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News Item3/4/15 8:21 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Dorcas, I'm doing fine. How about yourself? Praying for you and yours.

News Item3/4/15 6:54 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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SC, I'm a female. Just clearing that up.

Jessica, people definitely share way to much information about their children. Another good example would be the stickers people put on their cars, giving info out to everyone on the road.

News Item3/3/15 9:09 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Definitely know of adultery cases being carried out via facebook and via chat rooms. The internet is a good tool but can be misued. Likewise facebook is a good way to discuss biblical things but can be misused. Accountability would do a lot of good. Personally, facebook had to go. It made it to easy for me to be a busybody. It's also an easy way to become self absorbed-let me post this and see how many likes I get, how many friends can I get,etc. Not blamimg the site just saying it makes some sins easier to do. And of course there's the whole privacy deal. Facebook is brought up in a lot of divorce cases. But this is a minor issue where liberty is to be applied. Having or not having a facebook doesn't make one more or less of a christian.

News Item2/24/15 6:09 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Jim wrote " but it's good to get a pastor from a respectable seminary, such as Masters Seminary"

Seminary? Ha. A man only needs God to call him and equip him with one on one training with a knowledgable biblical man. That and some commentaries/books by the likes of J.C. Ryle, Charles Spurgeon, etc. Simple and effective. What he doesn't need is to attend a place where compromise is acceptable. I was curious if our local "christian" university was biblical at all so I called to see if I could become a pastor despite being a expected I was reassured feminism is encouraged there. :shakinghead:

News Item2/19/15 9:39 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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TB wrote: " Is there something you're not telling us?"

Yes. What my intials SF stand for
I don't justify sin nor do I claim to be sinless. Last comment on this thread. Good night.

News Item2/19/15 7:35 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Tb wrote: " Some (not all) who marvel at the saving power of the Doctrines of Grace marvel like that because they are still living in sin, so naturally they say "Why me Lord?"

To these I say, Be not deceived, God is not mocked."

Nice to know you're perfect and never sin. Ah but.if you did, well, you lose your salavation. Bummer all hope is lost.

1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

News Item2/19/15 5:17 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Penny, I see your point. There's a differnece in crocheting something (which you can do while you watch your children play) and then selling it full price for what it's worth-online or at a flea market, farmers market, or some place where the whole family can go if desired. And between selling for a company that requires a lot of time and effort with no promise of a payment. Example: I once was a consultant for Avon (ny convictions would keep me from doing that again). I ended up owing them money and making absolutely nothing. But if it worked for an older woman than I think selling for a christian company would be fine. As Anne pointed out, Proverbs 31 woman was a woman of seasons.
I think we're peetty much in agreement.

News Item2/19/15 5:03 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Excellent comments (for the most part). Just a personal touch-with the rough experiences this day has brought me I'm glad to be a keeper at home.

News Item2/18/15 8:12 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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The Father imposed His wrath due unto, and the Son underwent punishment for, either:
1. All the sins of all men.
2. All the sins of some men, or
3. Some of the sins of all men.
In which case it may be said:
a. That if the last be true, all men have some sins to answer for, and so none are saved.
b. That if the second be true, then Christ, in their stead suffered for all the sins of all the the whole world, AND THIS IS THE TRUTH.
c. But if the first be the case, why are not all men free from the punishment due unto their sins? You answer, Because of unbelief. I ask, Is this unbelief a sin, or is it not? If it be, then Christ suffered the punishment due unto it, or He did not. If He did, why must that hinder them more than their other sins for which He died? If He did not, He did not die for all their sins! - John Owen

News Item2/18/15 8:07 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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The doctrines of grace is a very humbling doctrine. It really shows me how merciful, gracious, long suffering, and loving the Lord is....a lot of times I look at my sins and am left wondering "why me? Of all people why me?" So undeserving of what Christ has done for me and so grateful too.

Frank, that's a great verse. I also find 1 Samuel 3:18 comforting.

News Item2/17/15 7:57 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Shane, excellent answer. My family is in the same boat.

News Item2/16/15 9:40 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Frank wrote: " If He is Savior then He is Lord and if He is Lord, then He will lead you out of that cult."

Pennned, you know how to get in contact if you need too. We're here for you. That's what family (in Christ) is for.

News Item2/16/15 12:44 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Pennned, praying for you and yours, sister!

News Item2/12/15 8:11 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Yes I'm sure Jesus, a carpenter, went to a 4yr school. Same with Peter, a fisherman. Really Jim you need to consider what biblical education is-why do I teach my children to read? So they can read God's word (KJV Jim ) and grow in Him. Why do I teach my children math? So they can be good stewards of what He gives them. Why do I teach my children science? So they can worship the Creator who is worthy. Amen! Why do I teach my children history? So they can see His hand in His Story. Why do I teach my children to write? So they can copy Scriptre and memorize it. That's biblical education. You won't find that in a public school. I'd rather have my daughters be keepers at home amd follow the Lord then some high paid feminist. I'd rather have my sons be garderners or a graduate of a technical school that fears the Lord then some high paid four year graduate that denies God with His actions. Keep your ideas Jim. I have souls I'm workig with not some germ carrier!

News Item2/12/15 4:31 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Amen Anne

News Item2/12/15 11:05 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Came across this Scripture while reading with my children

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

News Item2/12/15 10:54 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Jim wrote: " To effectively home school, people have to be willing to go the work and effort to do it. Probably the majority of people can't do it." Wait a minute. A majority of homeschoolers were in public schools growing up. Are you sayig that they were so poorly educated that they can't pass on what they know!? Even more of a reason to homeschool. Can't do worse then the system.

News Item2/12/15 10:24 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Dolore, not vaccinating is mandatory!! Regardless of what you think is best for YOUR children you are not allowed to vaccinate them.....o wait? That's not right. No one has the right to tell a parent what to do with their own child.

News Item2/11/15 10:19 PM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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Anne, thank you for the prayers. We appreciate them. Praying for you and yours as well.

Penny, thanks for sharing.

News Item2/10/15 1:10 AM
SF from TX  Find all comments by SF from TX
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" "This is my land and I am free to do with it whatever I want."

Trying saying that and not paying case scenario- they take "your" land,worse case scenario-you're in prison for life. O boy.

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