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News Item3/3/15 10:09 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Walter wrote:
They are forcing it on us right now. 81% vote against it and an Alabame heavyweight Head Supreme Court justice Roy Moore fighting will all his might, it is still being forced. Vessels of honor, vessels fitted for destruction.
good point. and in the moment of truth, Russell Moore, ethics leader of the SBC says something like Godly men in positions should step down (denying the national, legal and reform heritage of lesser magistrates, basically rewriting the process in which judicial decisions are made).... so instead of supporting those in positions of influence who defend biblical principles, foundations of the nation and who hold the support of the great majority, they like progressives become the stumbling block to righting the wrong.

News Item3/1/15 3:21 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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if ever a story illustrates how far the 501c3 corporations posing as churches have fallen is to see the wrath of the system on this man of God, in jail for 10 yrs for withdrawing money out of his bank account and now new trumped up charges. He knew the corruption of the age and was teaching on it. to see he is now in isolation is a sad thing to hear. this man of God who is leading so many to Christ...

used as a scapegoat, they are making it clear church.... conform to them and remain silent to their corruption, corporatize your churches and make them the head.

Title: Should Creation Teacher Spend the Rest of His Life in Prison? -

"federal government has spent over a half million dollars of tax money to convict a man in prison for mailing a letter."

News Item2/28/15 8:47 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Penny, I will remind you that MacArthur is more often right than wrong. Supporting the government in most cases is the right thing to do. For a more detailed analysis, read the following: [URL=]]]Rendering To Caesar---A Biblical Perspective On Government[/URL].
Jim, I might suggest its not about weighing out the balances, nor comparing ourselves to all the other decrepit souls out there. There will always be one that's worse than us and another who is better in our own eyes.... the scriptures say that if even one law is broken the whole law is broken. But if one holds himself above his transgressions is he not still holding on to them? It would be best for the witness of Christ that if those who follow Him have wronged others and hurt others by their actions, that they apologize, after all, how much has Christ forgiven those who do not deserve it? of course, when we are talking about whole countries, where millions of Christians and moderates must flee for their lives, what is it to us, if we speak, its only words, right?

News Item2/28/15 12:38 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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chapter 4

"It has been claimed, by an unenlightened few, that vaccination is based on scientific principles and is of comparatively recent origin. But these claims have been proved false, first, because inoculation was practiced and abandoned as useless by primitive tribes many centuries ago, and second because Jenner and the modern experimenters in vaccination were not scientists and did not test and prove their theories by any scientific criteria before launching the hazarduous practice on the public."

News Item2/28/15 9:49 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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I think its funny that people think its a sterile process because the needle is sterile, but would they rub their infections arm to arm? NEVER! build it on the cells of an aborted fetal cell line, and a bunch of legalese on an insert, stick it in a syringe with a doc in a white coat, now that's something special! yes, idolatry from the east is still alive and well, we've moved to scientific gods and statues to great minds. good point Dr. Shelton.

News Item2/28/15 9:41 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The last time I heard, John MacArthur was human, and thus can make mistakes.
the biblical response for Macarthur regarding speaking for evangelicals on Larry King that they must support the wars and HS (indirectly, by saying "trust" without accountability) would be to apologize. God has given us a process for restitution.

News Item2/28/15 9:33 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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how can you all debate a 300 page document..... that has been written in SECRET, that even your own "representative government", that is Congress has not seen? and yet this Nazi investor who is also funding Ukraine destabilization has his money all over what you the people cannot even know what it is?? rhetorical question.

News Item2/27/15 2:40 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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this was a fascinating interchange between a State Senator who chose to go against her doctors orders while raising her baby but is working towards removing all exceptions (forced drugs) for vaccines for Oregan's citizens, and a citizen asking for the same....

Title: Medical Tyranny in Action in Oregon: Doctor and Senator wants Medical Freedom for herself, but Not Oregon Citizens

News Item2/27/15 10:37 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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who organize international measures like agenda 21, implemented through ICLEI, worming their way into our food supply, city councel meetings and EPA regulations that limit anyone's ability to escape the regulations and live simply....

are not going to like this free exchange of ideas. it is contrary to the spirit of the times.

News Item2/27/15 10:00 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jessica, I'm glad you said something too. These things (a cold heart towards Christians) are only resolved by conviction from the Holy Spirit.

The Lord loves his children and He will carry you through this time. I pray that the Lord will give you endurance, as long as it is Today, to turn to Him. Many go through difficulties that others could never imagine or understand, so you can also gain the fellowship of His sufferings and of the persecuted saints. Glad to have you here.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
My you are really unformed about psychiatry aren't you? I have a Masters degree in General Psychology,
in other words, your day job was humanism and on Sunday you put on a sprinkle of Jesus?

News Item2/26/15 6:37 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Officer Elmer wrote:
Is there somewhere in the united states
apparently not!

News Item2/26/15 11:15 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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well, this is certainly a can of worms for me...

any job you get has a job description, makes sense to me that if we elect someone they acknowledge that they are not king and are limited to the form of gov we elected them to manage....

I sometimes wonder if the Amish and other groups understand that any freedoms they do have are paid for by our police, people in gov, sheriffs, who are Christian and stand in the gap for them. I know they experience the evil ones, but so do we. Its true in all areas of life, unsung "heroes" who refuse to participate in corruption and pay the price, and their stories never told. When the Christian voice leaves the public arena it becomes total chaos, and destruction of innocent. I guess we would also call that God removing His hand of protection.

News Item2/26/15 9:42 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Frank wrote:
I am arguing against the oath that swears to our heavenly Father to disobey our heavenly Father.
thank you for your reply. this is an interesting point, I see you didn't get any other takers on this topic, but it has bothered me that scriptures say not to take oaths but let your yes be yes....

News Item2/25/15 11:55 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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sc, it almost sounds to me that you really just agree with the religious rainbow zealots and think it is wrong for this Christian woman to refuse to participate in a sodomite marriage.

"double standards"
equalizing standards for calling out evil
"spiritual grandstanding"

News Item2/25/15 6:32 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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SC, as Brother Frank put so well, for her it was sin and so she must not participate.

your other option is to back the LGBT community in their quest to remove Christian families from the marketplace to outside the city and outside the marketplace. ???

News Item2/25/15 5:53 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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s c wrote:
a side note: If "Easter" was in reference to the Resurrection of Christ,
that's precisely what the KJV does.

Since we see that the word Easter is used for the Passover/Resurrection, I will be sure to celebrate Christ's Resurrection, even set a day aside especially to give God the glory for my salvation, not earned, and call it Passover (He passed over my sins- the atonement, He rose from the dead), just as the Hebrews remembered every year the first Passover. Amen!

News Item2/25/15 12:19 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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no way! they are setting these children up for abuse!

News Item2/25/15 12:15 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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true, lots of people have believed that the otherwise toxic waste is "good for you" and that your entire body should be doused with it, so that your kidneys become the filter for what is not absorbed in the brain... for your teeth. anyone can look on their fluoridated toothpaste and see warning labels if you might ingest it. why are we ingesting it then??

but true to form, instead of getting informed they just decide that because they were duped that truth cannot be had... "what is truth?" they say...

while you all pontificate philosophy, I would like to have to quit buying water filters to get it out of my water. watching large segments of the population with depression, thyroid, hormonal weirdness, and again such a simple solution... save the city money and quit poisoning the waters!

everyone should go look at the skull and crossbone warning signs at your local water processing plant, its right there in plain view.

News Item2/24/15 8:37 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The CDC issued an apology - false, snopes
that's right! the CDC did NOT apologize.....

SteveR, glad to hear you are clearing that stuff out!

News Item2/24/15 2:23 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Frank wrote:
They are taking an oath to preserve and defend something that supports immoralities; abortion,homosexuals,etc
I don't see this...

abortion, for instance was an OVERRIDING of the constitution's enumerated powers. if they had respected the const, roe v wade would not exist.

the same thing repeated in Alabama. 81% of the public voted against same sex marriage. now the federal courts are trying to create law. this also is not in the const., which is against the balancing of powers of the three branches.

recently a prolife bill went through congress and the republicans dropped it like a hot potato. they do not have the WILL to follow the const which requires moral fortitude.

$$$$ to the highest bidder is the law of the land.

they were elected to follow the const and they outright refuse to do so.

this is what makes Russell Moore's comments so troubling. the courts are literally creating law out of thin air, when he supports this, he is supporting an oligarch system in which those instituted into positions can rule however they want.

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