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News Item11/4/19 1:06 PM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Kanye is preaching at these gatherings and out of ignorance” I hope” he says that all are one mormons, Catholics as long as you believe in the death in Christ.

The word of God speaks against a new believer behind a pulpit and forbids it.

Lets hope he is really justified but he boasts in his money now since he says he works for God.

All in this clip from the link below.

News Item6/5/19 3:11 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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When I read the book of Jude over these men who has gone in the way of Baalam I fear greatly for them as the deepest darkness is reserved for them.

O boy, satan is playing them like puppets on a string.

Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
— Jude 11

News Item5/14/19 9:43 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Yes that is so true Chris, and people do believe that they are right and I think we must always stay open to the fact that we won’t know everything as the Lord does for the latter days in his word.

Its very hard to change your thinking when you realise that you where wrong on these things but sometimes it is necessary to keep us from knowledge that puffs up.

I remember when I changed from years of believing in a pre trib secret rapture to a post trib every eye seeing, loud appearing of the Lord to meet Him in the air.

News Item5/14/19 3:42 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Yes I totally agree with you on the apostles and prophets.

Luke 13:33-34
Nevertheless I must journey on today and tomorrow and the next day; for it cannot be that a prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it!

The biggest reason why people are stuck with Rome as the whore is because that is all over the show with books and books and the problem is they never spend quality time in the Old Testament to see God dealings with Jerusalem. They just believe that because the reformers and many faithful men said so.

BUT here is my believe why its changed.

But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”
— Daniel 12:4

I believe that more and more people will start to see the truth about the Harlot and the Beast that carries her.

Brother I would love to share more with you on this but I think over email would be best.

News Item5/14/19 3:29 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Hi John

I am a brother😃
In have been studying this for 3 years. There is so much about this very hard to mention everything on here.

This is a very difficult topic and study. There is always this tendency to think of Jerusalem otherwise because of the history there with our Lord.
Jesus himself wept over her.

But we know that not all the jews will be saved but all the Israel of God will be in the end.

Therefore I believe that Rev 18:4 is referring to those remnant Jews. They will come to repentance by the preaching of the two witnesses in Rev 11🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

O strongly believe that Christ will have a new temple Ezek 40-46 in his 1000 year reign.

To my own speculation(not necessarily in scripture) we as God priests might build the temple and city where all will dwell in savely for the 1000 years.

We know after the final battle and the new heavens and earth the Lamb wife(New Jerusalem) will come down to be on earth forever.

News Item5/13/19 8:39 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Mr Tim

Did you know that the temple spoken of in Ezekiel 40 -46 will be built in the Millennium reign. Gog and magog war was on John mind after the 1000 years read Rev 20:7

Also did you know that the angel gave the temple interpretation for the 7 mountains(Not Hills) according to him it is 7 kings of which 5 have fallen.

Do you know that a King has a kingdom?

Do you know that 5 kingdoms have fallen? Was Rome anywhere in the 5?

No ofcoarse not for they have fallen when John penned Revelation 17:9-11

Rome is the kingdom that is(present tense) the 6 kingdom in John day.

One question where was Jerusalem and how old is Jerusalem?

According to Ezek 16 when God calls her a Harlot she was born from amorite and hittite family. This family comes from the land of Canaan after the flood.

You better explain how did Rome kill all the prophets of old to me found in Rev 18

News Item5/13/19 5:26 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Hi John

Sure I am 100% convinced about the temple playing a massive part in making the city more of an Harlot she already is. Why she already is goes to show with the Muslim Dome on the temple mount. If you spend some time in the existing politics around the middle east you will soon realise the battle is around the Temple Mount with the 2 false religions fighting for Jerusalem (Judaism and Islam) these two are driven by the spirit of the Antichrist that John talks about in his letter 1 John. Both of them confess that Jesus is not the Christ the Son of God. That God is one and does not have a devine Son.

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
— 1 John 2:22

Both of them are waiting for their messiah (Islam - Mahdi and Judaism - Moshiach Ben David) both of them have the Harlot(Jerusalem) as a holy city in their teachings.

Go read Ezek 16:35-41 then read this verse👇🏽

Revelation 17:16
And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.

News Item5/12/19 4:52 PM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Also just to clear up the misunderstanding I was not saying Israel but JERUSALEM.
Jerusalem is the city(harlot) not the land(Israel)

News Item5/11/19 12:54 PM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Hi John Lee

Sorry for late reply, I will give you a verse or two that stands out. Yes I myself do believe what Dolores said about the Antichrist(son of perdition) he will set himself up in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple like a god claiming to be so.

Therefore its one of the key points why she(Jerusalem) is a harlot. The jews will make a covenant with death and ultimately make the Beast to set up his image in the temple(this will cause Jerusalem desolation) because it is an abomination to God almighty. Before that the sacrifices done by jews will alslo be smoke in God nostrils and prevoke Him to anger.

God has used the King of Babylon to destroy the temple and take the jews into captivity before beacuse of Idols(images worshiped) read Ezek 8-9

Revelation 18:24
And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints,
and of all that were slain upon the earth.

This verse says ALL WHO WHERE SLAIN- this is way to big for the pope and rome.

Luke 11:50-51
That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.

This happened in Jerusal

News Item5/10/19 11:29 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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John Lee from UK wrote:
Rnel, you may have missed my request. I asked if you knew of any sermons on SA where your views on the matter are preached. This wasn't a rhetorical question, I am willing to listen to a couple of sermons if you can point me to them.

Hi John I do apologize for not responding. There is nobody I know that teaches this on here. To be honest I would like to find out myself.

This I know from seeking and knocking for truth and God has been gracious to lead me in alot of truth in Eschatology.

News Item5/10/19 9:15 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Yes they had a very good reason and to be honest there will always be a big tendency to interpret scripture with the calamity of the day. Anybody with the true knowledge of salvation would have seen the church of Rome as such BUT time moved on and the Papacy does not fit what scripture teaches.

The reformers did great work but they are not inspired so wr must be carefull and alow God to teach us truth over these things.

Jesus was clear when He said Jerusalem killed the prophets Luke 13 and even called Jerusalem(her) female. He knew what Ezekiel 16 very well and many other.

Where did the papacy kill the prophets like Rev 18 clearly says. Where was the Vatican?

Jesus said never will a prophet perish outside of Jerusalem. Therefore even the 2 witnesses will be killed by the Beast in Jerusalem read Rev 11

I pray that God will open your eyes to his scripture alone not just what the reformers taught.

Ps: the Lamb wife is the New Jerusalem not the old the Harlot.

Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out

News Item5/10/19 3:21 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Mr Tim

Don’t you know and haven’t you read that God Himself calls Jerusalem a Harlot in the Old Testament and she still is today. Go read Rev 17 and 18 clearly my friend.

The vatican and the papacy is not the harlot as the old reformers told.

Nothing against jews but remember not all Israel is of Israel. Jesus himself called the pharisees children of the Devil.
Why? They where driven by what we call today the Talmud.

Where does today zionism come from THE TALMUD.
Everything is run by the Talmud and Zohar in the political state of Israel.

Yes there is still a remnant and they will be saved when God takes his fury out on Mystery Babylon - Jerusalem

News Item4/12/19 4:48 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Wow 😮

Come Lord Jesus l, come quickly

News Item1/17/19 8:05 PM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Luke 11:24-26
Return of an Unclean Spirit
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first.”

News Item1/13/19 6:37 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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This has alot to do with the spirit of the Antichrist who is coming for this is the last days.

News Item11/30/18 1:16 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Such a blessing to hear and very humbled by this person. This is true denial picking up his cross and following Christ.

May God be glorified in this disciple.

Sermon11/12/18 6:05 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Born to Holiness
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brilliant! Can’t wait for the new creation.

Sermon10/2/18 5:27 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brilliant thank you!

Sermon9/19/18 3:39 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for defending the true gospel of God. Christ alone!

Sermon9/18/18 10:34 AM
Rnel | South africa  Find all comments by Rnel
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Born Not of Blood
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you again for a clear message.
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