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News Item3/16/08 12:32 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Hi Neil,

Maybe I should have worded that differently. I often have to edit due to the word limit on SA.

I do not know who he has offered to debate and who he has declined. I have no idea. I base what I posted on what I have read that James White has written and what I have heard him say. My first exposure to White was 'The King James Only Controversy' book. I do keep up with his website and I went to see him several years ago at a church here in Woodstock (KJ Only was the topic). My wife got into a discussion with him a few years ago on Janet Parshal's (sic?) radio show and he was unable to defend his support of the NIV.

From what I've seen and heard, he goes full throttle after easy targets like Ruckman and Riplinger (as he should) but is he strangely minimal regarding reliable KJV defenders of the AV like TBS or David Cloud.

White has an incomparable mastery of trivial minutia. I realize that he is a smart man and the darling of the Christian intellectual crowd (you and I crossed swords about this several years ago) but I disagree with him regarding Bible translations and I think he chooses the easiest available targets to make his arguments.

News Item3/16/08 11:16 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Christain Raas wrote:

"By the way Kenny, I am offended by you throwing Peter Ruckman and Fred Phelps into the same basket."


I realize that being in Switzerland you may not be as familiar with Ruckman as those of us who live in the U.S. I would suggest that you do some research (Wayne's references are excellent ones) into the life and beliefs of Peter Ruckman.

Peter Ruckman is a mean, oft-divorced, misguided so-called preacher who ought to be an embarrassment to any follower of Christ. Much of what I have read that he's written is just plain nasty. When backed into a corner (because he cannot defend his nonsensical postions) he will call you names that I wouldn't post here.

I love and strongly support the KJV and I would never consider using any of the modern versions for a number of reasons. Sadly, Peter Ruckman has done FAR more harm than good for the cause of defending the KJV. He is one of the main reasons why people think KJV defenders are crazy & call us 'Ruckmanites'.

Notice that James White & others choose not to argue with the Trinitarian Bible Society because they can't win. Instead, they use Ruckman as an example in order to make all KJV defenders appear foolish.

Fred Phelps & Peter Ruckman are both cut from the same cloth.

News Item3/15/08 1:43 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I heard a recording of what this woman said and what she said is correct.

God will judge this nation (or any other nation) for it's tolerance, acceptance and accommodation of sodomites. He has done it before and I believe He will do it again.

We need to fear God more than terrorists. Sadly, even most Christians do not fear God anymore because they have been taught in church to believe that He is your good time, rock & roll buddy who wants you happy, prosporous and successful. We are supposed to believe that sodomites are confused, helpless victims and that God wants us to be nice to them so that maybe they will change.

I am glad this is making news. Maybe it will cause some folks to think. Up until now, the only person or group receiving media attention for speaking out against sodomites is that nut Fred Phelps and he, like Peter Ruckman, does more harm than good to his cause by being cruel and bombastic.

News Item3/15/08 1:03 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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OK, John Yurich, then let's do this:

Let's take a mortal man, a wretched sinner just like every other mortal man, and let's put him in a nice robe. Let's allow him to live in absolute splendor with unfathomable wealth and resources. He can travel the world with a stupid hat on his wretchedly sinful head that indicates that he is the 'Vicar of Christ'. Let's even give him a bulletproof 'popemobile' to ride around in. Let's adore him, kiss his ring, fall at his feet and cry when we see him. Let's consider his every utterance to be an edict from God. Let's decide what's right and what's wrong, what's sinful and what's not sinful based on his wretched, sinful, mortal judgement. Let's ignore or blow off the history of his office and the historically corrupt organization he represents.

Now let's call him "THE HOLY FATHER".

What absolute blasphemy. That's why those who understand call him Anti-Christ.

News Item3/9/08 2:44 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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DSY wrote: "I know a family that practices this and yet the children have NO interaction with other children and little with adults. When they are pushed into this wicked world, what will happen to them??"

I strongly suspect they will prosper.

I have known hundreds (thousands?) of homeschooled kids through the years. None of them are as isolated as you describe. Some are more social than others but all of them interact with lots of people. Most are exposed to a variety of people and age groups every day of their lives because they are not stifled in a classroom full of the same people day after day, year after year. They are out and about with their families and friends learning how to live life and do things.

If I understand DSY correctly, these kids would be better off warehoused all day in a room full of others their same age with similar backgrounds, drugged into submission with Ritalin and indoctrinated in Godless humanism. After they make it past the metal detector at the front door they can be taught that they evolved from apes and that sodomy is normal, acceptable behavior. Premarital sex is inevitable, kid, so here's some condoms. NO THANKS.

If what I've seen come out of the government schools is the norm, I want no part of their brand of socialization.

News Item3/5/08 12:54 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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For Barack Obama to suggest that ANYTHING Christ said in the Sermon On The Mount (or anywhere else for that matter) in any way advocates sodomy or tolerates sodomites is blasphemy of the worst kind.

The fact that this arrogant, vacuous, power hungry political opportunist can say something so blatently vile without losing the support of millions speaks volumes about the sad state of this country. I wonder how many people who call themselves Christians will continue to support this empty egotist in spite of his blasphemy.

I have never trusted Obama and have always believed he was up to something. Now every time I see him he makes me sick.

Barack Obama is not the ruler of anything. I pray it stays that way.

News Item3/5/08 12:36 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Adam's Ribs was supposed to be in Chicago near Dearborn Station. They were going to have ribs flown in to the 4077th. Cole slaw, too, if I'm not mistaken.

News Item3/2/08 11:45 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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This is news?

The only good snake is a dead one.

News Item2/26/08 9:27 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The edition I use is the newer reprint published by Tolle Lege Press and I highly recommend it:

Here's a good review of it:

News Item2/26/08 5:05 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Thanks, Neil.

It's quite a coincidence that you mention that. I was telling a friend Sunday how much I enjoy comparing verses in the KJV to the Geneva Bible renderings. I also have the marginal notes from the Geneva on my PC and I refer to them often.

News Item2/24/08 5:17 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Must be one of those emergent churches. You certainly meet the qualifications.

News Item2/18/08 6:27 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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John in San Jose,

You may rest assured that John the Apostle wrote the NT book of Revelation.

News Item2/11/08 6:28 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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There is an awful lot of evidence from an enormous number of reputable sources that back up Neil's opinion. Abe Lincoln dodn't live that long ago and many of his contemporaries thought he was a semi-religious agnostic (for lack of a better term) at best.

He also declared war on his own country. I suspect that, like Matin Luther King, if he had he not been assassinated, history books would not paint such a noble, romanticized picture of him.

News Item2/3/08 11:11 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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They do sell a bumber sticker and it's a nice one. It's made of plastic and it lasts forever. I have one on my pick up truck that's been there for about 5 years. It still looks new.

News Item1/30/08 9:30 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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From my experience, when you buy a Ford, you might as well pull it directly from the showroom around to the service department and leave it because that's where it's going to be most of the time anyway.

I bought my wife a new Taurus in 2004 and it STAYED at the dealership for service. I was so glad when she finally totaled it (but I'm glad she wasn't hurt, of course).

If they are going to sell that junk they make to anybody it might as well be to sodomites.

News Item1/29/08 6:29 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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No, Faithful Remnant, all of this self esteem foolishness of the past 20 years (and James Dobson is the grandaddy of it) is exactly what has allowed people like Osteen to appear credible and draw a crowd. Teaching 'self' anything in a believer's life is wrong. Christians are instructed to die to self. Dead mean have no self esteem.

Survey1/27/08 9:38 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Terry Evans:

The shirt says: " - faith cometh by hearing". It and many others are available in the SermonAudio store (it's run by Cafe Press). I have a bunch of them. I run in the long sleeve t-shirt during the winter. I have one of the SermonAudio wall clocks here over my PC. I keep my pens in a SermonAudio coffee cup.

I shop at Walmart, too. I don't, however, wear anything that exploits Christ or Scripture like the shirts you are referring to. There is a stand-alone shop at the mall that I was in today that sells those shirts. The 'Christian' book shops here sell them, too. I think they are wrong and many of them border on being downright blasphemous.

People will exploit or market absolutely anything for profit.

Survey1/27/08 5:38 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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If the guy that was at Town Center Mall in Kennesaw today (1/27) who commented on my SermonAudio sweat shirt reads this, that was me.

News Item1/14/08 9:49 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Jim in Nebraska:

What? Am I missing something? I don't think you and I have spoken in a long time. I hope I haven't posted something that upset you that I'm not remembering. I certainly didn't intend to if I did.

Forgive me but I have no idea what you are talking about.

News Item1/13/08 4:38 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Saint Terry Evans:

Haven't you said here previously that you have been married three times?

Why in the world are you looking for a wife?

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