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News Item6/14/18 9:29 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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there sure is a lot of effort right now in western countries that the powers that be want to silence any kind of dissent.

"thou shalt not be a bigot" means that you will be silent about islamic pedophile gangs, you will not disagree with sodomy preferences, etc

News Item6/11/18 11:39 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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wow, the SBC is really wound up in cultural marxism....

imagine people who write this book setting the understanding for those who lead...

"liberation theology" through politically ignorant, maybe if their salaries were cut and lived like any common clerk or worker in industry they wouldn't be smearing Christianity.

has not enough of the world already suffered under the effects of communism to import this into our brothers and sisters lives?

News Item6/10/18 1:09 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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it is expected that all give their incense to this god now that it is a holy month.

the new admin has not celebrated this .. but... it is still on the books..

...and well on its way in the SBC....

and isn't it something, as the deplorables face these things in their children's schools and at the voting booth, trying to protect the next generation, the SBC instead, would take a sharp trend left to ensure that the deplorables would not have a say

and so I hear no protest of the lobbies who send transgenders into K classrooms to read books about their lifestyles...

none at all....

yet paige patterson is having to hire lawyers to defend his character.

News Item6/2/18 10:49 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Country Boy wrote:
Seems to me jimmy you don't like any leader that is vocal about their faith. Why is that? We need more people that aren't afraid to stand up!
it seems he is carrying out his faith but everyone won't admit it. kind of like journalists in london right now asking people, what is the cause of the increase in crime here? and they just hem and haw... um, I don't know.

because it is politically incorrect...

which is folks, ta da!!! CULTURAL MARXISM, to a theatre near you!

being Christian means you are a bigot on the "right".

and such things must be purged...

are you all ready?

News Item5/31/18 1:32 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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the process of demoralizing children, using their desire for belonging and acceptance as a means to convince them their gender doesn't matter, stealing their future from them

Janet Mefford did an excellent program on the topic this week.

after all, eugenics is the name of the game....

"The publication claims that the Indian Council of Medical Research will test tetanus toxoid vaccine infused with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The vaccine would be anti-pregnancy and centers around population control agenda."

hmmm, isn't that what they've been accused of doing in many nations for years?

News Item5/30/18 1:26 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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western europe is falling.

just in UK alone, the pedo rings related to this are unbelievable

yet those who are concerned and speak up are charged with h@te crimes.

the most important thing is, "don't be a bigot"

News Item5/25/18 9:40 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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the abortionist I talked with was very proud of his chemical theory. it is evolutionary as we just evolved from chemicals.

and he openly admitted that gm foods were for the human cattle, that it was substandard and would make them sick and weak.

he openly admitted that they would be moved to cities (that implies land loss) and their lives shortened.

like cattle herded.

this is agenda 21.

he knew of agenda 21 too, which is what I just described above.

an economic vision in which the west would have their borders opened and cultural uniqueness anywhere removed and people moved into cities with eugenics.

equalizing the wealth of the nations

and this is why you will find them not allowing societies to self correct for things like.... all rats who ate that gm food in that study got tumors? as in every single one?

and the answer?

give them more!

go ahead, eat them gm corn and soy... its in everything now that isn't specially designated or fresh.

just remember his voice when you pour that salad dressing, "they'll be chronically sick with a lower life span"

.."its what we have to do, they just breed out of control. someone's got to take control of them..."

and this is his carnal mind justified participating in abortions.

News Item5/23/18 9:40 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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good! speak up and be heard!

News Item5/23/18 9:38 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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they're too busy looking for russians to deal with real stuff.

News Item5/19/18 11:03 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
[URL=]]] (Rendering To Caesar---A Biblical Perspective On Government)[/URL]
here is an example of the agenda...

Hitler used ROmans 13 as a means to silence Christian objection to the violence of the NAZIs

This is historical fact.

Its the same way it is being used here...

the watchmen become an instrument to silence the churches, the opposite of what a watchman is supposed to do, which is protect the sheep.

and this is played out in every mxst takeover....

and SBC better hold on tight to the reins...

cuz here we go....

Title: SBC Launches a Denominational Affirmative Action Database

News Item5/19/18 10:28 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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evangelicals depend on the abortion industry

Title: New Human Fetal Cell Line Available for Vaccine Production

"The study’s authors noted, “The tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.”"

they see absolutely no link between their practices and the skyrocketing neurological diseases in our youth.

neither did the Romans as they went insane drinking from lead pipes.

though now, we have witnesses in the wilderness with scientific papers and court opinions... since this generation does not have enough faith in the bible to just know, that putting the dna of an aborted child into another, straight in the blood is an abomination

didn't the ancients use blood sacrifices as remediation for sins?

"And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." Gen 4:10

News Item5/16/18 3:16 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Greetings Watcher! well we are on the move, so to speak, hope you all are doing alright!

News Item5/6/18 11:33 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Alice wrote:
President Trump is pro-life, moving Israel’s Capitol to Jerusalem & attempting to negotiate peace w/the 2 Koreas. God puts rulers up & takes them down. He can use whomever He chooses to accomplish His will. Flawed people such as David, Moses,
Jacob, Peter, Apostle Paul were forgiven & went on to accomplish great things for God. Pray for our leader & watch what God can do—He is sovereign, is perfect in all of His ways & does not need us to instruct or correct Him.
have you consulted rev 11:8, which calls this city "spiritual sodom and egypt"... if we are to speak our support to this president, let it be for righteous things like protecting our own borders instead of interfering with the lives of those we really don't care about.

...for if we cared about the palestinian and israeli people as much as we do fulfilling the prophecies of false teachers who mangle the bible on a daily basis, then we might think on other terms, such as jeremiah 29 mandate or this group....

it often surprises evangelicals to know that there are varieties of opinions out there about what it means to be humanitarian, and what it means to defend the innocent...

..course the basis we want is biblical, new testament truth.

News Item5/6/18 10:58 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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wow, a ministry leader that speaks plainly and leads.... I like that.

News Item3/3/18 9:44 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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we witness genocides one after another without a flinch of the eye unless the news media run by the cabal tells us to care about it.

there was an interesting analysis of the young turks, a leftists media site, they did a story on how soros did not collaborate with the nazis, even thoogh soros has openely discussed this in interviews before, how they secretly entrapped people and then took their riches as they had them taken off.

and so that's how it is with a people hades bent on not seeing, not hearing, the greatest events of our time never even spoken on the lips of those who make the claim "we are the Ambassadors of Christ"

many suidlanders are devout Christians. they should be given passage to the US for protection and rebuilding of our farms.

after collapse of venezuela to communism they say now the average weight loss for a citizen there is 24 pounds in the last year.

but this sunday, rest assured we'll hear sermons about "the best me" and selp help for failing marriages and communities. self absorbed theology and arrested development, core tenents of the sleeping church.

News Item2/22/18 10:11 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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with the worship of this, there's really not many places believers can go...

Title: Muslims Killing Nigerian Christians: Israel Arming Muslim Jihadists

"The team also details Israel’s official proclamation of support for Muslim Jihadists in Syria, quoted from none other than Jewish news outlet Haaretz"

well lookie there, western backed jihadists in syria....

(isn't it something that our real gung-ho dispensational friends who actually read Israeli news aren't forthright with the rest of us on this matter? remind yourselves of the Christian slaughter that has happened there)

News Item2/22/18 10:03 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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see Colton Haab, survivor of last week's shooting saying he refused to participate on a CNN Town Hall because they would only allow him to ask "scripted" questions.

why is this media outlet controlling what can or cannot be said like stazi?

News Item2/22/18 9:28 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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the whole narrative is falling to pieces.

SeeNN puts a survivor on who sounds communist and someone from across the country has a picture of him graduating from another school a couple years ago.

another clip shows him being coached what to say by the interviewer...

crisis actor?

why are the parents going to the prez asking for their schools to get more drills when their kids just died and the other news is playing that a drill was happening that day and that's why no one knew what was going on?

so we have the spooks running drills that day in a school, huh??, and with blanks? huh??, the very day that an actual shooting took place?... come on now, I"ve got ocean front property in AZ to sell ya... and were warned about the kid and did nothing?

and another clip shows a girl who was in the school saying she was having conversation with the supposed shooter as the shooting was taking place?

what are we supposed to take from that?

what are we supposed to think?

when the journalist who is doing the interview is former CIA and the supposed survivor's father is an FBI agent?

and to keep it all hush, pulls the videos

are they all working for some team I don't know about?

News Item2/14/18 7:03 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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dear Yolanda, yes, let us pray fervently and live pure lives before the Lord!

News Item2/5/18 9:40 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Ignominious Emirakan wrote:
Penned Says Ray teaches gematria??
Igny, it was you that brought Ray Comfort into this! not me. I listened to the sermon. He is pointing out a number connection written in the text.

And.... he does not teach against modern versions and even his bible commentaries uses a revised version of the KJV.

And...he wrote commentaries to the bible and in the sermon refers to using other commentaries....

your dragging him in to justify the bible code movement that Hoggard wants to push

but I will not convince you, nor am I trying to but so that others can see where this anti-biblicist movement is coming from

John UK, now with the advent of computers they have downloaded the texts, any text onto databases where you can insert any word and gets its "numerical meaning". so they have to have an "unblemished" text to put their words in.. its just a bunch of hype. the zionists ones are the most extreme, go on tv and say they say the word "obama wins" hidden in the text of somewhere in leviticus or something (every three letters they count or whatever).

there is some number symbology in Revelations like 666, but they go further and then hoggard talks about his "revelation" all the time... he must be finding out hid

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