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News Item4/9/09 1:55 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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"Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

This quote is attributed to Einstein in a discussion with a professor. Whether or not it occurred, I don't know, but it is one way to look at the issue.

News Item4/9/09 1:30 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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poiuy wrote:
God is, Edwards says, "the permitter . . . of sin; and at the same time, a disposer of the state of events, in such a manner, for wise, holy and most excellent ends and purposes, that sin, if it be permitted . . . will most certainly and infallibly follow."
He uses the analogy of the way the sun brings about light and warmth by its essential nature, but brings about dark and cold by dropping below the horizon. "If the sun were the proper cause of cold and darkness," he says, "it would be the fountain of these things, as it is the fountain of light and heat: and then something might be argued from the nature of cold and darkness, to a likeness of nature in the sun."
That's interesting. I recall reading that cold is the *absence* of heat, and darkness is the *absence* of light, and evil is the *absence* of God. In other words, it is the absence of something which defines these terms. Perhaps Edwards' analogy was the source. OTH, there is "nothing new under the sun." Just when I think I have an original thought, it becomes obvious someone else thought it before me.

News Item4/9/09 9:33 AM
Candle LIt  Find all comments by Candle LIt
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John UK wrote:
Good morning CandleLit
I can praise God for health, and for safety in traveling this morning, but alas, wet and windy conditions by the harbour meant we had the market in the inn's restaurant area indoors, and although a few people came in and had a browse, not one sale. Even the ladies who bring pies, cakes, sponges etc said it was another dire day. I am going to have to do more markets farther afield, in bigger places like Aberystwyth or Aberaeron. The seaside village where I currently go is so quiet until the summer season.
I wish I had the time to study more about art; starting from scratch only a couple of years ago I've not had the time to go into it.

Even your words paint a picture! I like your descriptive language, giving me a feel for a place I have never been. Aberystwyth or Aberaeron - hmmmm....that's a mouthful.

Have a good rest of the day, John!

News Item4/9/09 8:46 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
I don't know a lot about art in the historical sense, but most of my teachers talk about watercolours being an 'impression' of a scene, not detail. Maybe that's what the Impressionists used to do. I ought to study more and catch up on what I've missed.
Good afternoon, John,

I just realized how gentle you were in your correction of my faux pas when I spoke of the Impressionists and watercolours as their medium. It wasn't until later that I realized my mistake, and, not being so mature as to shrug off my mistake, due to that old pride that still lingers, I have to correct myself. I was thinking of light and colour, and somehow associated it with watercolours, but, thinking on it more, I realized the medium was oil for the French painters. You'd never know from that statement that I've actually seen some of these great works of art in major cities, including Paris.

And, did you sell a painting today? I love attending art festivals in coastal and mountain towns when travelling. I like talking with the artist. Then, when I buy a piece, I can remember the artist.

News Item4/8/09 8:47 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Last year I entered a painting in a competition and it made it through to the month long exhibition. I'm painting better now, but you can get some idea of my style, as it is still on the internet.
[URL=]]]John's Picture[/URL]
G'night all, and may Jesus be praised!
Thanks for sharing your work with us, John. I like it very much. It is very serene, and very reasonably priced. The internet is a great way to market art.
Once, when we were travelling, I fell in love with an oil painting of a peasant girl holding a lamb, but it was sold. Later, we were able to commission the piece, for a very reasonable price, through the internet. Well, lest we are chastised for such discussions, let me close with this: "Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." Psalm 103:1

News Item4/8/09 7:52 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Most of my paintings are local seascapes in watercolour, like harbours, rocks, people walking the beach with their dog, the odd boat or two, a fisherman casting out (maybe Prince Charles). Quite old-fashioned stuff really, coz I don't much like modern abstract. But if I can show folks that God's creation is a marvel to behold (Psalm 19) I shall be content.
Sounds beautiful! I'm not into abstract either. I like the Impressionists for watercolours. Love the masters for oils. I guess my art appreciation is similar to most people who tour museums featuring the early works. We have both watercolours and oils from various places. Nothing expensive, just beautiful pieces. Who knows, maybe we'll visit Wales one day and buy one of your beautiful pieces - if the Lord tarries.

Well, hope you rest well this evening. Tomorrow is a big day.

News Item4/8/09 6:58 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
I'm feeling right low today because I have a headache and can't put brush on paper without making a mess. Ah well, tomorrow is market day again, and if I sell another painting I shall be smiling again.
Ahh. . John, I was nursing a pinched nerve today, so just checking in.

This should make you feel better - "But ye are a chosen generation, a ROYAL priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." 1 Peter 2:9,10

Remember how we were talking about *Charles m.* being "Prince Charles of Wales," member of the royal family? Well, so he is, and, so are we.

Hope you feel better, and may you sell another painting tomorrow. What style do you do?

News Item4/7/09 6:50 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
I guess Charles needs a bit longer to get over his illness. They say that you can suffer delusions during a fever.
Poor Charles. Hey, I just thought - "Prince Charles" . .maybe we should call him that. Whadayathink? Hmmmmmmm... We must pray for him. He's an interesting mix of maturity and immaturity, isn't he? He certainly brings a lot of energy to these boards. I hope he wasn't offended by my comment about venting his workshop. It was said in good humour. Hopefully, it was taken as such.

News Item4/7/09 5:57 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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charles m wrote:
did you know that david will be king of Israel in the millenia when Jesus rules the world from Jerusalem ?

This statement of yours stuck in my mind. Where do you get this? Why would David be ruling on an earthly throne if Jesus is the true and reigning King? It is incongruous.

News Item4/7/09 5:27 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
God bless you Candle Lit!
You have given me encouragement to burn just a little brighter today, this through God's grace and mercy! God is so amazing, all His wonder and power are unsearchable! Yet the search produces joy and wonder at The Power of God!
God has blessed me with a few mature christian women that I can phone, with questions that pertain to tough issues in my life. A while ago I had a grave problem and receiving biblical cousel over the phone from two different mature Christian women changed my whole outlook. They help me "put on my biblical glasses" per se.
I did go to Church just over a week ago
That's a good testimony, Jessica. It is important for younger women to have older women to give them counsel.

In my early 20's, God gave someone to me, who was an encourager in the Lord, and we have remained friends for more than half our lives, though we haven't lived in the same state since our 20's.

In today's world, I see the worst representation of what a woman should be, and it makes me almost physically ill. OTOH, there are friends such as mine who are a godly influence in the lives of young women, and, so, against the darkness, the light that Jesus gives shines brightly.

News Item4/7/09 4:55 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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charles m wrote:
No candleit ! I mean it - id never be flippant on this forum that would be very bad.
did you know that david will be king of Israel in the millenia when Jesus rules the world from Jerusalem ? ...the creation its the 67 th book of the bible -.... about my hasty post which gave the impresion that i was being facetious i should be more careful
Nor would I be flippant, Charles.

So, respectfully, may I ask you to vent that workshop, and breathe deeply.

News Item4/7/09 2:23 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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charles m wrote:
i dont think that is absurd at all its a useful insight Its very interesting how God chooses to speak to individuals in ways that they will understand
Hahaha. . . I can take a tongue-in-cheek compliment. .......I wouldn't have known your intent had I not read John UK's follow-up comment. Very funny. I hope that you will not treat me differently now that you know I am a woman - you know, all nice and no challenge. And, I can laugh at being the target of a little sarcasm.

Glad you are feeling better.

News Item4/7/09 12:46 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Andrew Graham wrote:
I believe emotions are part of the image of God that we are created in.
Is God's only emotion anger? May He not feel different emotions for the same topic –just as you or I can? Is God beyond emotions, using emotion to communicate to humans His will?
Emotions do not make a person weak. It is the inability to control emotions that contribute to weakness.
Finally, Jehovah is not weak but ever strong. I thought this was foundational knowledge.
Please do not take any offence in my response; none has been meant.
May God richly bless you
Absolutely! Excellent!

Emotions make us distinctly human, and there is every effort on so many fronts to stifle emotions.

Without emotions, life would be colorless. God-given emotions displayed as is pleasing to Him, are a blessing.

Joy, rejoicing, excitement, are acceptable expressions in our society, but, grief, depression, despair must be treated. This is not good. We learn through grief, and should become stronger as a result.

We wouldn't have the Psalms if David had been on anti-depressants! I'm being silly, to make a point.

But, your point is well taken!

God communicates with us in terms which we understand for our good.

News Item4/7/09 12:05 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
God bless Candle Lit!
I am a shut in and am too sick to attend Church services at this time.
God bless you, it's nice to see a sister on here!
Dear Jessica,

Thank you for your kind words.

I have found some excellent teaching on SA, and it has been a blessing to me, as you indicated in your post that the boards have been for you. It is important to be in relationship with other believers, as we are to build one another up in the faith. A fire burns brightly when pieces of wood or lumps of coal are stacked together. Separately, they burn out. So, we need each other to burn brightly.

Blessings to you as you study God's Word, and trust Him for your daily needs.

News Item4/7/09 11:21 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Andrew Graham wrote:
Oh how does the heart of God ache knowing this depraved and evil teaching will lead to wrong decisions of many; choosing abortion as a way out rather than Himself?
When I hear people speak of God in this way, it makes me wince. It makes Him sound like a weak person who has no control over the situation, and wishes it were different. Maybe I am misunderstanding the meaning of the post.

News Item4/7/09 9:55 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
And you show great wisdom and maturity in not dwelling on negatives, of which there are many, lest they have the adverse effect on your spiritual life. And so I thank you for your words and, if you don't mind, I will take them as a gentle reproof to myself, even though I know you never meant them that way, and I will henceforth try to continue in a positive direction, and not post about grievances which I and others around me have experienced over many years. No profit there.
And now I really must get back to work, as I've had two failed paintings today, and I need to get one finished. Praise God for his faithfulness and lovingkindness to all his people.
No reproof for you, John! I was just letting you know that I do not dwell on what I cannot change. Rather, "on whatsoever is good, whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is perfect." "As a man thinketh, so is he." The word of God shaped my thinking early on, but God gave me a sunny disposition, as well.

Hope your painting goes well this afternoon.

News Item4/7/09 8:59 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
I've no doubt there are many who feel the same way, and who feel so alone in this world. After all, when we leave the world's side and are joined to Jesus Christ, we expect to have a completely new circle of friends who feel the same way about Jesus, and who want to follow him together
Good afternoon, John,

Thanks for your comments of understanding.

I'm not sure there is a solution, and no reason to dwell on what isn't - for me.

I think there is an aloneness like Adam had in the Garden before the fall, and before Eve, for many Christians. O.T. saints appeared to stand alone, within their families and communities, of course. N.T. believers are to function as a body, but Paul was dealing with those who were divisive, even in his day, and he suffered anguish over what false brethren were doing in the church. Even so, today.

This is a time to "be patient, for the coming of the Lord is at hand." That gives me the greatest hope, and keeps me looking forward, not at what is, or what was, or even, what should be. When I said that I like to discuss "real theology," I should have said, I love to talk about the Lord, what He has done, what He is doing, and that He is coming again.

News Item4/6/09 7:28 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
CandleLit, have gifts designed for the blessing of the corporate body of Christ. I am greatly blessed by everyone on SA, you are all my family, praise the Lord!
Yeah, John, God has given me gifts, but sometimes He puts us on the "backside of the desert" so to speak. Why, I don't know, but He has His reasons. If He didn't have a plan for me being here, He'd take me home. Like you, I don't have a church home. I'm not sure that I have met many truly born again Christians. I live among nice, respectable, good, church-going people. The difference is what I love and what they love are two different things. I have of the world what most think brings happiness, but, it is the joy of the Lord that sustains me. Paul said, "It is much better to go and be with the Lord." This comment troubles people, if I say it, but it seems so natural for me. The things in this world do not satisfy, but He enables Christians to enjoy things, simple pleasures, the beauty of creation, and, above all, communion with Him, while we are here. But, the best is yet to come. The best part of being with the Lord will be no more sin, and unhindered fellowship with Him and with one another. It seems too good to be true, doesn't it?

News Item4/6/09 5:55 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
CandleLit, I am rather glad that Christianity is quite opposite to the world. Or should be!
When I read Peter Master's booklet on church membership I read it with this expression on my face:-

Your posts have reminded me of the unity and love of disciples together in Christ, and you are highly appreciated. Knowing your gender for several months has not bothered me at all, and I trust you will continue to post. Your words are edifying and God honouring.

Thank you, John, for your kindness in your post.

One reason that I didn't want to reveal my gender when posting, was to prevent the discussion from becoming the "role of the woman in the church." I found early on, when posting, that I would get "the woman is to keep silent" mantra. That is a discussion that just doesn't interest me. I'd rather talk about real theology, not something that God declared, and I am to obey. There is no rebellion in my heart to the role that God has called me to. I love God's Word, and it is easy to submit to. I don't want to be anything other than what He has created me to be. I just enjoy some discussion with people of like-mind, and who challenge my thinking.

So, what gave me away???

News Item4/6/09 3:09 PM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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Mike wrote:
Candle Lit, I don't know if you know this, but the TV show was based on a real person, John Johnson, also known as "Crow Killer" and "Liver-Eating Johnson." Interesting historical character.
I did know that the character was based on a real person, but . . ."Liver-Eating Johnson"??? . . .no. We use to eat liver and onions. . .yuk. .they were suppose to be "good for you."

Thanks, Mike for encouraging me to continue posting with my "thoughtful" posts - I wish they were more than "thoughtful", but I guess we give what we got - huh?

Now, if I could be witty, or scholarly, or such, I would, but I'm comfortable with what God gave me. It is enough.

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