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News Item4/14/08 12:21 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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In the early 70's I remember walking down my own street with two
of my friends who pointed to virtually every other house and saying
"they're divorced...they're divorced..."(etc.). I thought they were
exagerating but they weren't.

The real kicker came when I applied to California colleges back in
the early 80's. The registration form asked NOT for the names of my
"parents", but rather the name of the "parent" or "guardian" with
whom I was presently living.

THEN I realized that the divorce rate for parents of college-aged
kids was well over 50% in California...even in the early 80s.

The fact that my own parents never even contemplated divorce made
me feel very blessed indeed, compared to what was going on around me.

News Item4/14/08 11:35 AM
John  Find all comments by John
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from John, from San Jose, CA

Neil wrote:
If you mean Green obstructionism, I agree, but don't forget that there's also economic viability. Shale oil may be simply too costly to extract & process at current market prices. There's the rub with all that Mideast oil – it's good & easy to get.
Yeah. I was thinking mostly of the
Greens and the NIMBYs, but I did forget
the economics. Even the cost of
territory alone, much less fiddling
with it, is going to be higher the
closer you get to "home".

News Item4/11/08 2:21 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yeah, but if our country lacks the
political will to go and get this oil
(as it has with the oil in ANWR and off-
shore locations) it's all just going to
stay there or be taken by other nations
and interests who can gain access to it.

Survey4/6/08 11:59 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Last time I checked, roughtly equal numbers of men and women
enter the world...and it has been this way since the beginning.

God created one man, Adam, and one woman Eve. The standard
for human coupling.

The fact that so much discussion should ensue over a subject
like poligamy is an ongoing testimony to the enduring sinful
stupidity of mankind.

This ought to be a settled issue: One man for one women.


Survey4/6/08 11:45 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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God's glory is the most important thing. NOT man's salvation.

Ultimate doom of Satan, fallen angels, and non-regenerate/(non-elect)
people glorify God--if for no other presently conprehendible reason
than the fact that they provide a contrast to those being redeemed--
as well as the cosmos/world(John 3:16)/creation, which will be re-made.

Praise God that he is merciful to save even a remnant of humanity
for his glory rather than rightly condemn us all as he did Satan and
his angels for their sin.

Arminians need to focus more on how great God is rather than how
"great" MAN is. They'll be a lot happier if they do this.

News Item4/2/08 10:00 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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My church (OPC) allows divorce (and even remarriage) for fornication,
desertion, and divorce-prior to elder-verifiable Christian conversion.

If "evenagelicals" have fewer "escape clauses" than my denomination
does, I suspect that their overall divorce numbers should be smaller.

Of course "the World" will decide for itself whenever divorce is OK
or not, regardless of any external authority, and thus ought to have
the highest rate (one would think).

Sermon4/2/08 7:37 PM
John | GA  Find all comments by John
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“ Great Sermon! ”
THere is a prudent balance that has to be weighed between what your saying Stu and being obedient to those in authority(also scriptural) Freedoms will come and go as they have throughout history, but we must seek our true freedom from our Lord and not from men.

News Item3/29/08 6:56 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I take findings like these about as seriously as I do
those Geico commercials (so easy a caveman can do it!).

News Item3/25/08 9:35 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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In order to be consistent these people ought to have
a hunky DEVIL contest on Halloween, but I doubt if
their aformentioned master would allow it.

Then again, maybe he would if it would draw more people
to his side and away from Christ's

News Item3/22/08 2:52 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yeah. As long as we have "hate-speech",
those in power are always going to be
the ones who define it.

So much for the 1st Ammendment!

Oops! I forgot. Does Canada even have
a "1st Ammendment"?

News Item3/22/08 2:35 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Reminds me of the Pharasees Jesus spoke of on the Sermon on the Mount
(Matt 5,6,7) who did all kinds of "holy works", just to be seen by men.

Now, if these folk flagellated themselves in private, telling NO ONE,
and hiding the effects that they had done all this to themselves;
Then I might give them some kind of additional consideration for their
(deeds?), But not much.

If you want to "do something", FASTING is much less dangerous, and is
at least mentioned with some favor in the Sermon on the Mount, as well
as rules on how to go about such activities.

During the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979 I remember
news camera footage of muslims flogging themselves as they
walked down the street in plain view of others during one
of their holidays.

At the time I never realized that some who call themselves
"Christians" would try the same stupid thing, in light of
Matt 5,6,7.

News Item3/20/08 12:19 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Maybe it's because Christians have Heaven
to look forward to while Atheists have
NOTHING to look forward to, ultimately.

Even Atheists know they're going to leave
everything behind when they leave this,
their one and only life. Then what?

News Item3/18/08 11:25 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Do they believe and listen to Moses and the prophets? Luke 16:29-31

News Item3/14/08 11:38 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I didn't know what homework was until I got into the 4th grade,
when our teacher started making us write these things called
"reports", which were 1-10 page (handwritten) doccuments
often requiring significant research and could not possibly
be completed during the ordinary school day.

After transferring to private school I was astonished to discover
that even the 1st-graders in that school had homework. A fact
which moved me to ENVY rather than pity because It seemed like
they were getting more of a head-start in REAL schooling than
I got.

News Item3/12/08 11:38 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
John, must a created thing be spatially limited? I'll have to think about that.
I'll have to think about it too, since your comment reminds me that I had
not considered the vast spirit-world (angels, Satan, etc.), which are also
created by God, when I made my previous comment.

It's fun to know that you and I definitely have some similar interests,
(history, war, technology). I can tell you're at least as informed on
these subjects as I am, which is also fun because I can learn more while
sharing what I can.

I too was led to believe that the Nazi regime was some kind of "right-wing"
capitalist orgainization in every respect--mostly by those needing some
kind of negative contrast to promote their own liberal ideas, I suppose.

News Item3/11/08 12:25 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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The tone and subject of this article make
it sound like it could've been written
by a latter-day "St. Francis of Asissi",
with all the social and environmental
overtones and externals (do's and dont's),
and so little emphasis on the much more
important internal sin of the human heart.

News Item3/11/08 12:14 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"'I want a balanced policy. I want students taught how to think, not what to think,' Hays says."

What a great statement!

Can't wait to see the movie

News Item3/11/08 12:37 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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The closest we (USA) had to the likes
of her was probably Jean Kirkpatrick.

I miss them both.

News Item3/11/08 12:26 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
What can we learn about Ferdinand Porsche by examining a VW Beetle?
Ferdinand Porsche also designed a prototype of the much-feared German
tiger tank of World War addition to the VW Beetle. A contrast
reflected by the image (in this case, Porsche) of his creator, God.

The heavens, being limited (having been created--Gen 1 & 2) never-
the-less have yet to come even close to being plumbed by modern man.

The creation is NOT revelation in any articulated sense (which I think
Neil pointed out) , but is rather a blessed and provided means of
APPREHENSION of That which cannot be comprehended: God, the One who MADE the universe.

If that which is created (universe) is yet beyond our human ability
to fully grasp, then how much more is the One who created it?

The more we examine the universe the bigger we realize that it really
is. History of our exploration of the universe shows this.

News Item3/10/08 12:10 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Jhawk44 wrote:
"I was smoking a little weed, and I was thinking about religion,"
There doth his credibility end.
His religion may have roots in what he
calls "reality", but its inspiration
came from sorcery (pharmachia?), i.e.
smoking POT.
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