years and never had much of a problem with the 7 dispensations, however after meeting some extreme hypers on this board and after studying and challenging my own presuppositions and epistemology, I've come to a more Historic Premil position.

Survey10/6/08 11:27 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Bro. Gary,

Not meaning to change the subject, but I have posted a legitimate question below that you might be interested in taking up the challenge. I appreciate and enjoy my dialogue with you. The question is one I am struggling with. Perhaps you can help me out.

[URL=]]]What is your theological system?[/URL]

Survey10/5/08 11:14 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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I have a challenge to any Independant Fundamental Baptist or anyone who holds to dispensationalism to produce a specific reference from scripture where the Antichrist makes a peace treaty with the nation of Israel and then breaks it.

Many will claim Daniel 9:27 as the only proof passage. Is there any other place in scripture where this is to be found?

Survey10/5/08 8:26 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Which doctrine do you adhere to?
Biblical Fundamentalism here.
Biblical Fundamentalism has a very broad base. It is not limited to Independant Funtamental Baptist. It applies to any group who holds to the bible as the sole and final authority of faith and practice. It adheres to the divine verbal and plenery inspiration of scripture and holds that the scriptures are the infallible and inerrant word of God.

That label is held by Free Presbyterians as well as Bible Presbyterian.

Survey10/5/08 4:45 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Pastor Gary Click wrote:
Your story changes. First you said God would not be God if His will could be resisted. Now you change to the elect wouldn't be elect if they resisted or something like that.

So are you saying that the Unelect can resist God's will and God is still God? If the unelect can resist God's will is he still sovereign?

You would have to contend that it is God's will for the nonelect to be saved and then they resisted his will.


You would have to contend that it was God's will for them to resist His will.

Pastor Gary Click wrote:
Once again, Rom. 9 is not relating to Salvation but the Abrahamic Covenant. We must stay within context.

Isn't it possible that it is God's sovereign will for man to choose?

Perhaps. Some chose to reject the gospel and some God made will in the day of His power.

Survey10/5/08 3:38 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Pastor Gary Click wrote:
Says who?
That's human logic not Scripture.
Ac 7:51 ¶ Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Ro 13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
PS: Sorry about getting you in trouble with the other Calvanists for you being so Kind in your discussion.
Rom 9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

Rom 9:19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

How would you respond to verse 19?

It would appear to contradict your presupposition. They resisted the will of God because they were not elect unto salvation. All of God's elect WILL come to Him.

Survey10/5/08 2:53 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Bro. Gary, I have a little problem with the terminology of Irresitable Grace. I would term it the irresistable will of God. God wouldn't be God and in control if His will could be resisted.

Unless they consider the working of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a sinner in such a way as to produce the desired results that God wants. Even if that is the case and man could resist the working of God's grace in his heart, it would make him more sovereign that God is.

When Matt. 1:21 says that Jesus shall save His people from their sins, it is not a try to, but a sure thing. When Jesus called Saul of Tarsus, there was no resistance, God had His way with him and God prevailed.

Survey10/5/08 2:00 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Bro. Gary, Doc Trin's remarks were not even worthy of a response. I should have warned you that there are some that show up with caustic remarks to stir up trouble.

I'm willing to bring scripture to the table or discuss them with you. I am very well acqainted with the independant fundamental Baptist having been one for a better part of 2 decades.

Caricatures have been used on both sides, Doc Trin is a good example. Not all who preaches against the tenents of the Doctrines of Grace are Romanist or subscribe to salvation by works. Arminius taught that one can essentially walk out on God and forfeit his salvation. No IFB I know would even hold to that position and holds to security and preservation of the child of God by His grace and grace alone.

Survey10/5/08 1:07 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Pastor Gary Click wrote:
I have seen John 6:37 used and have not used it because it does leave room for your argument although it does not validate it. It does not define who the all are.
It defines "any" as those who the Father draws to Christ. It places salvation in the hands of God the Father instead of in the hands of man.

Pastor Gary Click wrote:
However, I fail to see where "usward" changes the context unless you redefine it to mean something that is not clearly stated.
Evidently the Holy Spirit thought it necessary to insert "usward" for a specific reason. The verse would make perfect sense without it.

Pastor Gary Click wrote:
Let me pose another question. I know that it will seem harsh but it is not intended to be. What is the motivation for a Calvanist? If everything is already settled what motivates you? Why preach the gospel?
1. The Bible commands it and we are to obey.

2. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. He uses the preaching of the word to bring gospel to His lost sheep.

3. Love and compassion for the lost.

Survey10/5/08 9:19 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Pastor Gary Click wrote:
Lu 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

2Pe 3:9 ¶ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Two good verses, but look at the order. Christ did the seeking, not man.

2 Peter 3:9, the words "any" and "all" are qualified by the word "us-ward".

This is a problem I've encountered with many fundamental baptist, they will stress only a part fo a verse to prove their point, but when taken in the context of the rest of their verse, their presuppositions are shattered. One example is John 6:37, they will cite "and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." but when it is read in context, "***All that the Father giveth me shall come to me***; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." the meaning is completely different.

Romans 10:13 is another example, the word "call" means to invoke in worship, not just a hey you. Space is limited to go into more detai on Rom 10:13.

I have listened to Bro. Click's 2 messages and appreciate the gracious manner in which he addressed the two systems.

Survey10/5/08 8:13 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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I don't claim to be an authority on election and predestination and don't know much about it, but I know one thing, a sinner left to himself will not and cannot come to Christ savingly except it be for the working of God's sovereign and mighty power in hearts of wicked men. It is God's power through the work of the Holy Spirit that reveals to sinful man of his lost and depraved condition. Man does not only see himself as a sinner in general, but reveals the wickedness of his particular sins in such a way as to effect repentance. It is the power of God through the Holy Spirit that turns that sinner to the cross of Jesus where He bore the sin debt that the sinner justly owed and rightfully deserved. It is the power of God through the Holy Spirit that the sinner's blind eyes are made to see and his hardened heart is made willing to receive God's gracious gift of salvation.

Reject Calvinism if you want, but don't reject the gospel of God's saving grace.

Be honest dear friends, how did you come to Christ, by your own power or through God's saving grace?

Survey9/30/08 4:33 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No problem for you people who prefer he KJV, Though of course, you should first read something like the NKJV or even NIV first, and then you'll have it mind what the AV is trying to say.
That's OK Jim, banktellers study the real dollar bill first in order to be able to detect the counterfeits. So I'll stick with the KJV. It's the real thing.

Survey9/24/08 1:11 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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John UK,

It is wonderful to see you back here dear brother and may God bless your endevours.

Survey9/20/08 2:54 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Eve wrote:
Why else have a tree of life.
Eve, please explain your answer.

News Item9/17/08 8:18 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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The sad thing about this discussion is the utter hatred and disdain for the King James Bible from people and preachers I use to respect. That respect is now gone and my heart is grieved.

Either you love God's word or you don't. If you truly loved God's word, you would not be going around and ripping apart and slamming it.

Read it, study it, meditate on it and obey what it says.

Survey9/16/08 2:59 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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PILUT wrote:
Let me visualize Eph. 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of Works, lest any man should boast.
"through faith" is a prepositional phrase - you can't argue this!
Which means it's not the subject.
Salvation is the gift, and grace is the reason for the gift.
Now, suppose someone said "In that house is a gift for you, but the only way in is through one specific window."
Now, if you went through that window, would you automatically have the gift? Obviously the window passage isn't the gift, but merely access to it.

I agree with the analogy of the window being the access and not the gift. That is the point I have been trying to make with my fellow reformed.

Would you maintain that faith unto salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit wrought in the hearts of sinners or a work of the sinner wrought in and of himself?

This is crucial in whether or not assurance is based on human merits or on the merits of God's work in the salvation of sinners.

Survey9/16/08 1:08 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Pikestaff wrote:
WCF Chapter 14. Of Saving Faith.
1. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls,(a) is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts,(b) and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word;(c) by which also, and by the administration of the sacraments and prayer, it is increased and strengthened.(d)

We can argue the point until the cows come home, but the point we can both agree upon is summed up in the points 1 and 1a of the WCF that the work of saving faith is a work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of God's elect. Saving faith is not something drummed up by the work of unregenerate man. Would you agree?

I find it interesting that those who maintain that saving faith is produced by the works of the flesh have far less assurance of their salvation than those who realize that it was a work of the Holy Spirit all along. The first group has faith in something they did to contribute to their salvation when in reality faith wrought by the Holy Spirit is directed God-ward in what He has done, not what man has done.

News Item9/15/08 10:27 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Alan H wrote:
preacherjond & Kenny,
Amen as well gentlemen.
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