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News Item2/1/15 10:31 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the feminine god spirit, shekinah, is now being tossed around in SBC circles.

folks, better look up the kabbalah, and Talmudic teachings of Christ. this movement didn't just come out of nowhere.

News Item1/31/15 10:23 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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of course the journalists that are no longer with us are not mentioned.... breitbart, hastings comes to mind.

News Item1/29/15 1:35 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
where did the Afghanies get their weapons?
Brother, I'm answering your question here...

It appears that AQ was created by the CIA for a covert battle with the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, see Brezinski, see pictures with Reagan

one minute clip: "Zbigniew Brzezinski Taliban Pakistan Afghanistan pep talk 1979"

and his book:

"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives"

to him the world is a chessboard, a global conquest and his efforts are for acquisition of pipelines and resources and to keep dominance of the world over Eurasia.

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government" Brzezinski

HClinton admits AQ Created by US for Soviets:

News Item1/28/15 11:23 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised that it's the same percentage in the U.S. [URL=]]]Auschwitz remembered 70 years after liberation[/URL]
I thought you were for common core and the erasing of western history and identity?

News Item1/24/15 10:34 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Unprofitable Servant, if you believe something different than the interviews of the CIA and generals and such that researched this, if you want to believe the better that they are conspiring to lie here and that the Republicans aren't set to bury the information, then feel free to post and defend it. To ask me to give remedy to what you deny is just silly, I've tried to graciously drop this question, but why would I engage in a solution with someone who doesn't demonstrate knowledge of the subject nor the desire to dig deeper into it? let's not bring the personal into this and stick to the topic! Again, the "antiIsrael" requires me to defend myself, which again is silly because WND tends to be Zionistic.

News Item1/23/15 2:43 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Unprofitable Servant, have you even read the article to this topic yet?

Source: WND, above article

"The Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi’s interim report, in a paragraph titled 'Changing sides in the War on Terror,' alleges 'the U.S. was fully aware of and facilitating the delivery of weapons to the Al Qaeda-dominated rebel militias throughout the 2011 rebellion.'”

I'm just wondering what the confusion is.

News Item1/22/15 9:19 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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faithful to his neocon cause, I'm not impressed.

one side says the religion is peace, the other blames wide swaths of humanity, when everyone on SA or most anyone who pays attention to news KNOWS that US, Saudi, Israel, Turkey and others commonly fund jihadists?? by creating a false "enemy", both sides avoid the topic of responsibility which have led their society into a new dark ages. (a dark ages that has kept the people in the dark leading them to a heavy handed tyranny using Islm/kabbal male female god/global warming scam, whatever it can to keep moving the wealth into the hands of an oligarch).

News Item1/20/15 9:28 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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s c wrote:
Now, most women have to work to make ends meet
y'll, I know men who've done it all right and they can't get work and then homeschool the kids while the mom works, because otherwise they don't eat!

lots of odd stories these days because here in the west, despite the fake propaganda on tv, there is a serious lack of work for americans.

yes, men and women are sinning against each other and there is a lack of respect for marriage, and the kindly single mother who chimed in also has added her own experience of having to work and expected to work by other men.

the reality now is that very few can fit the traditional model because the model is not couched in a greater agrarian model. our economy is a highly controlled centralized oligarchy system in which people are seen as individuals and their part in the greater state, not as independent families.

in other words, the "haves" in our mainstream churches, that is those who had jobs, had stability, lived in a time where they had a choice could be a hand of mercy to those who are young and in the midst of a system that undermines parenting at every turn (see bathroom rules where men can walk into a girl's bathroom and vice versa) -- so Christians need to be a support to each other.

News Item1/19/15 9:40 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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News Item1/17/15 10:24 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John 3:16 the teacher of the law came to Jesus and Jesus tells him He is the Savior to the Jews and also to the world. "you must be born again" This is not a salvation from Rome but eternal salvation from sin!! Who can fathom a Heavenly Father that loves His children to this degree? The Prodigal Son returned but his brother did not receive him, was jealous for his own inheritance.

But God has been generous with us, saying the fields are ripe. He calls out those that He has chosen to go and proclaim the good news, how will they know if they do not hear? So blessed are the feet of those who bring the good news.

Mr. Hranek, when you bring the good news, your feet are blessed, I guess that means you are blessed!

News Item1/16/15 9:45 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Dolores wrote:
Not any scandel that I have heard, my pastor stands in support of them.
Dolores, have you heard what Mr. Billy Graham said at the Crystal Cathedral concerning salvation? Are you familiar with their Unitarian beliefs? I'm just wondering, most pastors I know will not speak of most anything controversial at the pulpit, have even had elders speak to the family about how if they had to do it over again they wouldn't have been so silent. of course, I'm always thinking there's nothing like "now" to set things straight. however.... once one's church is filled up with the warren-ites, the moment the moment of truth comes they'll be squirming in those pews.... good pastor get ready to move on. that is why I believe the Lord has given me a burden to pray for the remnant and men of God who are our teachers.

News Item1/15/15 10:18 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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SteveR wrote:
Ever been to a country where that call goes out at 4:30 am every morning? Its ghastly
yes, have had loved ones. and it does seem ghastly. what a clueless bunch there at Duke University.

News Item1/14/15 9:20 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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SteveR wrote:
Do people even realize the Paris killers were fighting on 'our side' against Assad in Syria? We are training and arming people like this
nor the fact that France had just come out in support of Pal's. kind of annoying when facts don't pan out with one's preferred storyline.

News Item1/14/15 8:59 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the gay agenda is not an ends in itself, but a means with the help of Hollywood, and all other forms of occultism to silence the Christian message and the consolidation of powers... it causes the demoralization of society, and if one doesn't see it, start talking to young people about same sex molesting going on, etc, the Pandora's box of abuse has been opened on the land. with the vacuous moral weakness of a people, they cannot rule themselves (under God) and therefore follows cabal/noahide or sharia. since 501c3 pastors are not to speak of political things related to legislation, this should not be a problem either.

but sarcasm off, always in prayer for the remnant.

News Item1/12/15 12:00 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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no sovereignty, do you think the civil magistrates prefer that good men do nothing and they show up to a bloodbath that could've been avoided?? ask them! many laws in fact back this up. do you know your own laws? if you did you should honor and obey your laws and if the law says that a man can protect the innocent in his home, then he should follow the law. maybe you are just a law breaker because you do not respect the law of the land?

News Item1/12/15 9:45 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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and what if we had real journalism that traced funding to the same groups funding McCain's freedom fighters, and the genocide of Christians in Syr/Irq what would we think then?

News Item1/10/15 11:04 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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ladybug wrote:
I recommend you watch it before you start with your accusations.
ah ladies, can we have a conversation without it turning divisive? Cody (he, she?) disagrees on a point and considers you a fellow believer to ask questions. That is compliment to both of you. Ladybug, thanks for the link, indeed the music industry tells a story that is far more occultic than we often want to admit. I have taken the time to see some recent videos, a few moments is enough, there are satanic rituals going on.

I don't know enough about the gentleman to say if he was compromising or witnessing. I know I've been in some dark places to witness of Christ.

News Item1/8/15 3:38 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Cezar, did they have paid actors there at the scene this time? all this craziness, where you have so many organizations out there, powers, and they give lame stories (that contradict, proven wrong and the public bases their understanding on it) about free agents doing their own thing.... always times perfectly for this or that legislation. the question I often ask is how gullible can people be? as for this attack, I haven't a clue, but looking at the footage of some of the others, ridiculous!! sad to see bloodshed anywhere.

News Item1/5/15 5:17 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Dolores wrote:
My husband said they went on about how big and plump those chickens were.
great story, there are humane ways to raise animals and they are healthier, and so are we then, we reap what we sow!

if you have the time you might be interested in seeing this:

"FRONTLINE investigates the widespread use of antibiotics in food animals and whether it is fueling the growing crisis of antibiotic resistance in people. Plus an exclusive interview with the family of a young man who died in a superbug outbreak that swept through a hospital at the National Institutes of Health."

the food supply is critical to health. even the darwinists know that. as the abortionist said to me, "they'll be moved to cities, put on gm's and then chronically sick and on meds" -- is that really want we want?

News Item12/23/14 1:51 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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solutions wrote:
propaganda folks.
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