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News Item11/25/09 7:37 PM
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Men are vertebrates: They have a backbone.

News Item10/15/09 7:50 PM
j3 | I just got dropped off  Find all comments by j3
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
...parents and others should have a right to drop into children's classes.

Oh Yes, by all means DO drop in after dropping off...

After all, this is the age of "dropping off". It is our RIGHT to drop off our children (as long as they have a cell phone, of course).

Say bye-bye to mommy and daddy...


News Item10/14/09 9:26 PM
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Neil is right, the problem is in the splitting up of families at Church.

One-way glass, cameras, laws, and such are not the answer.

Children need to learn how to sit and listen to preaching, and parents need to start to handle their children.

What a odd day we live in. Imagine, grown-up men and women who can't subdue a little child, and children who cannot sit still for one hour.

It boggles the mind.

But I almost forgot what I learned in public School; that we are the smartest and most advanced generation the world has ever known.

News Item10/10/09 6:14 PM
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I find this is an interesting video on the subject at hand:


News Item10/10/09 6:03 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Ah, that goes without saying, but of course knowing and [URL=]]]Treading the Roman Road[/URL] are very important tools.
In truth, all the Roman Road is good for is getting some poor lost soul even more lost with a "decision for Jesus".

News Item10/8/09 5:38 PM
j3  Find all comments by j3
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I took a look at the uTube video of this story.

There are young men topless with torsos painted with "jesus" and other words. Quite a show.

If you go to this link, and scroll down to "Christian Modesty" you can download a PDF copy of a book by Jeff Pollard that has been of help to me on this subject.


News Item10/8/09 2:34 PM
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Is there any one on this web site that thinks cheerleaders are about anything but sexual excitement?

News Item10/2/09 7:53 PM
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What a witness for Jesus Christ:

young girls without enough clothes on in front of a large mixed crowd, dancing and kicking their legs in the air so they can see more, and all with a scripture banner: truly inspiring.

Cheerleaders’ religious signs draw fire...

It should. And one Day it will.

Last year a large Presbyterian "church" group of bikini clad nubiles decended on our town for a vacation by the river. Believe me they were the talk of the town, but the subject was not God's glory.

What is wrong with this Church Age? Has every one lost their mind?

What kind of a Christian father would allow his daughter to do this?

Survey10/2/09 1:36 PM
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Biblicist wrote:

What? Should one allow the eyes licence to do something in church which would not be allowed out of church?!!
I don't think for one moment that Mike is condoning scant clothing, but he is saying that if one has an unbeliever or immature/young Christian who does not understand the importance of modesty in dress and therefore dresses inappropriately, why should one allow their ignorance to become the occasion of sinning?
If one makes a covenant with ones eyes (Job 31.1) then that should be for every occasion, not just when it suits one's frame of mind!
I agree.

However, my point is that this is not a "up" issue and that it needs to be.

Men need to step up to the responsibility God gave them and make modesty an ongoing issue with their spouses and children.

Immature/young Christian and unbelievers need to be educated, and both need to be confronted and told to leave if they will not comply.

News Item9/30/09 5:36 PM
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Mike wrote:
Define "God-hating." I don't remember hating God, even as a pre-reborn lost one. Do you remember actually hating God before salvation? I could be wrong, but you sound like an angry Calvinist. "Angry Calvinist" should be an oxymoron, but there seems no shortage. Why is that?
Is not ignoring someone the height of hatred?

Were you born with love or hatred for God?

Did you not view Him and your conscience as a inconvience at least; a crossing of your own desires?

Will you tell me that it was other with you?

What do you make yourself out to be; less than a sinner to the core?

Is God-hating-rebel too strong to discribe us as a race? Look within and look without, and tell me different.

Have a look at these: Gen 8:20-21, Eccl 9:3, Jer17:9, Psm51:5, Prov 22:15, Mat15:18-19, Lk 11:13, John 2:23-25, Eph2:1, Col 2:13, 1Cor 1:18, 2:14, 15:24-22, Rom3:9-12

News Item9/30/09 4:44 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Hidemi Williges
...I am really struggling to find and appropriate word to describe the "Calvinistic" belief that God so thoroughly hates some children and has abitarily and sovereignly predestinated them some even before they are old enough to understand right from wrong to die and go to hell for eternity, all supposedly for glory of the "god" some Calvinists apparently worship. How abominably different from the words of Jesus Himself where He told His disciples to suffer the little children to come to Him and forbid them not.
Who is forbidding who?

All children are born God-hating rebels, not sweet little blank slates who need to be talked into becomming religious to protect them from a monstrous God who is forced to damn those He loves because we drop the ball.

Take a look at the logical end of your own doctrine before you drop a load on Calvin and try to paint Calvinism as montrous.

As well, I note that any man who says he has no teachers, but has only "balanced" doctrine from the Bible is simply not honest.

News Item9/29/09 8:34 PM
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Doug Wilson will speek at this conference.

Here is a Sermonaudio member survey related to this subject that has some interesting links in the comment section:


News Item9/9/09 8:30 PM
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Thanks all.

I will stick around, and with joy (and yes I do need my feelings santified by God's Word, thank you for the exortation).

News Item9/8/09 7:03 PM
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Tony Lopez-Cisneros wrote:
AMEN ! Br. Duh: This Is ONE Of The MANY Reasons Why I Believe That "Jim Lincoln" & His ILK Are Overt & Covert-Secret Satanic Vaticanist "Jesuits"; Who Are Giving Us A BUNCH Of DOUBLE-TALK & OUTRIGHT LIES About The Historic Authorized Holy Bible.....
My wife and I live in a very remote place, without a Church, and without fellowship. This site has become important to me.

None the less, between you and Jim Linclon I am about done with this part of

News Item9/7/09 10:34 PM
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Found in the trash first time around...

too bad it did not stay there.

News Item9/5/09 1:01 PM
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Just in case you all did not see this:

Report and analysis of Franklin Graham's Rock the River concert tour, complete with soundbites and interview with two "Christian" rock 'n' roll fans.

Pastor Stephen Hamilton joins Pastor Ovadal to discuss Franklin Graham's tour and related issues.


News Item9/3/09 10:09 PM
j3  Find all comments by j3
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I may be wrong, but it looks like God destroyed the Jewish nation forever.

No Jew can trace his lineage back; all the records have been lost. What DNA would one compare his with to find out if he were a Jew?

One thing is certain: if those people who call themselves Jews ever do rebuild the temple it will be an abomination in the sight of God.

Jesus is LORD.

News Item9/3/09 9:43 PM
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Alan H wrote:
j3, Any text which you do not want in "quoted formatting" must be kept outside of the "formatting commands."

Unformatted: outside of formatting commands.
Note: The formatting commands are those words within the brackets [--].

Thanks for the help using the site you all!

It looks like I could use some help with spelling and getting my thoughts together as well. What I ment to say:

"It makes sense for me to admit that God gave His New Testiment Greek text to the Church and not to a bunch of liberal so-called scholars to "discover", and "restore" to us poor ignorant, foolish Christians the correct text.

Does that make sense to you Jim?"

News Item9/3/09 5:35 PM
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Yuck, I am off sugar forever...

Survey9/3/09 5:20 PM
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You can get free copies of Calvin on Prayer, and other titles taken from the "Institutes" from

The good part is that these have footnotes to help one understand some of the old wording.

They also offer a free copy of Pilgrims' Progress!! And it has wonderful footnotes from MASON and others! It is the best copy I have ever read!

Call Chapel Library at 850-438-6666


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