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News Item5/3/07 5:50 PM
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I would agree to the qualification:
"Pragmatism in public policy is not a sin within the bounds of what God delegates to human gov't"
provided there was no additional implicit presumption of a de facto regulative principle of government.

Unless government does or requires something that the Bible clearly defines as sinful then we should obey our rulers. The injunction - we should obey God rather than man - requires there to be a demonstrable disobeying of God by the government.

In the example, the onus should be to prove that mandatory flouridation of water is harmful and damaging. Government would then be causing knowing or reckless injury to others. Only then would it be sin.

However, when churches and their leaders do or require any practice or doctrine or conduct that is not specifically required in the Bible they have sinned. There are no grey areas. The regulative principle has been given to the church in its specific sphere and not to governments and rulers.

Christ has given earthly government to depraved, pragmatic men. So we must obey these fallible men unless they require us to disobey Christ.

Christ requires government of His Church according to the mind of Christ. There are no grounds to use our depraved pragmatic minds to add to his rule.

News Item5/3/07 4:15 PM
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Pragmatism in public policy is not a sin.

Pragmatism in church order and worship, however, is an abomination and seeks to depose Christ as Head of the Church and substitute the mind of Christ with the minds of depraved men. It is the essence of antichrist.

News Item5/3/07 4:11 PM
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"free-market capitalism" - I've never seen such a thing in Jamestown, or elsewhere before or since.

Capitalists individually are rarely altuistic enough to advocate genuinely free markets (especially for labour).

Capitalists corporately as a group are, it is safe to say, never altruistic.

News Item5/2/07 7:16 PM
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Worth noting that the local Moslem emir's did not dare do that to the Christians in Baghdad under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

News Item4/27/07 7:39 PM
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"The Bible tells us we should count in all joy when we find ourselves in testing."

Where in the Bible does it say that, if I may ask a rhetorical question?

News Item4/27/07 7:36 PM
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From the socialist perspective you are no doubt right Lance. However, following his predecessor's line, I don't think Ratzinger has any intention of letting the Mohammedan hordes derail the United Christian (sic) Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals vision.

News Item4/27/07 6:14 PM
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All except "expositor",

"for it contains no teaching that distinctly is Christian."

James condemns the sin of partiality. By todays heretical and worldy standards, yes, that means he would not pass as a Christian. But then neither would his half-brother. They would probably seek to throw him off a cliff if he spoke up in the congregation.

News Item4/27/07 6:06 PM
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Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Then why did the judge appear to show partiality in the courtroom?
He allegedly "got a break from a judge after passing a Bible quiz" - the whole point of this news article?
Justice is blind - unless you can pass a bible quiz

"Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

News Item4/27/07 5:59 PM
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I wonder if the Moslem countries still want to join?

Another interesting story [URL=]]]today[/URL]

"At issue was a proposed law in Poland which would forbid "homosexual propaganda" in schools" - yes, Thatcher tried that once in Britain twenty years ago, and it was even passed into law for a time.

News Item4/27/07 5:54 PM
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I'm surprised Moslems would care about the translation since they claim that anything translated out of the Arabic ceases to be the Qu'ran.

....also a convenient way of denying the truth when called out on it, much like this news story in fact.

News Item4/27/07 5:51 PM
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I wonder if the Phelps family will be going?

News Item4/25/07 6:14 AM
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Not just any old "AN online subscription periodical."
But no less than,
"THE premium, online intelligence news source".

Amazing how they forgot to highlight they had already done it in Bosnia before Kosovo .... even less breaking of the news.

Real dog bites man stuff.

News Item4/23/07 5:55 PM
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They are not impeachers, it is a "non-binding resolution".

I'll let the Americans discuss their constitutional law.

However, please forgive me if I offended you. As an Englishman it was the reference to Henry VIII that caught my eye. The English Civil War of the 1640's and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 together put paid to the supposed divine right of Kings. They learnt it from the Bible. We can learn it from history (look up the fate of King Charles I) as well as from the Bible.

Neil - please tell us more about Dewey pragmatism.

News Item4/23/07 2:11 PM
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Yes ..... even those reformed people who believe in church-based training are setting up a lot of seminaries these days, which must be staffed up by "doctors" [URL=]]]proleptically or prochronically[/URL] to give them credibility.

Of course, nothing wrong in itself with robust academic education and it's certainly a lot better than church-based programmes where everything is dependent on the whim or opinion of one unaccountable man.
Which of course, also is a longterm downside for those who "graduate" from church based training - what value has an accreditation from your buddy got?

News Item4/23/07 12:14 PM
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"Ever heard of an impeachment of Henry Viii? Is Bush a bad guy? No!"

The Divine Right of Presidents being advocated on Sermonaudio.

I'd like to think I've heard it all now.

Maybe someone will be telling us next that it is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to follow due process of law?

News Item4/21/07 4:46 PM
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Alan H,

Thank you for your clarification.
“They ought to be treated in the same manner,” - agreed.
(I was already agreed with the rest of your 1st post.)

I evidently was picking up on something that you did not intend to convey in your final sentence. I have seen wicked partiality first hand, and did not wish to see the door left open to it.

I watched a pastor and his deacon cohorts agree together that there were no grounds to exercise church discipline against someone but then conspire to set out to ‘meet’ with him and demand his resignation - “make no mistake – you’re leaving”. They completely lost sight of their calling in Christ and themselves fell into perilous sin that demanded their repentance, removal from office and excommunication (as they were proven impenitent when called to account).

To then hear the majority of church members at a church meeting when you present your written testimony support sinful partial comments like:
-“This is weird! You are not [Victim’s name]. We love you”
-“Have you any idea how long we have been trying to get rid of him.”
you see the gathered "church" become partakers of this sin. Then it is time to flee - as one-third of the church did, in godly manner separating themselves from an iniquitous troop of robbers.

News Item4/21/07 5:27 AM
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I stand corrected by passage of time, it's not quite worth even 50p anymore.

News Item4/21/07 4:23 AM
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"I think I have isolated the source of my major disagreement with folks on these issues and I think it stems from our definition of the word “dominion”. "

I agree that that is very close to the hub of the issue here. Personally, I would fine tune that comment to the keywords "dominion mandate".

Perhaps I'm being semantic, but to me dominion is a biblical word that speaks primarily to our duty to obey God.
Mandate is not in this context a biblical word and (from what I see) tends to be used as a theological justification for mankind's perceived "rights" in addition to our dominion duties.

I see the Bible expresses itself more in terms of the duties and privileges that God gives all of us (rich and poor) rather than our rights.
But I'm sure I've been inconsistent in that in my postings and from time to time talked about rights.

btw, another key issue for me is that I don't see any biblical justification for the "incorporation" of businesses. To hide the actions of business owners behind a corporate veil enables them to avoid responsibility for their actions and the actions of their workers. All the criticisms and alleged incompetencies of governments can also ascribed to the veil of incorporation.

News Item4/21/07 3:21 AM
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Alan H,

"I think that it is important to remember that church discipline is to restore a wayward believer, not openly wicked and profane persons."

No. This is not a biblical distinction. The only biblical distinction we can make is between church members and non-church members, those within and without.

"For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person."

Church discipline is to be exercised against all unrepentant erring MEMBERS without partiality.

How would you determine if a church MEMBER is your "wayward believer" or the Bible's "that wicked person"?

God's ordained means for the unrepentant within is the exercise of biblical church discipline to bring them to repentance.

Many a church member has repented and not required church discipline.
Many a church member has been perceived by men to be wicked for a season, but through the exercise of biblical church discipline in His time the Lord has shown that He knows them that are His and restores them.

Any other action offers no hope of restoration, betrays the gospel, violates the Bible and is SIN.

News Item4/20/07 5:05 AM
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Interesting article - thank you sermonaudio - I was struck by the following:-

"The goals of church discipline are "the glory of God," "to purge the church and preserve it from infection," to clear the church of immorality and false doctrines and "the good of persons excommunicated," the document says."

Oh that the certain modern supposedly confessional baptist churches would repent of their sins of simply using excommunication (and unbiblical versions thereof achieved by plain and simple bullying) as church punishment and church vengeance!
Oh that they would see the glory of God and the blessings and privilege that true biblical church discipline is for church members!

"Many excommunicated members maintained their piety and were eventually restored to church membership, he wrote, noting that Baptists followed the process outlined in Matthew 18 for church discipline."

Oh that certain modern churches would see that this is the true aim of church discipline!
Anything designed with no hope of restoration is SIN on the part of the elders, deacons and the church.

Away with bullying! and unbiblical charges!
Away with wicked and unrepentant "pastors" from our pulpits!
May they repent and be restored to membership.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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