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News Item4/14/07 7:12 PM
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Perhaps. But I suspect that Arabic, in some form at least predates, Islam and it probably would have had a generic word for "gods" and the monotheistic "God" of the Christians - many of them were indeed Christians before the Mohammedan hordes exercised their convert or die pogroms.

It seems more likely to me that the Moslems would have hijacked a pre-existing Arabic word for "god" and turned it into one of the myriad proper noun names of the false Mohammedan deity.

Hence I am still left with my question,which I shall rephrase as, what is the generic Arabic word for "god"?

I'm not sure we can progress this question much further without some solid linguistic expert.

btw, good to see you also continue to use the word "Moslem" rather than be pc brow-beaten into rejecting it on a reportedly false linguistic basis and using the new word "Muslim".

News Item4/14/07 6:53 PM
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I share your assessment of the Qu'ran, having given a seminar survey of real quotations from the Qu'ran side by side with Bible truth myself.

But, on the question of Arabic linguistics I would rather follow the lead of Reformed pastors who know Arabic, Greek and Hebrew than western websites. I've never visited and am in no position to judge the content of their website anyway (not knowing Arabic, Greek or Hebrew) but I am sure you will agree that there is a huge amount of strange and weird stuff out there on the web.

All I know is the blessing and joy of being with Arab believers in the public worship of God in the Middle East, and I distinctly recall their use of the term "Allah".

... And they would agree with you and me, that Moslems do not worship the same God.

News Item4/14/07 6:43 PM
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What word do Arabic Evangelical Christians use for "God"?

News Item4/14/07 6:41 PM
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Regarding Margaret Clitherow, the "Catholic Encyclopedia" reports:
"Her indictment was that she had harboured priests, heard Mass, and the like."

Now Lance, I'm no fan of the so-called via media of "Good Queen Bess" but I have to say that for an encyclopedia the reporting of the charge is remarkably imprecise. What exactly was she actually charged with?

News Item4/14/07 4:52 PM
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"He can’t tell me he’s the “6 day” creator "

I am truly saddened to see you say that.

But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?”

News Item4/14/07 2:41 PM
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Of course the 13 year olds were born in 1994, the year that peace and tranquility descended on the Province in the form of the "complete cessation of hostilities". I can't imagine where they would have seen such scenes before.

Survey4/14/07 11:28 AM
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"If he were true and faithful to the word of God, there would be no need of plurality. "

Sorry, DB, I can't see any logic in that statement. I've never seen anyone argue that we need a plurality of pastors because the men are not "true and faithful". That's simply an argument for removing a disqualified man from office no matter how many pastors you have.

I agree with your statement that there should not be a plurality of husbands. It was the analogy from government that I took issue with as it simply did not work. Your husband analogy works as an analogy for your case but not as an exposition from scripture regarding pastors.

News Item4/13/07 7:52 PM
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"I will state more clearly that science is interested in finding the most reasonable explanation in a case like this."

I have a problem with a statement like that because many explanations can be both "reasonable" and "wrong".

Innocent men and women have been hanged as a result of a trial verdict in which they were held to be guilty beyond a "reasonable" doubt.
(But I probably shouldn't venture to raise scientific method and compare it to legal due process again as we've been there all too recently on another confused thread.)

My point is simply to illustrate that "reasonable explanation" is not enough to prove anything beyond a "reasonable doubt".

Survey4/13/07 7:38 PM
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Hi DB,

Christ is the head of the Church. Any pastor that loses sight of that is disqualified from office. btw, I believe in a plurality and parity of pastors as it is biblical. Not by analogy to government.

My main point however is that your political analogy breaks down because of your focus on an American executive "presidential" model as normative for government.

Many (possibly most?) democratic countries have figure head presidents or monarchs, and the countries are actually governed by a government with a Prime Minister or Premier. That tag however is fitted with the motto "primus inter pares" (sp?) which means first among equals. Thus the Prime Minister is not to be regarded as any more significant than any other minister gathered at Cabinet meetings. Cabinet government governs collectively.

It's a great political model. It's just a shame people like Blair, Thatcher did their utmost over the last 30 years to destroy that model and elevate themselves as de facto presidents (sigh).

News Item4/13/07 3:20 PM
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Pardon my interruption, Bravo_777 wrote today:
"I am simply asking for an alternative explanation..... What other alternatives remain? "

Yesterday he could think of one when he wrote:
"It turns out that human chromosome 2 contains those exact structures and that the genes on that chromosome can be mapped to two separate chromosomes in the apes. If that doesn’t mean we share an evolutionary history with apes then it must mean God purposely designed our chromosome 2 to look like it is the product of a fusion event."

Sounds like a good enough alternative explanation has already been voiced by Bravo_777 himself.
I'm not sure why he dismissed it with the words:
"Why would he [i.e. God] do that?"
That is not a reason to dismiss this alternative explanation.
Same with the repetition of essentially the same point to Protestant 3 hours ago:- "What are we expected to believe in that circumstance?"

Perhaps Bravo_777 would like to answer his own rhetorical questions please.
I, for one, am finding this argumentation very circular ......

Survey4/13/07 4:58 AM
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... and Norman, your passion for brotherly love amongst the saints is exactly one reason why yourself are so missed.
I know that I need to be reminded of brotherly love continually.

But yes, incredibly thick skins are often necessary around here, and if and when you return into the background I will fully understand.

Your brother in Christ,


News Item4/13/07 4:45 AM
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Thanks again Wayne. I just listened to the webcast. The piece majored on the alleged bullying of pastors by members of the church, and failed to adequately address biblical accountability (unsurprising as it seemed to deal mainly with liberal churches).

I suspect that your own case of privately holding the pastor to biblical account over ecumenism could be interpreted as "bullying" by such pastors and journalists.

I watched as my own previous "pastor", his "deacon", and the "pastor"'s brother-in-law (a "pastor" in another church in supposed biblical oversight) bypassed all biblical process and set out to bully a Christian brother out of the church. They had explicitly agreed there were no grounds for a biblical charge of church discipline.

Their gloves off pastoring and process of Matthew 18'ing was the ecclesiastical equivalent of "You know when you've been Tango'd".

Needless to say, my former “pastor” was very quick to publicly accuse me of bullying when my turn soon came to wise up and refuse relentless demands to meet with him and his "deacon". (In fact, I had invited him to meet with me with any man from the church except for just two men.)

Such bullying is often much closer to home than we think. Yes, Diotrophes is still with us today. Heartbreaking.

News Item4/12/07 4:09 AM
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MJ, your comment is striking with resonance.
I thought almost exactly the same when as a young Christian I saw his father preach at Earls Court around 20 years ago.
Back then I didn't understand his wholesale sellout to apostasy. I thought it must have just been me as well, and then I found other Christian friends said they felt the same way and the truth began to be revealed. Tragic.

News Item4/12/07 2:00 AM
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Thank you for the heads up, Wayne. Remains to be seen what CBC's take is on this though of course.

I see The Current has a webcast available:
[URL=]]]The Current[/URL]

I was very sorry to read on another thread that you suffered from an abuse of the church office of pastor and deacons when you stood against sin in the church.
Christ loves the victims of Diotrophes.

Survey4/12/07 1:46 AM
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An interesting quotation from Packer on the need for holiness on the part of pastors was posted in a comment on a reformed baptist blog yesterday.

[URL=]]]Packer quote on holiness of pastors[/URL]

News Item4/11/07 11:34 AM
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I remember you very well. I was thinking of you just this last week, I was remembering many of the contributors who came on here and made these forums rigourous and edifying over the years.

Peace be with you.

News Item4/11/07 2:55 AM
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Matt from Southern California,

Do I take it from your location and your applied theology that you are by descent a native American Indian?

News Item4/11/07 2:45 AM
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The term "faggot" is unbiblical and therefore not apt in your usage.
The Bible is the Christian's rule of faith and practice.

If the word sodomite conveys the same connotation then why not stick with that word?

News Item4/11/07 2:35 AM
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May Christ continue to sustain you by His Grace in your walk with Him.
I have had Christian friends who have known the same daily struggle.

Would you permit me please to exhort you as a brother not to dismiss out of hand the use of the word "sodomite" as it is a biblical word, and therefore far more fitting for a Christian to use than other modern euphemisms. You are right to oppose the ungodliness of the 'potato' statement, and it is saddening that biblical words are used in such an evil way.

News Item4/11/07 2:12 AM
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Thank you Eutychus for your candour, I was intrigued by your line of thinking as I share your 'red flags'.
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