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News Item2/20/07 11:49 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Mike: I would say you are certainly correct on that last staetment. It is commonly recorded that there are more slaves today than there were during the Civil War.

News Item2/19/07 11:04 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Chris M: I would think the same thing for you son.

Let it be known, this is my last post to you on this conversation as well seeing as it has degraded to nothing more than one line insults from both parties. adios.

News Item2/19/07 8:21 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Chris M: As stated earlier, my approval comes from God, not from man. So keep your playground antics to yourself.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

News Item2/19/07 4:03 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Brando: If you have to call yourself a berean, you probably aren't.

I am done conversing with you in regards to this topic. Titus 3:9-11

News Item2/19/07 10:49 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Brando: Im bored with going in circles with you. Go be drunk. And I will compel you to do your own will as a former prophet moved a former king to do the same. Bottoms Up!

1 Kings 22:15 So he came to the king. And the king said unto him, Micaiah, shall we go against Ramothgilead to battle, or shall we forbear? And he answered him, Go, and prosper: for the LORD shall deliver it into the hand of the king.

News Item2/19/07 6:23 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Chris M: Once again, put up or shutup. You choose not to carry on when and where you want based on lack of answers.

Brando: Someones opinion about the greek from what they gathered from a strong's concordance offers little "truth" as you would like to call it. My issue with the greek is that I don't need it, as said before, and as I will probably have to say again.

As stated numerous times now, the burden of proof lies on you to prove that Christ drank fermented wine, not on me. The need of evidence to show that it is fermented wine that Christ drank is on you, not on me. Once again, you have failed miserably. Once again you have lied about not responding if my exegesis remained the same.

Let the reader decide what they will, my effort is to show myself approved unto God, not man.

News Item2/18/07 10:08 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Chris M: First, If I am not mistaken, you still have unanswered questions on the once saved always saved listing, so put up or shutup.

Brando: Your quote: "I won’t continue going back and forth with you when you show a lack of concern for biblical exegesis"

Since you have already lied, by posting again when I have restated the same exegesis of Scripture, I feel there is no sense in continuing with you (Rom. 3:4), beyond the fact that you would fall under Romans 16:17-18 and Titus 3:9-10.

As far as an arguement to not drinking wine, I have given those already to John. You have the same flawed outlook of the Bible as those that specifically want a specific verse against smoking pot and doing cocaine. The wonderful truth about the Bible is that it will allow someone to break their neck on it if they so choose to wrest the scriptures to their distruction.

And on Jesus drinking wine, you still didn't give a verse of where that is found in the Bible. Not to mention that one can not prove that the miracle at the feast was fermented wine or new wine. Still yet, the burden of proof falls on you, and you once again failed.

And just so you know I am not forcing my legalism on you, go ahead, drink away, drink all you want, all day, all night, for the rest of your life. Cheers

News Item2/18/07 6:06 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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mike: amen amen amen

News Item2/18/07 4:18 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Brando: "The account in John 2 doesn’t say that Christ actually drank the wine. And if you want to argue that He didn’t, then I won’t argue with you there, but I think that would be a weak argument."
... You won't argue because you can't, and the burden of proof lies on you.

"So with that said brother, I hope that you can at least acknowledge the scriptures I’ve put forth and deal with them. I won’t continue going back and forth with you when you show a lack of concern for biblical exegesis"

For Hab. 2, I am quite aware of who the verse is speaking of and I never stated it was Christ. I said would CHrist be guilty of it (the same charge that is being given to the addressed offender). For Lev. 10, first, GOD'S word doesn't say BEFORE, it says WHEN, just to clear up your mistake. Furthermore, if such an action would make a priest after Aaron defiled, like I stated before, why woulnd't it make Christ defiled? For Christ is certainly Holy, Harmless, and Undefiled.

Well, Brando, since you are the KING of exegesis (I speak as a fool for certainly you are a king only in pride), I will leave you to your own destruction for now, for I have Bible reading to attend to!

News Item2/17/07 12:28 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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1Jo 4:20If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he
hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Unsaved Palestinians are my brothers? You are a fool.

Your quote: "And you apparently are ignorant of the fact that it is at the yet-future Resurrection from the dead that spiritual birth takes place. No one, other than Christ Jesus, has of yet been born again, other than in the sense of promise."

You foolish Bible rejectors are so easy to refute because you base everything on your opinion and nothing on the Bible.

Here, try reading the Bible for a change.
1 Peter 1:22-23 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: BEING BORN AGAIN, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

Expo: Do you have the Holy Spirit indwelling in you as we speak? Are you a NEW CREATURE in Christ? Ye must be born again.

News Item2/17/07 11:13 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Expo: Let us keep the topic at hand, if you wish to discuss the Jewish state, comment on such, in another appropriate thread.

BTW, the whole hypocrite thing does nothing, I know I am a hypocrite, along with every other born again Christian I have ever known.

The question is, are YOU born again?

News Item2/17/07 10:02 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Johnny-B: There, there. Its alright, really. Are you too dense to acknowledge that this is a "discussion"? My arguements ARE my opposing viewpoints.

On legalism: I never stated it wasn't an issue. I just wanted a chpater and verse for saying it was the NUMBER ONE problem for Christianity. Which, by the way, you failed to supply. Suprise.

BTW, I am not justified by the law. I hold dear to Gal. 2:8-9.

John. We can continue this as long as you like, yet I doubt either one of us will move an inch.

And for Goofus: I'm not a calvinist sonny-boy.

News Item2/17/07 12:40 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Freeman: I never said the like. The comment about "original translators" (I am quoting you) is separate from the comment about original manuscripts.

To be so talented at discerning through different versions, you sure do stink at reading plain English!

News Item2/17/07 12:21 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Freeman: Tell the original translators hello next time your out to lunch with them. Oh, and can I borrow some of your copies of the original manuscripts? (i'm just dying to get my hands on some!)

News Item2/17/07 12:05 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Dear Winos:

Brandon: Learn to read English. Romans says drink not drunken. Since we have never debated, you should know I don't give a care what the greek says, I have a perfect preserved English Bible, which you should try reading sometime. Tell me Brando, where does it say Jesus drank fermented wine? Was Jesus also guilty of Hab. 2:15 in regards to the feast? Or Le. 10:9-11?

Johnny: That's great that you have memorized parts of the KJV, and I have no doubt as to the healing power, now, use it.

"Legalism is the number one threat to the church and always will be."
... Really? Chapter and verse? The #1 threat?

Alright, on all the other junk stated:
On the life statement, 1)I am saved by THE LIFE Jesus Christ. 2)ANother Gospel would be something contrary to 1 Cor. 15:1-4 3)Of course works dont save you 4)I am commanded to judge

And number 5: Johnny, you are being awful judgemental there son. I quote: "if you are our brother"; "walk in love and not in judgement and condemnation of others"; "you appear self righteous"; "Your works didn't save you and they can't get you brownie points either". AGHAST! When did you become so judgemental? And alas, quit being so judgemental about me being judgemental unless you favor the hypocrite title.

News Item2/16/07 11:39 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I take the challenge given in Deut. and I will continue to say abortionists, along with all those that are in compliance and in support of, including the: mothers, families, proponents, and you, are either 1) guilty of murder or 2) accomplices and supporters.

I will take my position of being judged by the righteous God any day of the week, any moment of the day. You don't have to use foolish scare tactics with me boy. I know the Lord, and even though he slay me I still will trust him.

"Even as the God-given spirit of life cannot remain in the body once injury or disease renders the body no longer viable, so also the spirit of life cannot be imparted to a foetus until the foetus reaches the point of viability."

Chapter and verse? You don't have any.
How about the opposite? Try 1 Samuel 25:36-38 to counter your own foolish thoughts.

Tell me, when does the life of an infant become viable? At one point is a baby able to sustain it's own life?

News Item2/16/07 3:26 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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amen and amen

News Item2/16/07 12:02 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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How bout we call em sodomites, vile, unseemly, reprobates, and wicked!

Survey2/16/07 11:54 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Chris: Shall I assume you have no answer?

News Item2/16/07 6:09 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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How do you even know the "breath of life" is oxygen? How do you not know that it is something that God imparts, and not only oxygen?

On your quote:
"And consider Romans 9:11. It is possible to be alive and be unable to sin? If so, at what point does one become able to sin?"

Since you like Adam, how long was he alive, as well as Eve, before they sinned?

And when one becomes "born" again, is there not some limited moment there where you do not sin even in the flesh, though it may be for a moment?

Also, in regards to the article, the question does have to do with the the wuestion of if the baby is a human being or not. If it is human, it is murder, if it isn't, then it is not murder.

Before we go, I must address your salvation. Are you saved expositor? And when I say saved, I mean, DO YOU KNOW YO UARE GOING TO HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE?

... Becuase I just can't seem to get a certain passage out of my mind:
1 John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

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