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News Item5/6/09 4:08 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Girl, Australia,

Sorry. I mistakenly thought you put the reformed link down that I had visited.

You seem really strong in your convictions. Keep the faith. Listening to Ken Ham through the years, it seems as though the Aussies need more of your kind to be a strong witness.

Job 1:8

News Item5/5/09 3:35 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Girl, Australia,

I think we are pretty much on the same page. However, this report was an alarm for Christians about the legalization of perverted same gender sex rights(criminalization of pastors and ignoring their right to free speech as well as their Constitutional right to live without their rights being infringed upon by government intervention.)
If you are going to be consistent in your approach to this forum then you will need to talk about the "other sins" on the other S.A. forums also, such as pride.

The icono site you posted looks good, except the page contrasting the true and the false church seems to be showing opposites, which prosperous and afflicted are not(maybe because it is okay for Christians such as Abraham, Job, etc. to have been blessed with wealth.)
Have a "grace day"!

Job 42:2

News Item5/5/09 4:33 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The Fundamental Baptist, Australia:


Girl, Australia:

Proverbs 6:16, 17 "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination to him:
A proud look, a lying tongue..."

In Isaiah 14, Lucifer, in his foolish, prideful desire wanted to be exalted like the Most High God. This brought about that lie.

We could go on with other sins but it does seem that the sexual perversion of
the same genders is so abhorrent to Almighty God that he not only wiped out an entire area but he left them to themselves to destroy themselves. They were exceedingly wicked.
You are correct about our culture of lasciviousness but it is clear throughout Scripture that this is totally debased.
We all can be found guilty of committing lies periodically(white or black).
Would it be possible ignorance or a lie to state that homosexuality is no worse than any other sin in Scripture?
Or would it be possible ignorance or a lie to state that other sins are less abhorrent than the sin of same gender sexual perversion?
Indeed, a perfectly, holy God hates all sin but it seems that this sin is exceedingly wicked.
Have a "grace day".
Job 1:8

News Item5/1/09 4:45 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Girl, Australia,

"I think it has the potential to be abused and misused..."


Does Barney Frank have an agenda?

Any written document with the words:
"interferes" and "reasonable" can be abused.

The Supreme Court is the real issue here.

Does anyone remember how the baby murderers tried to use the anti-racketeering RICO Act(intended for the mobs)against the Pro-life protesters? It took two decades but they eventually voted it down.

I have to wonder though, just with the threat of this Act, how many Pro-lifers became timid? I wonder with just a possible threat of misuse how many American pastors will do likewise?

America has become a byword to the nations!

News Item4/26/09 7:15 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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There is to be no quit.
Out of our pulpit.

Continue the fires.
Strive - the king of liars.

In and out of season.
Stop - spiritual treason.

Fear of man is the trap.
Timid - out of the gap.

Prison through the ages.
Men of God in cages.

They may assault us soon.
May we be salt in wound.

Dear, pastor, have courage.
From firey flurries.

The cross, His cross, our cross.
He will extract the dross.

Be strong and courageous.
Like those through the ages.


News Item4/25/09 5:02 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John UK,

I read your P. Johnson link on hyper-Calvinism. Very good. Monergism articles will be helpful I'm sure. I would love to read all about this but I am refusing to. Pray for me, please as I was totally transparent on the Osteen forum. There is a great sense in which we might be content in seeking God through His Word. PSALM 38:9,18

I have been thinking about Romans 7 a lot lately, especially verse 19.

We are all blessed by the Lord in so many ways: wow, all of Joh Owens set in your church library!

Ecclesiastes 2:10
Psalm 73:24:26

ps."But it is possible to be a supralapsarian and to hold to a kind of 'double predestination' without embracing hyper-Calvinism." P. Johnson

News Item4/24/09 3:53 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John UK,


Probably, similar to all new believers, I took the Bible everywhere I went immediately after conversion, whether it was to have a tire change or a church outing. Zeal for God's Word is all-encompassing as I think I read the N.T. alone around 3 times the first couple of months. Sometimes I think about "sola Scriptura" as a practical doctrine. Perhaps most of us(Arminian as well as Reformed)still read and study the Bible but probably not enough(as the godly, experienced pastor said).

Both are true: that it is wisdom to have wise counsel but it is also true that the Lord alone is our counselor as the Psalmist states.

Concerning your last post, if we do not view everything under the umbrella of being a good steward of all of our God-given resources, then even obtaining good, spiritual books(there is not end to the writing thereof) can be sinful(godliness with contentment is great riches).

JOB 1:8

News Item4/24/09 12:36 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John UK,

Greetings! Either way Matthew 4:4 applies.

Pastors hindsight is for our good. If only we would take heed once in a while.
As far as to analyze our time spent we all fail at one time or another. But redeeming the time and asking our Lord to help us count the days are definitely applicable. Only by His great and continued mercy and grace do we live.

I have often thought of saving enough money to own all of the puritan paperbacks at B.of T. but I have been convicted of a large library and the need to actually only have God's Word.
I once read the testimony of a man named, ZVI, an Israeli believer who is up in years, fought all of her wars, and goes about actively witnessing on a daily basis. He was once asked what books he had in his library(because of all of the wisdom he had, especially Biblical). He stated that he only owned the Bible(I believe George Muller only had a Bible, and a couple of manuscripts). To the unbeliever he reeked of the Bible as it flowed beautifully from his veins as could be said of Mr. Bunyan.


JOB 1:8

News Item4/24/09 4:16 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John UK,

John Blanchard's, "Ultimate Questions", is indeed excellent and seemingly becoming more popular. McCheyne's Bible reading calendar, yes! But I have found in all honesty that it is better to simply read Scripture on our own with not set yearly timetable.

Jessica Dawson,

"...I am impressed that Joel Osteen and his wife made no mistake about it that they were not in favour of gay marriage..."

I do appreciate your prayerful attitude(the Lord has convicted me lately to pray 'immediately' before I enter Sermon Audio to post)but these pragmatic, pluralistic, populous mega-church preachers are false teachers.

Did you notice where they stated,"Not to knock anybody."
So we shyly state that we think heterosexual marriage is what God thinks is best(how about the only way).
I guess it might tarnish Mr. Osteens image if he were to state the Biblical truth that homosexual behavior is an abmonination to Almighty God.
I guess Mr. Osteen would refrain from ever mentioning Romans 1 and of course the words of Sodom and Gomorrah must never be mentioned.

Sorry, but I am not impressed. I wonder if mentioning sin or hell would be going over the line? No preacher would ever want to be referred to as a pessimist.

News Item4/21/09 4:27 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Barry from KY,
Except for standing alongside the Democratic Socialists, I not really sure what you believe.

Recovery? This country has been on the downward slide for the last 70 years of socialist entitlements and deficit spending.


Sorry, but 1994 had a DIVIDED governmental power.

Bigger is better.
Socialist go-getter.

Arise, Oh, sleeper.(America at large)
We're now in deeper.

Spending overflowing.
Deficits ever growing.

Freely they spend.
Freedoms they rend.

The populous relax.
The socialists tax.

Another budget blew.
Sh,h... we'll take it from you.

Government large.
Government at-large.

Government oppression.
Governed depression.

Peoples choice.
Lamentable voice.(Prov. 29:2)

The people sleep.(Christians help Obama)
The people reap.

Get, get, get!(Prov. 30:15a)
Debt, debt, debt!

One-world coming.
To anti-christ a running.

Get right with God.
Evil runs roughshod.

Government the spender.
You and I the lender.

Nothing returned.
You and I burned.

No give - all take.
Retired - now awake.

Voter - what have we learned?
God's Law have we spurned.

Day of reckoning has arrived.
Future generations deprived.

News Item4/20/09 1:12 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Barry from Ky,

Pres. Clinton, increased the deficit every year he was in office.

Do some impartial investigating such as the info. at the U.S. Treasury Direct site.

National Debt in trillions at the end of each Clinton Budget:

Fiscal Year. 1993 4.411488
1994 4.692749
1995 4.973982
1996 5.224810
1997 5.413146
1998 5.526193
1999 5.656270
2000 5.674178
2001 5.807463

There are two parts to our governments debt. Consistent to character, Clinton deceptively told the citizenry that he was bringing down the deficit. While the Public Debt came down some, he also forgot to mention that the Intergovernmental Holdings went up. He payed down the public debt by BORROWING far more in Gov. Holdings, INCREASING THE DEFICIT.

We would have been doomed on a quicker scale if it was not for the checks of the Con. with Amer.

You may not be cognizant of this fact but Pres. Clinton, was known by the infamous name of, "Million Dollar Bill", after his stints as Gov. in Arkansas before his presidency.
Deficit spending has brought us to where we are.

News Item4/20/09 12:19 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Barry from Ky,

Another major thing you are missing(because of Clinton's lies)is that he DID NOT give President Bush a surplus.

Pres. Clinton, NEVER had a surplus while in office. He ALWAYS had a deficit.

The only reason it seemed to be better than it actually was is because he was kept in check by the Con. with Amer. and also was not able to put into play many of his deficit increasing entitlements.

News Item4/20/09 2:17 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Barry from KY,

Congress makes laws and has been impinging on the founders sep. of powers, especially with the Budget Control Act of 1975.

The U.S. has experienced Democratic control of the House from, 1954-1995
(41 YEARS!)

Only four Presidents have had undivided control of the country with BOTH CHAMBERS aligned with their party:
F. Rooselvelt - 12 of 12 years.
J. Kennedy - 3 of 3 years.
L. Johnson - 5 of 5 years.
J. Carter - 4 of 4 years.
B. Obama - ? of ? years.
(As you can see - ALL DEMOCRATS)

Roosevelt's "New Error", employed government intervention and as a result his first year ended with a budget deficit of almost 6 times greater than Hoover's last year.

Kennedy employed Keynesian economics and increased spending.

Johnson's "Great Society" increased the public debt and burden on the taxpayers.

Carter's term is all too vivid and produced stagflation.

Since the F.Roosevelt era, and his beginnings of entitlements, our country
has been on a collision course with its constant rise of deficit spending. And the liberal socialists have been in control.

News Item4/19/09 9:19 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I agree with your concise definitions of "Founding Fathers and "Christian". However, it seems a bit inconsistent to state that a far majority of our founders could be proven to be unbelievers and then to later post that this would be difficult to prove.

News Item4/19/09 12:03 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Concerning our foundation, I guess that would depend on how one would define "Founding Fathers" and "Christian".

News Item4/18/09 4:48 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Barry from Ky.,

Our government has been increasing the deficit for a very long time. As for party affiliation - you might want to look up our political history and see who has been in CONTROL OF CONGRESS for the last fifty years of this entitlement waste.

News Item4/18/09 4:28 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Mark M,

The economy will not come out of this. This seemingly temporary reprieve is deceptive.
The Fed. Gov. and its 90% of the GDP bailout leaves a looming disaster. The value of our dollar will literally not be worth the paper it is printed on.

News Item4/13/09 2:13 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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"Rick Warren is a powerful tool of the Lord Jesus."

R.W. is a powerful tool alright but for a different sort of character. I wonder what you think about T.D. Jakes, Ed Young or Joel Osteen.

God he fears.
Bible he hears.

2nd. Coming nears.
Godly tears.

Apostate veers.
Tickling ears.

Righteous sneers.
Throughout the years.

News Item4/11/09 5:39 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Not to mince.
With the prince.

Has not sin to convince.
Been doctrine ever since?

Scripture does more than hints.
Preaching we must not wince.

Without His blood they would rinse.

News Item4/10/09 1:53 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Charles m,

At work one day, they had Mr. Hannity on t.v. during my lunch hour. He was referring to redemption and at the same time proudly proclaimed himself to be a practicing Roman Catholic. However, Mr. Warren was his congenial self, not bringing up the true versus the false gospel of rome.
And to think that he claims on his 40 Days of Purpuse videos that if we are silent about the gospel whenever we meet a person in the highways and byways of life and they do not get saved then it is OUR FAULT!
"The Purpose Driven Life":

At the end of the first day he writes:

"Andrei Bitov, a Russsian novelist, grew up under an atheistic Communist regime. But God got his attention one dreary day. He recalls, 'In my twenty-seventh year, while riding the metro in Leningrad(now St. Petersburg)I was overcome with a despair so great that life seemed to stop at once, preempting the future entirely, let alone any meaning. Suddenly, all by itself, a PHRASE APPEARED: Without God life makes no sense. Repeating it in astonishment, I rode the phrase up like a moving staircase, got out of the metro and WALKED INTO GOD'S LIGHT."

He seems to have a very shallow treatment of sin in his book, if at all.

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