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News Item8/10/07 1:48 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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Seaton is the other extreme of your theology. The balance lies in allowing God to say what he means and mean what he states.

News Item8/10/07 1:43 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr. Yamil Luciano
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"Why is this passage not a requirement of salvation? Will anyone go to heaven that does not love Jesus? When we receive salvation, God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son make their abode in us through the Holy Ghost. This is as much a requirement of salvation as "Ye must be born again", in fact, it is the same in different words, with explanation of how to be born again, viz., repent and be filled with the Spirit."

By the same hermeneutic one can also say that crossing the Red Sea or practicing polygamy is a requirement for salvation. God's word is not a buffet where one can pick and choose what is a requirement for salvation. There is such a thing called context. I am afraid you have fallen into the error of eisogesis where you add more to the Word of God that is there. John 14 is not a requirement for salvation anymore than Genesis 1 is. Which such a hermeneutic, one can create any religion according to his fancy, including Pentecostalism.

There are plenty of passages that clearly reveal the way to salvation, there is no need to look under a rock to find some.

I prescribe you the immediate context.

News Item8/10/07 12:02 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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"This following text states that if we keep the words of Jesus that God the Father and Jesus Christ will make their abode with is and we will receive the Holy Ghost—which is the infilling of the Spirit of God and the rebirth—salvation. This in no way conflicts with Eph 2:8 or any Scripture that states justification by faith."

The only problem is that the passage does not state that that is a requirement of salvation. You can't pick out a passage that is dedicated to Christians and apply it sinners seeking salvation. The scripture does not make it a requirement of salvation and neither should you.

I prescribe you the immediate context.

"I made the long explanation of salvation because nearly everyone on these threads seems to believe that I am trying to earn my salvation by works. I could not just give a simple answer of "1" or "2" because if we believe the entire word of God, obedience to the Word of God is required and therefore both apply, even though obedience is not earning our salvation—any more than an earthly son is earning sonship from his earthly father by obeying him."

Nice mumbo jumbo. But you can't have it both ways. It's either of grace or of works. Not both.

I prescribe you Romans 11:6.

News Item8/10/07 11:47 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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""Works" referred to the "works of THE LAW" (THE OLD COVENANT). There were some 600++ rules and regulations (different kinds of sacrifices and procedures by which these were to be performed, ceremonial washings [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH BAPTISM TODAY], rules about foods, etc... all the intricacies of THE LETTER of THE LAW) !!!"

I believe your statement. The only problem with it is that there is no scritural warrant for you to restrict it only to ceremonial law. If that's what Paul wanted to state then he could have just stated it. Works is any activity one does to gain salvation. It is not simply restricted to the rituals in the Jewis religion. Otherwise, the passage in James, that I am sure you like to quote would make no sense. In some passages you may have an argument, but definitely not in Ephesians for (1)no such definition can be found in the immediate context and (2) Ephesians is a Gentile church.

Work is work. Nothing more, nothing less. Whatever you do in this life to earn salvation is indeed a ritual. You can't get around it.

It's better to allow God's word to state what he means and means what he states.

News Item8/9/07 2:51 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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Try the devastating truth. I gave you a spiritual catscan free of charge. You should be thankful.

I prescribe you the potent anti-pentacostalism pill of the unadulterated Word of God.

News Item8/9/07 2:45 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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It's not as complicated as you would like it to be.

I prescribe you the Weapon of Mass Instruction.

News Item8/9/07 2:31 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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Why won' you start first by fixing your keyboard. It seems that your capslock is jammed.

Then try reading your Bible for a change.

For by grace are ye saved, through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast.

News Item8/9/07 1:11 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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Try gasping the great truth of Ephesians 2:8-9.

For by grace are ye saved, through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast.

I prescribe you to stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

News Item8/9/07 11:31 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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I preach holiness every Sunday. Just because I do not fall on the ground and foam at the mouth does not make me a fool.

Pentacostalism did not bring holiness; it brought chaos.

News Item8/9/07 2:57 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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You just stated in the other thread:

"You are not going to be saved without good works."

You also stated:

"Being martyred for a false gospel is no different from dying in your sins because you will not hear the Word of God and thinking you have it all when you have refused to live in obedience to the entire counsel of God. The end result is the same."

It's customary for false religionists to try to have it both ways but's its nothing that a doctor of truth can't easily remedy.

I prescribe you the Weapon of Mass Instruction.

News Item8/9/07 2:43 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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"but you seem to believe that being obedient to the Word of God according to other Scriptures is establishing our own righteousness or seeking justification by works of the law instead of living by the faith of Jesus Christ."

If you are doint it to earn your way to heaven, then yes. The difference between Wayne and yourself is that he does good works because he is saved; you do it to earn your way to heaven.

Newsflash: Your good works are as thilthy rags.

You do frustrate the grace of God. I prescribe you Ephesians 2:8-9.

Survey8/9/07 1:35 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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" If it is down to free will then might it be you waste far much time being complete 'religious' clowns with your 'Dr' impressions when you could be better suited persuading sinners in your area every waking moment-for you clain they do not believe because they simply have not been persuaded?"

Answer: God before the foundations of the world presdestined me to confront you so that you would get up from your elitist lazy-boy and realize that God loves your neighbor just as much as he loves you.
" Record comments must be Yamil followed by JD!!!!!"

Yep. That's why I am the Weapon of Mass Instruction. It's my job.

Donnie wrote:

"If we believe that Jesus died for everyone in the world, then obviously no one would go to hell."

Well, sorry to break it to you but your rationalization does nothing more than fabricate a definition of "world" that does not exist anywhere in the "world." Best to stick with what the scripture states rather than your rationalization. Besides, its quite ridiculous (not enough to be nominated for the week's most ridiculous statement award though). God came to save you from your sin, yet if you are honest you would admit that you have sinned since then.

Survey8/8/07 2:48 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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He needs a doctor of truth.

News Item8/8/07 2:43 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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No sarcasm there, just plain truth. You may need to learn what sarcasm is.

I prescribe you a working dictionary.

Survey8/8/07 1:43 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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"I have quoted from the RSV because the KJV does a rather poor translation of what is meant in 1Corinthians 13. The true sense of the word is Love not Charity, as in giving alms to the poor or something akin to that."

Actually the KJV translation is more accurate then mere "love". There are many different types of love. The KJV translators could had not chosen a better word to describe the love of I Corinthians 13 than "charity."

I prescribe you a lexicon.

News Item8/7/07 4:55 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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Congratulations Greeter from New York!

You have been nominated for this week's "Most Ridiculous Statement" award.

Your entry:

"Our Lord is a "racist" (as the world knows this word)."

If you should win you will receive a pick of one of my beautiful baby girls. And that's not all, if you should win, you will receive a FREE one way ticket to the F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist where your most ridiculous fancies can come true.

News Item8/7/07 4:11 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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It's called the devastating truth.

Truth is for the sincere, not cry babies.

News Item8/7/07 11:13 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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Intersting how one gets offended when exhorted to study his Bible.

I prescribe her a couple doses of sincerity.

Survey8/5/07 11:34 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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"Would you also include the pretrib rapture and dispensationalism in tat theological biasness?"

Yes. Definitely. Unfortunately, noone has been able to prove it to be an inaccurate eschatological hermeneutic. Odds are that noone will since it is also based on the historic-grammatical form of interpretation that I and JD ascribe to (and others in theory but not in practice).

But, yes, it would include these as well.

"What one does not realize is that a correct view of both will work together."

Although I would cateforize myself a dispensationalist, I preffer the approach mentioned above. They both must be weighed to what the Scripture states versus what they are programmed to do. Covenant theology sees unity where dispensationalism sees none. You place them together and you will not be far from the mark. Dispensationalism does poorly in OT theology, while Covenant theolgy thrives in the OT.

That's why when dispensationalist preach from the Old they only can do it by pointing out allegorical truths rather than looking at it from God's unfolding plan and revelation of himself. And that's why Covenant theology does in the NT fails to make a distinction when it is due.

News Item8/5/07 2:06 AM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr.  Yamil Luciano
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"I don’t think it works that way. I really think that homosexual orientation is born primarily out of biological factors and only secondarily by environment."

God did not make you gay anymore than he made a pedaphile inclined to molest children or the rapist delight in sadism. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to attest to it. Homosexuality is a sin not a biological defect. That's the level of dark intelligence one reaches when he is willing to accept evolution over God's word.

I prescribe you Romans 1

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