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News Item3/26/15 12:03 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Unprofitable Servant, I marvel at your trust of science. Any casual work or reading of the field shows huge corruption, because MAN is a sinner and is NOT objective, especially when the pharma company has millions of dollars resting on a programs success. When you read the political battles for these products, the corruption is horrendous! How many times have we been sold on a drug and then we find HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS have died from it and they still won't pull it off the market till there's court case and media attention??

You've got to quit believing the commercials on tv. I remember when in the 90's they opened up tv commercials to drugs (before that it was illegal for obvious reasons of patients persuaded by pictures of happy peopl running through daisy fields).

I don't need the faulty WHO statistics, I live it, I see it. Some of the folks around us who are not of the generation to live these things, I would wish that they spend a week in a special ed room in a school and see the increasing numbers.... at the exponential rate we are going in a decade or two HALF of all children will be autistic.

the abortionist I talked with SAID "they will all be on gm foods which will make them chronically sick and then be on meds all the time" you wish this for our people?

News Item3/25/15 12:57 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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this is the comm movement. loading our cities with islm and border ptrl saying massive open border movement. why can't the church see what's on the land? they have purged the military officer ranks, they now purge the judges. everyone left will be "yes" men for the nanny order. happening before your very eyes folks.

answers? you all ready for persecution? for being the real church and sacrificing for the brethren?

was reading about how DOJ is talking about having people turned in by banks for higher than 5000 withdrawals. reminded me of the ken hovind case and how the church has ignored him, and how each these cases are a test, in the sense that if we do not speak for the least of these, it comes to us all. May the Lord be glorified.

News Item3/25/15 12:40 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Officer Elmer wrote:
Are these lunatic antichrist links your "credible" sources profitable servant?
no not credible at all, but certainly what they want to hear. out of sight, of mind, I guess.

News Item3/25/15 12:14 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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too bad the USSA can't figure out with their massive lands that animals can be used to fertilize and mature grasslands, that they could free up smaller properties for smaller animals, open up free trade of healthier local foods. instead they fill those cows bellies up with gm corn and antibiotics among other nasty stuff, they want americans to eat chicken from China. its really gross, the whole thing. Farmer Salatin is a great resource.

News Item3/24/15 11:16 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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young people who would rather be in virtual reality than be in the sunshine. evil times these are, they will get their reality from a 4 by 6 screen, it will tell them what to think and do, and they will reject anyone not participating in their screen world. they will largely be illiterate and unable to spell or come up with an original thought. parents need to be teaching their children about tribulation because a price for not selling your soul will be there. it already is.

News Item3/24/15 11:08 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Wayfarer, you are so right.... joblessness is breaking young families! and add to that the cities filling up with foreigners getting benefits while they can't feed their children! Add to that the surveillance we became the old soviet bloc. a man cannot de grid himself easily without lots of money to shield himself from legal destruction on the family. so he is bound to the money system that requires much, that much he doesn't have because he's in between jobs, and a sleeping older church that REFUSES to take up the suffering of the youth. Let them be led by the muslems then! any point of reality is met with accusations of "conspiracy theory", happily asleep these pastors that have protected their flocks against reality have a heavy spiritual price to pay. Let them repent. They are constantly in my prayers. Why are the downtrodden the ones that have to escape the prosperity churches? Because in their radar autism is just a behavioral disorder, they REFUSE to take up the burden of the brethren and enter their realities! So let them be ruled by our international sunni/commnst regime, they certainly wouldn't be warned...... years of destroyed civilizations. let their society be forced to eat up the sunni/Wahhabi strong arm of this world order.

News Item3/23/15 10:04 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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they probably have their eye on polygamy.

News Item3/23/15 12:43 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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just weed killer? some call this company monsatan. gotta love aspartame, agent orange, and bovine hormone's in children's milk. regards to the chemical, this is what they genetically engineer their seeds to be able to handle, even produce if I am understanding right. that means that everytime you all buy a product that says corn or soy (minus some organic, gm free labels), like your salad dressings,etc you are getting this stuff. and I believe many wheat farmers are dipping their wheat in it before selling. so they feed the gm corn to rats and each one gets cancer, and severe kidney issues going up in children a result of their food?

now who here will continue eating it anyway?

now this year N Calif farmers aren't planting their rice and selling water to LA, now who here is going to grow a garden and loosen those home owners rules up for young people to feed their families? or are we just going to keep believing big corporations are our daddy??

News Item3/22/15 6:42 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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this is outrageous!

News Item3/22/15 12:17 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Rothschild's brilliant scientific myths for garnering world governance. a little eugenics on the side? no problem!

Christians should find out who brings these ideas to the world through what summits, what world agreements and world banks are made by what countries and STOP debating contrived two sided myths while they redesign societies under agenda 21. as in real journalism. WAKE UP!

meanwhile fukushima has already caused major damage and many animals are dying off. never hear about that, do we?

"But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?" James 2:6

CSPAN clip of Congress: Al Gore once again exposed as disingenuous fraud

News Item3/20/15 4:03 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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well, there's the rub Jim, is that you can convince yourself that you are in the "literalist" camp and can atone for yours sins because of the "group" you belong to, whereas a long litany of believers on here have been putting out amazing links and sermons, which really direct you literally to the new covenant and what it is. In the end, it won't be what group or church you belong to, nor the list of other religions that are worse off that will save. it is those who have been washed by the blood of the Lamb, who are in covenant with Christ who will be passed over on judgment day.

Without covenant with Christ, as your King and Messiah, what standing do you have? What standing does anyone have? If you built a thousand kingdoms for God, but rejected the gospel of Christ to build His Kingdom, what have you built?

News Item3/20/15 10:41 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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what conspiracies? there were maps, there were photos from that era. it boggles my mind you all cannot take the time to see the photos of free men selling oranges. are you that filled with anger towards your fellow man?

Jim mocks the covenant. The covenant with Christ is my one hope, he testifies against his salvation. Dispensationalism makes an idol of Israel at the cost of the individual worth of Jewish folks, this is about eternal life and those who bear false witness and take Christ from His rightful place (Christ is still King, but not of their hearts)

I believe the Lord has shown me the cowardly posters who are hiding behind changing monikers. I am praying for you. Your willingness to insinuate genocide as a means of gaining God's Kingdom (covenant, gospel) and others to name call and not apologize reflects one who is striving. No matter the vitriolic comments I remain at peace knowing that outside of the self destructing world order Scofield/Rothchild kingdom is a remnant of believing Jew and Gentile that have found their rest in Christ as sojourners, even now in the heavenlies.

News Item3/18/15 11:01 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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They were referring to wrote:
name one Palestinian state or organization that does not have as its stated goal the full annihilation of Israel. Why the selective disdain?
have enough respect to use a repeatable moniker please, especially if you are known around here. the rest of us do.

as we can see two opposite sides of mankind in battle, both in false religions, for a land that will not save their souls that want to annihilate each other and have their religious mandates to do so.

its the foolishness of man.

Christians are ashamed of the gospel of Christ (Kingdom of God). They should quit carrying the name of Christ if they are ashamed of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus call Judas the Son of Perdition. Judas was a Zealot. Zealots will find the Kingdom of God in Christ -- there is but one way to peace for man for his wayward soul and no other man can pay that price for true freedom only the atonement of Christ brings true freedom. The American church is teaching a false gospel. it is so huge an issue that people can't see it, it just stirs emotions, they think they must advance these politics because they've put an idol with Christ.

Christ is singular! There is no other good but God!

Great sermon link below by the way.

News Item3/18/15 6:54 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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question wrote:
Are you also angry at the Lord for what He did to empower Israel and take over Canaan, slaughtering man, woman, child and animals?
do we have "Christian" Zionist in our midst that is admitting that this is what they want done to every Palestinian? admitting a quest for genocide? so typical.

News Item3/18/15 1:34 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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view from truth wrote:
. Those who follow Islam, Roman Catholicism and are not of
and the Talmudic teaching that Jesus is in hade in excrement is an alright religion, or the male/female homosexualty-is-great kabbal religion isn't a problem? sounds like political correctness has wormed its way into theology. maybe its because we worship the same banker $$$$ Babylonian system, and God has sent our babylnian buddies to persecute us to wake us up and purify our witness.

News Item3/18/15 10:05 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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John UK - common core was passed so that they can put all children's records online and cloud their information, including their inner thoughts, you know, teachers supposed to do interviews of their views and enter the data. obamacare has forced doctors to put online all their records, all those years of private records downloaded and clouded. Facebook claims ownership of pictures, all the information is clouded.

Kent Hovind a pastor here who didn't file as a corporation would just pay employees cash and they would file at home. He did everything legal but they put him in jail for taking out cash just under 10 grand at a time, which apparently is something hustlers and drug dealers do, even though they found neither hidden money nor drugs... cash was the clue. he's been in jail 10 years.

now w/out due process FCC has passed 400 pages of regulations that will limit exchange of information. that has passed and is coming.

what's that about a mark, about forcing to sell and trade?

what is the allegiance? one must honor the LGBT.

News Item3/18/15 9:47 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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JY is correct. there are enumerated powers and rules of jurisdiction which they are refusing to obey. there seems to be an air of lawlessness at the moment. some think they are above the law, having created for themselves their own form of righteousness, which smells rotten.

News Item3/17/15 3:20 PM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Frank wrote:
Men are not as sensitive to this issue than women
bogus. more men are assaulted in the military than women. this is the new Sodom and Gomorrah age, and men don't handle it ANY better. There's boys that are abused growing up and it is VERY difficult. I just wonder how paying some girl just out of college hourly pay to listen to one's problems is going to bring any fruit.

I don't have all the answers on this, but I'll say this, it is the Lord who heals our wounds. I would not underestimate a community of believers being the Body of Christ to one another, sharing in sorrows and praying patiently for one another, redeeming the loss. It was an all around odd article. What are these GRACE groups offering for a young lady that's been abused? Its so common now, especially with the sodomy groups, is everyone going to sit and talk to a 24 yr old counselor to keep their lives in order? seems like something is missing in our "how to" arrangements.

News Item3/17/15 10:10 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Still since we are talking about the RCC
I trust you know there is a difference to a humble broken hearted expose of their false Christianity and people who have such an animosity against them that they go far beyond, exposing and warning, to striking out against the RCC (Northern Ireland in the bad old days?)
good point. The world WILL see the difference.

News Item3/17/15 10:02 AM
pennnned  Find all comments by pennnned
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this seed can be used for great evil or great good. including DESTROYING cancer cells, bringing autistic kids back to health, a great protein source and a great and more renewable industrial source as was known by Ford. The whole thing is a scam, the whole wore on drugs. the American church needs to quit being so naïve to realize how drug markets work. has fast and furious, Benghazi, the psychotropic drug industry, and the mass opium fields of afghan not gotten anyone's attention? of course they are going to get their money in this. too bad they can't get people with some moral, scientific knowledge to weed out the vitriol from banning everything but their gross gm markets that are destroying the land to expensive niche markets. with availability of good testing, this seed could be used for good. big $$$$ rules
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