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News Item12/14/18 1:39 PM
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Any Christian who wants to celebrate christmas has no room to take the faux pa to task on any matter.
Purim is not analagous. They did not use a pagan festival and then join God to the mix. This is what Aaron was guilty of when he wanted to set a feast day apart for the LORD with the golden calf.
The Word had no beginning so it is very unlikely that we will be celebrating His Incarnation as "christmas" in Heaven.
And...did it ever occur to people familiar with the Bible why God was so detail oriented with the feasts and celebrations of the Israelites but yet with an event that would surpass them, He doesn't even give a date or ever hear of His apostles or disciples paying annual homage?
How does one attach a birth date to One who is Eternal?

News Item12/14/18 11:57 AM
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DT- yes, I will and without parroting "merry christmas".

News Item12/14/18 10:12 AM
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...not sure where you get that people were observing the birth of the Lord before the Roman Catholics instituted "christmas", Unprofitable. Obviously,if we just use Scripture, while we find the event taking place, we never see an ANNUAL celebration of it. If this was so important, God would not only have given instances of the annual or regular observance of it as we see with every Feast and passover but He would have given us a specific day as well.
Since the Word had no beginning, it is rather foolish that we adopt a day for His incarnation, especially from the RCs.
The irony here is the news item regarding the faux pa thinking that he has the authority to change the Word of God while Christians take the Roman Catholic's authority for celebrating "christmas".
Atheists must be shaking their heads.

News Item12/14/18 9:44 AM
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The atheists are correct. It's time for the Christians to get a reality check.
christmas is just a roman catholicized version of the pagan celebration.
We would have more credibility this time of the year in reaching the lost if we would abandon the partial truths and just stick with the unadulterated Gospel- a message that needs no season to be heard.

News Item12/12/18 2:40 PM
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christmas was instituted by the RCs which they took from the saturnalia, pagan festivities. If you don't want to accept that, even though it's easy enough to check out, you cannot deny what "christmas" is to the RCs, nor can you deny that the early Christians in America did not celebrate it because of it's RC origins.
To say that it's comparable to wearing ties is very poor reasoning. That there is no warrant for it wanes in comparison to the grave error of "christianizing" it. Witches and demons laugh at us.
You should be quite comfortable in this society as it spirals even further downward where most all things are "subjective" and absolutes are rejected.
"christmas" is indeed a very appropriate judgment on those of us who lean towards compromise to satisfy our own desires.
Using the name of God in vain and trite expressions is no small matter.

News Item12/12/18 1:41 PM
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So now we're being told that Christians celebrated "christmas" before the Roman Catholics coined the term "christmas".
Oddly enough, the earlier Christians wouldn't have anything to do with the "pope's massing day" and if the Roman Catholics had not instituted it, we would not be partaking today. That's a fact, historically, as well.
The crux of the problem is "christmas" like the rainbow is one of those "subjective" subjects. Christians want to defend going along with "christmas" because of what it means to them. The sodomites "hijacked" the rainbow. Therein lies the problem.
christmas is a roman catholic invention and the rainbow is still representative of God's promise.
Christians need to decide if they will be like the sodomites and use that which means something entirely different for the RCs and attach their own subjective ideals to it or leave it alone.
Bottom line is while Christians may have liberty to "eat of that which is sacrificed to false gods", they are not at liberty to attach Christ to it to "christianize" it like Aaron did with the golden calf.
Saying "merry christmas" is an idle expression. We do not take His name in vain and we do not wish godspeed to just anyone even if we think that the expression is "good".

News Item12/11/18 3:26 PM
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John, if it is a misrepresentation of is.
And,of course,it is.

News Item12/11/18 3:22 PM
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Esteeming a day does not include man made holy ones and definitely not in the manner of partial truth.
One walking down the street seeing a tree in houses would accurately guess that they belong to Roman Catholics,witches,heathens or compromising Christians though.
Ultimately, we would disagree on what the Bible says is acceptable worship. Why it's hard to get the partial lie of it is beyond reason. Spirit and truth. period.
It's a scary time to live in. Everything is getting under the control of mainstream media and there is becoming a finer and finer line of distinction between the pagan and the Christian.
Both groups pretty much do what they will do. Who were the examples of profane worship and unacceptable worship in the Bible for? Apparently, not us.
...which beckons the question...why would a lost world want to know our God? He can be "represented" in a tree, hung on a crucifix..perpetually or be stuck in a manger at the annual naivete scene.

News Item12/11/18 1:39 PM
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Unprofitable, that Christ was incarnated is part of the really are crossing the line when you want to use the word "christmas" for His birth which the Apostles did not do. They didn't even celebrate "easter". They did glory in the cross and proclaimed his death as they were so told.
The early Christians absolutely did not celebrate "christmas". Someone could be fined for partaking of the heathen feasting and pope's massing day. one can make up a holy day.
One only has liberty as to which day they care to set apart to worship but,obviously, no one has the authority to institute a holy day that God has not warranted. At the very least, it's a lie as far as the date. We are to worship in spirit and truth, not partial truth.
Partial truth is a lie and even the lost people know that much...which,ultimately,does to the One who is supposed to be honored.
Of course, the lost people who would be drawn to this would be those who like a more buffet kind of Christianity. It just matters how one feels or long they mean well.

News Item12/11/18 11:53 AM
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...which begs the question...why didn't the apostles ever celebrate it? Why didn't the Christians before it was instituted by Rome?
christmas is not a holy day. God did not authorize it or warrant it and man, least of all, the vatican, has the right or authority to set a holy day.
Sola Scriptura... vain tradition is of no merit.
The conversation continues because it is never resolved. People think they have liberty where they do not. The answer is clear when one looks in the Bible. We do not have the liberty to fuse the profane with that which is holy even if it is in the right "spirit"...which, by the way, is a "magical one" according to a local Pastor...this was sad to hear but he is caught up in it and it is is a "magical one". This is syncretism.
Hark! the herald angels aren't singing "Glory to the new born King!"..they are adoring the One who came to bring a sword and not peace.

News Item12/11/18 10:17 AM
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Commercialism and deception go hand in hand.
Do Christians really think that people are most receptive to hearing because of a so called "holy day" instituted by the Roman Catholics? What in the world do we do then the rest of the year?
Those pointing people to the truth without the help of a "christmas" tree to do it, sticking with the whole truth is never in vain.
Maybe Christians could try to dump this RC high holy day and just be straight with people. Lost people do know or can easily find out where "christmas" comes from, especially if they have any connection with Roman Catholicism.
This is the one time of the year that Christians actually become Roman Catholic and worldly in their vain traditions,sadly, dragging Christ through it. The date does matter and if you think that it's immaterial, consider that you have attached God to that which was meant for other gods and still is.
It's all about the idols laid under the tree in the name of Christ. Really?
Syncretism anyone?

News Item12/10/18 10:19 AM
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4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:

Emaciated images of "jesus" hanging on a crucifix, lying in a manger or represented in a "redeemed" tree are all abominable.

News Item12/7/18 2:41 PM
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Psalms 101:3

“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.”

There are many verses in the Bible that deal with pornography and the like.
Even Job made a covenant with his eyes.
Of course,this is a huge problem that gets little attention.
It is no wonder that many men do not want to marry or have normal relationships. It's also no wonder that there is a big market for male enhancement products.
People who get bound up in porn have a much more difficult time functioning properly.

News Item12/6/18 3:27 PM
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Hardly racist...look at 'em- green,red,purple,orange,yellow-quite a variety

News Item12/6/18 1:25 PM
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It's easy when one goes straight to the source to make a case.
When asked what he saw when looking into the eyes of "pope" benedict, Bush stated that he saw "God".
Kavanaugh,a proud Jesuit,of course, cited his trip with Bush to see the pope as a high point.
And the present faux pa has commended Bush to the Lord.

News Item12/6/18 12:05 PM
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What is no secret and perhaps more disturbing, Neil, is that GHW was very tight with the vatican. Can someone be a Christian and embrace Rome and its faux pas? ... only in extreme ignorance
The present faux pa has "commended" Bush to the Lord. Sadly, he thinks that it is in his power to do such. Lord help the Roman Catholics come out of this deception.

News Item12/5/18 2:56 PM
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Unprofitable, I know no one who needs alcohol for medicinal purposes and I certainly don't know of any who drinks alcohol to that end.
Drugs and alcohol both impair ones judgment and sobriety.
Food and exercise do not. where in the Bible does it say that the wine at Passover was alcohol. It could just as easily have been, and more likely than not, juice.
Pastor Andy... who alcohol was for:

Proverbs 31: 6-8

6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.

7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Not a good group...those appointed to destruction or dying...of course,I believe there are anesthetics for the sick group today.
Curious how people can stand the taste of the wine at your communion. It would make me want to gag...and then they have alcohol on their breath coming from church. ..could be a big draw for many, I suppose.
RE: communion “I am the bread of life” and “It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life”
the physical wafer and cup are very secondary we feed on Him..His Word because of His new c

News Item12/5/18 2:39 PM
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Freemasons are ecumenical and have a "worshipful master" to which they bow.
A Christian freemason is an oxymoron.
Jim, I am not interested in who better qualified for the Presidential office. God sets up leaders and we get what we deserve.
Those who think they have power are deceived. God merely uses them to accomplish His plans.

News Item12/5/18 10:56 AM
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There is a big difference between food,exercise and controlling substances like drugs and alcohol.
Drugs and alcohol are in the same category.
When did that change?

News Item12/5/18 10:52 AM
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Truth can be annoying like that.
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