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News Item3/12/09 3:35 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Agreed that God judges the nations. Modern day foretellers are false.
It is ironic that the news had it that a general unrest concerning taxes was simmering and a possible tax revolt was in the making and all of a sudden a reemergence of Mr. Wilkersons prophecy some 17 years later.

News Item3/12/09 4:45 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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comments, has an excellent article on Mr. Wilkerson. They show how he gave this prophecy 17 YEARS AGO. He said that there would be race riots in N.Y.C. with over 100,000 angry men in the streets because of welfare cutbacks. Oh yeah, the Feds. would restore order with tanks running to and fro., inquisitively asks that since he mentioned that the Holy Spirit told him to take a 30 day supply and that this would be soon - then from when would this soon begin? This so-called "soon" was back in 1992!, check it out.

News Item3/11/09 4:03 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Sorry, but this "so-called" prophecy is supposed to begin in N.Y.C. not Australia.
Biblical prophecy is always 100% accurate and very specific. There is no need for special foretelling prophets today.

Hebrews 1:1,2

News Item3/8/09 11:39 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Fuzzy Logic,

It is iteresting to note that there are occasional "anti-calvinist" feelings who may have never read his Institutes and therefore may actually be more "Calvinist" than Calvin was.

Job 42:2

Survey2/28/09 5:04 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Wow! All four are superb. But my all-time favorite is Bunyan's "Pilgrims Progress". Every time I read it I am astounded. I have used it for family devotions along with Scripture showing the correlation. Bunyan did indeed bleed Holy Writ. Bunyans biography is just as incredible. BTW Spurgeon read P.P. over 100 times. If only Christian families began reading some of the wholesome Christian classics today that have stood the test of time. I believe that Bunyans was the first allegory??? I have never read anything that surpassed it(outside of Scripture, of course)!

News Item2/27/09 5:09 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Five Points,

Not only did the national debt INCREASE at the end of every "fiscal year" that President Clinton was in office but Mr. Clinton subsequently did not leave President Bush with a surplus. Leftist, Socialist media political slants that has brainwashed not only Americans but most of the world. No wonder our newspapers are floundering.

News Item2/26/09 3:52 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! Mr. Baker looks like a good read. I'll have to give him a go when I find the time. Conflict of and self interests seem to be in preponderence no matter who the political party is that is in control. His point that the conservatives are not for limited government either seems justified by the recent Bush administration.
Have you read, Larry Burkett's, "The Coming Great Economic Collapse"? He predicted this whole matter, including the huge government bailout OVER 20 YEARS AGO! As you may be already aware he was a Christian Financial expert(went to be with the Lord a few years ago).

News Item2/18/09 4:57 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Scott, you are correct concerning the blatant media bias and Jim, you are correct also with the false gospel of Rev. Schuller descendants.

A great book concerning media bias is,
"Journalistic Fraud, How the New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted", by Bob Kohn, WND Books.

Chapter 3,"Distorting the Lead" begins with:

I have six honest serving men;
They taught me all I knew;
Their names are Where and What and When;
And How and Why and Who.
--- Rudyard Kipling

Mr. Kohn, states that the straight, factual reporting which made the Times famous(used to be his favorite newpaper) is now controlled by a liberal management that blatantly slants the reporting with a pro-left political position.

An example of how the times manipulates the who for its leftward political bias:

"Emphasize the Who if

1. the Who is a Republican and the What
is bad news, or

2. the Who is a Democrat and the What is
good news.

Mr. Kohn, has no political axe to grind
as he simply state a multitude of examples concerning these issues. A must read considering the syndicated influence of the Times in our world

Survey2/12/09 11:37 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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There is an absolute, unchanged free will that all believers are born-again by:

"In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the Word of truth, so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures."
James 1:18

Don't forget to go onto Chapter 6.

We have no problem with that verse as it is clear that God must change the heart(of which the will is a part).

You have a problem when God gives us an "explicit" statement regarding salvation and man's spiritually deadened will:

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." JOHN 1:12

"who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." JOHN 1:13

Mike, you stress verse 12 with receive and ignore verse 13, while we harmonize and respect both even though we cannot totally reconcile all that is contained in this doctrine(finite minds)we must accept it because it is Biblical.

Have a grace day!

News Item2/12/09 11:01 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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For those interested, you can check this out in A.T.Robertson's Word Studies.


News Item2/12/09 4:08 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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So, Americans stood idly by against huge moral evil because ...... you were so peace loving, wise and godly?

News Item2/11/09 4:20 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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"Israel My Glory",(irregardless of your eschatology views) the magazine from, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc.,
has an article(Jan./Feb., 2007)with an excerpt from the book, "Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein", by Georges Sada, 2006.

General Georges Sada, one of Saddam's top(and most trusted because he was a Christian and would always tell the truth)military advisors tells of Iraq's enormous stash of WMD's into Syria.

News Item2/11/09 4:33 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Finally! Common sense on the other side of the fence. Except, the pain will not just be prolonged but crippling. Although only the Lord knows when this will happen a depression is our future. Hyper-inflation is imminent.
Wisdom here could be ownership.

Survey2/10/09 5:14 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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"I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who CALLED YOU BY THE GRACE OF CHRIST , for a different gospel;
Galatians 1:6

"All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one sho comes to Me I will certainly not cast out."
John 6:37

"And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day."
John 6:39

"No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."
John 6:44

"It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be taught of God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me."
John 6:45

"And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father."
John 6:65

"But you do not believe, because you are not of my sheep."
John 10:26

Sincerely to all the brethren,
Have a grace day!

Survey2/8/09 2:29 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! Rome, claims a lot and they could claim you and I in our Romish pre-salvation days also if it would seem to benefit them.
JY's profession is not analogous to J.Calvin's in that unlike JY, Mr. Calvin came out of the church of Rome and spent his remaining years reproving her.

News Item2/8/09 12:06 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Corruption aside(many but not all are completely unscrupulous)the difference between the political conservatives and the likes of T.Kennedy, the Clintons, Pres. Obama,, is blantant perk hypocrisy. "Unlike" the conservatives of times past, Pres. Obama has repeatedly referred to the C.E.O.'s as the problem because of their greed(corporate jets). This is ridiculous as both the Pres. of the U.S. and CEO's do this of necessity though both may downsize some. He has also incredibly stated that to oppose their oppresive governmental tax increses is to identify yourself with the shameful title of selfish.
Incidentally, I believe that our present unperfect system has fared fairly well considering the top post of the most powerful nation in the world was making only $200,000 for quite a while. Probably, the present figure of $400,000 may be a bit high but is not totally unreasonable(although in the beginning the volunteerism and minimal salaries combined with Biblical principles were a bit more conducive to a truer model of public servanthood.)

News Item2/7/09 11:10 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Mr. Schneider: there is quite a difference between a journalist masquerading under the guise of straight objectivity who though speaking to conservatives every day, also happens to speak with the SAME highly influential socialists on a daily basis.
Mr. Bozell: journalistic ethics may be non-existent today. Hopefully, Christian parents are training their children in the area of critical thinking.
This is a major U.S. media outlet - no big surprise here.

News Item2/6/09 3:43 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The entire U.S. government is corrupt. The socialist press will report the left scandals as minor or simply let it quickly fade into the horizon.

John MacArthur has a good book on the governments inability to save us but if you are looking for a little good information on the liberal political hypocrisy, there is Peter Schweizer's book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do)."

Just one little glitch.
Poor people may be in debt.
And though I am rich.
Unpaid taxes, I simply regret.

Tax the "rich"!
Tis not greed - I ask?
Tax the "rich"!
The rich bellow through their mask.

The greedy arrogantly fly jets.
The maskers simply have them as pets.

News Item2/4/09 4:30 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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May the Lord bless you richly. In fact He already has with contentment and trust.
It dumbfounds me why more brothers and sisters in the Lord do not take this stand. Maybe there is simply silence because of a hidden fear that they do not have the knowledge in particular subject matter and there seems to be so many "renaissance-types" posting with incredible knowledge in a variety of subjects. I am not sure but I am sure that more probably do exist.

JOB 42:2

News Item1/24/09 11:21 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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For our President:

-pray, yes.

-reprove his condoning of evil, yes.

-warn others, yes.

Is it proper for me as a Christian to consider voting for a man who approves of and "actively" promotes such abominable evils?

Romans 1

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