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Sermon6/28/15 5:43 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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The Normal Christian Life
Paris Reidhead
“ Great Sermon! ”
I know I recommended this sermon a year ago but just listened again and it's getting better and more relevant - if you want to be filled by Gods Holy Spirit think on these things.....

News Item6/27/15 6:36 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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The only way up make this look non biased is to sign a peace deal with Israel ???

News Item6/27/15 6:34 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Could I chslkenge you to pray
Find a Muslim and share your faith
The Muslims that i know have been very happy to discuss Jesus and I would suggest that there may be quite a few wrestling with Islam after seeing what a mess the Islamists are making of the world ???

Matthew 5

44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

News Item6/25/15 6:26 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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What's new ?

News Item6/25/15 6:24 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Rev 6

1And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
3And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
5And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Sermon6/25/15 6:04 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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The Importance of Maintaining a Good...
Pastor Chalan Hetherington
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very helpful instruction. Many preachers suggest that we should have a prosperous easy life as a Christian but pastor chalen here speaks the bible truth regarding Christian suffering and maintaining a good conscience.

Sermon6/24/15 6:36 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
That was good advise regarding praise songs when things difficult. Thank you

Sermon6/23/15 6:56 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very uplifting for times of difficulty.

Sermon6/23/15 10:57 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I listened to this sermon and I wrote down every scripture quoted in support of immanence - it's very difficult to argue against. Maranatha !

News Item6/23/15 10:53 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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If people are born sinners - does that mean they are born evil ?

Sermon6/22/15 7:06 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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My times are in Thy Hand
Pastor Chalan Hetherington
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very helpful.

News Item6/21/15 6:09 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Yes in UK we have similar to living wills ( I forget what they are called). I don't think they hold a lot of legal power though.

Sermon6/21/15 6:02 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Life in God's Family
Dr. Greg Mazak
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a lovely sermon - all about being in Gods family.

News Item6/21/15 4:29 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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This is the single most awesome story I have seen for a long time. In the news papers we have story after story of Islamic atrocities and there in the centre a story quite astounding - the love and forgiveness of a people group who read the true word of God and follow the God of the bible. One group corrupted and breathing hatred and the other doing something that the world just cannot understand.

Just so incredibly proud of these poor suffering brethren.

1 cor 13
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

News Item6/21/15 3:34 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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This is an incredibly tricky area. Most drs I know would consider euthanasia abhorrent but have a thought for those in positions to make these decisions. Would you find it easy to treat a very sick person when you think about these issues ?

News Item6/20/15 11:36 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Your argument sounds a bit like -
We accept that there are physical illnesses that may affect the body but we cannot accept that brains can go wrong.
Huntington's chorea
Tourette's dis order

Are these all demonic ?
If a born again Christian has depression ( sorry but I have met a few) is this a demonic indwelling or familial spirit ?
Is everything demonic if so why were we expected to excerise the gift of discernment of spirit ?
Hmmm lots to think about and pray about I think and you may change your tune if you or a family member were affected by a neuropsychiatric condition ???

News Item6/20/15 10:34 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Someone asked what causes ADHD
We know that if we do genetic studies ( using twins and family models etc ) that ADHD is just about the most genetic condition that we know about in psychiatry. The exact generic locus - maybe the studies have been done and I have not seen them ( I would recommend researching Dr A Thaper whom I believe is an expert on this). So sadly the family situation of ADHD children can be skewed accordingly which makes it look to outsiders that the parenting responses are causing this. In my experience it is not uncommon for an ADHD family to be a single parent family as living with an adult with severe ADHD can be very difficult. The remaining parent could then be attempting to respond to a neurodevelopmentally different child who is not accepted into the peer group and the lone parent ostracised by the other parents. The lone parent often also has a difficult time with the affected parent. Sometimes if you break the cycle and give the child medication to help him focus and calm down many of the other things settle. It can be very distressing for a parent to be working harder and harder at helping an affected child - and getting no return plus being ostracised by the social group ( other parents) and maybe teachers etc who don't understand.

News Item6/20/15 7:37 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Re the history of ADHD - there is evidence that it was described in writings back in Bc era. We would consider it not a disease per say but a neurodevelopmental disorder. So for example what would be normal in terms of focus and attention in an average 8 year old would not be reached in an 8 year old with ADHD.
Imagine that you are watching TV and someone keeps changing the channel so that you can't focus. Well that's what it's sort of like inside the ADHD head- it's a deficit in the part of the brain that promotes focusing. Now would you accept that there is a deficit in some brains that cause dyslexia ? It's sort of similar.
A dyslexic can't understand the written word as the brain can't decipher the stimulus. In ADHD the brain struggles with verbal decoding amongst other things. It's sort of like that picture where you see dots and if you concentrate for long enough you can zone into a picture- with ADHD you start with preconceived ideas then you get close to someone with it and you realise they don't under and the world in the same way ( loads of stuff off focus like organisation ability, or ability to rationalise and make careful decisions - I could go on and on ) but I would recommend that you try to befriend someone with the condition or maybe a family with the conditi

News Item6/20/15 7:27 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Re diet - the jury is out on that one. It was trendy to think that years ago but latest research suggests it's not significant.
My suggestion is that if removing something helps then remove that thing ( my kids used to be a but hyper on cola).

News Item6/19/15 6:24 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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We don't need these silly predictions - meaningless.

The King James Bible is our authority in all things ( including the future).

Luke 21
12But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.

But also :
Rev 3
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

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