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News Item12/21/2020 6:50 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The scientific vultures, Professor Whitty when asked about people who had already made plans, packed suitcases etc, just said, without any emotion “”Well they will have to unpack them again”. Many MPs complained about this sudden decision, and said a resignation was needed, though they did not name Hancock our Health Secretary, they definitely had him in mind!! He had the gall to say, to people in the new Tier 4, “Pretend you have the virus, and act accordingly”!! As for the rest of England, they stay in their tiers but Christmas liberalisation is1 day only, not 5 as promised. Travel is banned between the 4 parts of Britain, and Europe has closed its borders to us. The arrogance of these globalists is amazing. Hancock had been photographed with Klaus Schwab at the WEF, and congratulated Bill Gates on winning some philanthropic prize.

News Item12/21/2020 6:18 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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We have just had a terrible medical coup d’etat as such, without warning, literally just half a day, announced on Saturday afternoon, when the shops were busy, to take effect on Sunday, when Parliament had been sent home in Friday for the Christmas recess, when rumours had been flying around midweek, but assertions made by PM Johnson that it would be “ inhumane” to cancel the Christmas liberalisations. A highly much more infectious mysterious new strain of COVID 19 had appeared in S E England and also in Wales, (the jump to Blakeford there had already changed the rules, and after our PM’s announcement for England brought forward the post Christmas lockdown for the whole of Wales), though this mutant did not give you worse symptoms than the standard one. On Saturday afternoon, when Parliament had gone, PM Johnson suddenly slapped London and the S East in a new Tier 4, with all non-essential shops closed down, Christmas totally cancelled.

News Item12/21/2020 4:16 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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With the Great Reset coming to a location near you, sponsored by the WEF, the UN, in continental Europe by the EU,, by your supposed “national government”, your local government, and backed up by the police and enforcement authorities, this could well soon be the reality globally in every country if the world. Communist China who exported the Wuhan virus to us, is also very good at exporting the “social credit” and advanced surveillance technology, and ironically by exporting the virus to us, had succeeded in not only silencing the church in China, but the church in the rest of the world. Now with Tier 4 and Tier 3 in Britain, and corresponding set ups in Scotlandand Wales, churches will either be closed completely at times, or only meet with masks, no singing, no sacraments (or interfered with), and anything remotely like fellowship or social contact banned. Also the LGBTQI+, Transgenderism, anti-conversion therapy laws, “woke” agenda, environmentalism, and of course interfaith and Chrislam, will be further used to silence the church!!!

News Item12/20/2020 8:40 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Guardian, and its sister Sunday paper, the Observer, are the height of the elite leftist establishment, in Britain, rather like the US New York Times and Washington Post. It just shows the hard line of the LGBTQI+ establishment determined to stamp out any opposition to it’s agenda. As a leading US Democrat party operative said recently, “Christians and evangelicals should get in the closet where they belong”, or something like that, presumably the same closet that the LGBTQI+ and Transgender crowd came out of recently. Christianity is to be confined to the walls of churches, and even there can be prosecuted for saying anything out of turn, that might offend the LGBTQI+ and Transgender crowd. That is the way things are going. The sinful lifestyles must not only be just tolerated, they must be celebrated and embraced actively. That was their intention all along. Let no weak evangelical think otherwise!!!

News Item12/20/2020 5:14 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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My final comment on this thread is this. If lockdowns are so successful at stopping this virus, why keep doing them? We didn’t need lockdowns for the flu, which is also a dangerous infectious disease. If mask wearing is so successful, why are we still having to do it. Social distancing the same. Now we have these ill tested controversial vaccines, by the way with total immunity from prosecution or civil suit against the vaccine manufacturers given by law. Now we can go back to normal. Oh, no you can’t. We are now find these vaccines don’t necessarily give you immunity against COVID 19, may give you nasty side effects, as well as interfering with your DNA and we still have to wear masks and social distance for the long term, (maybe even every winter), Mass testing with the very flawed PCR test is uncovering every bit of flu and colds you had for the last few months and giving you a false “positive”. The MSM and social media are ramping up the fear, and censoring solid doctors and medical and scientific professionals who do not fall inland be with the official narrative. And why? To fulfil the Great Reset of the WEF and the 2021 / 2030 climate change and depopulation agenda of the UN. May God confound their plans, Psalm 2.

News Item12/20/2020 4:47 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Totalitarian control of every aspect of life. The summer “recess” was soon replaced by more lockdowns, extensions of mask wearing, more restrictions, tiers, contradictory messages from government, churches closed down once again in Wales and the 2nd lockdown in England, then dangling Christmas break with 5 days of restricted liberalisation and family get together. The doom merchants and official scientific vultures got busy along with globalists like Hancock (U.K. health minister, and Blakeford (Welsh First Minister-an older version of Daniel Andrews of Victoria State, Australia), so that suddenly without warning, London and South East plunged with half days notice only into a new Tier 4, and lockdown, (Wales very similar), all Christmas liberalisation cancelled, shops closed again, mercifully churches not, but still with masks and no singing, and other areas only allowed Christmas Day liberalisation. Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” of WEF and the UN is now getting into full gear. Their huge meeting is ready fir May in Luzern. This is not conspiracy theory, it’s in their website, and our governments are falling inline with it!!!

News Item12/20/2020 4:37 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The whole of this COVID 19 is a terrible ghastly scam. Yes, there is a real virus, that was released (perhaps prematurely) from a Chinese Communist Party laboratory in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. It is a real virus, but is dangerous only to a very tiny number of people, usually very elderly, frail people, and people if any age who have severe health problems, or terminal illness. Most others, up to 99.7% or even more, recover fully and a majority even completely asymptomatic .After March when we went into lockdown “for three weeks to flatten the curve”, which actually turned into 4 months, when businesses were closed, restaurants takeaway only, travel prohibited, and in Britain churches totally closed, this was temporarily lifted, but the official government appointed scientists, and with the social media and MSM clamping down on any dissenting voices, universal wearing of masks came in, (social distancing and cancellation of any social contact since March), and churches had to submit a 32 page document for odd issuing to hold services. Mask wearing, no singing, control over alevery aspect of worship.

News Item12/19/2020 12:28 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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One expression that biblical Christians should avoid at all costs is “sex or gender assigned at birth”. Sex is not assigned at birth at all, but given by the Lord at conception. The baby is not male or female from birth but at conception, and has the XY chromosome (male) or XX chromosome (female) from the moment he or she is conceived. This careless term”assigned at birth” is not only bad for Christians to use with regards to the “trans” agenda, but also with regards to the abortion question, as a baby in the womb already has its sex.

News Item12/16/2020 4:44 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Whatever one may say of the “March for Life”, which could well be the last one permitted in the USA, if the Biden / Harris “Great Reset” one party state dictatorship are able to get their fraud confirmed and take over in the White House in January 20th, J D Grear is the last person who should be addressing it anyway. Not only I gather is his church almost permanently closed because he has bought into the COVID 19 lies, but also he is fully “woke” as I understand it, and supports Critical Race Theory, and is apparently even sympathetic to the Marxist occultist Black Lives Matter movement. Besides if Biden is inaugurated in the 20th January, and this march is on the 29th, it is surely going to be banned because of Biden’s national mask mandates and national lockdown, to take place immediately, according to Biden’s own statement, which is fully supported by the local mayor of Washington DC.

News Item12/16/2020 4:30 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This movement is very dangerous. It will completely override parental objections to a child or young person who wants to “go trans” or choose the LGBTQI lifestyle, (while completely affirming those wolf like parents who support or even push forward these children into this lifestyle), criminalise doctors, nurses, social workers or teachers, as well as any counsellors and other professionals who oppose the LGBTQI and Trasgender lifestyle, even down to counselling anyone how to get out of it. By the way that also means pastors and other Christians who would pray with or preach the gospel to those in that lifestyle who actually want to get out of it. It would also criminalise those who have been in that lifestyle, have left it, renounced it, and are trying to help others to be free of it. Victoria is a state in Australia, where the Premier, Daniel Andrews is an avowed Marxist, who until recently locked his people up in a very severe and strict lockdown for months destroying their businesses and has even done an economic “belt and road” treaty with Communist China!!

News Item12/14/2020 3:33 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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China is an even greater threat. Apart from exporting to us the joys of their Wuhan COVID virus, with all its associated lockdowns, mask wearing, vaccines, police restrictions and gubernatorial decrees, (while the governors, mayors, etc. find exciting new ways to evade and sneak round their own restrictions, to eat in a very expensive restaurant without wearing a mask, or going to a gym (specially opened for them), or having their hair cut in a salon that should’ve closed), they also want to export to us their delightful social credit system. They also pack companies and colleges with their top business people, scientists, and academics, who happen to be members of their military or party intelligence!! There was even one lady who got involved with leading USA leftist politicians, and appropriately surnamed Fang!! You couldn’t make that one up!!

News Item12/14/2020 3:33 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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China is an even greater threat. Apart from exporting to us the joys of their Wuhan COVID virus, with all its associated lockdowns, mask wearing, vaccines, police restrictions and gubernatorial decrees, (while the governors, mayors, etc. find exciting new ways to evade and sneak round their own restrictions, to eat in a very expensive restaurant without wearing a mask, or going to a gym (specially opened for them), or having their hair cut in a salon that should’ve closed), they also want to export to us their delightful social credit system. They also pack companies and colleges with their top business people, scientists, and academics, who happen to be members of their military or party intelligence!! There was even one lady who got involved with leading USA leftist politicians, and appropriately surnamed Fang!! You couldn’t make that one up!!

News Item12/14/2020 1:13 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Traditional Catholics are tearing their hair out with this Marxist Great Reset Jesuit Pope Francis, who is now acting as the “semi-official humanistic chaplain” to the elite bankers, globalists and politicians that want to rule the whole world, and to enslave us, as we wear our masks, indoors and outdoors, stay locked up in our homes, and our businesses closed down in endless lockdowns, tiers, and heavily policed restrictions, suffering from side effects of the useless vaccines that do not bring us back to normal, while the MSM pumps out heavily censored propaganda and low level entertainment to keep the “plebs” happy. Now the hideous manger in Vatican Square has been unveiled, which looks like an astronaut, ghastly figures for some dystopian children’s game, and one or two demonic looking kings!!

News Item12/12/2020 12:43 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Apart from the problem with his apparent dementia, and the fact that he chose the most Marxist radical leftist in the Senate, Kamala Harris as his running mate, Joe Biden has absolute craven fear of catching COVID 19, this fear he wishes to pass on to the USA people. His rallies were insignificant events, usually with a few cars in a parking lot, while thousands and thousands of people attended President Trump rallies. There is no logical reason why Biden could have won the election honestly, as the official counts until the end of election day were going for Trump, then Republican observers were sent away, the voting machines got busy, (designed to get Hugo Chavez, and then his designated successor Nicholas Madurai elected in Communist Venezuela), and mail in ballots in whole suitcase fulls in the middle of the night, and then suddenly the whole thing turned over for Biden!! Proverbs 11 v 1 comes to mind!!

News Item12/12/2020 10:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Praise God for this. The BMA (British Medical Association), the doctor’s trade Union, and the specialist medical colleges and associations like RCOG, RCM and SCR as listed in the article above have generally been very pro-abortion so this is a welcome development. One of the “equal opportunity” areas as established by law is disability, but sadly this does not seem to apply in leftist thought in the womb, or at the end of life. At least this move by the specialist medical colleges will redress that somewhat.

News Item12/12/2020 8:34 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Then you hear news that a relative has a daughter taken away from them as she wants to become male, and they don’t consent to it, a nearby church is being prosecuted under the newly passed Equality Act because they won’t employ a homosexual organist, and the neighbour’s young 15 year old daughter was given an abortion without her parent’s knowledge. Home schoolers in the state are being prosecuted and told that their children must be enrolled at the local public school, once they have been vaccinated, of course. Once the local library is permitted to open again after a percentage quota of people have had the COVID 19 vaccination, weekly drag queen story time events will be held. Regulations are everywhere, and all new housing developments are communal, all renewable energy electric only heated, and cars, except for eject rich ones, banned totally from city centre. This will be your new reality from Biden and Harris Administration, as part of the Great Reset.

News Item12/12/2020 7:58 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Remember, Mr Lincoln, with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as you wear your mask outside, waliking past the closed shops and cafes, with a policeman demanding to know why you are outside, on Sunday sitting at home watching your livestream service from the church that has been closed for months on end, though the nearby abortion clinic and the legal marijuana shop are open as essential and doing a roaring trade, as you are suffering painful symptoms from the aborted foetus and DNA changing COVID 19 vaccine you took last week, mandatory of course, as you wonder where your digital QR vaccination health passport will take you, as most places are closed!!

News Item12/11/2020 6:32 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I gather from reports that I have read, that apart from the Federal Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who is a Marxist, and committed to the coming globalist Great Reset, the Provincial Prime Mnisters of Manitoba and Ontario have the harshest COVID 19 lockdowns and restrictions, and that the “Conservative” Prime Minister of Alberta is not far behind. It was Alberta, I believe that brought in the first singing ban in churches in Canada, when they were able to open, a ban which we still have since March, here in Britain, even though masks are compulsory in churches, (England does permit a single unmasked solo singer behind a transparent plastic shield, or a small choir, socially distanced apart from each other, and if unmasked, at a great distance from the congregation, if not also shielded). Even with masks, congregational singing is strictly forbidden, although I, and some others I have heard, sing under our breath, as the Psalms command us to sing into the Lord. My church does not use soloists or choirs, only congregational singing, so we have to endure listening to tinny recorded hymns!!

News Item12/11/2020 3:29 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Thanks Adriel, for your short extract from the Puritan writer and theologian, John Owen. These were men who had a very deep living knowledge of God, of the Lord Jesus Christ, of the Holy Spirit, and of His Word. They lived it, they breathed it, they taught it, and they would be horrified if they saw the things that are going on in these days and the shallowness of the churches. Their teachings were very meaty, and full of solid content. I have two books by John Owen, very relevant for today, in a slightly modernised form by R J K Law, (Banner of Truth), “Communion with God”, and “Apostasy from the Gospel”. Another good one to read, and generally I can only read a small amount at a time of these dear Puritans, is “The Sinfulness of Sin”, by Ralph Venning, (Banner of Truth).

News Item12/11/2020 2:55 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Well, the Secular Democrats of America, a caucus of Democrat Congressmen and Senators already sitting have now presented a 28 page or so document to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, presenting their demands for the total secularisation of USA, the rescinding of all religious freedom provisions made by President Trump, and any previous presidents, and the complete adoption of all secularising measures into federal law, (basically illegally and unconstitutionally making atheistic secular humanism the state religion), and urging the states to do the same, with no exemptions being allowed at all for religious belief and practice, in all areas of life, a very limited amount of religious freedom being allowed to a certain extent only within the walls of churches and places of worship, (that is if they are allowed to have services, or churches open because of COVID 19 rules, which of course will now be rigidly enforced). This is all as they prepare to take USA under Harris and Biden into the Great Reset under the elites of organisations like WEF (Klaus Schwab) and UN to follow the Marxist Sustainable Goals for 2021 / 2030. “You will own no property and be happy”, an actual WEF Great Reset slogan!!!
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