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News Item11/14/07 8:40 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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The Real Danger
The real danger is not Chinese subs popping up in the middle of American fleets. The real danger is that America is several trillion dollars in debt to the Chinese. The Chinese are already moving away from the dollar as an investment (the dollar has plumeted in the world's markets in the last year) and are investing in the Euro etc.

If China choses to destroy America, it doesn't have to go to war. All it has to do is foreclose and Americal will be economically destroyed. You will loose your job and your home.

The Iraq war isn't just destroying Iraq (100,000 civilians have died since we invaded), it is also destroying America because it it being funded by foreign debt and by printing money.

The more money the Fed prints, the more worthless the dollar becomes. Wealth transfers from your savings to the Military Industrial Complex and George Bush's cronies. You are being robbed and you don't even know it.

Vote Ron Paul. He is the only politician who can get us all out of this mess.

News Item11/13/07 5:31 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate that has the courage to speak out against this evil. Pray for him. The more support he gets, the greater danger he'll be in. Do what you can to support him. He's the only one who can stop the rot.

He's also the only candidate that understands that the Federal Reserve is responsible for trashing the Dollar. Your jobs and your homes are at risk because of the Fed's meglomania. If Ron Paul became president he would abolish the Fed. Do you think the 'special interest groups' want to see this? Don't you think they'll do all they can to stop him?

Vote Ron Paul and legalize the Constitution again.

Sermon11/13/07 5:25 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Go Ron Paul! ”
Kevin's likes a lot of things about Ron Paul, but has his reservations about other things. Kevin's looking for a candidate with backbone that can stand up for principles. Ron Paul isn't out to flatter anyone, least of all himself, but he's got more backbone than all the other candidates laid end to end. He's not the Christian's perfect candidate, but he's almost ther and he's the only one that will restore Constitutional Government to the USA. All the rest on both parties are big government statests. Vote Ron Paul or you'll see almost everthing that hasn't been trashed yet, get trashed in the next 5 years.

News Item11/8/07 11:06 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I heard their website that personal Bibles would be allowed but not boxes of Bibles.

News Item11/8/07 11:00 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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check out the book "State of fear" by Michael Crichton. He started his book being on the side of those who believe in warming. But as he read the stats, which he prints in the back of his book, he comes to the conclusion thre is very little evidecne for warming.

Sermon11/4/07 4:47 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Ron Paul's faith ”
Haywood Family: Ron Paul is on record as saying: "I have never been one who is comfortable talking about my faith in the political arena. In fact, the pandering that typically occurs in the election season I find to be distasteful. But for those who have asked, I freely confess that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, and that I seek His guidance in all that I do." Given the discusting way most politicians 'tickle the ears' of evangelicals by constantly talking about their supposed "faith", I respect Ron Paul's stance. Also, compare Ron Paul's understanding of Economics, Politics, Foreign Policy, etc with experts on Biblical Law like Rushdoony & North, and you'll find a huge overlap. Far more so than Huckabee or Keyes etc. Don't just look at the superficials. Do some research on the bredth of God's law and I think you'll find you can vote for Ron Paul with a clean conscience. Hope this is helpful.

Sermon10/30/07 11:51 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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“ What about Ron Paul ”
Interesting program. I know that Kevin Swanson went to the Values Voters debate and didn't like Ron Paul. I'd be interested to find out more about why not. After all Ron Paul is a born again Baptist who has been married to the same woman for over 50 years. In over 20 years of being in Congress: He has never voted to raise taxes. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership. He has never voted to raise congressional pay. He has never taken a government-paid junket. He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch. He voted against the Patriot Act. He voted against regulating the Internet. He voted against the Iraq war. He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year. Have you ever heard of any politician with this level of integrety? If elected he will: Bring the troops home imediatly. Abolish the IRS (with the money saved from ending the war, it won't be needed any more.) He is very pro-homeschooling and will abolish the federal department of education. Why are Christians ignoring a true "Elder" with this level of integrety?

News Item10/28/07 8:38 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Ron Paul is the only hope for genuine change in America. Two terms with him as President and you wouldn't just see a safer, more prosperous America, America would become admired, respected and loved around the world again. When Constitutional Freedom is proved to work, there will be a cry for freedom in many many other countries that are oppressed by socialism and big government.

Best of all, I really believe that we would see the Church grow stronger again, once Christians embraced their God given responsibilities.

Vote Ron Paul, not because Big Government works, but because it doesn't.

News Item10/26/07 8:26 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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God bless Albert Snyder and grant him success in this.

News Item10/23/07 8:01 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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33 K

If we're to render to Caeser what belongs to Caesar, who defines what belongs to Caesar, Caeser or God?

Where in the Bible does God give the State the duty to care for the poor? The fact that the Church has abandoned its God-given duty to care for the poor and needy has made the Church irrelivant to millions in the US and in the UK.

Perhaps you want a scociety that demands that the poor "trust in princes and in the legs of a man where there is no help, not on the LORD." (Ps 146:3). Personally, I'd like to live in a society where the Church is faithful to what God has called us to do, and where the State is as limited as possible.

News Item10/22/07 8:30 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Just proves that there is no national Christian leader who understands the constitution. If they truely uderstood how God can use liberty to advance his Kingdom, they'd all be voting for Ron Paul.

The trouble is they believe that the gospel is too weak and what we need is a strong State to do God's work in the name of humanism. Shame.

News Item10/22/07 8:26 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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I'm sure when the cave men did speak they used 1611 KJV English.

News Item10/22/07 8:24 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Fraud Thomson is too pro war, has too narrow a supporter base and doesn't really seem that interested in winning. He's also not a threat to the beltway establishment. If over 70% of the US population want to withdraw the troops, the only person who is guaranteed to do this is Ron Paul, who has an astonishingly broad supporter base.

If you want to see the IRS abolished so that you've got more money to support the work of the gospel, if you want the freedom to preach the gospel, if you want to see people learn to depend on God and not on the State to provide for them in times of need; Vote Ron Paul. Restore liberty and bring back constituional government to the USA.

News Item10/19/07 1:51 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Great point, Shawn. Very good.

News Item10/18/07 9:02 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Why is it that Athiests are far more offended by one mention of God in the School curriculum when millions of "Bible Believing" "Evangelical" Christians are perfectly happy to send their children to taught that God is totally irrelivant in everything worth learning?

By not ever mentioning God at school, the child is taught that God is a priviate, (and therefore irrelivant) optional extra. And barely a whimper of protest.

News Item10/18/07 8:57 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Vote Ron Paul.

Put the first honest man in the White House for over 100 years.

Restore the Republic and restore the Constitution.

Keep praying for him too. He really need it, because he is up against some very deep evil in high places.

News Item10/16/07 9:02 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Employers ought to have the freedom to pay married fathers more than single men and women for the same work. Why shouldn't an employer support the family if he wants to? Its his business and his profits.

It is the feminists who have demanded equal pay for equal work that have helped to destroy the family.

News Item10/12/07 1:27 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I agree, This is a plotted event to keep homo marriage in the forefront, to make all states kowtow to the perversion of same sex anything. We are to love our enemy but not all our enemy would do or have us do....or be!

News Item10/8/07 8:40 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Thou shat not kill, exept when there's a lot of money to be made by invading a crippled third world country on the pretence of finding WMD, so that you can make billions of dollars out of oil.

At least I think that's how Bush understands it.

Vote Ron Paul and bring the troops back home.

Product10/8/07 4:07 PM
Rob | New Zealand  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Great Book! ”
Shipping to the UK? Because most Americans think there is nothing outside the USA. Try living in New Zealand where our dollar is bad and our society is way more secular than the USA and we struggle more as a result. Translate $29.95 into NZ currency, at out low wages. You are right: For the sake of the gospel...
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