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News Item7/15/09 11:44 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"But they obviously don't TREMBLE at HIS WORD, only shaking when share prices take a dive."

That is funny but so true, John.

News Item7/14/09 7:57 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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That last post is so terribly misguided and full of half-(non) truths that I wouldn't know where to begin! You have to be trying to yank our collective chain.

No wonder that Tony What's-His-Name guy thinks your a closet Jesuit, Jim.

News Item7/14/09 7:48 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Have you ever read the AV? What in the world is it that you find so difficult to understand about it? I know grammar schoolers who have no problem at all with it.

As for the NKJV, I tried it when it first came out in the early 1980s and it is just awful. Read no further than Genesis 2.18 to see that Thomas Nelson has a clear agenda: sell Bibles to women. I would not buy ANYTHING published by Thomas Nelson. They exploit the Scriptures for profit like no one else and the NKJV is a horrible translation.

News Item7/13/09 5:10 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I don't think King James had the audacity to place his own thoughts and notes on the pages of God's Word so the world could enjoy his opinion and interpretation like John McArthur does. I also doubt that he profited (in a BIG way like Ryrie & McArthur) from the sale of it. In fact, I believe the copious notes in the Geneva Bible contributed to the desire for a new translation (the AV).

As for understandability (is that a word?), I've never had any trouble at all understanding the AV and I know tons of folks, some children, who don't either. The AV was understood by everyone who bothered to read it until just recently. Why do you suppose it is that the AV has suddenly become incomprehensible to everyone? And why do you suppose it is that in this day of so many easy-to-understand Bible versions, the level of Biblical ignorance has doubtless reached an all time high?

News Item7/12/09 11:19 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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My Trinitarian Bible Society Windsor Text Bible doesn't have anything on the cover except 'Holy Bible', 'Metrical Psalms' and 'TBS' at the bottom of the spine. It doesn't say anything about King James anywhere inside or out (other than in the Epistle Dedicatory) but if it did, I don't see the big deal. It just identifies the version (I personally prefer to refer to it as the AV anyway). I have yet to see an edition of the AV with King James' personal editorial notes and opinions anywhere on the page. Have you? In fact, I don't know that I have ever seen 'King James' anywhere on a TBS Bible. (I do, however, believe that Thomas Nelson or Zondervan would print 'Free Beer' on a Bible if they thought it would sell it.)

I see no problem with the translators dedicating their efforts to the King. He authorized their work. There is a great deal of difference between that and printing your own comments and opinions on the pages with Scripture, plastering your name all over it and selling it FOR PROFIT.

News Item7/12/09 6:00 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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It wasn't my intention to say anything against dispensationalists. I mentioned it because those who are not dispensationalists usually have no use at all for that view. I didn't know whether you were or not but others reading this thread should know about Ryrie before buying his Bible. I'm kind of a semi-dispensationalist, I agree with some aspects of it but there are many areas that I just can't find in the Bible (like the pre-trib rapture).

I also have a real problem with men adding their notes and name to Scripture, calling it a Bible and selling it. I believe Scofield, Ryrie, McArthur and others will have a lot to answer for. (Just for the record: I have used Scofield's and Ryrie's Bibles in past years. Neither can compare to letting the Holy Spirit guide you as you read, meditate and study).

News Item7/11/09 10:25 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Jim Lincoln wrote:

"I was going to mention, I saw somewhere that the Trinitarian Society preferred the AV, and the joint project they had/have with SermonAudio, they of course used it, but they don't come down on people who use other versions."

Jim, you really need to expose yourself to a wider variety of sources for information than Gil Rugh. Every time I read one of your posts it reminds me of when Andy Griffith used to tell Floyd the barber; "Calvin Coolidge didn't say everything, Floyd".

The TBS doesn't 'prefer' the AV. They publish it exclusively and consider it to be God's Word in the English language. If you will take the time to investigate and read the plethora of articles that they offer (online), you will clearly understand why. They can also explain to you in great detail the problems with the modern versions. I suspect you will be surprised.

As for 'coming down' on anyone, you are correct. They are never critical of others for using modern versions but they can well explain the serious heresies of some of the men involved in the critical texts and translations. Kurt Aland in particular.

As for Charles Ryrie, he takes many liberties as a Bible corrector. You need to be VERY careful with his footnotes. He is also a rabid dispensationalist.

News Item7/10/09 1:32 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Michael Hranek,

Biblicist is giving you wise advice.

If you are going to check out Jim/Gil's materials, please also take the time to listen to Malcolm Watts' and Graham Chewter's sermons on SA regarding preservation. You might also want to check out some of the EXCELLENT articles on the Trinitarian Bible Society website.

There is a vast difference between what many call 'King James Onlyism' (Ruckman, Riplinger, et al and their bombastic sensationalism) and an accurate explanation of how God has preserved His Word thru the centuries. Once you understand the concept/doctrine of preservation, you will understand why the AV is clearly the best, most trustworthy translation of God's Word in the English language.

News Item7/4/09 12:37 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Sarah Palin needs to go home and raise those kids God gave her to raise.

News Item6/25/09 9:56 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Oh I agree with you 100%, Mr. Dispy.

I am just saying that tithing is the ONLY thing that SBC churches seem to take a strong stand on without compromise. They insist that you are 'free in Christ' to do pretty much anything and everything else you please but you better not 'forsake the assembling of yourselves together' and you for sure better tithe (though I have yet to meet anyone who can show me where the Bible even vaguely suggests that Christians should tithe).

The SBC is BIG business and receipts are down. The showman CEOs are flipping out.

News Item6/25/09 11:43 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I live very close to Johnny Hunt's church and I've been there a time or two over the years. The last time I went, I stayed maybe 5 minutes and left when absolute musical pandemonium broke out.

FBC Woodstock is one of the most worldly, show-bizzy churches in Atlanta. It's also one of the biggest.

The SBC doesn't have a 'vision' problem. They have a worldly problem. They try to draw in the world with the world's un-Godly methods and then wonder why they end up with a church filled with lost, worldy people. All of the real Christians see the compromise & spiritual adultery and leave. Sooner or later the worldy crowd that remains realizes that there is more fun to be had without having to get up early on Sunday and tithe (the only Biblical principal most SBC churches adhere to) and they leave too. Hence, empty churches.

News Item6/20/09 9:38 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Michael Hranek wrote:

"And horribly Satan uses unBiblical Calvinism (I would take it that you do know there is a wide range of Belief calling itself "Calvinism" some quite precious like that of CH Spurgeon and some wretched indeed like that of Fred Phelps) to do damage to the cause of the Gospel."

I know who Fred Phelps is but I have no idea about his theology. What is his brand of Calvinism? What does he teach/believe?

News Item6/16/09 6:08 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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It looks like SermonAudio wisely removed Pastor Mike's commment. Thank you!

News Item6/16/09 11:42 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Then why are you here? Why do you bother with this site? What possible difference could it make to you whether anyone chooses to believe Scripture over modern 'science'?

News Item6/13/09 9:28 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Amen, Brother Bob.

Children from Christian homes should NEVER be enrolled in government schools.

News Item6/3/09 7:53 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The notion that evil is out there and we must protect our children from it is not a notion. It is an undeniable fact.

Tipster: Do you have children? If so, do you believe that God would have you send them into a Godless institution for training that basically denies He exists and tries in every way imaginable to seperate their affections from Him and your family?

Where do you get the idea that children as young as 5 or 6 years old are supposed to be missionaries? That is absurd. The early years are for training and for the children of Christians they are for training in Godliness. You cannot find that in a government school. In fact, what you find is just the opposite. United States government schools have become anti-Christ.

Nobody in my kids' homeschool learned evolution. Nobody learned that living a life of sodomy and calling it a 'lifestyle' is normal or acceptable. Nobody handed my kids a condom & encouraged them to have at it. Nobody taught them revisionist history. Nobody refused to teach them the Bible and Biblical character qualities. There has never been a drug problem in my living room, no students sodomizing each other, absolutely no danger of being shot and I've never met a homeschooler on Ritalin.

News Item6/2/09 11:51 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Because teaching them and training them at home is exactly what prepares them to 'engage with their peers in later life".

How are you (or I), as a responsible parent, going to train a child in the way he should go if he is being inundated and brainwashed all day every day for most of his young life by a humanistic, secular institutiion that is openly antagonistic and hostile to God and the Scriptures? (I'm referring to American schools but from what I understand Ireland is getting bad, too).

If you are a non-believer and don't care about your children's souls, by all means-send them into the government schools. That's a great place for them as long as they don't get shot.

If you are a Christian, however, and really do care about your children, your children have absolutely no business in a godless government school. Why would you send them there?

News Item5/29/09 12:00 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Jim/Gil wrote:

"Mainly because high school students won't go to the effort of reading the much more accurate versions of the Bible, the ASV or Darby, because of the Elizabethan taint."

High school students won't read the Bible because most of them are not saved. That's mainly because most of them have been warehoused in a government controlled, godless, humanist indoctrination center for most of their lives. They have been coerced into believing that the Bible is a book of nonsense and fables so they have no use for it. Usually they openly ridicule it. That's the whole point of this thread, isn't it?

BTW, Jim, what Bible did teenagers read (and comprehend) prior to the 1970s? How in the world did anyone ever comprehend Scripture before your NASB, NIV, etc.?

News Item5/27/09 5:07 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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What in the world is so difficult about understanding the AV? I have been reading it since I was a kid and I know loads of teenagers and (every other age group) who read it regularly today.

What do you think people read prior to the NIV's marketing driven popularity 20 years ago? The AV was for the most part all anyone had in their homes until the 1970s and no one seemed to be bothered by it. I personally suspect -and I do not mean this as a put down to anyone, simply an observation - that if someone is too dense or dumb to understand the AV they are probably too dense to understand the NASB ot the NIV also.

In most cases, it's probably just as Alan Foster wrote. Scripture is God's Word and is intended for His (regenerate) people. Unregenerate man probably is incapable of understanding the AV because unregenerate man, not being indwelled by the Holy Spirit, is incapable of understanding Scripture at all.

I believe the reason the AV has suddenly become so unreadable to folks is because that's exactly what Zondervan, Tyndale, Thomas Nelson & others spend millions trying to make you believe. Bible publishing is BIG business.

News Item5/26/09 5:59 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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How exactly is it judgemental? Why is it judgemental? Please explain that. Please try not to use Oprah-speak. Better yet, explain to me clearly why any child from a Christian home (not a 'church-going' home, a real Christian home) should be turned over to the federal government for daily training for at least 12 years. Please explain that.

I know what God has to say about believers raising children. I've not only read it, I've done it. Certainly not perfectly but I've followed His instructions.

I also know what goes on in the government school system. It is a system that is doing EXACTLTLY what it was designed to do. Read the thoughts & writings of John Dewey and Horace Mann (and others). The government school system is not just neutral toward Scripture and the things of God. It is outright hostile to them! That's called anti-Christ. Is that what a Christian parent should desire for their child?

No Christian child needs to be handed over to Babylon for their education much less a system where they have to pass thru metal detectors to attend. The lies and humanism they are taught almost becomes incidental!

I'm not being judgemental. I'm stating facts. Only an irresponsible Christian parent would turn their child over to the pagan state for an education.

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