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News Item12/4/18 6:31 PM
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Hardly. It's only hypocritical to try to address a brother who is in sin if we are in the same kind of sin.
We are to approach our brothers in Christ who are in sin.
There are probably not many churches that do this any more but we are to exercise church discipline.
Otherwise, as is the "norm" now...which is probably just judgment on the church...all kinds of sexual perversion goes and is embraced.
...probably judgment on the church for not addressing other sexual sin.

News Item12/4/18 2:16 PM
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One may judge sin if they are not guilty of the same sin...i.e. removing the plank from one eye...
Someone who drinks alcohol has a beam in their eye if they try to take the speck out of another who uses toxins.
After the plank is removed from their eye, then they are in a position to address another's sin.
It's about not being a hypocrite.
It's not an issue of being perfectly sinless.

News Item12/4/18 12:03 PM
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A "yes" on "no" would have sufficed, Neil.
..must have hit a nerve.

News Item12/3/18 4:14 PM
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Do you know anything about Freemasonry?

News Item12/3/18 2:03 PM
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It is not for princes or is,however,for:

Proverbs 31: 6-8

6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.

7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Not a good group...
Now, I am wondering if smoking pot "in moderation" is acceptable too...
There can't be double standards.

News Item12/3/18 1:52 PM
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Neil...there's a world of difference between theory and fact.
It's not just about college antics.

News Item12/2/18 4:03 PM
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Wasn't he tight with the faux pa in Rome and with Billy Graham?
Wasn't he a high level mason?
Wasn't his wife into astrology?
In church today,he's remembered as a Christian but there is a picture of George Washington in the hall too...another high-ranking mason.
It's probably best not to elevate men. If they are saved,they will receive reward from the Lord.

News Item11/29/18 3:05 PM
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Proverbs 4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink:

5 Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.

6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.

7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Which part of this no longer applies?
We don't lose judgment any more?

They didn't dilute wine with many more parts water then?

And,everything is fine to put in our mouths to eat,drink or smoke then?
I know one thing, Christians who drink can't point the finger or blame others who use other drugs or intoxicants.
At the very least,they are hypocrites. At the most,they are poor examples.

News Item11/29/18 2:53 PM
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Nobody is twisting or coercing dark skinned mothers to abort. They do so because of their sinful nature just as fair skinned women.
Why is Jim the object of so much disdain?
He must be hitting a nerve?
We are new creatures in Christ. While we may not be sinless, we don't follow a pattern of sin as we did when we were lost. It goes against the desires of our new heart.

News Item11/29/18 10:17 AM
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Proverbs 31:4

How is this different from drinking coffee?
To understand the new wine, one must understand the blood of the new covenant.
Interesting how those who want to defend foolish things are blinded by the truth.

Why would fermented wine be a picture of that which is unleavened?

How does one glorify and give thanks to God with things that are intoxicating?
Why don't you just light up a doobie then? That will be next...not long down the road. Churches will be offering pot with the Word.

Do we not eat the bread with the common denominator of being in the covenant by his blood (the cup) every time we break His bread and proclaim His death?
I think that the focus of the natural supercedes and clouds that which was meant to be spiritual.
People will always have a way to defend their sins. ...Wine is still a mocker and strong drink is raging. Not to look upon the wine when it is red meant that it wasn't considerably diluted in a time of poor water purification. No one drinks it like that. What they do drink would be considered strong drink because of the alcohol content...even a glass of beer.

News Item11/28/18 6:10 PM
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Jesus was not a Nazarite; He was from Nazarene. is a mocker...pretty definitive.
I don't know many people who drink sweet dessert alcohol...
Again..the buzz,seems to be the draw.
In these discussions, I can see how many are deceived by it.
How many Christians have poor testimonies because they drink or smoke?
How many of their relatives or associates are negatively affected?
Then how does one who drinks try to witness to their associates or family members who are addicts?
The church is quickly becoming much like the world. The line of distinction is becoming narrower.

News Item11/28/18 2:33 PM
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The church of Corinth was not the example after which Christians would do well to follow.
For those who think that they are not a stumbling block by drinking out, you may want to consider if you are a stumbling block to your family when you drink in.
I often wondered if anyone would drink alcohol if it did not give them a buzz. I have never known of anyone to take their first drink of the stuff and say "yummy!". Everyone had to acquire a "taste" for it.
Further, how does one dance around "wine is a mocker"? If priests and kings were not to drink it, why would would the King of kings and those who are a royal priesthood?
btw...always seeing the ill effects of alcohol use at my apartment. I cringe when folidays come around and people have more time on their hands to imbibe.
Why would Christians want to contribute or partake of something that is so detrimental to society as a whole?

News Item11/28/18 11:24 AM
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But Frank...Christians are not to be stumbling blocks either.
It's difficult for a drinking "Christian" or Christian to avoid that.
And, culture, of course, is no standard as to what is Biblical.
I would venture to say that if it is mainstream and connected with revelry then it usually is no good at all.
And, if alcohol is fair game, why not every other intoxicant? That's why the country is going to pot.

News Item11/28/18 11:19 AM
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Juanita stated " I believe Trump is where he is for a reason - in order to "provoke" the sinful nation further into rebellion against God and all that is good and holy."

Yes,and we may know people by their fruits. Christians are not to be yoked with non-Christians (Roman Catholics,Jesuits and Masons,etc)

News Item11/28/18 10:37 AM
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Maybe the preceding verse would offer an explanation.

Job 1:5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

Wine is not always alcohol in the Bible, John...that Jesus turned water into wine is not to say that it was alcoholic.

Diligent study of the Word answers the question and culture nor opinion ever trumps that. Wine is a mocker. period...not can be..

News Item11/27/18 10:20 AM
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Yes, John UK...much easier and quicker.
There is a lot of science in the pure Word of God...even "the circle of the earth",for example, long before man figured out that the world wasn't flat.

News Item11/27/18 10:14 AM
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They are both on the same side and isn't it good public relations for onservatives and Christians,after all?
I would be more concerned about that which appears to support Christianity but is dark than that which is overtly dark.
In the end, even the very elect shall be deceived.

News Item11/27/18 10:05 AM
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Yes,B. McCausland,facts!

Christopher- it would appear that way any way but it isn't necessarily so.
Sometimes there is more to it than meets the eye.

News Item11/24/18 11:05 AM
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...lovers of themselves,boastful,proud,etc...

It's funny how the One who is supposed to be honored is done so with revelry,indulgence and waste...maybe a nominal prayer and entertaining church program.
I wonder how many people would still celebrate "christmas" if there were no gifts,festivity,sports or many idle days preceding and following the day.
Following after the way of a heathen may be done with "good" motives but it is still following thereafter no matter what it's called.

News Item11/23/18 3:27 PM
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Traditions die hard if they die at all...probably why we were warned to not follow them.
I think that your analogy is very poor, Plain. No one attaches Christ to a turkey sandwich. christmas, however, is very much connected with Roman Catholicism.If you are un-catholic, how would anyone know? You parrot their words, speaking of birds.
The world and Roman Catholics love christmas and so do you. They all love Jesus this time of the year?
No. They all serve other gods.
The problems with americans is that truth is subjective. No wonder there is so much confusion.
Going along with anything but what is true is a lie. You know for a fact that 12/25 is not recorded in the Bible as the birth of Christ.Our Father is not the father of lies nor should His children follow after satan.
The Word had no beginning.
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