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News Item10/24/18 9:24 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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*I have read the article*
*There is no article here*
*Don't believe me?* go read it now.... to hear the famous Chinese source Bob Fu in great detail explain how the removal of crosses and instalation of cameras is to be compared to the roman and soviet persecution of Christians.

I'm reading a book about Jesus, and a point was made that the reason why there was no room the inn for Mary and Joseph, was because every relative of King David went to Bethlehem to be registered for the census. And Bob Fu was also there, telling people not to register.

I talked with both the registered and underground pastors, and found their real problem was they were very racist. And both supported the socialist agenda. I bet Bob Fu would never speak on this matter right? I wrote more on this post, than the actual article, for shame.

News Item10/24/18 5:41 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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You keep the Old testament sabbath? Then what do you do with verse such as:
"Ye shall kindle no fire through your habitations upon the Sabbath day" (Ex. 35:3).

If Christians were to keep the law, they would have to live in warm climates.

Or like I mentioned the year of Jubillee,
the seventh year? (Lev. 25:1-22)

News Item10/23/18 11:02 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Reaponse to Mississippi guy:

At the beginning of the Jesus Film it clearly says that no actor is worthy of playing the role of Jesus.

And I'm not Jewish, and if you want to follow the whole law, you have to keep the sabbath (and everything that goes with it, like the year of jubilee, and not making a fire). Go ahead, but you won't get far.

Circumcision was also very important, yet it's not now.

The other commandments like 10, mention servants, which could mean slaves.

Commandment #5 talks about the land that lord will give you, what does that mean for Christians today? Literally I don't think it does for us. Spiritually we have mansions in heaven.

So I believe the 10 commandments have a context, and that context is not a church context, but of Israel.

News Item10/23/18 9:55 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Moses says it can't be done, yet it has been done. I use the ESV, NASB, NKJV, NIV, and have benefitted greatly from them. And I'm not alone. The Mormons use the KJV, that did not stop them from heresy. Westboro Baptist Church uses the KJV, that did not stop them. The Freemasons use the KJV. If you want to blame everything on the new bibles, might as well start with the old ones too.

News Item10/23/18 6:51 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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These are the actions of a cult.
I show Christian movies to my students (that is a precious blessing that I can even do that!) movies such as Fireproof, and Do You Believe. I really believe Fireproof with Kirk Cameron is Oscar worthy. I'm often annoyed that Christians people have watched some worldly movies, but have never seen the Jesus Film. And if they are interested in religious films, they prefer the violence of the movie passion of christ.

News Item10/23/18 6:29 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Thanks for the answers Mr. Amish, and welcome to sermonaudio, enjoy the sermons.

I don't agree with your lifestyle, and beliefs but that's ok, I won't bite your head off and argue with you, but others might. I hope you enjoy the resources on this site.

News Item10/23/18 9:48 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Those are good points, and apply to many churches around the world.

Maybe you can make this clear Amish... But the stereotype of your group is that
1. You are secluded and do zero mission work
2. You live on farms with no electricity and no cars, and no washing machines.
3. You believe you can lose your salvation

Any of that true?

News Item10/21/18 10:00 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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No problem Quiet Christian

I have a newsletter I send out, if interested, send an email to

News Item10/21/18 6:23 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I'm sure all the secular universities are thriving of all that money. Reading articles like this makes one lose all faith in any government, as it becomes not about serving the people, but almighty dollar.

I believe there is a zero chance any of that money is legitimate. No business in China can survive without bribes, crime and corruption.

I was just thinking even if China gets a righteous Christian emperor, it would be impossible to change much because the country is too much in debt to the Mafia, it's built on dirty money, and on the backs of peasants who are dying of lung cancer.

It's also changes the point of immigration, instead of bringing hard working, and willing patriots, we are bringing people who believe in almost the complete opposite values, and refuse to change.

News Item10/20/18 5:09 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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How can I curse whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce whom the Lord has not denounced?
Numbers 23:8 ESV

News Item10/17/18 1:59 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I agree about Hank, he left the faith, more than that a lot of info came out about him taking over as the Bible Answer Man very unbiblicaly, and how he was unqualified for that spot, and used internal politics to get what he wanted. Larry Wessels on this site has more info.

News Item10/17/18 1:19 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I don't think Orthodox people ever cared. Unlike Catholics who have a system of government in the vatican, the orthodox church was always casual. Though with many Catholics moving to orthodoxy, and guys like Hank Hanagraff, their apologetics department is getting better.

News Item10/17/18 1:13 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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And the gulags were weight loss camps.

The Nazi also fooled everyone during the olympic games. Ahh the Olympics... 2022

News Item10/16/18 9:07 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I still remember how many students in high school were stoned out of their mind. I still have memories of a classmate lying on the floor in a daze in the school basement. The constant fights in my area, the smell, the second hand smoke on little children. Someone said the money will go to the government, but the worker said social services are getting worse, and they never see this money.

News Item10/15/18 3:47 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I still think the great tribulation is much greater than these illness, I cant imagine this being the start, since the black plague, and the world war 1 influenza were much worse.

The sars outbreak, african aids epedimic and the various chicken flu's in the world were also bad. I'm sure polio can be added aswell. Unless the tribulation lasts a really long time, I have to say no, these could not be the 4 horsemen of the tribulation period.

News Item10/15/18 12:55 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I'm listening to songs by Robin Mark, his 1994 hit "Days of Elijiah" is really good.

News Item10/13/18 1:24 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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2 days ago I was really cut to the heart when I saw slavery of a young girl on the street. Sitting on the sidewalk, head down, written in chalk "if everyone gives 2rmb I can save 400rmb to go home in a few hours". Next to her I caught an old man taking the donation money for himself. He saw me, slowly left. I tried talking with the girl, asking her to explain her story, but she didnt even lift her head and just murmored "mmm mmm". I sat there, and all I could say "we love you"

It upset me very much, not that it's the first time, but just the fact that any Karaoke place or some barbershops are a front for such things, in plain sight, and everyone knows what's going on, but none cares.

News Item10/9/18 1:54 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Biblically is there even such a thing as premature death?

News Item10/6/18 12:16 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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FYI sermon audio is banned in China now.
Anyways just talking with some secular friends, too much power is given to corporations and private companies. Just look at Disney owning so much, Amazon taking over online shopping, Internet and cable companies having monopolies. Apple recently becoming a trillion dollar company. It's either getting ruled by a corrupt government or corrupt private entities. And they all have money to invest in lawyers and spokesmen to push laws toward their favour. So I feel like this is always a lose lose situation, until we have true Christian government, which will only come at the second coming of Christ.

News Item10/5/18 6:02 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I would recommend listening to the oct 4 Thursday edition of Albert Mohler, where he exposes a lot of these "researchers" saying that many of these studies cannot be replicated, because often another study comes to completely opposite conclusions.

But yes, hugs are great

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