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News Item4/4/15 7:21 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Not at all. I'm stating the obvious.

News Item4/4/15 6:25 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Unprofitable Servant, you were just around the corner from my house at Marietta Diner. Everybody loves Marietta Diner!

JayJayAhemandBiblesays, again, you sound like a petulant child. It's none of your bloody business who I voted for in the past two elections but I'll tell you anyway. I did EXACTLY what Frank did and for the same reasons. At least with Romney, you knew where he stood. Couldn't vote for McCain because Palin was attached and she is a disgrace.
I may end up voting for Cruz though I'll bet he's not the candidate. He could (if elected) end up being a fine President. But I wouldn't vote for him in the primary and I hope he loses. He presents himself as a Christian - he even announced his candidacy at Liberty University - yet he sends his wife out to make him a paycheck to the neglect of his home and children and that is blantant disobedience. I don't like that. I think he is a phony, a hypocrite and to be honest, a pansy. Why is this so difficult for you to understand, JayJayAhemandBiblesays?

And if somebody can get Ted to join this discussion I will happily tell him the same thing.

News Item4/4/15 2:30 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Hi, John UK! Always good to hear from you, brother.

Mike, like SteveR, I'll vote for whoever the conservative candidate is regardless of their personal life EXCEPT for Jeb Bush. I believe the Bush family is at the heart of the globalist direction we're being railroaded toward and I can't in good conscience vote for another Bush. I doubt he will be the Republican choice but if he is, I'll have to sit this one out.

News Item4/4/15 12:44 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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No, Ahemmmmm, that's what the Bible is for. God has revealed His very mind to us. What a gift! It says what it means and it means what is says. We can argue, twist and re-interpret until the cows come home but God tells us what He expects and it's ALWAYS best to obey. Period.

News Item4/4/15 12:29 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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I believe BibleSays, JayJay and Ahmmm are all three one-and-the-same so I will address this to all three. I'm going to answer your childish post one line at a time:

"Just so you don't expect too much I wan't you to know not everyone is perfect like you!"

What would make you believe I think I'm perfect? Because I believe a Christian should read and obey God's word? I think it's more because you have no reasonable response to what I've said. Just emotional nonsense.

"Ifyou will not vote for a Godly man like Ted Cruz who will you vote for?"

I don't know yet. Depends on who is nominated.


No, I'm not running.

"Or are you one of those people who believe Christians shouldn't be involved in politics?"

I vote but I don't believe our national problems are political at all. I believe they are spiritual. We live in a nation that murders 500,000 children a year in their mother's wombs, we don't just tolerate sodomites - we now pander to them and encourage them to desecrate God's holy institution of marriage (a picture of Christ and His church) and we men send our women out to earn us a living and fight our wars for us while allowing our children to be raised by strangers. It doesn't matter much who we vote for. God gives us the leaders we deserve.

News Item4/4/15 11:56 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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The fact is that you are not arguing with me. You are arguing with God's word. He said it, not me. It's not a matter of understanding. If Ted can understand the US Constitution surely he can understand the New Testament at his age. Understanding isn't the problem. Disobedience is the problem. He has access to the same Bible you and I do.

News Item4/4/15 11:49 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. - Titus 2.5
However you define it, no real believer should want any part of it, should they?

News Item4/4/15 11:45 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Scripture also instructs me to be discerning and call out a wolf when I see one.
You and JayJay are arguing with emotionalism and sarcasm which is what people do when they can't defend their position. Please show me from Scripture where I'm wrong.

News Item4/4/15 11:32 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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I don't expect anyone anywhere to believe the same as I do. I expect them to obey God's word and God's word makes it plain that women who claim the name of Jesus Christ are not to abandon their homes and children to work outside the home. And men who claim His name should know better than to send them to do it. Ted Cruz may be the greatest constitutionalist who ever lived but if Titus 2.5 is correct (and it is) he's blaspheming God's word.

News Item4/4/15 11:25 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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No offense intended but you (JayJay) sound like you are 13 years old. Let me suggest that you grab a concordance and your Bible and do a study on the roles God has defined for men and women in His word. And don't just limit it to the New Testament (which makes it VERY clear) but see what God cursed Adam with in this life in the garden when he sinned versus what He cursed Eve with when she was deceived (clue: it wasn't earning Adam a living!).
Ted Cruz makes a big deal out of being a Christian in public and he has access to the same Bible everyone else does. There is absolutely no excuse for a healthy, able bodied Christian man to have his wife out making him a living - while his children are usually being raised by strangers.
God is judging this nation and I believe one of the reasons for that is because of the way men who claim His name have abdicated their GOD-GIVEN responsibilities to their familes and their wives who have been more than happy to take over.

News Item4/4/15 11:13 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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No, she took a leave of absence from her time consuming, high powered job to help Ted run for president. It would appear that her husband's political aspirations are far more important than raising the children God blessed her with because up until now she's worked. And Ted has allowed (encouraged?) this.

News Item4/3/15 6:04 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Here's a quote from Sarah Palin on election night 2010: “There are still the Neanderthals out there, who pick on the petty little superficial meaningless things like looks, like whether you can or can’t work outside of the home if you have small children. All those type of things where I would so hope that at some point, uh, those Neanderthals, will evolve into something a bit more, um, with it, a bit more modern, and a bit more understanding that, yeah, woman can accomplish much…”.

Sarah Palin makes a big production out of being a Christian. She ought to be ashamed of herself. So should her husband and Ted Cruz.

News Item4/3/15 5:56 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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JayJay, I didn't question anybody's salvation. I have no idea who's saved and who's not. It's not my call by any means. But for Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin or anybody else to parade themselves around as Christians, they need to adhere to Biblical admonitions if they want my vote. It makes no difference what anyone's "conviction" is. What matters is WHAT SCRIPTURE SAYS and I can make a bullet proof argument that Christian mothers shouldn't be working outside the home and shame on the man who sends her to do it. For all I know he may be saved but he is clearly violating God's word and admitting that he's incapable of providing for his own family.
We live in what has up until now been the greatest country in the world. Anybody can go anywhere and do absolutely anything they want to as long as it's legal. But when you are a Christian, you have an obligation to adhere to a different standard than the world does and that means doing what God says. In His economy, Mama makes the home and raises the kids He gave her. It's not a "calling", a "conviction" or an "anointing". It's what God says to do.

News Item4/3/15 11:23 AM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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I'm not nearly as concerned about her association with the CFR as I am with the fact that Cruz - who goes around presenting himself as a Christian - has his wife out earning him a living with two young children at home. He ought to be ashamed of himself and in my opinion, he's as big a hypocrite as that silly Sarah Palin.
This is not an "attack on his wife". It's a rebuke of him. Ted Cruz is a phony and he's violating the clear teaching of Titus 2.5. And you can tell him I said so.

Sermon1/12/15 7:24 PM
Kenny | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Kenny
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Married Love
Laurence Justice
“ Great Sermon! ”
good message, a blessing to me and my wife. God has a lot to say about married life and how we should love each other.

News Item12/2/14 6:59 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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It always amazes me how people will place creeds and catechisms on the same level with Scripture - or in many cases even allow them to supersede Scripture. Often it's not unlike the way Mormons allow Joseph Smith's writings to distort the Bible or Christian Scientists allow Mary Baker Eddy to "explain" God's words.
I am a grown, 58 year old man with better than average reading comprehension skills and the Holy Spirit to guide me. I don't need some man-made catechism or confession to explain (or spin) God's word for me - I can figure it out myself. And, by the way, having followed John UK's comments for years on SA I find little if anything that he's posted to be disputable and there is not an inkling of what is being thrown around as "Arminianism". In every case I've seen, he's right on the mark.

News Item7/3/14 9:45 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Homo the Whopper.

News Item6/8/14 6:45 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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Sarah Palin is a disgrace. She goes around presenting herself as a Christian yet she openly blasphemes God's word (Titus 2.5). She has an able-bodied husband. She ought to be at home raising those children God gave her instead of trying to run the world. Worst of all, the very people who ought to be disgusted by her - "Christian" women - are her biggest fans.

“There are still the Neanderthals out there, who pick on the petty little superficial meaningless things like looks, like whether you can or can’t work outside of the home if you have small children. All those type of things where I would so hope that at some point, uh, those Neanderthals, will evolve into something a bit more, um, with it, a bit more modern, and a bit more understanding that, yeah, woman can accomplish much…”
- Sarah Palin

News Item6/7/14 6:59 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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John UK is absolutely correct. Jim Lincoln doesn't just attack the AV but several times (that I've seen) has attacked and in my mind, blasphemed Scripture itself. I still follow the SermonAudio news items but that's why I seldom post here anymore. I do not want to participate in a forum that allows a man - who for many years has appeared to have NOTHING else to do - to attack God's word on SermonAudio. Beware Jim Lincoln and his silly Gil Rugh links. He is a dangerous man. I often wonder why SA continues to allow him here.

News Item5/24/14 7:30 PM
kenny | marietta, georgia  Find all comments by kenny
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I agree with you but as a believer he should have never yoked together with the blasphemous A&E network.
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