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News Item12/10/16 3:57 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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I think they did it to sell copies of their magazine at the supermarket check-out lines. They know their circulation numbers and where it is sold most often. Therefore, they tailor the cover pictures so they can sell more, and, of course, so we can talk about it here at SermonAudio with our adoring fans reading every note we add to news stories!

News Item11/30/16 2:57 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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As soon as I heard the Somali origin of the attacker, my mind turned to the Lutheran World Services, which has settled hundreds, if not thousands, of Somalis in the Midwest, financed by you and me, the U.S taxpayer.
I do not think many of them have given up on their Muslim religion, or assimilated in any way to the US.
I am beginning to think that any Muslim could be a sleeping time bomb.
And I wonder is the Mainstream Media counting up all the attacks that have gone on since Obama became president? I remember one in Santa Monica caused a lot of problems.
In the same way, people used to be worried about voting for that serial philanderer, John F Kennedy, because he was a Catholic. They thought--will he take ultimate orders from the Pope?
Well, it's a good thing the Pope was not an attractive woman that he would 'hit on.'

News Item11/26/16 3:33 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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It looks like the experts have not learned from all the polling done before the last election that showed Hillary would win. What happened? People didn't tell the truth to the pollsters.
In the same way, Lifeway is finding out that American Christians have a variety of views on lots of issues, and they are not perfectly consistent or logical. No one should be surprised.
All you have to do is ask the people sitting in the pew next to you at church. I would bet that they do not know the very basics of your denomination's special characteristics.

News Item11/26/16 2:48 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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Did Jesus tell his followers to establish fast-growing churches, as if there is to be a competition? Wouldn't it be better to rate a church as to its faithfulness to the Lord? And who would know that but the Lord? So why bother doing studies about what things make churches different?
Didn't Jesus tell a parable about the sheep and the goats, that giving a cup of water to a needy person would be the same as giving it to Jesus? When did we see you needy, in prison, hungry or thirsty?
Don't you think those should be the work of the church today?

News Item11/26/16 10:35 AM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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This reminds me of Jesus' family flight into Egypt until Herod had died, so they could return. I wonder how many Cubans in the USA will return to Cuba, since they have been beating their chests and saying, "I will not go back while Fidel is still alive!"
His brother Raul never figured into their calculations, and he is doing something that Fidel never thought to do--groom his own family members to take over the reins of power when he, too, passes away.
So, for every Cuban who rejoices over Fidel's death, you must ask them, And what about Raul? Is he still alive? And when he dies, will his family take over?
It's already set in place.
I also have a nagging thought that maybe, just maybe, Fidel, upon seeing Trump's election, was upset with the changes that have been promised, including dropping that 'wet foot-dry foot' policy towards Cubans arriving by sea, and did not want to hang around to fight it.
Now it is up to us, the consumer of news, to see how our media plays the story. Do they name Fidel as dictator that he was? Do they interview any political prisoners from Cuba?

News Item11/25/16 4:52 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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Thanks, 'Christopher' from 'Rhode Island,' for giving testimony of the usefulness of technology. Many people use their smartphones today instead of carrying around a heavy laptop; I can't tell you how many times I get responses from emails telling me they sent it from their phone. Of course that means it is hard for them to make a long message, and the constant demand is always to move on to the next new thing.
There is a smartphone application that I just heard about that would make door to door evangelism easier. It allows you to map the residences you visited, comment on your visit, like total rejection, call me later, accepted more visits, needs prayer for sick relative, and so forth.
With several people doing this, you could easily cover an entire neighborhood and report back to your church the needs you have found, and then order more tracts or Bibles to give out. Who knows if someone will invent another application to organize a small group meeting from that information?
All to say that technology can be very helpful in accomplishing the Great Commission. I've already seen others using it in far away places to take the Bible in audio format in languages not yet translated.

News Item11/24/16 2:01 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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Maybe a wall would put a stop to this. But then they would use their submarines, or hire lots of boats along the coast to go out at night and then return. The police can't stop all those boats, so some will get through with no problem. And then what about drones that can fly above the wall? Oh well, maybe the solution lies in the cause--our modern culture that denies God's existence. Maybe the best solution is to put up billboards with Scriptural messages that call people to repent. Or hand out tracts to drivers at busy intersections in our cities. Or visit our neighbors with tracts and small gifts, especially in this time of year, to show the love of God to them. I just heard about an app for the smartphone that the political parties used when visiting homes during the recent campaign. The app locates you on a map and you can tell which homes have already been visited, those who weren't at home, etc. This sounds to me like the most useful tool for evangelism!

News Item11/19/16 4:50 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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They might do another study and find that many small churches teach the same thing, so what does that mean? That theology does not matter that much, that location location location does, or offering a wide variety of programs for singles, divorced, older adults, and so forth.
It's easy to do a study on one aspect of a church and say it is the only aspect that counts. So why not study their parking lots? Big churches might have clean, well-marked parking lots with people directing and greeting people as they enter the lot and leave their cars. Does that make the church grow? Maybe it does.
It reminds me of an old Peanuts cartoon where Lucy the psychologist tells Charlie Brown the characteristics of a self-actualizing person. He then asks her if he can be one. She says--no way!
Same thing with studies and articles about studies on growing churches.

News Item11/13/16 2:09 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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They say changing the government is like changing the direction of a huge ocean freighter or cruise ship. It takes a long time. In this case, they will have much of the crew fighting against any change, and the media, the Best Friend Forever of the Dems, will be slanting their coverage to make any change look bad, stupid, and not American.
After 4 years of this constant conflict, the Dems should have their act together--all they have to do is find some decent person to run for office and they will win the presidency. The media will play it, 'aren't you tired of all the conflict? don't you want Peace and Harmony?' Already they are playing that theme--Republicans must 'reach out' to make nice with the Democrats. Funny, but I don't remember Cubs fans being told to reach out to the Indians fans. I don't remember the US reaching out to Japanese after WW2. Instead, the US imposed their form of government on Japan which they still follow to this day.

News Item11/12/16 2:41 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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their forecasts were wrong, but all along they have been saying it was a close election, and that turned out to be true. the dems won the popular vote--not too hard when you consider the fact that there are more registered dems. they just did not get the support in the rural and suburban areas.
even in 2012 it was close, but the best friend of the dems, the media, had downplayed that little fact. the lack of support from evangelicals because romney was a mormon may have played a role.

News Item11/12/16 2:37 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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So, 's c', your lesson is that 'we have been played' in this election.
please explain, and tell everyone how we should proceed in the next presidential election: stay home and let the majority--dems more easily elect their candidate who will roll back the things that trump might be able to do?

News Item11/12/16 2:26 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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one thing i do not understand about these protests--they are in areas that voted heavily in favor of the dems. oregon voted for her, new york (cornell univ location) voted for her, miami voted for her (but the state overall did not).
the problem is with the dems themselves. they already have more registered voters than the republicans. they just need to find better candidates.

News Item11/12/16 2:22 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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i think this is a one-term gig. the dems only need to find a candidate without all the clinton scandals. they received more votes in this election, but did not get them distributed to win the states they needed to get 270 electoral college votes. in the meantime, they could fight for changing the electoral college system.

News Item11/12/16 11:40 AM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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I am fascinated by this election, and all the lessons that can be drawn from it.
1. Have you seen the map by counties that shows the USA mostly red?
Yet the stats show the popular vote was won by the Dems.
I wish that map was in 3-D to add the number of votes on a vertical or y-axis. This would show huge towers in areas like NYC, Chicago, LA, Denver, Atlanta, Miami, etc. But smaller mountains in the red counties.
You would see that the USA is divided by urban vs. rural and suburban areas, and, despite what urban planners hope, many do not want to live in condos in those big cities.
2. The press failed the country by not providing more analysis of why Trump was drawing huge numbers while Clinton and Kaine could not. And they failed by not providing unbiased coverage. Ninety percent of the press are Democrats, so they assume everyone is like them. They did not cover accurately all the scandals with the Democrats that Wikileaks revealed, like the treatment of Sanders voters, Catholics, etc.
If they had been calling attention to these problems from Day One, maybe they would have made the Dem Party select better candidates.
Remember this: any Democrat not marked by all the scandals that the Clintons have will win the next election, and the one after that, and so on.

News Item11/6/16 4:44 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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don't you love these stories that try to capture the reality of the entire world in a single survey?
i think the world is a bit more complex than that.
besides, didn't Jesus criticize the religious leaders of his day, saying, 'you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have life, but here I am and you do not come to me'
no wonder John started his gospel stating that 'the Word became flesh and dwelt among us'

News Item11/5/16 1:31 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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This reminds me of the other story in the News here at SermonAudio about Jack Chick's recent death. I only hope the leaflet included in the church bulletin was in cartoon format, continuing Jack's great work.

News Item11/5/16 11:58 AM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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When was the last time anyone who does not attend your church ask your pastor for a copy of his sermon?
I think all pastors should send a copy of their sermons to their local governing officials, just to see what happens!
By the way, don't forget to set your clocks back one hour to celebrate the pagan custom of Daylight Saving Time.
I think it was the evil Germans who started the custom during World War One.

News Item10/30/16 3:27 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, Florida  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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Didn't that prestigious newspaper of the left, the Washington Post, have writer--Janet Leslie Cooke by name--who won a Pulitzer Prize, yet was found out to have invented the story out of thin air (like Hillary saying the gun control case in DC was about toddlers!!) and thus had to return the prize?
By the way, is anyone going to charge Hillary with treason for telling the world that there is 4 minutes from when the President gives the order to when the missiles get sent off?)

News Item10/29/16 3:21 PM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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If anyone shows up at my door on Oct. 31 dressed up as Martin Luther, I will give them a Jack Chick tract!

News Item10/29/16 11:57 AM
Willy Nilly | Yeehaw Junction, FL  Find all comments by Willy Nilly
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This situation is a bit different, but doesn't it remind you of what Paul said about his being glad that the gospel was being spread, even if by people who didn't agree with him.
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