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News Item9/25/14 3:11 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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I would not support his preaching because he is a Christian Zionist and is therefore bringing man's strivings into the gospel message.

I am not for Moslems being rude to street preachers, and I generally support street preaching and think "well meaning" folk are just ashamed of the gospel. However, when you are dealing with a Palestinian who had their home taken, well, they kind of have a point. Until the street preacher has his home taken because God told the other person to take it from him, I think he will just label them as "heretic" and in his mind that they deserve it.

News Item9/25/14 11:55 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the root of "divorce" :

Strong's H3772 karath -- to cut, cut off, cut down, cut off a body part, cut out, eliminate, kill, cut a covenant

News Item9/25/14 9:42 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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JforJ, have you ever had your son tested for heavy metals? there's vaccines at birth now, mom's get vaccines when they are pregnant, and the same heavy metals can be found in other things -- you might do some research on gm grains and glycophosphates, which are also used in growing wheat. to say one thing is a cause does not negate others. especially first borns can get a lot passed down through the placenta that the mother might have had, so even the vaccine issue is a generational one. I also wonder about mitochondrial disorders as they so often call it, and many other potential causes as well...

News Item9/22/14 12:38 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Thank you Mr. Hranek for posting the message. This is the truth! Taking the gospel to people is the heart of a missionary, the love of God spurs us on. Yes, Jesus cleared out the crowds of the fakes and I believe that is what the purifying of the church through persecution is for. Now, I wonder if God will also call out gospel takers to the vaccine mills.

News Item9/20/14 1:29 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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not much coverage of the dying girls in Columbia.... or the 36 who just died during their vaccine campaign in Syria, yes, I remember all the checkslovk homeless people keeled over dead after they were given what they thought were flu vaccines, something like that? all that's need is controlled media. pastors don't put two and two together when a hundred girls die in their state in TX to "save" them from STD related illnesses, will send all their girls in, one at a time. and no, persuasion doesn't work, and that's why its so powerful.

anyone who pays attention can see drastic reduction of health of younger generation, and compared to countries with significantly less vaccines, they are healthier significantly.

its a religion. its idolatry. who else could take so many lives and people sit casusally by and use Marxist terminology like "for the greater good"?

the fact that aborted fetal cells are used for development, the rampant increase in egg allergies (maybe because the egg protein is injected directly into the blood with adjuvants????) -- anyone for this stuff is not prolife. plain and simple.

the most famous provaccine doc on tv, admitted wife won't let him have his own kids vaccinated! hypocrite.

News Item9/20/14 9:34 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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instead of popping pills why not go to a naturopath and find out what junk is in one's body?

heavy metal testing of hair for example.

"silver" which is mercury fillings in the mouth? --- taking large amounts of fluoride in and not filtering water of the heavy metals they are forcing us to drink?

then sounds to me docs just masking the problem?

spiritual issues? -- that is between a man and his God. where are the prayer ministries, discipleship where people aren't given a crutch for their lack of spiritual discipline before the Lord?

what of our lifestyles, lack of sunshine everyday which is a minimal requirement for vitamin D, especially at height of day, what of other defincies in the body? anyone can look up a simple mineral deficiency and one will see a long list of side effects.

what is one's overall health? what other issues are there? we are one body (not Darwinian evolved monkeys made from chemicals) -- what can that tell us? thyroid, hormonal imbalance, gut disfunction all have effect on the mind.... and where are the brave doctors willing to use the real tests for common infections that have connections with laboratory experimentation that mainstream docs have to keep under the rug? such as mycoplasmas, etc... MS/fibry/neoro/ etc.

News Item9/18/14 2:29 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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No Voter, thank you for the information. it is good to hear from someone in the middle of things....

News Item9/16/14 9:28 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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yes, fluoride is drugging America. lowers IQ, is heavy metal that works against absorbtion of essential minerals, absorbed into organs and cumulative. also the birth control pills, men get the after effects of that in the water, all the synthetics that are taken in mass in America, the run off from the pesticides because Americans love their poisons, a nice pay back for americans using that form of abortifacient, the hormones in the water can cause disruption. the physical feminizing of men is not imaginary, it is happening.

advance countries do not use the junk. its only Darwinist americans posing as believers in the great Creator that think they are just chemical reactions and that the body can be constantly bombarded, and because they are so hyperspiritual it won't effect them.

you think people like Gates are drinking that junk? bet he's got the best filter too. our filter is our kidneys, as long as we are ok with it, it will continue on. its very costly as well to keep the programs, lots of wasted money, otherwise it would be categorized as toxic waste.

News Item9/12/14 2:41 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK wrote:
Over to you, Penny. You know far more about this than I.
ya, it was just yesterday, mentioning Saudi alliance. anyone consider it a bit schizophrenic arming rebels in Syria at same time as "trying" to fight them in Iraq? wouldn't that be like fighting against Nazis in the Europe front while arming them in Africa?

as long as evangelicals like their dispensationalism, they are blinded to understand simple logic.

you see, Syria and Jordan do not want the radicals being brought in!

take a look for yourself what Jordan has to put up thanks to US/globalist jihadist funding.

[URL=]]]syrian refugees, in Jordan[/URL]

"As of February 2014, the United Nations had registered almost 600,000 refugees in Jordan, with over 80,000 registered in the refugee camp zaatri, now the fourth largest city in Jordan and the second biggest refugee camp in the world."

quite insulting to call it a "civil war", I think. the news has always pointed out it was outsiders being brought in.

just judging from the map Jordan's physical position being mighty nervous. typical response on the link, "nuke them all" -- there's your dispensationalist for you.

how's that?

News Item9/11/14 1:26 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Mr. Hranek,

Should I call you a muslem hater? is that what we've come to?

there is no such tone, , you cannot see the dangers of madonnas kabbalism/music industry, America's exporting of the sodomy industry and occultic teachings in its music videos, the requiring of men to accept sodomites in the locker rooms?

yes, islam is deceptive. all the more reason for pastors to turn off all the babble and do research for themselves. remember that for every wore your sons die for against one Islamic group, they are promoting another Islamic group.... but even so, an action must be based on truth, not on group think. this is clearly an emotional topic for you. It is for me too, but I'm trying hard not to return the name calling and just put these ideas on the table.

I am coming back at you because you flippantly throw a serious charge. and because I am truly concerned about teachers who are keeping the whole truth from their people.

It just might be that I'm being sincere with you.

News Item9/11/14 1:08 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Mr Hranek,

you are a stumbling block to the unbelieving Jew who needs the same salvation given to Apostle Paul. I read Apostle Paul's letters all the time. Do you?

if your church does not know about the cult of kabbalism and talmudism, how will they effectively witness to the unbelieving Jew? Or is your education given on Islam only for the purpose of putting fervor in their bones? Do you teach these cults in the same way that you do Mormonism, catholocism?

Your reaction to me is emotional and not based on what is being said, I'd suggest you go back and reread the conversation.

yes, this has been my concern, you ascribe division to others. all truth must be taught and that means one group doesn't get exception, unless you are just secretly pushing Madonna's occultism. A true Christian does not associate evangelism with hate, and since you just have, that makes me concerned about you.

News Item9/11/14 12:37 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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at this point I'd rather a whimpy pastor that keeps quiet than a pastor who has been fed constant babble that calls all the kids to go fight the banker wores for them. and if they are wise enough to teach of cults, let their congregations know about islam and kabbalism and talmudism. give their people the whole truth, so that the gospel is not maligned.

News Item9/5/14 6:49 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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....apparently the extra high levels of fluoride (toxic metal) they put in the water in inner cities wasn't working fast enough, now on to this? time to open the land for homesteads, and give people a chance to reclaim their dignity.

News Item9/4/14 6:00 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Dylan wrote:
"the international will"
I have always said that the Muslims are the toys of the globalist Marxists and it will be these toys who will be the scapegoat to justify bringing in the one world Antichrist government with its UN, IMF, OECD, global currency, global military, world court, global database, etc.

News Item9/3/14 9:32 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Observer, I'll tell ya, the Protestant v RCC thing gets really old, day after day. As Christians we have responsibilities to deal with what is happening in our society, and many who seem so carnal here just bash catholics, as if that puts them on the right team. that's why I tend to avoid the discussion, but when it comes to the covenant of Christ, it must be clearly stated. glad to have you around. good day.

News Item9/3/14 8:55 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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seems that the money changers are creating the music by which our youth "worship" God. miss the choirs and voices lifted up to the Lord!

News Item9/3/14 8:51 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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SteveR wrote:
Just because they spend 2 hours in prayer to Mary before they get the courage to spend 20 min to pray to Christ,
...because it is blasphemous to pray in any other name than the name of Christ, who is our only authority and only mediator to the Father.

... which I would imagine would open one up to all kinds of dark things, because one is basically praying to spirits other than God.

... the transparent evils of American evangelical communities, their refusal to take responsibility for other things does not make this ok.

News Item9/2/14 4:09 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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[URL=]]]washington post, cia begins weapons syrian rebels[/URL]

that was just a year ago folks, lest you forget. does a rose by any other name smell as sweet, or in this case as rotten?

News Item8/31/14 9:48 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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ya, he called it again and then lost his life. many are concerned in that regard after breibart.

there's a reason these fiction novels hit so close to home.

but if people build their theology from fiction movies and their understanding of politics from fiction novels, they will be easily maneuvered.

News Item8/30/14 9:37 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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that's right, FG, put ourselves under occupation for our own "safety".

logic would say.... close the border. restore rule of law.

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