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News Item10/23/19 8:59 AM
Bible student | Longview wa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bible student
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Just a reminder that the “Palestine’s” were originally Cretes (Europeans) who invaded the Jewish, God given land. Later the Arabs invaded them (Ottoman Empire) nothing Holy from Islam was ever in Israel. The only reason they want that land is to destroy the Jew. And the only reason the region is named Palestine is because some evil leader so hated the Jews, just to be evil he named their land after the Jews known enemy the “philistines” aka today’s Palestine” if history interests you check out this link..

News Item4/19/17 7:25 AM
Bible student | FL  Find all comments by Bible student
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Jesus saith unto him "I am the way, the TRUTH.."

Just another attempt to do away with the Lord by a fool.

Sermon11/26/16 8:17 AM
bible student | Indiana  Find all comments by bible student
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Sermon. One can feel the anguish in the speaker's voice as he is broken over sin in the church and the need for repentance. Unfortunately many have lost their first love and pride keeps them from repenting.

News Item4/6/13 11:39 AM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
"bible student" you don't have one Scripture verse that God only used Greek in the New Testament.
It is hard to respond in a respectful way to such a silly comment.

David Preston wrote:
You limit the power of the Holy Ghost.
You are still trying to erect a strawman. I am not falling for it. I have said no such thing and I have no issue with the translators' statement that you quoted.

News Item4/6/13 11:05 AM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
you failed to understand the point the translators were trying make. The Holy Ghost is the one who wanted words like "Baptism" and "Church" in the Bible.
Simply not true. But if your argument is now down to playing such cards as "the Holy Ghost says so" in rejecting genuine translation of the Holy Spirit breathed original Greek I see that rational, biblical, sober discussion is not going to proceed further.

David Preston wrote:
You are reducing the KJB to a man made book.
Straw man. Rather, you have demonstrated that you are exalting the translation to a status that the translators themselves never gave it, or desired to give it. These men knew their biases, and they had the integrity to declare them. An integrity that is much lacking today. They remained good men and sound scholars.

News Item4/5/13 3:14 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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News Item4/5/13 2:19 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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John UK wrote:
Let me reiterate. Let us suppose that the New King James Version was merely a modernising of the KJV language. Would it not have been a modern version? Well, if not, call it something else, but surely it would have been the inerrant and inspired word of the Living God? Unfortunately, it did not do that, but was subtly changed in several places.

I still hold to the TBS position, that the KJV is the most accurate translation in English that we have today. But they are open-minded enough to accept that one day, there may be a more easily understood revision of it. Unlikely, but possible!

Agree with both paragraphs. Sadly, I do not think a reliable updated translation will be made unless TBS themselves do it.

Personally, I would also suggest that the influence of both Erasmus' losing wager, and the fake Greek manuscript that was conjured up to win the wager, be removed.

News Item4/5/13 1:05 AM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
"most Bible believers considered the 1611 translation as inferior to previous work due to the translators' self-declared biases." Who? I need specifics.
In general, the Puritans, who originally fell for James VI and I's sop of an idea of a new translation.
Specifically, the entire community of Plimouth Plantation, for example.

David Preston wrote:
... printer issues...
Agreed.However, it is not me that is asserting this to be "the preserved, infallible word of God for the English speaking people."In your purview, a revision is a revision and it cannot then be infallible.

David Preston wrote:
The translators ... displayed their humility.
Conformity was the imposed political brief. However, their humility was not displayed in this, but rather their political subservience and bias:
"Lastly, we have on the one side avoided the scrupulosity of the Puritans, who leave the old Ecclesiastical words, and betake them to other, as when they put WASHING for BAPTISM, and CONGREGATION instead of CHURCH: ... "

David Preston wrote:
By the way ...
You raise the issue, so you tell me your answer and why it is important to you please.

News Item4/4/13 11:28 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
Faust makes it very clear ...
was the norm ...
all other Bibles after it... were viewed as corruptions.

I have visited ...
I know what I am talking about ...

Thanks for telling me what he thinks and what you think. I will admit I prefer the subjective language you are using than the unjustifiable dogmatic rants more typical of KJVOnlyism.

Of course the translators of the Authorised Version did not share the view that their translation work could not be improved and of course it underwent numerous revisions; and most Bible believers considered the 1611 translation as inferior to previous work due to the translators' self-declared biases.

News Item4/4/13 8:40 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
Just go to Amazon and see the reviews for Mr. Fausts book there your answer will be.
Thanks, but Amazon do not have quality control on book reviews. I tried ATLA but without success. Can you refer me to some book reviews carried by well respected academic journals?


David Preston wrote:
Riplinger and Ruckman are not kjv only.
I have now seen from Amazon that Faust's book is "The Word: God Will Keep It! The 400 Year History of the King James Bible Only Movement." He certainly does appear to believe in KJBOnlyism!

Can you explain what it is that Riplinger and Ruckman reject in Faust's KJBOnly Movement since you draw a distinction on their behalf?

News Item4/4/13 6:41 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
"bible student" Riplinger and Ruckman have and will do more good for the body of Christ than
More subjectivism. By what standard do you judge 'good.' As noted before your claimed 'blessing' is not the standard of truth.

If you want another subjective assessment of the "good" they have done consider:

John UK wrote:
Besides, KJV-Onlyism is a dangerous and isolating cult, leading many astray, and separating them from the rest of the body of Christ.
I share John's observation. But don't take either my word for it or his. Examine the underlying substance for yourself.

btw - I do not recall the name of Joey Faust, but if you can demonstrate that his work is of a fundamentally different character than that of Riplinger and Ruckman I would consider it. Context seems to indicate though that you see the work as along much the same lines, please confirm.

News Item4/4/13 2:43 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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John UK wrote:
Bible student, if I may butt in a minute. If you see those folks as false teachers, with good reason, it may help David if you would share with him your conclusions as to why you consider them thus. He has been reading them, and has been blessed by doing so. For someone to just come out and denounce them as false teachers without giving a good reason means nothing. After all, who are YOU? No-one knows except yourself. So I would heartily recommend, if you wish to edify the body of Christ, that you take it a stage further and explain what sort of heresies these folks promote. And even then, it may take a while for the information to sink in, so you must needs have patience and wait on the Lord, for his timing, and his revelation to any that have been affected by wrongful doctrine.
Just sayin'.
Agree with all the above.

However, the errors of KJVOnlyism have been regurgitated on here more than enough, as you know. The evidence is available if SF and David are interested.

Just because I don't have the time to invest in yet another futile bible versions discussion does not mean that there should free rein to promote such garbage unchallenged.

He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

Perhaps you have the time John?

News Item4/4/13 2:11 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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I can assure you that I do correct, and when necessary rebuke to the face, those who promote false teachers in the presence of myself and others.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

News Item4/4/13 1:13 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
With that said no need for you to throw around silly statements that you probably wouldn't have the courage to say straight to my face
Such Christlikeness? and so quickly displayed!

News Item4/4/13 12:18 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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David Preston wrote:
"bible student" I have already read many of Ruckmans and Riplingers books. Why can't I read them. I have been greatly blessed by them. They have opened up many Christians eyes.
Your claimed "blessing" is not the standard of truth.
And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

News Item4/4/13 10:59 AM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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SF wrote:
brainwashing, I mean education. .
And you read and believe and endorse Gail Riplinger and Peter Ruckman. Enough said.

News Item4/4/13 10:54 AM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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SF wrote:
Also read New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger or anything by her and Peter Ruckman.
Amen David!

News Item4/4/13 1:13 AM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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SF wrote:
Christians are still here. The rapture hasn't happened.
That rapture will never happen.

News Item3/30/13 12:14 PM
Bible student  Find all comments by Bible student
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Makes you wonder where they get this outrageous nonsense from.

In churches those deemed to be suffering from mental illness are only those who disagree with the pastor.

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