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News Item5/25/09 5:34 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I don't know what goes on in the school systems in China and frankly don't care. I've never been to China. This thread is addressing the Godless government run school system here in the US.

It is not a six year old child's responsibility to preach the Gospel to anyone. Most of them are incapable of understanding it anyway (not all but most).

I have a God given responsibility to raise and educate my own children until the age that they are capable of standing on their own. The damage that can be and is done to the children in the government schools here is often devastating and I believe only an irresponsible Christian parent would send their child into one.

We educated all three of our children at home all of the way thru. The last one just finished high school this week. I can assure you that they all three had MANY more opportunities to live out their faith in front of the world over the years while homeschooling than they would have sitting in a classroom full of same-aged peers every day.

I can't speak for China but here in the US, no Christian child should EVER darken the door of a government school.

News Item5/25/09 11:30 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Bridgetly wrote:

"Yes, keep your faith-sharing Christian children in little boxes of other faith-sharing Christian children. This way noone will ever hear the gospel message again, except by Joel Osteen or some other hack. I've never understood this stance. If it weren't for some christian kids in my school, I wouldn't have heard the name "Jesus", unless you count my angry step-father yelling it along with the name "Christ" when he was abusing me."

Yes-eight year olds make great missionaries.

I have a responsibility to God to raise my children in the nurture & admonition of the Lord. I'm not doing that if I send them into a Godless, humanistic warehouse for 8 to 10 hours a day for 12 years.

I have seen what the government schools in America are producing and I want absolutely no part of it for my kids. I would be a miserable failure in my responsibilities as a Christian parent if I did.

News Item5/23/09 10:46 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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News Item5/21/09 11:55 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The moral of this story is:

Children from Christian homes should not be in government schools. EVER. Under ANY circumstances.

News Item5/17/09 11:50 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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God created marriage. It was His idea. He designed it, instituted it and gave it to man. Marriage, by God's design, is a COVENANT with HIM. We live in a society that mocks both God and marriage (even Christians-look at the divorce rate) but that doesn't change his opinion one iota.

God detests sodomy. He called sodomites an abomination in the Old Testament and destroyed them. He even destroyed their dwellings so as to remove any remnant of them. He makes His opinion of them very clear in the New Testament. Paul uses the sin of sodomy as a plumb line for sinfulness in Romans 1. The destruction of Sodom and it's inhabitants is used as an example of God's wrath in the New Testament.

God created marriage. God considers sodomites an abomination so NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET.

There is no such thing as 'gay marriage'. There cannot be. The best they can do is legitimize some nonsensical, binding civil union between these disgusting perverts but no legal or political body on earth can create or legitimize 'gay marriage'. There is no such thing.

News Item5/2/09 1:08 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Let me explain the absurdity of this whole discussion:

If there are people amongst us who really are "homosexuals", doesn't calling them that by it's very nature imply that they were "born that way"? They are a class of people. They are (by definition) homosexuals by birth.

If that's the case, why would any preacher preach against them? Why should they be told that what they are doing is wrong? If they are, in fact, "homosexuals" they were, in fact, "born that way". They are what they are thru no fault of their own.

But NO. They commit sodomy. They are therefore SODOMITES (or perverts) BY CHOICE and up until the last few years everyone, even the state & local governments, understood that sodomy was a crime against nature and those who commit it ought to be shunned if not prosecuted.

Preachers everywhere ought to be preaching against the soul and nation-destroying sin of sodomy! Not arguing about whether or not it's acceptable to offend "homosexuals".

If they are "homosexuals", just leave them be-they can't help it. But they are not. They commit sodomy by choice. They are SODOMITES and I personally hope I offend the living daylights out of every one of them.

News Item4/29/09 7:24 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"...the Bible makes it plain that parents are responsible for their childrens' education. Home schooling is the norm, at least biblically speaking. Trusting Satan's minions to educate the kids is insane.

Of course, paying taxes is also our Christian duty. The Lord will provide enough to do both."


I don't mind paying property taxes to educate other people's kids because I understand that there will ALWAYS be a mojority who clamor for government education and there is nothing that I can do about it. In a way, I consider it the equivalent of paying hush money to be left alone. You use the government to educate your kids and leave me alone to educate mine at home.

News Item4/23/09 11:56 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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And you can be assured that anything that is organized and facilitated by James & Shirley Dobson (and their cohorts) is going to be an ecumenical monstrosity of the first order. No true believer should have anything to do with that mess.

All of the praying in the world isn't going to help a thing when it's coming from a stiffnecked nation and it's godless leaders who refuse to repent and continue to shake their fist in God's face at every opportunity.

America's problems are not financial in nature. They are spiritual in nature and God's judgment is upon us.

News Item4/22/09 9:54 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The National Day Of Prayer is a very dangerous thing.
Be careful who you pray with.

News Item4/8/09 11:36 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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She should have been at home praying with her children. That's the ministry God has given her.

News Item3/29/09 8:16 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Mrs. Palin ought to be at home tending to the needs of her husband and children instead of out in the world trying to be a man.

Her husband's back isn't broken. I've seen him over and over on TV and he looks healthy to me. She needs to be at home and he ought to be ashamed of himself for sending her out to earn him a living. He looks like such a pathetic girly-man standing behind her with his unwed pregnant daughter while she embarrasses herself onstage.

Sarah Palin is a perfect example of what is wrong with so many American families, especially so many that claim the name of Christ. I see them all the time. She goes around spouting Scripture (while ignoring the parts that apply to her) and trying to sound pious and sanctimonious with her little churchy sweet platitudes and cliches while the rest of her family pays dearly for her rebellion and disobedience.

Sarah Palin needs to go home. Her husband ought to be a man and tell her so.

News Item3/27/09 11:35 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The Southern Baptist Convention has been all about nickels and noses since I was growing up in the 1960s. There are an awful lot of people making a VERY handsome living off the Southern Baptist Convention.

What's haunting them is the dramatic decline in the number of nickels they are taking in due to the decrease in the number of noses in the pews.

News Item3/22/09 9:53 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Joseph: Thank you.

Susan: I believe most of these crazy ideas Comrade Obama plans on implementing will be shot down if they ever get to the courts (since they are unconstitutional).

The danger is that he could possibly replace some retiring supreme court justices with more of his ilk before there are enough conservatives in Congress (hopefully in 2010) to stop him.

News Item3/21/09 9:35 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Elisabeth is almost 20 and Abby is 17. Both have steady boyfriends that I'm very fond of. They are both wonderful young ladies (I'm sure I'm prejudiced) and Obama ain't getting his hands on either one of them.

I also have a son who's 25 and did his 'national service' for a year and a half in Iraq as an Army sniper. When he was almost finished with his enlistment, the Army stop-lossed him so he has to stay in 15 months longer than he had planned.

News Item3/21/09 11:39 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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This would start a revolt the likes of which our generation has never seen. And I would be on the front lines. My daughters do not and will not do 'national service'.

News Item3/17/09 9:30 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Don't forget that in the 1930s women and mothers had not abandoned their homes and children to get their hands full of the world's baubles like they have today. The percentage of adults actually in the work force is (sadly) MUCH higher today than it was during the depression era.

News Item3/15/09 2:55 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I know I am but what are you?

News Item3/12/09 11:31 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Scott McMahan wrote:

"Evangelical Christianity has turned into a merchandising and fund-raising machine over the past decade or so, and individual Christians are seen as piggy banks to be exploited. If they're not being asked to bail out ministries in crisis mode which need immediate money to keep operating, they're being sold an endless parade of books, CDs, videos, trinkets, conferences, etc. All this is done with ever more sophisticated donor profiling and tracking software. When people realize they're worth nothing to these ministries other than the money they give, why would anyone be interested in that?"

Amen, Brother!

Its not just "ministries" though. Many (most?) churches are doing the exact same thing.

News Item3/10/09 11:48 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Edie Bisby wrote:

"Please do not be so quick to judge..."

Quick to judge???

That's not judging, that's pointing out the obvious. Hagee is a fat hog. Every time I see him on TV he looks like a walking time bomb. All of that blubber didn't magically jump up on him. He had to consume it and then engage in a great deal of slothfulness to keep it there.

I'm sorry he's sick and I hope he gets better but it's hardly 'judging' to point out that Hagee's heart problems are most likely a result of his own gluttony. He's a big, fat slob. The sky is blue, the moon is round, Hagee's fat. If he's smart he will learn to back away from the buffet table and get up off his ample posterior more often.

How on earth is that 'judging'?

News Item3/9/09 6:56 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Jim, If the thought of a 'skit' in church surprises you, you must not have visited many churches in the past few years. Almost all of them have become circus churches. All sorts of inane frivolity and entertainment. Then if they can figure out a way to package it, call it 'worship' and sell it, they do that too.

You would be hard pressed to find a church these days without some kind of silly 'drama team' that augments their 'worship team'.

No wonder God is judging this nation.

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