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News Item1/3/2021 11:07 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Not denying man’s inability, not denying that only God’s sheep will hear His voice, denying the non Biblical premise that men are not called to respond to the gospel when clearly they are.
Yes...but here's what I think is being overlooked in your posts US, they respond due to what's been written on their heart which is The work of God (John 6:29)

Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

News Item1/2/2021 5:50 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Gay M Allen wrote:
Thank You James, and ladybug~! your help is awesome, I respect your wisdom as I have been reading your comments for a while now and have come to the conclusion that they are accurate and you speak truth, may God bless you.
Amen to your reply LB!

Psalm 100:3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

May God bless you Gay.


So glad to hear the wonderful news about your Son MS.

Sermon1/2/2021 5:10 PM
James Thomas | FLORIDA  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Two Witnesses Chapter 11
James H. Tippins
“ Something to Consider ”
The Revelation frequently draws on visual images found in the OT prophets and The two witnesses in Rev 11 are no different. They can be spoken of in Zech 4.   Rev 11:3-4  And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. Zech 4:3 And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof. Zech 4:11 Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? Zech 4:14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. There are too many references found in the prophets to attempt to interpret the Revelation stand alone (post 96AD) without the context of the referenced prophets. God inspired John to write what he did and had a purpose in drawing on the prophets. It is for us to learn that purpose if we hope to properly interpret the Revelation.

News Item1/2/2021 12:26 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Gay M Allen wrote:
Thank You All, BLB is great I forgot all about it too, what is your opinion of ?
I can't speak on the esword site as I haven't used it.

In my thoughts, The bottom line is that commentaries are written by men wheras Scripture is written by God.
Scripture has its own commentary given through the cross references of the prophets cited by the NT authors. That's why there can really be no such thing as a New Testament church as the NT is citing prophets and explaining what they said in detail.

Acts 15:16 cites Amos 9:11.
That creates an objective context that's there for us to explore, learn, and ask questions. Like;

What sword?
How did God raise the tabernacle of David again?
What happened to the first?

Does modern worship consist of such dialogue?

None I'm aware of yet Jer 9:24 says God delights in us knowing and understanding Him and He promised to give us a heart so that we could (Ezek. 36:26)

There are plenty of these tethered texts in which to do the same such as these:
Acts 2:17 / Joel 2:28
Isa. 49:6/ Acts 13:46-47

Anyway, I hope this can be of help to you or anyone else for that matter.

News Item1/2/2021 7:08 AM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Jennifer Cunningham wrote:
What is the fascination with Trump the narcissist, get over it. The people has spoken, look at his behavior after the election, firing and putting down people who don’t agree with his wicked assumptions with no proof, even the judges he put in there didn’t buy it.

Here's a source right here on SermonAudio which contains the proof of the Dominion voting machines ability to be manipulated by an outside source via a wireless internet connection. Javan Pulitzer, an IT expert detailed how a team infiltrated the machine in Fulton County and could manipulate the information it contained during a GA senate panel hearing.

Another shared the same information in Michigan a whistle blower named Melissa C. She is an IT professional hired by Dominion.

The corruption is being reported and documnented in hearings, its just not being covered by media.
I wonder why?

News Item1/1/2021 7:01 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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ladybug wrote:
Yes James, blb is an excellent source for study. I use bible hub too, but prefer blb. Concerning Isaiah, spot on. God teaches His sheep His truth. Hope your day is filled with Christ, a deeper desire to know Him, and to proclaim Him to a world that is getting darker by the hour...
Thank you for those well wishes. May God continue to bless you!

News Item1/1/2021 5:04 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Ladybug wrote:
Excellent advice James interlinear bibles are helpful in the studying of His word as well. Keeping chapters and verses in context and cross referencing is a must. Sometimes it's helpful to look at parallel translations as we study. In the end, the Spirit teaches and guides the sheep all truth.
Great advice as well LB! I use the to do what you mentioned, although there are others.

Your last sentence reminded me of His promise to teach those who are His.

Isaiah 54:13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

News Item1/1/2021 4:55 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Jennifer Cunningham wrote:
What is the fascination with Trump the narcissist, get over it. The people has spoken, look at his behavior after the election, firing and putting down people who don’t agree with his wicked assumptions with no proof...
Something to consider.

What if what he is saying is true and not wicked assumptions?
What if those whom he thought he could trust turned on him?

Look, No one here is fascinated with Trump as far as I know, except maybe for Jim. He loves Trump.

The problem is the people have not spoken. They have been stolen from. The proof of a stolen election is not being reported but actually censored by the MSM and the evidence is plentiful.

Read the 106 page lawsuit in Georgia filed by Sidney Powell. The allegations of treason are backed by witnesses ready testify.

The state of Penn. mailed out 1.7 million ballots and received back 2.5 million.
Even my 7 year old Grandson knows something is wrong with that.

That's just two examples but there's plenty more.

I would think a Christian would, above all else, desire truth to prevail and let the chips fall where they may. And if that happens, Biden and Harris will be placed in the jailhouse, not the White house.

News Item1/1/2021 4:04 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Gay Allen,
Study notes in any bible will flow in conjunction with the authors understanding. So my opinion would be to use the ones He ordained to provide study notes to us to begin with. Namely, The prophets.

News Item1/1/2021 1:40 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Dr. Tim wrote:
There is substantial evidence that Mr. Trump did win the election, Jim. Tragically for America, the same cabal of crooked citizens, politicians, judges and newspeople who stole the election not from Donald Trump, but from the American people, are now denying and suppressing the evidence of fraud on the same massive scale as the election counting itself. If it’s “fair” for the left to take the election by fraud, then I for one say that it is equally fair—nay, more than fair—for the right to repossess it by force. I think it’s time for martial law until civil law can be restored.

News Item12/29/2020 2:07 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Neil wrote:
However great a man he may have been, he did not have the last word on how NT Greek should be translated. If one must paraphrase, it should be as close as possible to the original word, and "abusing themselves" is too vague – there are many ways to abuse oneself.
No he didn't have the last word and Tyndale was quite open to having his English translation from the Greek critiqued as he stated in his intro in the 1534 NT rendering. But He found that his Hebrew translation work helped him better translate the Greek into English by the Hebrew OT citations found in the Greek NT. Since Hebrew was more easily translated into English than Greek in his eyes, he utilzed that nuance to Essentially have Scripture translating Scripture.

And your right, there are many ways to abuse oneself like those who did so with man's wisdom defiling themselves, prefering their idols over God's Word.

1 Cor. 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

If you look across the prophets, the souls were defiled by lies served up by the priests. (Mal.2:1)

Same spoken here as well.

Ezek 37:23 Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols,

News Item12/29/2020 1:31 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Thanks for sharing Sister MS!

News Item12/29/2020 8:45 AM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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I did misunderstand your point so thanks for the clarification.

The translation found in the KJV is the same rendering William Tyndale first used in 1526 so the KJV translations team didn't do any whitewashing of the term but simply left it untouched like the other 90% of Tyndales translation. While I understand your reasoning, I think the original rendering by Tyndale paints a more accurate picture when other Scripture, like the examples I gave, is taken into consideration.

News Item12/28/2020 3:35 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Rom 13:4 He is the minister of God, **a revenger to execute wrath** upon him that doeth evil.

His instrument of vengeance is a sword. (Deut 32:41)

All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword (Amos 9:10-12, cf Acts 15:15-18).

There's no biblical warrant for Rom 13 to be a reference to civil magistrates.

Its simply a misunderstanding of whom bears the sword and furthermore what the sword even is.

If the above "minister of God" is a reference to secular authorities, then why is that same revenger - which revealed wrath in Rom 1:18- said to have come from heaven?

Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed** from heaven** against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.

News Item12/28/2020 3:16 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Textual variants can be reconciled in a more proper way than the current practice of comparing them to other manusripts and coming to a conclusion based upon age or number of manuscripts. Instead we can allow Scripture to do so.

Using your example:

1 Tim 1:10For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind,

We can see that whoremongers defiled themselves with their own inventions.

In Jer 3:9 there were those who
committed adultery with stones and with stocks.

The context remains the same in these other examples as well.

Psalm 106:39
Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.

Isa 24:5
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.

Ezek 22:4
Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed; and hast defiled thyself in thine idols which thou hast made;

Based upon what the prophets teach, The whoremongers appears to me to be part and parcel of the Great whore and the term in 1 Tim 1:10 seems appropriate to me.

News Item12/28/2020 2:38 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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Carl in Asheville wrote:
The word "beasts" in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 are symbols of world powers (i.e. empires and leagues of nations) governed by human.
Interesting thoughts on the beasts. Here's another thought on their identity.

Daniel 7:12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.

The beasts had their dominion taken away.
What dominion?

Matthew 21:43
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Any other references to these beasts? There's 2 Peter 2:4 and also here.

Jude 1:10
But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

If you read the context in the above, the identity is given as those whom God was a husband to.(Jer 31:32)

News Item12/23/2020 2:51 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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"Dominion Voting Systems Employee Sues Trump Campaign And Allies For Defamation.

Thats great news. There's this thing called "discovery; which is required in a defamation case and There's already an undeniable audio recording of Eric Coomer that validates the claim.

Just need to find one of those judges not "made in China." So that a fair hearing can occur.
Perhaps A military tribunal will work instead? Yes indeed.

News Item12/21/2020 9:49 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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I think Trump and Pence are playing the hand they were dealt so your not going to get an inside track on what's going down on their every move, which silence just may be one of them.
I will say that the 305th military intelligence battalion has been performing extraordinarily resilient under some unique circumstances to gather the evidence from the traitors actions in an attempt to steal this election.

News Item12/18/2020 7:22 PM
James Thomas | Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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All my life I've thought that the goal was to present the gospel to non believers. This is the only time I've heard of kicking someone out because of being one.

News Item12/18/2020 6:59 PM
James Thomas  Find all comments by James Thomas
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James C from Socal,
There is no corrective action needed other than to do the following:
Water and sow the gospel and leave the increase to God.
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