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News Item12/10/08 6:35 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I usually do not agree with Paisley but this time I think he is right on the money in placing that ad in the newspaper condemning homosexuality and for willing to go to jail rather then give in to the sodomites. Way to go Paisley old boy.

News Item12/9/08 5:58 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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pedro wrote:
The pope will have to tell Lennon that in Hell someday when the two of them meet in that "Lake of Fire". There they will burn with all the other popes and with the other Beatles.
You can not possibly know for certain that Benedict XVI will not receive Jesus as his Personal Savior before passing away. And you can not possibly know for certain that all of the popes who have passed away have gone to Hell. Some popes may have received Jesus as their Personal Savior before they pass away. Only Christ knows who is in Heaven and who is in Hell.

News Item12/8/08 6:49 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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John UK:I hear the Gospel Of Christ by watching Trinity Broadcasting Network and Word Network where they preach the Gospel Of Christ. I never stated that Pastry had a devil. I can't remember ever stating that.

DJC49:As important as Hebrews 10:23-25 is it is not required for salvation and gaining entrance into Heaven. There are individuals in the RCC, EO and Mainline Protestant Churches who are Born Again and saved. Just because someone who becomes Born Again does not want to leave the RCC, EO or Mainline Protestant Churches does not mean that they will not gain entrance into Heaven.

rogerant:I do not teach that Christ's sacrifice was not "sufficient" to save those who are lost. I teach that Christ's sacrifice was sufficient to save those who are lost and I believe in Justification By Faith in Christ alone. And just because I am remaining in the RCC does not mean that I condone the unscriptural RCC doctrines and unscriptural parts to the Mass. If I have totally dispensed with the unscriptural doctrines and unscriptural parts to the Mass then I am not condoning those doctrines..

Jim Lincolno you believe that unless someone who becomes Born Again is not a member of an Evangelical Protestant Church that they will not gain entrance into Heaven?

News Item12/7/08 6:00 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Maybe they should start up again the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration to stimulate the employment like was done in the 1930's.

News Item12/5/08 6:14 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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DJC49 wrote:
BTW, your incisive logic and analytical prowess should have -- by now -- informed you that it is necessary to get out of a church in which you no longer believe in.
Why should I leave the RCC? I will still gain entrance into Heaven even if I do not leave the RCC because I fulfilled the only requirement there is for gaining entrance into Heaven which is to receive Jesus as ones Savior. But since you guys keep stating that when someone becomes Born Again that they have to leave the RCC, EO and Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant Church then the only logical summation is that you guys believe that there are 3 requirements for entrance into Heaven:
(1)Receive Jesus as Savior
(2)Leave the RCC, EO and Mainline Protestant Churches
(3)Join a Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant Church

If you guys believe that there is but one requirement for gaining entrance into Heaven namely receive Jesus as Savior then it would be totally superfluous to you guys if someone who became Born Again remained in the RCC, EO and Mainline Protestant Churches and did not align themselves with a Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant Church.

News Item12/5/08 6:02 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John  Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
This is like calling the RCC, a Christian body. No doubt there are some Christians in it, but like Catholics, q.v., [URL=]]]Come out of the Catholic Church[/URL]. It would be a much more direct approach to learn [URL=]]]What to Look for in a Church[/URL].
What is with you anyway? If they are starting a new Episcopal Church that is going to be more biblical then the national Episcopal and Anglican Church then why do you state that the new Episcopal Church will still be unbiblical?

News Item12/5/08 5:55 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Atheist Barker as well as all atheists are mentally deranged and psychotic to stae that freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. Atheists are also mentally deranged and psychotic as well as being unable to think logically and analytically because logic dictates that there is a God governing the universe.

News Item12/5/08 5:50 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
John Y., first of all don't you know that [URL=]]]Psychology: The Trojan Horse[/URL]? I don't think John Lennon is worth the effort to look up that much detail on, unless you already knew about him? John from UK, you make many good points, and John Y. does prefer [URL=]]]The Doctrine of Apostates[/URL].
What I stated about Lennon I know for a fact because in article that David Cloud wrote about Lennon Cloud stated that Lennon was raised in the Church Of England and that Lennon was kicked out of the Church Of England as a teenager for a most egregeous offense. Cloud also stated that Lennon was a devotee of Hinduism and other Eastern Religions. There is no proof whatsoever that Lennon was a secret Catholic.

News Item11/28/08 12:47 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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A Democratic Conservative,

You really are in need of psychological evaluation if you think that Lennon was a secret Catholic and that the Jesuits murdered JFK. Lennon was raised in the Church Of England but was kicked out of the Church Of England as a teenager. Lennon was a follower of the Eastern Religions. And it is an absolute lie that the Jesuits had anthing to do with the murder of JFK. Oswald was the one who murdered JFK.

News Item11/25/08 6:32 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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It is suprising that in a Catholic country like Brazil that there are pro homosexual groups seeing as the Catholic Church is totally against homosexuality.

News Item11/24/08 8:09 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jackson gave up one Cult(JW) for another Cult(Islam).

News Item11/24/08 7:55 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Leigh wrote:
Hi Jon, all non God honouring music is evil, whether it be of the flesh or of satan.
So many of those lovely classical compositions are evil and dedicated to demonic godesses etc.
It's not the genre but the content that makes a music/song "Christian".
Many of todays "Christian" anthems are anything but, with false theology rampant in the lyrics.
I have recently listened to some excellent rock and roll which you would be unable to deny is Christian. I can't say the same for many other genres.
Be careful not to fall into sectarianism in your zeal to seek the kindgom of God and His righteousness as that is an inward righteousness, judge not by the outward appearances!
How can country music songs about cowboys and the old west be evil? How can country music songs about family and God be evil? How can easy listening music be evil? How can hawaiian music be evil? How can big band music be evil? How can opera music be evil? How can classical music be evil?

News Item11/24/08 7:47 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Reagan used a similar excuse when he was president on why he did not attend church.

News Item11/23/08 12:35 PM
Joh nYurich | USA  Find all comments by Joh nYurich
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The Vatican is becoming more mentally deranged and psychotic everyday. I can not believe it that the Vatican would want to forgive Lennon for stating that the Beatles were more popular then Jesus. What is even more mentally deranged and psychotic is that the Vatican has also stated that the Beatles are a source of inspiration. The Beatles music a source of inspiration? No way. The Beatles music and in fact all rock and roll music is nothing but Satanic garbage.

News Item11/21/08 3:07 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Behar is the one who is demented as well as being mentally deranged and psychotic. As a matter of fact anybody who sends their children to public schools is mentally deranged and psychotic.

News Item11/21/08 8:51 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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DJC49 wrote:
Did your logic and analytical prowess inform you that:
路 The penalty for sin was death now and eternal separation from God?
路 This same God forever exists as a triunity yet remains as One?
路 The very God Who created all things had to become Man?
路 This same God-Man had to be 100% God and 100% Man?
路 Jesus, of necessity, had to live a perfectly sinless life?
路 Jesus's death was sufficient payment for the multitude of sins committed by countless sinners?
路 Jesus actually rose from the dead bodily and ascended into heaven -- bodily?
路 You were totally depraved and had absolutely no ability whatsoever to save yourself by living an honorable life?
Or perhaps you needed quite a few things REVEALED to you which were beyong your human understanding, wisdom, logic and analysis.
If logic and analysis were alone needed for conversion to Christianity then the ancient Greeks to whom Paul spoke [Acts 17:16-32] should have become Christian without a dispute. However, they considered this whole "Jesus matter" a bunch of foolishness.
The answer to all of your questions is yes my logical and analytical prowess informed me that every Christian doctrine is totally logical. Those Greeks were wrong because Christianity is logical.

News Item11/21/08 6:59 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
John, understanding doesn't bring one to Christianity.
If someone can think logically and analytically then they should be able to ascertain that the doctrines of Christianity are totally logical and that they should become a Christian. I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that Christianity is totally logical and that the only logical thing to was to become Born Again by praying to Jesus and asking Him to become my Savior in order to avoid going to Hell.

News Item11/20/08 2:33 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Oh, is that the only reason that the RCC shouldn't tell people how to vote? [URL=]]]The Perils of Popery [/URL]. Gayle, as anti-biblical organization, it is nothing but [URL=]]]The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood[/URL], and that printed sermon only made a passing reference to the sexual scandals of the Catholic priesthood.
According to the IRS tax code no church be it the RCC, Eastern Orthodox or Protestant is allowed to have it's clergy tell their parishioners who to vote for or else the clergy's church will lose it's tax exempt status.

News Item11/19/08 8:29 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Gayle Pospeschil wrote:
Of course it's his business! He's responsible for their spiritual well being. Part of his job description is maintaining spiritual standards and ensuring the congregation knows what those standards are and abides by them. I recommend you read 1 Corinthians 5 and consider Paul's reaction to a congregation acting like it was none of their business.
Clergy are not allowed to tell any of their parishioners who to vote for or else the church will lose it's tax exampt status.

News Item11/19/08 6:44 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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It is not suprising that the man was arrested and thrown into jail without being interviewed because in Great Britain everybody who is arrested is considered guilty until proven innocent. It is insane that the man was arrested for administering corporal punishment on his son because the Bible states spare the rod and spoil the child.
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