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News Item9/20/08 11:37 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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preacherjond wrote:

"I doubt you know much of anything about the Bible unless you can find it explained in some neat little article somewhere."

This is a really good point.

Jim Lincoln, do you ever have an original thought about anything? Read back thru your posts. Most every one is like a plagiaristic orgy.

Like Andy used to tell Floyd the barber about Calvin Coolidge:
Gil Rugh didn't say everything, Jim.

News Item9/19/08 11:49 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Whilst I agree with your statement generally, I would add that
"they are born that way" In that they are born sinners.
The terminology of use as homosexual is simply identification."

All of us are born sinners. I am chief among them. Everyone is born with a tendency to commit certain sins but that is the crux of the whole argument. Good grief, if I acted on every desire and temptation that I was born with, I would at best have all kinds of diseases or be in jail. I'd probably be dead.

That's the point. When you call these people homosexual or gay, you are making an excuse for their behavior because they were 'born that way'. They want you and I to believe that they cannot help but do the things they do. But they can. They CHOOSE to commit sodomy and in the process kill innocent people with their disease and filth, recruit other men to be sodomites and worst of all, bring God's judgement on the nations that tolerate or accept their behavior.

Why do you think age old sodomy laws are being stricken down all over America? Folks have mistakenly bought into the idea that sodomites are 'born that way' and are just 'gay'. No, they are not. We don't allow murderers or rapists to run around commiting their sinful inclinations and we shouldn't allow sodomites to, either.

News Item9/18/08 10:48 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Why do legalistic and all the wacky pentecostal and dispensensationalist churches align themselves with the A.V?'

They don't. There are loads of AV
churches on this very website that don't fall into any of these categories.

Most of the wacky pentecostal churches I am familiar with use a hodgepodge of versions and many of them use the Amplified Bible (I know not why).

I agree that many dispensationalist churches still use the AV but from what I've seen, many of them are moving over to the NASB or NIV because of the influence of Dallas Seminary, Bob Jones University and the Southern Baptist hierarchy.

Ruth makes an excellent point. Almost any time you hear a preacher or teacher spreading liberal or heretical doctrine, they have one of the modern versions in their hand.

News Item9/18/08 9:47 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Oxymoron: homo sexual.

By calling those who engage in sodomy 'homosexuals', you are giving credence to their argument that they are 'born that way'. In other words, if they actually are 'homosexual', how can anyone deny that they are born that way and thus cannot help what they do? If these practitioners of perversion define the terms of the battle, they ultimately win the war (which they are very successfully doing). That's why even churches and Christians have become sympathetic to them in many cases. "Poor baby-let me help you with your struggle to 'come out of the 'homosexual lifestyle'". WHAT A BUNCH OF NONSENSE.

They are not homosexuals. They engage in sodomy by choice. They are sodomites. They commit unspeakable acts and then define themselves by their behavior, calling it a 'lifestyle'. And modern Christians and churches fall for this tripe! It's no more a 'lifestyle' than murder or adultery. It is a SIN. A vile, filthy, soul destroying sin. They are SODOMITES and they will not rest until you and I accept their filth.

News Item9/17/08 6:58 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"John McCain is an old, dried up, incompentent Senator. If people were to judge him and Barack together, this election wouldn't even be remotely close because Obama would eat him up alive!"

And Barrack Obama is clearly a socialist, probably a Marxist and may very well be a Muslim. My golden retriever is more qualified to be president than he is.

I have seen what happens to nations (and cities & towns, as well) when the likes of Obama are in charge. Only a fool would want him elected.

I'm no fan of John McCain but I would vote for just about anyone before I would vote for Obama.

News Item9/16/08 6:24 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Assuming a faithful group of scholars, and understanding that language does develop over centuries, would it be wrong to attempt a faithful up-to-date version?"

That's an excellent question.

My answer is this: Who in the world would you trust to do it? The guys who created the mess that is the New King James version? No thanks. Jay P. Green tried it several times over the years but never came close. Others have also attempted it unsuccessfully.

I cannot imagine where you would find a group of men in 2008 capable of doing an end-to-end improvement on the AV.

News Item9/15/08 9:21 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I agree with preacherjond 100%.

I have often wondered: At what point was it that the AV became so difficult to understand? It's been used by the Lord's church effectively for 400 years and continues to be used today by many (if not most) of the sound preachers and teachers that I'm aware of.

I'm certainly no genius yet I have no problem at all reading and comprehending the AV. There are verses and passages where you have to read slowly and think about what you are reading but what on earth is wrong with that? Yesterday I read several of the OT minor prophets and Matthew's gospel with no problem at all and enjoyed it immensely!

Why is it that it was the version used almost exclusively for so long yet suddenly everyone is clamoring for something new and 'easier to understand'? Did those before us not understand what they were reading? Or has everyone suddenly become so dense that it's made the AV incomprehensible? What caused this? And if the AV is so full of errors (as Jim Lincoln incorrectly believes), which version is now God's Word in English? They cannot all be because they are all different. If the AV isn't and one of the modern versions isn't, then we don't have God's Word at all, do we? How could we?

Survey9/7/08 6:35 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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TBS is wholeheartedly supported by this sound brother here in the U.S. as well.

Every time I read these recent posts by Jim Lincoln and DJC49 about 'KJV only boys' or putting the AV on a shelf, I send TBS another check.

News Item9/6/08 4:48 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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You know, in most cases I will share my opinion about a subject and leave it at that. I love the KJV and I will tell you why but what Bible version someone reads is not my business. I don't like contemporary Christian music and I'll tell you why but if you do, again, not my business.

When it comes to mothers, especially those calling themselves Christians, leaving their kids to work (when they have a husband) I will tell them without any reservation that they need to be at home with those kids. I would tell Sarah Palin that immediately if I met her. I would tell her husband what a wimp he is for letting her work. Nothing that woman does -and I mean NOTHING- is as important as being at home and raising those children. She has a Down's Syndrome child at home for goodness sake!

If a man wants his wife to work, that's between him and her UNLESS THEY HAVE CHILDREN. Those kids are a whole lot more important that whatever he wants her to work for. From my experience, that's usually why mothers work: so her hubby can have more stuff. It's disgusting.

I think it's hilarious that McCain picked Palin and I am enjoying watching the Obama crowd and the Obama sycophants in the media panic. It's truly funny. She really does, however, need to be at home with those kids.

News Item9/6/08 3:07 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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If a Christian woman has to work or starve, of course she has to do what she has to do. If a woman has been abandoned by her husband and there is simply no one else to help her then she has to work. Most of the time, however, that is simply not the case.

If a Christian mother chooses to work outside the home when she has a husband at home, she OUGHT to feel bad about it. There is an obvious reason for the guilt that she feels. God put it there. I believe it's a perfect example of what Paul was talking about in II Timothy 3.3. Many women are without the natural affection that Paul speaks of for their children. Their rebellious hearts would rather run after a handful of the world's baubles than stay at home, guide the house and raise their precious God given children. I see them every day when I'm running. They drop off their babies at the daycare in their $40,000 SUVs, dressed like queens (for the men at work to enjoy). Strangers are raising their children.

I have raised 3 children and the biggest mistake of my adult wife was allowing my wife to work (she didn't want to) for the first 2 years. I was a fool.

Sarah Palin and every other Christian mother needs to be at home, making a home, helping her husband and raising her children.

News Item9/6/08 2:19 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"In an ideal world, women would stay at home and raise their children."

Any Christian woman with an able bodied husband at home needs to be at home raising her children. Period. Any able bodied man who has the mother of his children out earning him a living is less than a man. He is the personification of a wimp. God doesn't call mothers to market widgets or to work in call centers. He gives them children because He intends for them to raise them.

"Sadly, fathers die, husbands leave, and women are left to provide for their children."

Yes they do and families (if available) need to step up and help her. Churches need to certainly help her and her family. Churches don't need pastors living like royalty, more 'family centers', choir robes or congregational 'retreats'. They need to do what God intended for them to do and help those in true need. Widows are at the very top of that list.

"In that vain, they ignored the problem of divorce in the '60's and '70's, preferring not to deal with it. Christian wives were ignored by the church when husbands left."

I agree but do you notice the correlation between the women's rights movement, women entering the workforce and the corresponding dramatic increase in divorces? There's a reason for that.

News Item9/6/08 1:44 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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God gave Sarah Palin her ministry when He gave her those children. It is her responsibility to raise and nurture them. It's not the grandmother's responsibility, the nanny's, the daycare's, the live in sitter's, the school's or anybody else's. It is HER responsibility. God gave the responsibility to her.

No woman can effectively raise children to the best of her ability if she is not there with them. In 99.9% of cases, she cannot be there with them if she is working outside of her home. Being vice president is not a job she can do from home. It's not a job she can do anywhere with children around.

We are seeing the results everywhere today of mothers abandoning their homes and kids to go do what they want to do. Whether it's working in a bank, answering a phone in a call center, trading stocks, selling shoes or being VP, you can not raise kids as God intended while you are doing it. I have watched working women try to raise children via the phone on their desk for over 30 years now and I am absolutely convinced that it cannot be done.

God told Adam that he would have to earn his living by the sweat of His brow, NOT Eve. Sarah Palin has an able bodied husband at home. She needs to go home and raise those beautiful children.

News Item9/4/08 5:30 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"I hope the media's impression that Dobson's opinions matter is only an illusion."

Me too.

Survey9/3/08 7:47 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Me too. Thanks!

Survey9/2/08 9:06 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I agree with Alan H.

Why in the world would you combine the KJV & the NKJV? They are not the same by any stretch of the imagination.

News Item8/30/08 10:24 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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You would think that a guy who wants to 'focus on the family' would believe that a mother of 5 (including a baby with Down's Syndrome) should be at home raising those kids rather than running for VP. Especially a woman who says she's a Christian.

News Item8/29/08 7:18 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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MurrayA wrote: "Not that McCain is anything to write home about (as the saying goes). It's just that he is better than the ghastly and horrific alternative."

Amen, brother Murray.

The U.S. has been headed down a slippery slope at an escalating speed for a while now. We need all of the prayers we can get & yours are appreciated.

News Item8/29/08 5:06 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I am not a big fan of John McCain and I don't think a mother should be working outside of the home. I don't see how a woman could possibly raise kids and take on such a time consuming job as being VP.

Having said that, I believe this was the most absolutely brilliant move I have ever seen by a politician in my 52 years. McCain threw Obama a fast ball he and his folks cannot possibly hit and caught them completely off guard. Plus, he announced his choice the morning after Obama's big mountain top speech and just took the wind right out of Obama's sails. This is just hilarious.

I imagine Obama & his cronies are scrambling like crazy and Hillary is probably fit to be tied. I could just see the steam blowing out of her ears when she was watching Palin's speech today.

Arrogant Obama acts like he has a divine right to the office of president and that he and his angry wife are going to waltz into the White House unscathed. I'll bet this changes everything. McCain couldn't have made a wiser move and I love it.

Survey8/24/08 5:12 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I've had the same experience in a few churches regarding opposition to homeschooling. Mostly it's been with churches that run a Christian school. They seem to fear that if the idea of homeschooling infiltrates their church, parents will pull their kids (and their financial support) out of the church school & teach them at home.

As far as homeschooling in the UK, I have a friend there named David Norris who publishes an excellent Christian magazine called Dayspring and the most recent issue is all about public or government education vs. Christian schools and homeschooling in the UK. I'm sure he would be happy to send anyone a copy who's interested. You can access his website here:

News Item8/21/08 7:26 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Sherry C wrote: "...Wallmart sells a bible that has an extra book in it after Revelation that says Jesus forgives and loves the homosexual and they will be allowed entrance into God's Kingdom."

Which Bible is that? Who publishes it?

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