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News Item12/6/2020 2:45 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The Gospel is about Christ and His finished work. John Calvin is not the author or originator of truth, he is the golden calf of Reformed Calvinism. This is another branch of Satan's church, it's subtlety is far more deceptive than, say, Roman Catholicism, even though they both fit under the umbrella of mystery Babylon.
Christ is the heart of the bible, He is revealed throughout. He is to be exalted, not Christ plus x,y,and z. Christ died to save His sheep, this is found in His word. Calvin does not reveal this, the Spirit teaches this. The traditions of men always taint the truth of God's word by adding their own thoughts/works. Example, Calvin's infant baptism. That is a work added from Roman Catholicism, it taints the true Gospel and makes it accursed.
Christ saves sinners, He is the surety. He isn't simply 'offered', He accomplished the redemption of and for His people. He is the propitiation/satisfaction for His people.

'But God demonstrates His love to "us", that of us being still sinners, Christ died for "us".' Romans 5:8
Paul says 'We preach Christ crucified' - why? What is the significance of 'Christ crucified'?

News Item12/6/2020 2:24 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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The elect follow Christ, we never look to 'self'. Look to CHRIST ALONE!!
The below is spot on--
"By Judgments understand, the judgment of the great Whore, as it is called in Revelation the 17th; namely, hypocrisy, or man’s confidence in his own works, which hath made all the kings of the earth drunk with the wine of her fornications; namely, hath bewitched all forms of religion to trust in their own works, and not in the living God; or to join something with Christ; as the Galatians were bewitched to join Circumcision and the keeping of the Law; and now all forms are bewitched to join works of merit, or good endeavors, great zeal, and wisdom, or covenant keeping, right baptizing, right communion, right speaking and acting, as other holy men have done, or the like; anything that Christ may not be all; and therefore this hypocrisy is called Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of whoredom, and of all abominations of the earth; for she hath been in all professors of religions, and have corrupted all Administrations of God, &c., and therefore that judgments of God be poured out upon the carnal mind, in which she lives and acts, is to the servants of God sweeter than honey, and more to be desired than much fine gold."

News Item12/6/2020 2:09 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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John 3:16 in context. Christ was addressing Nicodemus, a religious Jew. What was their mindset? God was a God of the JEWS only. So, Christ teaches Nicodemus, that 'God loved the world in this way, He 'gave' His only Son that 'all the believing', for the original is 'pas ho pisteuon', which means all the believing. The translators chose a poor translation 'whosoever' which doesn't even fit the original wording. All the believing would not perish, but have eternal life. Here's how you can determine who God loves and who He saves- 'all the believing' refer to both Jew and Gentile sinners called by God to Christ. These are the 'world' John references to, they are also the ones God loves, the proof is that He 'gave' His Son for 'all the believing'.

Avoid Calvin like the plague, he taught error, he was a universalist and an Arminian, as his commentary testifies to - 'Our Lord Jesus suffered for all, and there is neither great nor small who is not inexcusable today, for we can obtain salvation through him...Let us remember, on the other hand, that while life is promised universally to all who believe in Christ, still faith is not common to all.'
****Follow CHRIST****, NOT Calvin, Arminius,Graham,etc.

News Item12/6/2020 1:53 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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I was referring to you and your buddy, not James. Since it came from me, I think I know who I am referring to. Are you now without sin Frank? Are you perfect in what YOU do?
I gave Christ's definition on repentance, but the stony heart cannot comprehend it. Instead, the natural man insists upon his idolatrous ways to earn merit. you don't understand who God is, what He demands - perfection - and how no man can meet that standard try as he may.
****The elect battle their flesh, yes***. Why? To earn merit? To be saved? To show evidence proof? No, reverence for Him, love for Him, is why, and even with that, HE must give us strength....
Tag teaming against those who mark/call out heresies/false teachings is the natural response of fallen man. There has to be revenge, there has to be belittlement, name calling, i.e., 'feminist' 'antinomian'. The sin nature insists upon it,yet these same kind deny they 'sin'. You don't even know all the sin within your own hearts. Does God accept anything from the sinner as perfect? Again, no. 'for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.' Phil. 2:13
The male ego is a prideful sinful thing, when it is struck against, ugliness results. Pride is present in the heart of EVERY sinner.

News Item12/6/2020 1:34 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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My only desire is to warn of the wolves here, and to glorify God. As for James, he isn't the 'tare' I was referring to. "people are made to believe that if they keep clear of open Popery, they are free from antichrist; when at the same time, antichrist reigns as powerful in every other denomination, as in the Church of Rome. But the great deceivers are those that counterfeit the doctrine of Christ with more delusive art, and bring their inventions to a more apparent resemblance, to make them pass for realities...And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.” {Rev.11:7} But who is this beast? It is not men, kingdoms, or states; for however these may be corrupted with the stench of the bottomless pit, yet as men, or as powers, they did not proceed from thence. This is no other than the false Christ, or the darkness, false doctrines, false worship, false ideas of God, and false objects set up with a pompous appearance of devotion, religious zeal and formality, to stand in the place of the true Christ. {II Thes.2:4 J. Johnson
pulling verses from their context to 'prove' conditionalism doesn't fool the elect of God.

News Item12/6/2020 1:19 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Go ahead. I am a SINNER, I say, think and do what I do because I am a SINNER. It is as Paul stated, 'nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.' When I used to have contact with you, I was NOT saved, I was deluded under the same works based conditional gospel you still hold to. I knew nothing of His perfect work, my 'jesus' was fake, like yours is now.
But, then God, in HIS timing, opened my understanding to the true Gospel that points to HIS finished/perfect work as ALL that is needed to save His people. I now see my dead works, all filthy rags. I now see, by GRACE, that I am a sinner, even now, continually looking to Christ, continually cleansed by HIS blood.

My confessing of my sin to Him is ongoing. He is faithful and just to forgive me, why? Because of Christ alone. This is what all dead religionists miss - Christ alone. They cry 'grace grace' then they add their conditions, because the natural man is so inclined to idolatrous works. It cannot be detected until the Spirit reveals it.

Post whatever you want Frank, I don't deny my sins, ever. I don't deny my being caught in dead religion then. I don't deny NOW that Christ IS my Righteousness! Exposing hypocrites isn't 'hate'. Mark and avoid!

James, there's no 'peace' between God's elect and Satan's tares

News Item12/6/2020 1:04 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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In the fifth chapter, the ark of God being set by Dagon, the idol of the Philistines, it falls down and is broken, the face, the beauty of it is spoiled, but the Philistines patch it and set it up again. {I Sam.5:3} This plainly figures out man’s form of religion which is his great idol, when any manifestation of God’s presence comes in, it falls down, but man’s heart is so idolatrous, that he is not thereby moved to turn to the living God, but he will repair it and set it up again; he will not say there is no hope, he hath not the understanding to say, it could not save itself, how should it save me; but he accounts that he hath not been zealous and careful enough, he will amend his ways and be more zealous for the ways of righteousness; but he will not yield that his righteousness is filthy, and that he is deluded, and that there is no hope apart from Christ. Richard Coore {Practical Expositor, 1683}
The idols of men include their own 'works' they insist upon in, for, and evidence of 'salvation'.
The most abominable sin isn't 'feminism', rather, it's spiritual whoredom, harlotry. Babylon and her 'works' 'conditions' she demands, and the deluded drink down her iniquity...

News Item12/6/2020 12:56 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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" You had John figured out much earlier than I did. For some reason, perhaps because of the years of brotherly fellowship, I simply thought he was confused on some issues, but was genuinely in the faith. I rarely if ever really ponder someones salvation, *but their doctrine is important to me*. A few weeks ago I mentioned on SA that I was simply going to separate from him. *I did that by not addressing him personally and not referring to him as a brother*. He has now become like Jim from Lincoln or JohnY. I will not engage them unless I think they are confusing the body of Christ. IOW, it will not be brotherly! He posts frequently and engages many in a friendly manner. So, when he loses his base, he simply establishes another base. He is very good at manipulation!!! He also has the ability to give the impression that he loves our Lord and desires to live for Him. I have referred to that as "double talk". ... {drum roll please }...*My guess is that he is consumed by pride and he will not denounce Guyon or the Grahams which by extension is acceptance of RC*."
Frank speaking on John UK, his fellow 'pilgrim'. By joining in ecumenical error, one joins with the great Harlot, mystery Babylon. Birds of a feather.

Religion is filled with hypocrisy.

News Item12/6/2020 11:41 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"Let’s focus less on attacking each other and more on sharing the gospel with our unsaved family friends and neighbors... "
So, we should let wolves go w/o exposing their accursed gospel. IT MATTERS what GOSPEL one proclaims, unfortunately, the one who spends the most time on this forum is the very one who spews out an accursed gospel.
Romans 16:17 says this, "Now I beseech you, brethren, *mark them* which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." Mark them, as preacher Bill Parker stated, call them out by name. Then avoid them. The true sheep will love correction, they will accept and embrace it. But, they cannot do that IF they are never corrected, if no one speaks out against the error[s] they hold to.
The biggest problem today is the 'gospel' most preach is accursed, it's from the great whore, the harlot, mystery Babylon. It's conditional, it's loaded with self righteous dead works, it beckons the sinner to do something to help Christ save them. It adds to grace, it takes away from the perfect, finished work of Christ. It leads to a pseudo jesus. The elect will not be fooled, because of the seal of God in them....lordshippers insist you better stop sinning, or no salvation. They are deluded. They know nothing of GRACE....

News Item12/6/2020 10:25 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Okay Tim. Look closer at 'you will not come to me' - the phrase 'you will not come' is in the present tense. That means it is a continual action - NO sinner will ever come to Christ by their own will/power. Then recall John 6:44, 'no man can come to me unless the Father draws them'. No man includes every man, for none can come, ever. God must 'draw' sinners, from the Greek 'helkō' - to drag. it's akin to haireō- to take for oneself, to choose.
So what is Christ saying in John 5:40? That sinners never come to Him by their own power, understanding, or will. Why? Because the natural mind is at enmity with God. This is the depraved nature, it hates God. The mind must be opened by God the Spirit, which is the new birth, or else we cannot 'see'/understand God's word/Christ's Gospel. In John 6:44 Christ is saying no one can ever come to God, random people are not able to come, the entire world is not able to come. God drags/chooses sinners, and they come as a result. Not because they have made a decision, rather, it's because something takes place in the MIND, in the understanding. It's an amazing supernatural work of the sovereign God of heaven and earth, and it is incomprehensible to the natural mind.

News Item12/6/2020 9:43 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Tim, what is the context of that verse from 2 Peter 3? Who is Peter writing to? Look at verse 1, 'BELOVED'...I am writing to YOU'- who are the beloved Peter refers to? It's believers, not unbelievers. Go to verse 8, 'but beloved' - Peter is still talking to believers. Now, verse 9, but is patient toward "you", not willing for any to perish, but all to come to repentance'. Again, Peter keeps the context of his writing to believers, using a personal pronoun here, 'you', in the plural form. God is not willing that any of 'you' perish, but all of the 'you' brought to repentance. He delays the judgment until all of His sheep are brought into the fold. Peter was encouraging believers not to get discouraged, Christ IS coming again, but not until His sheep are all in His fold.
Please consider this Tim, may God give you understanding.

News Item12/6/2020 9:34 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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I won't waste time with a wolf, other than to expose them.
Repentance, from Christ Himself, Matt. 4:17- From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Repent, from the Greek word metanoeó, defined by Strongs as 'to think differently or afterwards, i.e. reconsider'. It's made up of two words,meta-hereafter, afterward [ a preposition]
noeō- understand, perceive, consider.

So, what was Christ saying? Stop sinning? No, He was saying from here on out, think differently, reconsider, understand - what? The kingdom of heaven is near- Christ is proclaiming HE is the way, HE is the truth. HE is the door. 'From that time'- from here going forth, the old covenant is being done away with, the new is now here.
Salvation is never contingent on what you do, how well you perform, how much you don't sin, what choice or decision you make. Salvation is of the Lord, for His sheep, elected before the foundation of the world. Context is essential in determining meaning. You can't say Christ died for all in one breath and ignore His very words, 'I lay down my life for my sheep'. The Reformed camp like to say His atonement was sufficient for all, but that is nowhere taught in His word, it's doctrines of demons.

News Item12/6/2020 9:11 AM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Now, IF someone actually 'believed' in sovereign grace, that person would never push dead works, like the necessity to repent of your sins in order to get saved, or as evidence you are saved. They would never embrace Arminian heretics like B. Graham and his 'decision' heresy, or mystics like Guyon and her Roman Catholicism.
You will know them by their fruit - by the doctrines they hold dear to....a bad tree can never bear good fruit.
Again, most of what passes itself off as 'religious' today is not. Works are always added somehow, someway. For the Arminian, it's up to YOU to make that choice for Jesus, to invite him in, walk that aisle, etc. For the Reformed Calvinist, just keep the law, get holier, sprinkle your kids, keep looking to 'self' and keep a check list by your bedside table.
For the true elect sheep, for whom Christ died, we rest in Him. We know apart from Him we can do NOTHING, we remain attached to the Vine. We know there's nothing good in us, and Christ's finished, perfect work is all that the Father looks to. God is holy, He cannot look upon that which is sin and ever be satisfied. “He sent redemption unto his people; he hath commanded his covenant forever; holy and reverend is his name.” {Ps.111:9} 'His people' - not 'all people'. Context is essential..

News Item12/6/2020 9:04 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Let me ask this...if Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, then all are saved right? Because His death was the propitiation, meaning appeasement/satisfaction to the Father. That means no more wrath, for it was spent on Christ. he has 'redeemed' His people, that means purchased. Now, when you purchase something, it is yours. It now belongs to you. So, according to Tim and Michael, the entire world is saved because of the work of Christ, who died for every single person that has ever lived. World always means 'all', regardless of context and other texts that say otherwise.

And that is how error and heresy is birthed...Calvinism is to be avoided as well, including Reformed Calvinism, which is filled with works based righteousness like repent of sin to get saved or evidence of salvation, law keeping, infant baby sprinkling, etc. Reformed Calvinism is nothing more than Roman Catholicism dressed up and repackaged.

News Item12/5/2020 7:45 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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comments -"Bill Gates has made no bones about his deep affiliation and affection for the abortion mills at Planned Parenthood. Not only did Gates’ father, William Gates, Sr., run Planned Parenthood during Gates’ youth, but Bill has appointed his father to several pro-abortion organizations.”
Perhaps it is no surprise that some of the top 5 pharmaceutical companies working on a COVID vaccine are using aborted baby cell lines in their research and all of them are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Oxford University/AstraZeneca – AstraZeneca just signed a $750 million agreement with two Gates Foundation-backed organizations.
Johnson & Johnson – this Planned Parenthood funder is also using aborted baby cell lines, and they have been a recipient of Gates Foundation dollars.
CDC – Even the United States government’s own Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has received tens of millions of dollars of Gates Foundation money… and like all the others above they are using “fetal tissue” in their COVID vaccine trials."
Using aborted fetal cells is enough 2 say can't make a stand against abortion, then be 'for' vaccines.....

News Item12/5/2020 6:39 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Mike, excellent point

News Item12/5/2020 5:02 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Bro. Lurker, I watched Tucker's There is SO MUCH deception right now. God have mercy....

News Item12/5/2020 3:48 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Bro. Lurker, I have not seen that. I have heard this virus was around late last year,
I will look into your link, thank you👍
Lete add this, there's a video of Fauci from 2017 stating there would be a surprise outbreak under Trump's administration, it was telling. Fauci is a 🐍 here's that video -

News Item12/5/2020 3:24 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result.

“What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?”

Sounds wonky but it’s actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.

Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.

The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high."

So, if you test positive, that does NOT mean a death sentence, it is a way for them to keep driving the fear throughout the world.
I encourage all to read this article -

News Item12/5/2020 2:01 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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I think it's worth looking into why they are so adamant concerning a vaccine for a virus that has such a high recovery rate for most -

Mandated vaccines should be suspect. We all should have a choice in our health care decisions. IF vaccines work, and you get one, then you don't have to worry about others who don't right?

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