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News Item3/16/15 10:54 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jesus was singular in His teaching. One way to the Father was through Him. No false mediator. At the Crystal Cathedral, BG hinted at many ways, which is what universalists teach.

The world compromising and unifying is the spirit of antichrist or the resurrected Babylon, the end time deception.

But like I said, BG and FG are two different people and FG is one of the few speaking up for the brethren right now.

have great burden today for believing Christians. Many have burden for the lost who have not heard the gospel. I have that as well, in this time of life I have a new burden for the brethren of my homeland. And they are like sheep to the slaughter. Woe to the weak kneed pastors, who tell my family behind the scenes that they know the church has been silent and compromised. I am praying for them. These are times in which some will go against their confession of Christ, and it is done in such clever ways, many think they are being faithful to the gospel by censoring 80% of the Christian walk out! As James says faith without works is dead. Justification was the focus of the reformation because of the false works based religion of the European state (RCC), but God's work is ongoing, the redemption, the buying back of the slave to sin, sanctification marks us.

News Item3/14/15 8:59 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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s c wrote:
I have yet to meet anyone who was actually saved listening to BG.
I have. And they became a lifelong missionary.

but the issue of the persecution of the church is far more important. FG is exhibiting the characteristic of a Christian in this, "they will be known for the love of the brethren". He is identifying himself with those being called h@ters. How interesting it will be to see who shows up at the trial of the born again believer and who is ashamed of the gospel. many who have been the staunchest among us will fall to this world order and others who we weren't sure of will be drawn closer to Christ and the truth.

News Item3/14/15 10:22 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The lackluster heretical
your communist spiritual fathers are a better path? this is why I pray for your salvation.

News Item3/13/15 6:49 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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this is no surprise. damage the brain and neurology of a person, you are going to get behavior changes.

News Item3/13/15 2:40 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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scripture says to be in the world but not of it.

to choose one over the other would be bizarre extremes of dominionism to apathetic nihilism.

I am thankful for men who have come before me that have shed their blood against tyranny for basic ideals that are motivated by Christian thought. I am not apathetic towards their sacrifices and recognize in my own generation that any good life I have is through the sacrifice of others by God's hand. The road I drive on I did not build! Western civilition when it did get things right was due to the influence of Christ through people.

They brought ideas like due process! That is the tyrant cannot just whisk you away and throw you in a dungeon and torture you by pulling your fingernails out! But both pres' campaigns ran on ending posse comitatus. that shows you the tyrannical mindset of CHristians today. They are OK!! with a tyrant whisking away someone without due process as long as their party is in control. the history has already been lost.

News Item3/12/15 3:50 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Penny, why just point out Communists,
Jim, if there is any evidence of any wrong doing on anyone's part, it should be handled fairly according to the rule of law. do you understand, I'm not partial? if these agitators like the one you quoted were concerned about police brutality, they would cease the dhs training and militarizing. there are real cases of brutality out there, they picked a case that wasn't. this who thing is diversion. goes to show they have no ones best interest in mind. this is an issue of balance of powers.

Title: "Sheriff Clarke ~ Irresponsible Groups Descended on Ferguson MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass "

News Item3/12/15 10:04 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the elitists come up with their silly myths to consolidate power. there's always a group of people looking for someone to follow that will believe the myths. many who go along to keep their jobs, and the rest of us just watch it all and roll our eyes. IMF to the rescue! (don't worry the bankers will save you from annihilation by charging us an international carbon tax, while they destroy our waters and air in our neighborhood with their companies, to make products which they then force us to buy, all the while pushing the depopulation of the world as the solution)

my question.... what dupe picks a leader aiming to depopulate them???

News Item3/12/15 9:47 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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kudos to this judge. what will the atheists replace it with? thou shalt steal if you are part of a protected group status? thou shalt take another life as long is its called a fetus? the commandments make sense, and are aligned with the conscience, and no one is making them give allegiance to God, they are free to reject Him as they do.

News Item3/12/15 9:38 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim, answering one evil with another is just more of the same thing, the blind leading the blind. and I'm sorry, but gang rape and hacking people to death are not "less" that the evils of lynchings and pulling people off of busses. Its the SAME THING. Because when you give any group protected status OVER others, then the evil among them take their excesses against the innocent. GROWNUPS are supposed to see it and not fall for communist tactics, as are the foundation of this current leader. The constitution reflects a Christian standard of the value of the individual, not collectivism, which seems to be your religion all the way around. See here's the deception they are selling to inner city folks, is that the middle class is still in existence and that they deserve to receive funding, subsidies, etc while the middle class owes them. This is classic Marxism. One day they will realize that their grand leader is their grand betrayer and that the middle class is in the same boat as them, and that we all sink as a people or all float. A predatory mindset hurts us all. And that is what every communist leader knows. Get the people infighting. The poverty issues we are having come from the regulators that create these tensions that you seem to feed on.

News Item3/11/15 6:41 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
UPS and Penny --"Two wrongs make a right?"
Jim, you categorize people like Darwin did dragonfly samples and do do birds. I'm praying for your salvation in Christ. By the way, I have no idea what two wrongs you are talking about, nor am I overly concerned about what you think the two wrongs are.... I see your post has the typical key words. I don't speak that language, have you figured that out yet? When you slam the other party, the other group whatever it is, I just pray for you more. I serve a God who judges the intent of the heart, and my heart was found guilty, He showed His salvation to me in Jesus Christ.

News Item3/11/15 6:20 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Some wear it like a badge of honor that they have not experienced the work of the Holy Spirit. I'm not here selling any charismania, but my experience with being Christian has definitely not been about prosperity, but supplication, humbling, and sometimes suffering.

I suppose some have had a very quiet kind of conversion, but ever real, I wouldn't say there were signs and wonders, but there have been "My Lord and My God" moments where God's plan and message were brought clearly into heart and understanding that comes from Him, an empowering in fact that has brought be to times of prayer and at times others asking to hear the gospel of Christ.

There is something wrong if some who calls themselves believers are not in anyway experiencing God, be it simple victory over sin, revealing of corruption and discernment in society so that they may live righteously in the world, be it the joy of the Lord which is pure and healing, besides an occasional miracle or blessing that God is with them. Its not to say its that way all the time or should be sought, we don't seek the wind, but the wind comes through. Do you love Christ? Do you understand how fallen you were before He picked you up? The redeemed may have times of darkness, but these things they will come back to....

News Item3/11/15 6:07 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim, no doubt the communist or fascist leaning idealogues in their aim to force vaccinate will blame any and all natural functions, including the mother-baby bond for the ailments they create. next up, its just best people don't have children at all, you know eugenics, freud, Darwin, all those enlightened fathers that are actively working to end western civilization itself?

News Item3/11/15 11:00 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Lurker wrote:
Isaiah 3:12 O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
Lurker, thank you for your, as usual, thought-provoking comments. There is precedent there, and uncalled, unrepentant men putting themselves in spiritual authority, with the purpose of undermining the Christian faith.

News Item3/11/15 10:10 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Jim, are you trying to create a segregated race based society?

I know lots of "white" kids who cannot go to public schools because they get beat up because of their race.

I know homeless who avoid homeless shelter areas because they are "white", and are assaulted just riding a bus.

Time to get with the century.

The young man had just robbed a store and was rushing the policeman. They have video of him robbing the store. You want good folks in these neighborhoods, be they whatever "race" they are to have to put up with these kinds of criminals? You know there are good folks in these areas of all "races" that see through this?

Hate crimes are meant to suppress one group over another. A crime is a crime because the victim is a human being, not because they are in a protected status and someone else is not. Hate crime is a divide and conquer tactic of communism, a new form of apartheid.

You may just be blind to this, and this is the only mantra you know?

News Item3/11/15 9:38 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Doc sceptic wrote:
breast cancer is not transferrable, but the state can well subscribe to the view that it is inheritable if genetically based and, so, could likewise argue that compelled mastectomies serve a public good. I offer this example to alert those who are all too ready to endorse mandatory measles vaccines of the fundamental right they are sacrificing in the head long rush to achieve what they consider a public good.
ironically they have been telling women this and they have been preemptively getting mastectomies!! people are actually willing to start self mutilating, this shows just how far people trust the world order.

genetic research can be a genuine thing, but it also be a ruse... something like vaccines can cause mitochondrial disorder, then they say the kid has mitochondrial disorder, which is genetic, in other words the child suffered cellular damage, but they'll tweak it into a "genetic" thing. kind of like "no I didn't make Joey crash off his bike", when he slashed the tires on the bike before Joey rode them. No, he didn't physically push him off the bike, but he did slash the tires, the consequence being inevitable bar the angels

News Item3/10/15 10:48 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Dr. Tenpenny was interviewed on trunews, she is saying that big pharma allies are lobbying state legislatures to eliminate religious exemptions for vaccines. they want to force the youngest among us to take their products while they are immune from court for bad outcomes. how will this affect families where 1, 2, 3 children are already vaccine damaged and disabled and then number 4 is lined up, there will be no redress.

News Item3/10/15 9:58 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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carl h wrote:
I cant believe that the post about anti semitism has decended into an argument about 1 cor. My word how pathetic.
because men should not cover their heads when prophesying, its a sign that their religion is not Christianity and not a means to salvation. The Talmud and Kabbal are the means of understanding God for many and that is antichrist and occultism.

it makes their religion false in the sight of God, who saves those who believe and call upon His name, that is the name of Jesus Christ.

News Item3/10/15 9:27 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Paul Washer had shared with some what persecution would look like. Persecution will come with accusations of being h@ters because they did not conform to the evils of the world. This is reflected in the mark of the beast, to buy and sell, one must give credence to their new Babylon, their new order. The Christian who has applied his faith to all things will know when the world is forcing him to go against His God, and participate in their idols. So they will be called all sorts of names. So yes, persecution has already come. And those who have so easily accommodated the world and seen not the effects of persecution, I would ask them, how are you so conformed to them that you see not the effects?

It is good that SA brings this topic to us everyday. I am concerned for the mainstream/facebook/easy believism churches that are "in the dark" to the political events around them, who have for so long self censored and relegated pastoral duties to the feely self help psychology areas (which they then say they are not equipped for and send them to "professionals") and not to the full counsel of God, these things are going to come so quickly to each in God's time, if they have been selling out in pieces, what will happen when they must choose life/job or Christ as the florist?

News Item3/9/15 7:53 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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the bush-Clinton aristocracy is so full of corruption, any one of them will be a perfect match for the new order and the replacing of the old America with whatever new banana republic they plan to use to pay back their Chinese creditors and Saudi buddies.

News Item3/9/15 7:50 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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then oil wores, now water wores. indigenous man sent to cities to eat gms and take synthetics per agenda 21.
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