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News Item3/8/11 11:01 AM
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It is very sad that God's recorded praise, the Book of Psalms, is rejected for a human emotive theatrical pleasure experience, of 'nice' music and emotional stanza's.

The problem which hymn singers have is, "Does God hear their hymn's as praise?" when...
1) They reject His version.
2) What appeals to the them is different from the Holy Word.

"The Book of Psalms is the only scripturally authorized hymn book, as we see, for example, from 2 Chron 29:30 and from the use made of it by the Old Testament saints, by our Lord and by the Apostles. The oneness of the Church in Old and New Testament times, the completeness of the Psalms as regards doctrine and experience, and the divine provision of a book which adequately expresses the praises of God’s people in all ages, indicate its permanent place in the Church. It speaks the language of fulfillment as well as prediction, as Hugh Martin illustrated in 1872 by reference to Psalms 21:4; 40:6, 9; 68:18; 69:9, 20; 80:17; and 110:4. The divine provision of the Psalm Book secures the truthfulness of the praise and the liberty of the people from impositions by men. It expresses and promotes the unity of the Church. It also helps to form godly character and experience in those who enter into its doctrines and sentiments." HMC. FPC Scot.

News Item3/3/11 4:19 PM
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Its so much easier when you stick to the Bible alone for praise and worship.

When man steps in to change this you immediately accept the sinner, over the Word.


News Item11/23/10 1:41 PM
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
"In The KJV of The Scriptures, I believe the word "hymn" is not actually mentioned in The Psalms. God bless!"
Well it wouldn't be would it Jessica - "humnos" is a Greek word, whilst the OT was written in Hebrew.

AlexHenderson1646 wrote:
The Psalms are not prayers and prayers are not Psalms in the strictest sense
Psalm 72:20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

The word translated "prayers" here is "tephillah" (Tefiliah)
"Tefiliah, Hebrew for prayer, incorporates the Jewish Amidah prayer, the Sephardim, the Prayer Book, and is one of the many terms, especially most common in the Bible, for prayer in general. The Hebrew root means "to think, entreat, judge, intercede," and the reflective means "to judge oneself" and "to pray." Prayer in the Bible is both individual and corporate, with the Psalms containing both as well as being embedded in both Temple and sanctuary ritual." (Ox Dic of Religions)

Original Word: תְּפִלָּה
Transliteration: tephillah
Phonetic Spelling: (tef-il-law')
Short Definition: prayer

"The tephillah or song-prayer is a prayer of intercession or supplication expressed in song. The Hebrews of

News Item11/21/10 10:51 AM
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Of the Scottish Psalter.

“The best which we have seen.”
(Richard Baxter)

“...and to us David’s Psalms seem plainly intended by those terms of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, which the Apostle useth, Ephes. 5.19, Col. 3.16. But then ’tis meet that these Divine composures should be represented to us in a fit translation, lest we want David, in David; while his holy ecstasies are delivered in a flat and bald expression. The translation which is now put into thy hands cometh nearest to the Original of any that we have seen, and runneth with such a fluent sweetness, that we thought fit to recommend it to thy Christian acceptance; Some of us having used it already, with great comfort and satisfaction.”
(subscribed by Thomas Manton, Henry Langley, John Owen, William Jenkyn, James Innes, Thomas Watson, Thomas Lye, Matthew Poole, John Milward, John Chester, George Cokayn, Matthew Meade, Robert Francklin, Thomas Dooelittle, Thomas Vincent, Nathanael Vincent, John Ryther, William Tomson, Nicolas Blakie, Charles Morton, Edmund Calamy, William Carslake, James Janeway, John Hickes, John Baker, Richard Mayo.)"

News Item11/20/10 4:42 PM
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Isn't it interesting that in God's own Praise Book, the "Book of Psalms" you will find -

Spiritual Songs.

Stick to the Bible! - God Does.

"John Kennedy, in the same Assembly, asked: “What view of God’s character is not unfolded in the Psalms? What aspect of his providence is not presented in them? What special dealing with His Church, individually or collectively, is not celebrated? What phase of spiritual feeling, from the deepest groan of agony and hopelessness to the highest ecstasy of triumphant joy is not expressed? And have we not in the psalms the grand facts of redemption in the historic form?” Referring to those who thought that hymns were needed for appropriate response to the “further light” of the New Testament, he said: “Have you further light?"
(Rev H.M.Cartwright FPCOS)

News Item5/23/10 4:22 PM
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John UK wrote:
I must say that I felt rather uneasy about it. Maybe the Lord is converting me.
Hi John;
This is of course a very old debate. When it came up in the 19th century one statement was;

"John Kennedy, in the same Assembly, asked: “What view of God’s character is not unfolded in the Psalms? What aspect of his providence is not presented in them? What special dealing with His Church, individually or collectively, is not celebrated? What phase of spiritual feeling, from the deepest groan of agony and hopelessness to the highest ecstasy of triumphant joy is not expressed? And have we not in the psalms the grand facts of redemption in the historic form?” Referring to those who thought that hymns were needed for appropriate response to the “further light” of the New Testament, he said: “Have you further light? If so, bring it to the Psalms, and use it as a help to sing them with the understanding; and, the more you do so, I venture to assure you that you will meet with depths which you cannot sound and heights of attainment in faith and feeling which you are weak to climb.”
[URL=]]]from Psalms or Hymns in Public Worship[/URL]

Night and God Bless John.

News Item5/23/10 3:17 PM
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Mike wrote:
What is important is spelled out in the words of Edward Mote in "The Solid Rock"
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
We sang this one at Church meeting this morning. A good reminder to be wary of "all other ground" that we might be tempted to build hope on.
Speaking of said hope, I hope the rest of your evening is good and blessed.
BTW You do know the Book of Psalms is about Jesus too.

I hope God received your praise Mike.
God be with you.

News Item5/23/10 2:12 PM
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Mike wrote:
1) No one has said the purpose of hymns is to "improve upon the ordained book of praise, the Psalms."

2) I might remind you that Asaph and David were sinners

3) Are not some of "todays hymns" as old or older than the KJV, and spiritually sound? They aren't acid rock are they?

1) Then why change from inspired Scripture to uninspired works of man??

2) Are you here suggesting that God did not write the Bible??

3) "older than the KJV"?? - So?
Are they also older than God who wrote the Scriptures?

You are still avoiding the basic premise that using hymns written by sinners today - Is replacing Psalms as ordained and written by God.

As I pointed out below are you going to replace any other books of the Bible; - by the same token of human emotional reaction to music and lyrics? IE That you "ENJOY" the experience better?

PS. I guess we have come to impasse on this one.

News Item5/23/10 10:31 AM
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Mike wrote:
prove no hymn is praiseworthy
Can you write a better Bible than God did? Can you improve upon the chapters of Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Malachi etc or the NT? = WHY THEN do you believe sinners can improve upon the ordained Book of praise, the Psalms??

If you sing todays hymns there is no doubt that at times/or all times in worship you will put down the inspired Word of God to pick up the UNinspired music and lyrics of sinners.
Sinners do not become inspired writers by simply quoting Bible themes.

Also why should God replace His Bible praise at this/or any point in history? The challenge is always the same in Christian worship - By God - or by Man??

When man thinks he can improve the Bible - then he becomes his own god, that means he becomes Liberal!!

Man wants to change the Bible - from KJV to modern versions.
Man wants to change the supporting Greek texts which the Holy Spirit has used for centuries.

Man wants to change salvation from God alone to sinner assisted salvation.

Man wants to change the Praise of God from God ordained/inspired praise to what man deems appropriate or "feels" better, in music and lyrics.

Why not stick to Scripture as God has provided? - Or isn't that good enough??

News Item5/22/10 10:36 AM
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Mike wrote:
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Heav'nly portals loud with hosannas ring!
Jesus, Saviour, reigneth forever and ever;
Crown Him! crown Him! Prophet andPriest and King!
Christ is coming! over the world victorious,
Pow'r and glory unto the Lord belong:
A redeemed sinner's praises accepted by God, not by the religious?
Very pretty Mike.

Now How do you prove God accepts this whilst rejecting HIS original praise Book in Scripture?

Remember what Jesus taught us

Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

These guys thought they were doing great - until Jesus said, "I don't know you guys" (V23).

News Item5/20/10 10:19 AM
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Here in Scotland we have been splitting the denominational atom with regular monotony over these last couple of centuries. 1843 saw the so called great disruption when the FCOS split from the Kirk. But there are rumours of talks about these two getting back together again. That might explain why they are debating hymns in this assembly.

Psalms or Hymns??
Is the real question based upon a decision FOR man versus a decision FOR God? God's inspired praise book (Psalms) versus the sinners uninspired music and lyrics?

God's ordained praise versus the favourite tunes and lyrics of sinners enjoying a religious sing-song?

Is the basis of their seeking an answer in popular music/lyrics to attract the modern mortal rather than stick to what GOD has provided in Scripture?

Is the Free Church of Scot. responding to the current decline in numbers?
Thus this would be an all too human emotive persuasion rather than appealing to God who does not change!

Has God changed from Psalms to man made Hymns?
If HE has - Why did He change?
Why did He wait until these modern times to implement the "correct" method of praise and worship?
Why has He now rejected David/Asaph's Book of Psalms - the WORD OF GOD?
Is this a powerful test of Faith as we approach THE END?

Survey5/18/10 5:00 PM
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Mike wrote:
It is hardly a denial of David's praise in Scripture, nor is it Liberalism to praise God with the words of your own heart. Does God require of his adopted sons that they only speak to him through the words of a son named David? The only Son we can rightly praise God through is Jesus Christ. That means YOUR words of praise are acceptable.
There are lots and lots of people who "praise" God in a building called a church on Sundays. Roman Catholics, JW's, Liberals and the like.

Whether Praise comes before God is whether Praise is brought by the Holy Spirit and Christ to God.

The problem of Hymns is that they REMOVE - REJECT the inspired Praise Book of God set within the pages of His Holy Scriptures.

Trouble is Mike that nowhere in Scripture do we find an instruction to wait till the 17th century (or thereabouts) for the words and music to praise God in the "proper" way.
There is no other Book in Scripture which you will reject, - why do you suggest we can drop this part of the Word of God?
And why do you suggest that we can replace this Praise Book - with the efforts of sinners?
BTW the Liberalism accusation is a statement of where the Free Church of Scotland may be going, - possibly to join the C of S.

Survey5/18/10 4:00 PM
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The Free Church of Scotland, Psalms only, is debating whether to sing Hymns as well as Psalms.

Quote:: "Free Church of Scotland congregations like this one in Stornoway traditionally sing psalms unaccompanied.

The group, believed to be a minority of church office- bearers, wants to introduce hymns and play musical instruments during services.

At present, the Church excludes instrumental accompaniment and limits its music to the unaccompanied congregational singing of psalms.

Those pressing for change deny suggestions they are motivated by a need to attract new members amid falling congregations, or to woo Church of Scotland members who may leave the Kirk in the row over whether gay people should be allowed to become ministers"
[URL=]]]The Scotsman Article[/URL]

Another step in the journey of Liberalism. Another stitch in the jersey of denying the inspired praise of God in Scripture.

Survey5/19/09 2:19 PM
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Mike wrote:
Oh what piffle. Here's one of those sinful slippery slope seeds:
Reject this particular Book of the Bible if you want Mike. But tell me do you also seek the rewrites of the other Books, eg the Gospels or the epistles etc?
Just this one Book of the Word of God - the Book of Psalms - you remove from worship that you may change and use the theological ideology of sinners.

Oh well Mike, I pray that God will excuse you and the other objectors to His Word.

Survey5/19/09 11:57 AM
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[URL=]]]Psalm Singing[/URL]

John UK wrote:
Be a good fellow and stick up a site from where I can download some psalm singing to listen to. It's so rare in the UK I've only experienced it once, and then it was a mixture with hymns.
You forgot John "only God is good"

Survey5/19/09 10:45 AM
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John UK wrote:
I remember in 1980 shortly after my conversion, being invited to an evangelistic "do" at the local Town Hall. Organised by another local evangelical (modern) church, the program was mainly a live rock band (heavy metal) who were suposed to be singing about the gospel. Sure the words had a religious theme, but it was pure entertainment. I thought, "This is just the sort of scene I've been saved 'out of' and now they want me to 'get back in it'. Devilish! Needless to say, I did not attend another one.
The SEED of all this modern musical heresy is hymns written by men and women sinners.

If the church would stick to the hymn book written and approved by GOD Himself then this seed would not have grown into the liberal human effort which we see today.

GOD's Hymnbook is in the Bible and is called the Book of Psalms.

Do YOU believe the Bible? or do you too want to rewrite it?

News Item3/26/09 2:27 PM
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With respect wrote:
Typical nonsense.
Find me one verse where the Lord commands that we are to restrict our communal worship to the Psalter!
No proof text because no case!
The only problem with a proof text is that you will read it one way, to support human lyrics, and I will read it another.

Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

ALL (R) ALL of these types are to be found in the Book of Psalms.

Nowhere in Scripture does the Lord invite us to "invent" our own method of worship and praise. GOD provided everything we require.
ReWriting ANY part of Scripture is forbidden as you know.
In the churches true Christians do not change anything else. WHY change this?

News Item3/26/09 11:39 AM
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With respect wrote:
Ha! Ha!
That's really funny
Got any proof texts?
Aaaw didn't you know GOD wrote the Bible.

Poor boy! Not to worry there is still time to save you, IF you are one of the elect.

Jesus taught....

Luke 24:44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the PSALMS, concerning me."

News Item3/19/09 3:33 PM
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Disappointed wrote:
Are you happy never to sing any praise to the Holy Spirit, because the main disclosures of the person and work of the Holy Spirit are in the NT and are not delineated in the OT? etc.
These Psalms only folk may be well intentioned, but they have misunderstood what the Regulative Principle is all about
Actually you will probably find that Jesus ia quite happy to worship His Father. I believe that the Holy Spirit will also be happy to worship and praise God our Father.

This is not the Regulatve Principle - simply accepting God's Word in total as His directive, statute and doctrine on worship, service and praise.

Give God ALL the praise and glory including HIS ability to write the entire Book on how to.

HE has thought of everything!
And put it all in ONE Book!
God be praised.

News Item1/14/09 3:15 PM
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God wrote His own Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs. Why reject these in favor of the sinners lyrics?

Psalm 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

Do sinners achieve the same purity in their lyrics?

Psalm 17:4 Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.

Psalm 56:10 In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.

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