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News Item12/27/2020 9:58 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
celebration of the Incarnation should be a daily part of the life of the believer
Thats right, there's nothing wrong with spontaneous celebration of ALL that God is. ALL of it! But that's not what you're doing.
You're using that to get to an intermediate step of a recognition for A celebration. Then, you know where that's going right - CHRISTMAS!

You say that Hislop's book making the christmas-pagan connections were debunked. You even dismissed USA's pagan connection to Christmas. Then you affirm that "there's a 'time' to celebrate."
Clearly, you lead right to Christmas. But you get there avoiding the magic word.
Just like SA, who broke from tradition of reporting news and posted about the incarnation, on Christmas Day, spontaneously, out of the blue. But "did not mention 'Christmas'?"

Christmas is Pagan through and through. And God Abhors it!
Tradition is the power used to bind. It has the masses. It has momentum. It is very hard to change.
Just like Sunday gathering derived from a Sunday resurrection - a tradition with no biblical support.

I'm all for a koombaya love fest. But it's not a substitute for wanting to know the truth - to know Him - THE TRUTH

News Item12/25/2020 2:06 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Wear a mask. Keep your distance. ..Fauci.. repeatedly cites scientific evidence or the lack of it. ..
..That makes Fauci a national resource:
That makes him a national disgrace. I hope Trump gets in and puts him in Gitmo. Fauci silenced all the real doctors & scientist so he could force the great money reset on us.

We've already seen too many of your experts with their dirty hands in the election. Remember the "cyber expert" Trump fired, who said that this was the "cleanest" election ever. Only to find out that all the gov computers had been hacked from under his nose?

Fraud Fauci holds patents and sits on pharma boards, with his wife & daughter working for the pharm. Fauci is listed as a who's who of the great reset. Together with Birx et all breathed down Trumps neck to scare him into throwing $$$$$$ to the drug companies that will double dip into making $$ jabbing us with what we already paid for.
Yes, that's why Fauci wants to keep the fraud going. And Rand Paul is calling it

News Item12/25/2020 1:36 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
USA, I have not said anything about Christmas and if you look at the SA post it doesn’t mention it either

.... that there’s a time we should celebrate and rejoice in the Incarnation?

You post on Christmas Day, the worlds most famous known day, and support a time to celebrate & rejoice in the incarnation, ........... but you "did not mentioned Christmas?"

Giime a break! Who would NOT have drawn the inference that this is Christmas?
And if you do celebrate, why not at Christmas anyways??

Are you trying to get an acceptance to the celebration through some back door by disassociating Christmas so it would dampen the pagan argument against it, then once you open those doors it can creep back to square one?

Celebrate it, or don't. pick one and go with it.

News Item12/24/2020 7:06 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Rand Paul should think about not submitting to the wrong people
Rand Paul isn't failing for the cheats.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
Thornberry told the Dallas Morning News Trump's election challenges "damage our system,"
Ah now that's what submitting to the wrong side looks like.

It's not Trumps challenge. It's the American people that are being taken over through a coup. Trump took an oath to defend the constitution, he has a duty to defend the country from foreign invasion.
Tell Thornberry that what's damaging the system is the cheating -
You don't hide ballots to "coun"t it to yourself. Nobody's fooled

Oh here's LB's post on Fauci
from CNN:
Fauci has since admitted to lying to the American people about the effectiveness of wearing masks...
“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Dr. Fauci said. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.”...
“We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent.”

That's wat mandatory looks like

News Item12/24/2020 2:48 PM
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Sunnyday wrote:
I've had the usual MMR and other vaccines and I've never had so much as a call from a doctor checking in on how I was feeling. Has anyone else had a doctor call to see how you were feeling after getting a shot?
It would be good to hear from others who have had this issue and how they've dealt with it.

I am aware that CDC was using an app to track adverse effects of the vaccine, such as not able to carry on regular daily activities or too sick to go to work. Up to Dec 18, of the around 100k vaccinated there were 3k cases reported. Like you, not everyone knows how to get on the system so the numbers are likely higher. But with the numbers being so high, CDC has stopped the reporting.

News Item12/24/2020 3:40 AM
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Act NOW!!!

News Item12/24/2020 3:02 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
killed off by an indifferent government
No, not indifferent-

from the news article wrote:
“public education” system was always intended to turn Americans against God. Indeed, it was created for that purpose. And it has been phenomenally successful
The death of a dead church

News Item12/24/2020 2:49 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
One should remind Rand Paul as a senator he is supposed to act independently
He didnt fall for the scamdemic.

Just like pulling out bags of fake china ballots after chasing away all the observers, we get fake death counts.
Rothchilds/Gates funded WHO changed the definition of what a plandemics is. What a fraud this china virus.

I'm glad the globalists overplayed their hand in election because of Trump. We got to see how deep and wide the swamp is.
I mean who gives a ballot count and when asked to see it, they tell you, "no you cant see it, ill just tell you what it is but you cant check it."
It's Gods way of making it obvious for some pilgrims who have a hard time catching on

News Item12/23/2020 10:19 PM
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Pence is a swamp and will betray us. Franklin is trying to get invited to Bidens party.

News Item12/23/2020 4:54 PM
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Did Warren really say that his church doesn't rely on worship?

All those other mish-mesh, if they're not an act of worship, get rid of em! WORSHIP is the one and only act of the believer. The problem is that most people's perception is that "Sunday" is "worship." The Bible calls for the assembling together, but most pastors know that there's no Biblical basis for Sunday to be that day.

News Item12/23/2020 3:16 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Soon there will be a new Secretary of Education
Whomever Trump appoints, Im sure it'll be pro family pro God.

Unfortunately, for all of us outside of USA, homeschooling will be completely banned once the state sees people exercising too much liberty. The rest of the world is already under a Biden/Harris style rule!

News Item12/23/2020 2:41 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Let's hope the new administration can make their displeasure known about such actions more than the present one has!
That's one thing you can say good about Trump is that he rescued Christians that were abandoned by Obummer/Biden. Under these two, the only way to get into US was to be a muslim.

News Item12/22/2020 6:33 PM
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If the normal way doctors dealt with patients and incorporated new procedures as they became available to provide the best treatment was allowed to take its course, then they'd have easier buy-in from the people.

Instead, these doctors and treatments were banned so that a man made bioweapon could be hyped to force vaccination which prepare the way for the cabals eugenics and culling program.

News Item12/22/2020 5:47 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Quite true, CV, but for the matters of health that is a government responsibility. as England is becoming aware of, and Australia already recognizes.
"Should democrats try to force their kingdom on others?" ---NO!!

The Australian and English governments are globalist swamps owned by the pharma. The people in these countries are completely owned by this tyranny which you keep calling government.

The "government responsibilities" which you're having us to bow to, wants to take away liberty and force medical procedures on the people.

The pilgrims and puritans ran away from these government "responsibilities." Rightly so!

News Item12/22/2020 3:25 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
face masks could be handy ..BBC that points that out
Firstly Jimmy, should you be forcing your morality on pastors?
"Should nonChristians try to force their kingdom on others?"---No

Secondly, the BBC is left of even Sorros and Gates.
So yes, you would need a mask for what the BBC and CNN puts out!!

News Item12/22/2020 10:31 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Italian cardinal tells Francis critics to become Protestants if they don’t like Pope
What has a cardinal giving the disgruntled a heave-ho from his party have anything to do with the issue, Jimmy

The bible is the authority, and has already settled that issue about leaving the pope.
And your post about jumping parties says nothing about, "It’s OK to Get COVID-19 Vaccine Made with Aborted Baby Cells."

Your posts are totally irrelevant, Jimmy

News Item12/22/2020 5:54 AM
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John UK wrote:
Brethren, I have no need to be here. I have work to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. If no-one speaks to Ladybug, then according to what she just said, you agree with her that I am a wolf in sheep's clothing.
You should be free to speak your mind. But I am curious, why do you feel that unless someone speaks up, they are then by default expressing their agreement!

In another thread, I pointed out that the virus was a hoax perpetrated by the globalist gov's. You and your pilgrim bro's didnt buy it because it would require a whole lot of gov's around the world in on the scam.

I used the American election as an example of the sheer expansive network of powerful government agencies, senators, governors, judges/courts, media, big tech, all in on the scam.
See pilgrims, that extent of kabal collusion can and did happen. The virus was hyped.

You saw no need to waste your time on govnmnts
Your question to me back then was, how did what the gov do affect you anyway.
I said it didn't!!

My point back then was, what did it matter to you what happened to anyone else!

Perhaps you've answered your own question now. That by silence you were agreeing and complicit with the gov's treatment of the people. I hope you see my point now

News Item12/22/2020 4:13 AM
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This would be an easy sale in the 'christian' community.

News Item12/21/2020 10:12 PM
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It's fine to have a plan that they cant divulge, but pence was AWOL during all those rallies and battles. Crickets, for the people that voted for him!

ChrisGP from UK

Mike posted a link in another thread about CCP virus

News Item12/21/2020 9:33 PM
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Julia wrote:
CV wrote that we should not trust Trump, well I am trusting trump becuase he Is my president.
To not trust him blindly. He has a lot of support from all over the world.
But if this is a coup, and it is, then he has to stop it not just try to!! He has to walk the walk!

Beware of those who have been offering to "do better next election." They're all wolf in sheep clothing trying to dampen the energy against the steal NOW.
Oh, and Pence, he is establishment. He is stuck joint to Trump so he is straddling the fence quietly in case he has to step back in to the winning side. Anybody who witnesses a steal and remains quite, very quite, is just as guilty!

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