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News Item3/25/18 9:25 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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comments is a good website with good articles rebuking evolution

Evolution Cruncher is a free ebook that I have used for many years

There was a podcast called ID the future, about intelligent Design.

News Item3/23/18 6:30 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Comic books and video games for me 😊

News Item3/23/18 5:56 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Also the founder Charles Lazarus dead at today 94

News Item3/23/18 3:01 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I think we all live in a glass house, and it's easy to throw stones at home schoolers, or public schoolers, but this can happen to anyone, I was reading 2 John yesterday and saw this verse:

I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father. (2 John 1:4 ESV)

What caught my eye was "some of your children", even this lovely lady that John loved, did not have all her children in step, only "some".

News Item3/23/18 1:27 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I remember Christian apologists Matt Slick's story a few years back:
"I am reticent to talk about my eldest daughter Rachael. However, I will briefly mention that she has walked away from the Christian faith and now claims to be an atheist. Normally I would keep something like this among family members and close friends, but she has published an article on an atheist website (that I have not read []) that apparently details why she is not a Christian. Since she has gone public, I have received a great deal of flack from non-believers and believers alike. I don't plan to write a response, nor do I feel the need to do that []. Instead, I am lifting her to the Lord, praying for her salvation, and asking Jesus to show her more grace than he gave me when he pulled me out of the fire. Even though a lot of negatives have come my way because of this, there has also been a large outpouring of prayers from the Christian community for her. Praise God. Would you please pray for her as well?"

News Item3/23/18 1:23 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Also IPads have become great babysitters and can entertain better than any toy on the market.

News Item3/22/18 1:45 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Even if you are faithful christian parents, you still cannot stop monsters like these from being raised? It's like having your own personal Judas Escariot.

News Item3/21/18 12:04 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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------- Teaching students with bridge and railway majors.
Rumor has it they used Chinese contractors to make it. Just yesterday almost had a fire when the peasant repairman tried to fix the lights. Apparently forgot to turn off the power and a quick fireball poofed in his face. Later the glass from the lights fell and shattered everywhere, then some more, then he was bleeding. Then he left.

News Item3/19/18 6:33 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I could never understand old English, and I have seen many language learners pick it up and immediately give up and throw it away. I have many negative feelings toward KJV only people, because They tie up heavy loads, hard to carry, and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing even to lift a finger to move them, you never see them learning another language, especially the ancient version of it. The Bible says: When anyone hears the word about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches what was sown in his heart; this is the seed sown along the path. -Matthew 13:19

The Key word there is "Does not understand it" - and that is what is happening in a lot of KJV studies.

As my consultant friend puts it; the older we get the more we develop a case of “Teflon Brainâ€. “What is ‘Teflon Brain’?!? â€, you’re probably asking. It’s a bad case of the older we get the more we face the inevitable that less and less sticks to that gray matter in our brains!

We reach out to people, not them reaching out to us.

If you will post an angry reply, with slander then don't, go and pray that God would change my burden to be more KJV friendly, then come back and reply.

News Item3/19/18 1:52 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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They have tried this before, have they not? The Six-Day War was a war that started on 5 June 1967 and ended 10 June 1967. The fight was between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

News Item3/16/18 2:48 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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With a cashless society in China, your phone becomes your cash, and must be with you at all times, using data, otherwise many bazaars, restaurants and peasant run stores don't give out change, or even take cash. I assume this is the future for North Amerans, maybe?

News Item3/16/18 2:41 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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If anyone is still against Israel having it's own country, then just think all of this discovery would of been at best ignored, and at worst destroyed, if in the hands of the Arab Muslims.

News Item3/15/18 5:38 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Stephen Hawkings life itself was a miracle from God. To live that long, when most people in that state die very quickly. He was given... grace, he got long life that he did not deserve, now he will experience justice. I think of him as an unrighteous Job, afflicted, yet blessed by God with fame and money, but also given over to use that money to become a curse for him. He didn't impact me, but I know was used by the Marxists to promote Atheism in their schools, and for that he was made into a god to many students.

News Item3/14/18 12:57 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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The article didn't really comment on the students attitude toward the teacher:
- refusal to stop talking out of turn
- telling a teacher he would get a low score because she hates his worldview

Obviously if you're attending a secular post modern university in liberal arts you kind of expect it to be on the extremely liberal.

The student says he has hopes of changing this university, but it's like asking the Mafia to change their ways. They can't, they are rooted in their convictions, and you can't stop anyone from doing what they love, even if it is sin, we don't have that kind of power.

News Item3/13/18 8:40 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I admit I am terribly dissapointed at most churches, being hurt on many occasions, it's one of my most passionated subjects on how they lost their first love, but that should not stop us from being lights in a dark and perverse world, Maybe this example can help someone: I met a lady from Nigeria, and helped her get a taxi to her school, I then remembered about the Chibok girls who were kidnapped by Isis, and told her all I can do is pray show that I care and they are not forgotten. I think that is what most believers can do, not all can go to Nigeria, but many of us have the resources, such as time to pray and research and get together with a church and spread their plight.

News Item3/13/18 6:37 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Trump will have a meeting in may with NK. If trump can disarm North Korea's nuclear ambitions, then for sure he should win the Noble peace price. And it would shame every modern president, even with all their intellect and reputation, could not do it. I do pray that happens, but I also know it would mean war, the other world governments are getting ready, as we have seen China become a dictatorship in the last 2 weeks, and Putin showing off his Nuclear weapons. The more you examine politics, the more I see it as a demonic festival of satanic evil and darkness. Their all on it, and have the same ambitions, which is bid for power.

News Item3/13/18 6:23 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I think you can make out an idol out of anything, even Star Trek. Does not mean Star Trek, or other Gene Roddenberry works are bad, secular, yes, but there is a lot of genius in Star Trek, especially dealing with technology, some of the ideas were ahead of it's time. Many of us would not be typing on computers or iPads if it wasn't a step by step evolution in computer science that was started by many sci-fi authors.

News Item3/13/18 12:55 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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This was a very long article, and I could not get a conclusion to their point, it seems they can't pick a side, they feel these drugs are still relevant, but at the same time, they make billions of dollars for immoral corporations. I'm pretty sure many of us know someone who is a sociopath, or bi-polar, pride and paranoid, and struggle on what to do with them, sedating them and making them quiet is really tempting, but also clearly that is not getting to the root of the problem, sin. And to fix that, we have to wait upon the Lord to act, and He may never act on their hearts.

News Item3/13/18 12:42 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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The religion of the rich as it's probably known by the public, still makes you wonder what increadible obstacles are in the way of the rich actors, and celebrities to salvation. Their original sin, their money, their false teachers. I am always surprised at any celebrity who finds salvation, one of the Baldwin brothers and Shawn Michaels come to mind, who I believe are saved, but are in Hollywood churches that don't teach sound doctrine and provide a good foundation for a victorious Christian life.

News Item3/13/18 12:34 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I hope it's not the same like when they didn't find any clear evidence of state sponsored cheating in the Olympics.
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