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Survey6/1/07 2:35 AM
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Any other sources for the concern over stage plays and acting other than Baxter (presumably in his Directory)?

Imported bears only btw.

News Item5/30/07 4:13 AM
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"Watch the show and then tell me you would have no concerns.
Don't forget the BBC and this new labour government are all out to promote the homosexual agenda. "

Brilliant and hilarious - I have never thought of blaming Blair and his outgoing "New Labour" for the Teletubbies!

Of course by the same token, it was actually the female impersonator Jesuit priest Margaret Thatcher who secretly plotted and orchestrated this homosexual Teletubbies propaganda in the mid-80's whilst operating under the cloak of the supposed anti-homosexual propaganda Clause 29.
Remember his famous handbag?
Note the similarity with Tinky-Winky

Note well - "Polish Education Minister Roman Giertych has proposed laws sacking teachers who promote "homosexual lifestyle" and banning "homo-agitation" in schools." Clause 29, Thatcher and Tinky-Winky all over again, I kid you not.

News Item5/17/07 7:52 PM
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"The country joins only a handful of European nations to legislate against the use of unreasonable force in disciplining children."

Nonsense! Unreasonable force has always been illegal.

What this legislation is seeking to do is make "reasonable force" illegal by withdrawing its use as a statutory legal defence against unjust charges. It is the legislation (and reporting) that is unreasonable and without reason.

News Item5/16/07 1:27 PM
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"It is congregational lack of love for justice, not merely pastoral weakness (for we are all sinners), that I censure here."

It's also congregational lack of love for the pastor too that requires censure, for it is sinful. To foster, nourish and promote sin in pastors is to hate both the souls of pastors and the congregation's own souls too.

Whilst being in opposition to Falwell's politics and his gross Arminian theology, I know of no reason to reproach this man for his personal or pastoral conduct and we should be at pains not to allow the implication of such without hard evidence. I do believe the Lord is usually pleased to reveal the sins of manipulation and backstabbing where it exists - often by confounding the very tricks of deceitful plotters and turning those to expose their wicked deeds.

The sins you speak of are deep-seated and not necessarily just the domain of the prominent (or obscure) preachers. I know you know this as I think you have made similar impartial observations before regarding financial impropriety - it's not just a concern for the mega-ministries and the mega-churches but affects all classes of men without distinction.

News Item5/15/07 2:28 AM
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On that same basis it also matters little what the supposed Faithful Remnant believes, being a man with his own fallible ideas.

News Item5/11/07 8:48 PM
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It's nothing that hasn't been done before.

Robert Maxwell made a great play about his children making their own way without the benefit of an inheritance.

Of course, he managed to achieve this in more ways than one. "After his death investigators discovered that Maxwell had propped up his empire by diverting hundreds of millions of pounds from pension funds and other sources. It was a major financial fiasco, and Maxwell's empire was dissolved and sold off in the following years."

Strangely, his many children still seemed to do quite well for themselves from what I can recall.

News Item5/11/07 8:37 PM
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I had wondered why you had said you were banned for three months as it was clearly contradicted by your posting history.

Now it sort of makes sense. Membership has its privileges.

News Item5/11/07 1:05 AM
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"And what I had in mind had nothing to do with imminent (sic) domain but the supposed ‘right’ of a lazy slug to help himself to the hard-earned goods of his neighbor because of this communist “universal destination of goods” concept."

Lance, Dan is interpreting those paragraphs of the Catechism of the CC according to what he wants them to mean, not according to what they mean.

News Item5/10/07 12:33 PM
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....of course one of the claimed reasons for why Paisley went into this alliance with Sinn Fein IRA was precisely because, despite his democratic mandate, he had no 'meaningful political influence' to stop the joint British-Irish deal-making.

News Item5/9/07 5:22 AM
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That's a church you couldn't pay me to go to.

News Item5/8/07 9:22 PM
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"Some languages are in my opinion much more adept than English in using precision of thought. "
"Anything beyond Indo-European languages?"

.... The Finno-Ugric languages perhaps?

News Item5/8/07 9:15 PM
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Excellent points Neil and Bravo.

For clarity I should add that I was not seeking to imply that English was a "higher" form of language.

Given that most of the half million aboriginals are fluent in English, I was simply seeking to gently draw out one of the other aspects to expositorsic's comment .

Of course, if I accurately described that aspect of expositorsic's comment as a part of the belief system that it represented my post would be deleted. So I can't.

News Item5/8/07 5:44 PM
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How is it possible?

Perhaps they speak and understand English.

News Item5/8/07 4:17 AM
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Well, today is the 8th May and GG can have lots of sport with IP today no doubt.

News Item5/7/07 3:18 PM
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All books of the Bible share a common author.

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

News Item5/7/07 3:13 PM
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What a nauseating fact!

News Item5/6/07 5:25 PM
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..... and how many supposedly biblical, suposedly conservative churches have women leading the church in prayer at the prayer meeting?

News Item5/6/07 4:51 AM
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This is simply a PR piece, not news or journalism.

""Based on statistics, there is a 70-to-80 percent chance that a [Christian] child will abandon the church and their faith in a public school career," Moore told WND."

Really? No statistical source is quoted. Exodus Mandate have their own agenda and bias. We should treat statistics (sic) that are thrown around without any backup with grave suspicion.

""We think probably 75 percent of the Christian churches could provide, and have the financial resources to provide, a Christian education for children, if they saw it as a necessity," said Moore, who has endorsed a move building among Southern Baptist churches to do just that. "

So now that the churches (SBC included) have perfected lowest common denominator Christianity, we want them to use that same mediocrity and compromised beliefs to "to provide, a Christian education for children". What will stop this being lowest common denominator Christian education?

Well over 3 in 4 Christian churches shouldn't be touched with a barge pole.

News Item5/4/07 4:25 AM
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Worth noting that this is "the FIRST time to place it on a watch list of countries where worship is under severe threat."

It was never deemed necessary under the rule of Saddam Hussein - even when marked out as an enemy after 1990.

May God be with and help the believing Christian community in Iraq in the midst of this cauldron being whipped up from outside.

A cauldron first whipped up by illegal foreign military invasion itself and then by the influx of Al Qaeda and Shiite terrorists under the noses of the occupying powers in breach of their duties under international law.

News Item5/4/07 3:52 AM
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Thanks Neil, of course I would not hold that an ethical Christian politician need hold simply to a defend the borders/punish the evildoer/praise those who do good regulative principle of government. A Christian politician should obey and uphold the law of God.

Wayne - as you would expect, I would pay heed to evidence of medical harm. I think there are circumstances in which almost all of us would agree to compulsory medication for some. A family I know was once compelled to compulsory hospital quarantine by the government, and in my view it was the right thing to do.

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