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Survey4/11/07 2:00 AM
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The scriptures lay down specific qualifications, all of which must be met. Pre-eminently, before we even consider soundness of doctrine, ability to teach, etc (which we must in turn look at) we must look at personal godliness.

I hate the double-minded,
But I love Your law.
You are my hiding place and my shield;
I hope in Your word.
Depart from me, you evildoers,
For I will keep the commandments of my God!
Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live;
And do not let me be ashamed of my hope.
Hold me up, and I shall be safe,
And I shall observe Your statutes continually.
You reject all those who stray from Your statutes,
For their deceit is falsehood.
You put away all the wicked of the earth like dross;
Therefore I love Your testimonies.
My flesh trembles for fear of You,
And I am afraid of Your judgments.

News Item4/9/07 3:38 AM
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"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. "

It is necessary for us to engage in battle and debate with the wicked doctrines of the age but it is not necessary, edifying or "appropriate" for forms of torture to be added into the comment forums making them X-rated. Since there is no edifying reason exhibited for the posting it would seem to be per se gratuitous.

As for historical accuracy, whether this is "a factual jewish practice in the past", you would have to hold to the Book of Mormon to give any credence to it. Or do you think the modern state of Israel has had it on the statute book since 1948? Think about it.

News Item4/8/07 3:11 PM
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I agree with you that the symptons are subjective hence the use of such equally grey terms as "an autism spectrum disorder".

But are you seeking to imply that there is no such thing as autism at all?

News Item4/8/07 2:03 PM
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What shocks me is that the "oiled potatoe" comment is still considered by Sermonaudio not to be "obviously inappropriate".

We should criticise the comment for what it is "lacking" AND for what it is "containing". But if you criticise the content of people's postings Sermonaudio evidently construe that as "obviously inappropriate" (sic) and / or a "personal attack" (sic).

In fairness to the righteous, perhaps they are too vexed by the prosperity of the wicked to say anything anymore?

News Item4/7/07 4:36 AM
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I really don't see the edification of having a "challenge" over debating which countries (or perhaps rather countries' churches) have apostasised the most from the greatest heights.

My comment below was ironic but gave allusion to one country who could be said to have had far greater gospel benefits. So you have been given an answer to do with as you will. There are other countries I can think of too.

btw, I agree with the thrust of your original point and mean no offence by my comment.

Survey4/7/07 4:19 AM
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I would agree with mk that the Bible's teaching is more about authority (but I respect the opinions of those who hold to headcoverings for women.)

Neil is correct that the pervading practice amongst Reformed Baptists is no women's headcoverings. However, of far more concern is the growing departure amongst professing Reformed Baptist churches in the area of the core issue of biblical authority.

My previous church went through a disgraceful debacle when the Pastor, without any formal communication at a church meeting nor biblical instruction on the issue, sent a "hit and run" email to some - but not all - church members as he was departing for vacation suddenly decreeing that women could now LEAD the church in public prayer when the church gathered for corporate prayer.

When he returned from vacation he "repented" to the church when confronted by one of those he offended. However, my wife and I, also eyewitnessed after the service his deacon hatchet-man "Matthew 18'ing" the offended brother by shouting and screaming and jabbing his fingers in the face of the offended brother after the service later that same day.

The claimed theological justifications for this is that the prayer meeting is not a meeting of the church (really?) and that it is a "redemptive benefit".

News Item4/6/07 2:54 PM
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Well Seaton, as the only other poster on on here before you do I guess that you mean me?

Yes, I would agree that I am a lesser man than Ian Paisley, so let's put that one to rest.
Many years ago I suggested to SA that they close the comment threads down entirely, but it would seem that they help to generate traffic. If the rules are that certain pastors are "untouchable" whatever they do, and others (e.g. Osteen, Warren, Graham) are "fair game" then yes the forums should be closed down and we should all be silenced in the face of such partiality.

Since I don't set myself above Ian Paisley, perhaps you will take a gentle rebuke from me at your insinuation against the other posters who disagree with Ian Paisley. In your view they allegedly "conclude that they would have done a better job". I think that is unfounded. In fact, the debates on here have been singularly marked by constant criticism of them for NOT coming up with any alternatives.

I think the "complainers", "grumblers" and "criticisers" have been marked by biblical consistency to all that Ian Paisley has faithfully stood for for his 80 years. May God's grace go with them, Ian Paisley and yourself.

News Item4/6/07 5:23 AM
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I don't think you're dense at all.

I think your rejection of Paul is a logical and consistent extension of Arminianism combined with gross bible rejecting liberalism. You are in many ways a product of your age and only to be expected.

If one rejects Augustine, Calvin, Luther and all the other faithful Pauline theologians one must also reject the Pauline parts of the Bible that they consistently exposited.

The only problem is you also have to reject Christ and the other Apostles as well. That's where you are inconsistent.

News Item4/6/07 3:50 AM
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Challenge accepted, even when we limit it by your context to the last 30 years or so.

... now who are the people who are the leading influence behind this website?

News Item4/6/07 3:10 AM
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""What about Gerry Adams, who sat beside Mr Paisley in that already iconic photograph at Stormont - is he still to be considered "an enemy of the Protestant people"?
"I am not in a position to say what his present feeling is at this moment, but we know his policies, and know what they are.
"Now, having said that, there has been a change and in a few days' time the same Mr Adams will stand beside me and he will take an oath that he is going to accept the police force of Northern Ireland."
And what about working alongside Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness?
"I feel I have a job to do for the people of Ulster, and no matter who is sitting before me, I'm going to do that job by the grace of God. " "

What have anyone's "feelings" got to do with whether or not the members of the IRA Army Council are enemies of the Protestant people?
and for that matter enemies of the Catholic people too who they have murdered and terrorised even whilst on ceasefire?

Interesting change of tone too when the subject moves from Adams to McGuinness .... Watch this space.

News Item4/5/07 7:55 PM
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If I may, drawing a few disparate strands together from the last few days, could it be:

Maybe the young men (including pastors) have spent so long doing this:
“"What we've got now is a church where you can drink beer in the bar, you can talk about rock 'n' roll, you can watch R-rated movies on film night,"

and this:
“As much as 50 percent of lay men and clergy said they viewed porn within the past year”

that by the time they have managed to find a godly pastor who doesn’t do this:-
"pastor seemed hypocritical" (13 percent).”

and that godly pastor tells them plainly to take a wife, that, by then it’s too late and all the fathers of marriageable daughters say this:
“Something for fathers w/ marriageable daughters to think about too...are we *sure* that nice young suitor isn't hiding something?”

My point: perhaps the young men are no longer marriageable and need to be made godly men first?

I'm not quite sure if that is the point of the article or not, I never know what to make of the fad for ex-NFL pastors etc. I hope he is a sound pastor.

News Item4/5/07 5:29 PM
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Indeed. As has been well said
"The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority."

We've gone better than that and now allowed terrorising tyranny by the minority as well in the name of "democracy".

News Item4/5/07 5:19 PM
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I've never heard the Word of God called a "pastor-sitter" before.

Do you believe the scriptures to be sufficient for us?

News Item4/5/07 5:02 PM
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"Flee" is a good word to use.
I vote with Neil.
Yes, especially when those actions are open, public, proven, documented, unrepented sin.

I'll listen to an honest pastor with another confessional standard any day over token allegance to Christ, his Word, and the 1689 LBCF (or whatever the relevant confession is).

May Christ have mercy on us all.

News Item4/5/07 2:56 PM
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Agreed. But the Iranians will always have a 3rd opinion and then another .... and another.

News Item4/5/07 2:43 PM
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If Ukraine joins the EU they will have to have free market reform and pay market prices for gas. 30 Minutes ago you had a problem with that.

(btw that's the gas that is a gas not the liquid you guys call gas)

News Item4/5/07 2:37 PM
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If you read The Times' report carefully you will also see that the British government and its security forces also believe that there has been no change in "Sinn Fein IRA".
You are deceiving yourself.

As an Englishman I am ashamed of our successive British governments' bowing down at the feet of terrorism .... and it began with Heath and Whitelaw, then Thatcher, Major, Mowlem, Mandelson, Blair ......

Why did we ever bother setting out to pay such a high price in blood only to give Executive government offices over to the IRA?

News Item4/5/07 2:21 PM
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Why is it only ever Microsoft's monopoly you have a problem with?
Why should you be bothered about the Russians pulling the plug?
Just use the American system.

For the rest of the world, a bit of competition may be seen as a good thing.

Reminds me of "Britain's Independent Deterrent" Trident. It was not British nor a deterrent (e.g. Argentina and Iraq knew we would never use it) nor independent - as the Americans could pull the plug on it any time they liked. Just a big fertility symbol for Britain to parade and pretend to the world at taxpayers expense and American manufacturing profits.

Oh, and Russia is just as entitled to charge a fair market price for its gas in the same way as every American and British company does.

News Item4/4/07 4:54 PM
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You said "the distinct possibility of Sinn-Fein-IRA ministers being in a Dublin coalition government in a few months time".

But weren't you the one who said that Sinn Fein and the IRA were now separate, and that that is why we should now do business with Sinn Fein?
Apologies if I'm mistaken there are so many posts it's hard to keep track of them all.

News Item4/4/07 4:48 PM
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Of course I have.
The WHOLE counsel of scripture is only a problem for your epistemology, not for mine.

Nice diversionary tactic. Why not answer Neil?

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