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News Item11/6/2020 5:08 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Is Hillsong a biblically solid church?"--No ❗ 👎

News Item11/5/2020 1:08 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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NCAC wrote:
Recent Supreme Court decisions have made clear, the right to free speech and expression can sometimes be subordinated when necessary to achieve legitimate educational goals. (See discussions of Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier and Bethel School District v. Fraser, in Fact Sheet #4.) A school is not comparable to a public park where anyone can stand on a soapbox, or a bulletin board on which anyone can post a notice. While students and teachers do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate” (Tinker v. Des Moines), speech is not quite as free inside educational institutions as outside....
excerpt from, "The First Amendment and Public Schools"

John Y., Would you be in favor of some student handing out face masks for free, that said, "God is One and Muhammad is His Prophet"?

News Item11/5/2020 12:47 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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HerbalMama, while it still looks difficult for Biden to win Pennsylvania, the lieutenant governor thinks he will

For one thing I don't think they took off the Trump's remarks, they just indicated that they weren't true.

News Item11/5/2020 12:44 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Mississippi voted for a new state flag November 3, 2020❗👍

They certainly did remove the Confederate symbol.

News Item11/5/2020 8:22 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I do say I'm amazed that the attention that Australia gives to the United States ❗
Here's another article hot from the oven, the oven down under.
Sarah John wrote:
Facing the gradual erosion of early leads in several battleground states — and increasingly likely defeat in the presidential election — the Trump campaign is launching a well-planned legal assault to challenge the validity of ballots and the process of vote-counting itself.

The Biden campaign is responding with an equally well-coordinated legal defence and a grassroots fundraising effort called the "Biden Fight Fund".

Once again, the courts will be called in to resolve a US presidential election, although it is unlikely any rulings will change the results significantly — unless the election comes down to extremely narrow margins in Pennsylvania or Georgia....

excerpt from, "Donald Trump is aiming for an election win with court challenges in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia. This is how it's looking"

QC, you should ask Neil about that one.

News Item11/5/2020 7:06 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"Mixed Results in Colorado, Louisiana Abortion Ballot Measures"

Passed in Louisiana, rejected in Colorado.

News Item11/5/2020 6:43 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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More liberalism in future elections isn't going to help the Democrats.
Christian Paz wrote:
Liberals may accuse these Latinos of voting against their own interests, given Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic, attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and restrictions on immigration—all issues that affect millions of Latino lives. But many pro-Trump Latinos told me they simply define their interests differently than their more progressive cousins do. They don’t necessarily feel solidarity with Latinos as a whole, and many identify themselves as American first. (Some reject “Latino” or “Latinx” labels as well.) Many are lifelong Republicans not eager to abandon their party, and Trump’s economy-first message and opposition to abortion rights resonate with them. Democrats shouldn’t be surprised if Trump matches or improves on his 2016 showing among Latinos, or if their votes help him hold battleground states. Republican Latinos have always existed, and the Trump campaign has dedicated significant resources to winning over more of the Hispanic community this election cycle....
excerpt from, "What Liberals Don’t Understand About Pro-Trump Latinos"

Good article

You mean biblical views, herbalMama⁉️

News Item11/5/2020 12:40 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Excellent ❗👍

News Item11/5/2020 12:37 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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comments (Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?)

And: (Christians and Politics, Part 3)

John 18:36
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world. ---ESV

it really sounds like you're trying to force morality on the majority. now a lot of things I don't agree with either. but that doesn't mean I'm supposed to use political methods on changing their morality. they're certainly a lot more things at the government should be doing than worrying about abortion. if you get the majority degree with you, probably even something much larger than the majority then you can push that moral stance

News Item11/5/2020 12:31 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Mitch McConnell on Trump-Biden race: Claiming victory isn't same as finishing vote count" wrote:
"We are not enemies. What brings us together as Americans is so much stronger than anything that can tear us apart."

"But we have had hard campaigns before. We have faced hard times before. So, once this election is finalised and behind us, it will be time for us to do what we've always done as Americans," Mr Biden said in his prepared speech.

"To put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us. To lower the temperature. To see each other again. To listen to each other again. To hear each other again. To respect and care for one another again.

"To unite. To heal. To come together as a nation.

"I know this won't be easy. I'm not naive. Neither of us are. I know how deep and hard the opposing views are in our country on so many things.

"But I know this as well: to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies.

excerpt from, "Joe Biden says he is winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes, but stops short of declaring victory"

By 10:00 a.m. PST, we should hear the results from Nevada, and that should be the end of this election ❗

News Item11/4/2020 3:36 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Considering, Timothy, that the Democrats aren't trying to steal anything at that only leaves one other group--and that isn't the libertarians ❗

My my, Wisconsin has been called for Biden. Things are looking up, but I'm not holding my breath any.

We had one intelligent congressional District in Nebraska go for Biden, the educational system must be better up there!

News Item11/4/2020 12:50 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Let's hope Mr. Trump is over-optimistic, but it probably is not the case. He also has the wrong group of people trying to steal the election. As Sen. Rubio of Florida has already pointed out, let the votes be counted. ❗ 👍

Neil, the Democrats have already gotten another nasty surprise. they should certainly ignore all poll results in the future

News Item11/4/2020 6:23 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Even if this church isn't Christian, q.v.

John MacArthur's article on

"Charismatic Chaos"

We should condemn attacks on all peaceful religions anyway ❗👎

I am glad the British are taking note of this, the United States has little influence in the Cuba.

News Item11/4/2020 6:14 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Gentleman, when did acting like White Muslims was condoned by the Bible?

You really should read the:

"The Inadequacy of Islam"

Which I took to James L. Barton quotation from

I see my stab at Dominionism

has completely failed ❗👎

Casino gambling has been approved for Nebraska, an issue that has always failed before, and something I always voted for the failure of also.

John MacArthur wrote:
In the year 2000 I wrote a book called Why Government Can’t Save You. It could have been titled a lot of things; that’s the title the publisher picked: Why Government Can’t Save You. And what I tempted to say in that perhaps somewhat sarcastic title was, if you’re dealing with the issue of salvation, the government won’t help. What I was really trying to say and what I did say in the book was that for Christians the mandate is not about some kind of cultural morality, the mandate is about salvation, and the government plays no role....
excerpt from, "The Deadly Dangers of Moralism"

Remember Christ condemned the Sadducees and Pharisees any White evangelicals use them as their role model

News Item11/3/2020 2:36 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Ah, Timothy, and John Y.

Some Scripture for people who like to mix Christianity with Catholicism and or politics.

Mark 7:7-13

7. They worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

8. “For you set aside the commandment of God, and hold tightly to the tradition of men—the washing of pitchers and cups, and you do many other such things.” 9. He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition. 10. For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother;’ and, ‘He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death.’ 11. But you say, ‘If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban,”’” that is to say, given to God, 12. “then you no longer allow him to do anything for his father or his mother, 13. making void the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down. You do many things like this.”

I already posted some comments on another thread from Russell Moore, which you might find beneficial Timothy.

News Item11/3/2020 2:23 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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R. Moore wrote:
I think that’s one of the reasons why many of us (and I say us) are irked sometimes when we see the word “evangelical” being used in some really broad and often weird and sometimes even gospel-denying kinds of ways out there in the broader culture. A couple years ago, I wrote a piece in The Washington Post
that said that I find myself not using the word “evangelical” very often anymore and instead using “Gospel Christian” when people ask me about my religious affiliation and who I am. And the reason for that is because often now, when people in the larger world use the word “evangelical,” what they’re doing is talking about mostly simply a political category. They’re talking about white evangelicals, rarely talking about evangelicals of color, and they’re talking about a caricature of evangelicals, either that’s just kind of a voting bloc – a group of people that are just kind of like cicadas that go into dormancy between Iowa caucuses every four years, or evangelical in terms of the most buffoonish sorts of representatives of evangelicalism that might be out there on television or or on the internet....
-- "Should We Give Up On Evangelicalism?"

News Item11/3/2020 5:33 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John Y.
Mike Gendron wrote:
....We propose that a Catholic Christian is indeed an oxymoron for two reasons:
1) whom we are is what we believe, and
2) it is impossible for anyone to believe two opposing views simultaneously.
We recognize that there may be some Christians attending the Catholic Church but if they have believed the Gospel they are no longer Catholics. Let us consider the contradictory beliefs of Catholics and Christians. By definition we will propose a Christian is one who believes the Gospel while a Catholic is one who believes the official teachings and traditions of his church (presented by paragraph number from the Catechism of the Catholic Church)....
These thirteen teachings and traditions of Roman Catholicism demonstrate that a Catholic Christian is indeed an oxymoron. They also affirm how man made traditions nullify the Word of God (Mark 7:7-13). There are many Evangelicals and Roman Catholics who are unaware of how diametrically opposed Catholic dogmas are to the Word of God...Evangelicals must be educated so they can proclaim the true gospel to Catholics instead of uniting with them under a compromised and diluted gospel....
--"Is a Catholic Christian an Oxymoron?"

News Item11/3/2020 5:11 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"... distinction must be made between defects in the religion that inculcates or permits practices detrimental to human welfare, and the defects in individual adherents who ignorantly fail to apply the teachings of their faith or who misinterpret those teachings....

"It is, however, fair and just to demand that of any religion, professing to be adequate to meet the needs of men, shall so reveal in its adherents a power for good in both individuals and in society that the only fair conclusion would be, that, if this religion should become general it would benefit mankind. Any religion that meets this test must pass as a good religion; but if it aspires to become a universal religion, it must show that it is capable of meeting the needs of humanity in all relationships more completely than any other religion can do. Islam claims to be not only a good religion but the best religion for the world, hence the necessity of showing that it is best suited to the conditions and needs of all men and in all of their varied relationships. Christianity is compelled meet the same tests as must any other religion. "...

J.L. Barton

News Item11/2/2020 11:59 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Neil, certainly don't encourage Republicans to vote! Except those who follow George F. Will columns.

I voted early in October, and I know the election commission has my ballot.

News Item11/2/2020 11:56 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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