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News Item7/11/12 2:08 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Barry from KY wrote:
I am thankful, I work in the automotive industry in central Kentucky and we are busier than ever. I'm not sure who is buying all the new automobiles but we are having a hard time keeping up with production.
Another thing that I find funny is, we are having trouble finding people to work. It's crazy when you hear about all the unemployment, Ky is about the same as the nation around 8% but we have trouble staffing 3 shifts.
However, as I said befor, I am thankful.
If you think you're busy now, wait until all those people in China become able to purchase cars.

Your company's difficulty finding enough employees makes me sad because it makes me think the cause might be the general break-down in the American work ethic and education system, causing a "famine" of qualified and skilled people to fill those jobs.

News Item7/10/12 2:18 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I'd love to boycott Google for this, but it's hard to since they are so big--and I love YouTube, which they also own.

News Item7/10/12 2:12 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Depends on how you do it. If you hit the kid without warning, and THEN tell them what they did to "deserve" it, you're probably going to have a messed-up kid who'll spend the rest of his or her life afraid of their own shadow. On the other hand, if you lay out the rules first and show them where they went wrong before hitting them, your kid will probably turn out well, since they'll know that there are limits and to look for them before messing up in life.

News Item7/9/12 2:26 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I assume that the Canadian healthcare system is a single payer system, which the new healthcare system won't be and Canadians like it--[URL=]]]5 Myths About Canada’s Health Care System---The truth may surprise you![/URL]
This is actually a good link, as long as you just skim the article and study the comments instead. I tend to learn more form an article's comments section than from the article itself. Granted the quality of commentators and comments varies widely, never-the-less I'm able to pick the brains of, and learn from many more people concerned about a particular issue than just the article's author alone.

News Item7/9/12 12:37 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
It would be more effective to have signs that show sonogram photos of the unborn child:...
This is actually a good idea as the imaging technology has advanced to such an extent that the unborn is now easily recognized in very great detail, unlike images from the 1970s and 1980s where it took a trained eye to distinguish any real detail from those old blurry images.

Angela Wittman wrote:
I have also stood in front of the abortion mills holding extremely graphic aborted baby signs and had irate people stop and tell me they were offended
An elderly pro-life gentleman who frequently pickets our local clinic always brings a camera with him. Anytime someone confronts him or gives him a hard time, he just smiles and starts taking pictures of them. It's amazing how quickly they back off from him, and how there seems to be such a high correlation between people who are pro-choice and people who obsess over "privacy". Then again, Roe vs. Wade was "founded" on so-called "right to privacy".

There used to be a pro-choice lady who would dress up as a clown who would stand with the pro-lifers in an attempt to caricature and undermine their protest but she gave up after a few weeks.

News Item7/5/12 2:31 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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You'd fight back too, knowing and remembering what happened to those who didn't do so on the 9-11 flights. Of course prior to 9-11, the precedent was to cooperate with hijackers until your release could be negotiated or achieved by other means.

News Item7/5/12 2:26 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Luke 12
15 And He said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions."---[URL=]]]NASB[/URL]
A particularly good verse for rich Republicans.
Got any good verses for "rich Democrats?" I know quite a few who could probably use one.

News Item6/27/12 11:52 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I'm just sick of hearing that word "pride" used all the time. Unwilling and/or unable to glorify anyone but themselves, people who throw that word around end up becoming insufferably pleased with themselves and their actions.

News Item6/21/12 7:14 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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It's as if Obama and company got so accustomed to getting away with doing questionable stuff on the state level that they got careless, and either forgot or never realized that stuff done on the national level tends to be a lot more visible and harder to hide because there are so many more people watching.

News Item6/20/12 12:31 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Wonder if this is the same person who dressed-up as a cigarette Butt and called himself "Butt-man", who followed W Bush (or was it Bob Dole) around while he was campaigning .

Amen, Angela. I miss the old days when all Republicans--and even many Democrats--were pro-life. Having recently passed the half-century mark, I can easily look back and see the gradual but definite avalanche of immorality engulfing this country.

News Item6/18/12 12:55 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
...too often, creditors are blamed instead of debtors, which is popular but bad justice.

...All because they believe the ethical fiction that home ownership is some sort of human right.


Some of my own earliest perspectives on the perceived glory of everyone being able to own a home and bankers being naturally evil were shaped by popular American culture--especially by popular films like It's a Wonderful Life, starring Jimmy Stewart.

Even though George Baily's B&L was private, it's easy to see where champions of GSEs like Fannie Mae could point to such a movie and say "See? See? That's what we're doing...getting more people into houses!". Never mind the hazards of eventual market distortion and disruption that so often result from excessive government involvement in private asset management.

News Item6/8/12 11:58 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
...and so we should....modern medicine is darwinism....ask any proud darwinist doctor,...
I've noticed this too. Especially in the way some doctors despise related disciplines like Chiropractors and Herbalists for being less than "scientific" in their analysis and application of what they know and their predecessors have evidently know for ages.

If I know something works, I'm not going to wait around until some "scientist" verifies it.

News Item6/8/12 11:30 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Dwayne wrote:
John can you tell me what the point is of evangelism if God saves whom he wills?
Evangelism is the primary means God uses to "save whom he wills". If someone claims to be a Christian but is not practicing at least some form of evangelism they may actually be invalidating their own claim to salvation, since God appears to be NOT using them as His means to lead others to Christ.

If I just sit back in my easy chair and "allow God to save whom he wills", I'm actually despising God's means and therefore despising God Himself, and thus am at least acting like I'm not saved myself.

News Item6/5/12 3:04 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
...except for the helicopter thing and perhaps making sure Iraq couldn't have any usable airports for the Russians and French to help Hussein...
Yep. Gen. schwarzkopf himself admitted to having been "snookered" by Iraqi's during the post-war peace negotiations by allowing them use their helicopters and airports ostensibly to facilitate transport of medical and repair supplies to the more damaged areas of Iraq. Instead Iraq used the bases and helicopters to suppress the Kurds and prevent them from further weakening Saddam's regime. CIA people old enough at this time were probably reminded of the Bay of Pigs debacle, where Castro's air force decimated their attempt to overthrow him.

News Item6/4/12 5:37 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Dwayne wrote:
I will tell you one thing i am not a robot. I have the full right to believe or not to believe.
I CHOOSE to believe therefore i am saved!
God's sovereignty over us who are created in His image is far more glorious than man's sovereignty over robots who are created in man's image. Suggesting that we might be "robots" when it comes to salvation is to over-anthropomorphize God and bring his sovereignty down to that of man's level. It's a HUGE straw-man argument favored by many Free-willers. Watch out for it!

If you truly are saved then praise and thank God for enabling you to "choose" him. At least give credit where it's due.

News Item6/1/12 1:55 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Presby wrote:
Since when did Baptists know anything about Biblical Calvinism???
Depends on the Baptist. I've known Baptists who were hyper-calvinists, Pelagean-Arminian, and everything in between. I read somewhere that there are at least 200 different denominations in the world today who refer to themselves as being some kind of Baptist.

News Item5/31/12 2:21 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Reading about [URL=]]]Gen. John P. Lucas[/URL], I was going to lay all the blame of Anzio on him, but apparently Gen. Mark Clark deserved a lot of the blame also.
The Union always had a shortage of good generals, and thankfully a few stepped up when it was needed at Gettysburg and also the fairly consistent success of Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan.
Kesselring did an awsome job of defending Italy against Clark's forces. Lucas' taking time to secure his bridgehead unfortunately gave the Germans that much more time to dig in and rally in response to the allied landings. Truscot and/or Patton would surely have wasted no time in grabbing Rome ASAP before the Germans could fortify it. Oh well.

News Item5/31/12 2:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Scott McMahan wrote:
Meanwhile, in the real world, our "austerity" still looks like lavish excess. Poor people have cable TV, cell phones, SUVs, and so on.....I've been looking hard for any signs of hard times, and just don't see it. Our modern-day austerity looks like runaway prosperity to someone who grew up in a true poverty situation. I don't think anyone would be able to go back to real poverty.
Totally agree.

Just look at how incredibly fat many of our poorest people are even today.

I remember reading a report years ago about Pravda publishing a picture of government projects housing in the poorest American neighborhoods in an attempt to show just how bad life "really" is in America. The original photo was in color but had to be published in black-and-white after Soviet photo-editors noticed the presence of several colored TV sets visible from the many windows of these projects/housing. At that time, colored TV sets were extremely rare luxuries in communist countries like the old Soviet Union.

Most of us have no idea how incredibly good we have it here in the west--materially-speaking, of course.

News Item5/30/12 12:03 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Articulating vertebrae wrote:
"it is the president who has reserved to himself the final moral calculation."
No. It is his position as commander-in-chief that bestows the ultimate responsibility onto the President.
No hiding behind plausible deniability here like so many of his predecessors from both parties!
Good to see Obama showing he possesses some guts and backbone!
A true leader does not shrink from the duties of office just to keep his fanbase.
4 more years!
It could be that the overall worldwide terror situation is so bad now that even someone like Obama, now that he's president and privy to all kinds of intelligence reports, knows that we can't afford to fool around with these people. Had 9/11 occurred on Clinton's watch, Clinton might have been more motivated to get Bin Ladin than he was. If Romney wins this Fall it will feel like (at least to me) that we're just switching engineers on this runaway train called America. Hope I'm wrong.

News Item5/30/12 11:41 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It was even bloodier because McClellan was such a bad commander. He had the power and the means to end the War Between the States, but not the will to end it.
[URL=]]]Civil War Statistics[/URL]
It's funny how some of the best trainers can also be the most lousy commanders. McClellan was very meticulous in training the Union Army but couldn't lead it well. A similar example, for those familiar with the Band of Brothers account of US airborne forces in WWII, is Captain Sobel, who trained Easy Company while Richard Winters actually led the group into battle after proving to be a far more capable commander than Sobel.
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