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News Item6/23/17 7:41 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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they genocided my generation. I often think of that when I see the empty streets that used to bustle with larger families.

Jim, people who are concerned for the welfare of mothers with children do not send them into abortion mills.

News Item6/23/17 7:38 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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"At least 30 Republican lawmakers have been viciously attacked or threatened with death over the past several months"

"Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) played audio of two of his many death threats"

News Item6/23/17 6:20 PM
penny | land of opiades  Find all comments by penny
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"Metabolites can linger in the body for days after the drug’s effects wear off — sometimes even for weeks."

test does not identify enebriation...

no correlation, but big pharma the greatest distributor of drugs finds one.

Sermon6/23/17 10:13 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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“ Great Sermon! ”
the church should be the truth tellers... yet, our leaders do not deal with the realities of the deep state and cultural Marxism and the genocidal scheme of global warming and collapsing the first world with invaders. instead of complaining, step up to the plate. the world has always had conspiracy.... its in the bible. what matters in these stories is what are the facts, and what would Christ have us do?

News Item6/23/17 9:58 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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open up the homestead act again, get new communities going based on local trade, get the Mexican drug cartels and fraud out, cut off generational welfare and offer anyone who wants out to start a homestead....if not move to the closest sanctuary ie democratic led city until that one collapses too.

News Item6/23/17 9:47 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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they'll never admit the mental sickening of fluoride, vaccines, gm foods and psychotropic drugs.

there is much vested interest in setting this matter straight.

News Item6/22/17 10:54 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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B. McCausland wrote:
It would then be mandatory for the whole of the population to learn to read Greek to verify the Gospel truth by themselves.
This is a kind as holding religous services in Latin to the ignorance of the population , which by the way, it already happened in the past.
In the Gospel command and in God's intend, honourable translation of the Scriptures is included, not perversion of them.
thankfully we do not have to have this war in "Christendom"

in some reform seminaries they use KJV commonly but the pastor is well trained in Greek so that he can read the original text.

good scholarship is a part of our heritage, we are not just narrators who pass down ideas, we have been the ones that bring literacy to civilizations because we are people of the book

even through the Dark Ages, very close to original manuscripts have survived and we know more about these and the backgrounds of Christ's era much more than the reformers of the 1500s...

...and they, being willing to lay down their lives for the teachings of the book, using the technologies of the day (ie printing press) would be standing alongside the bereans of today...

News Item6/22/17 10:37 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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John D. wrote:
Is slavery a sin?
yes it is.

its stealing the labor of another.

and it is alive and well today.

additionally to the slavery we see in the economic structure... in Libya the muslems have reignited the slavery of Africans after the fall of qaddafi.

I do not hear the globalist minions whining about slavery 200 yrs ago showing any concern for the debt slaves, ocare slaves, end of the middle class agenda 21 autist slaves, Libyan slaves, Chinese factory slaves, etc....of today

or the huge amount of human trafficking, child sex and occult trade which is a focus of the current administration as we have seen around the first world that elites are participants....

remembering nancy Schaefer

course this spiritual battle is not PC, so we are relegated to obsess about the sins of 200 yrs ago....

News Item6/22/17 10:30 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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praying for his health...

praying for the human trafficking bill to continue on...

News Item6/21/17 2:04 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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PP is vile.

News Item6/20/17 11:17 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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one must get angry at the messenger when the scripture is so clear on the matter....but how can one run from this forever without having to make a decision before the Lord, to follow the Word or the traditions of men?

"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel which are of Israel:

"Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

"That is They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." Rm 9:6-8

News Item6/20/17 11:04 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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both sides of the war were treated as veterans.

its none of my business if people locally remember their history.

leave them alone.

and the civil war was a lot more complicated than is told on MSM.

maybe we need more history lessons, I've certainly learned a lot listening to the locals.... those who have gone before us should be respected.

News Item6/20/17 11:00 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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please continue on...

News Item6/18/17 9:43 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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when Obama was in office, he made an "alt right" litmus test of his own.... many countries were told you had to open up sodomy rights or have sodomy marriage to make this deal with us.

now that he has left and the new president is reversing many of these things, the SBC has thankfully stepped up to the plate to make sure to ensure these litmus tests of "hate speech and thought" will not happen on their watch.

let it be known, they are watching out for that deplorable class of trump supporters....

are you in the alt right? is he? is she?

who are these deplorables?

if you see something, say something...

News Item6/18/17 9:35 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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didn't some in the sbc somehow fund a mosque project in New Jersey?

didn't that same city vote to stop the mosque and they were forcing them to go against thier own vote?

it seems then, they will be really unhappy with this decision to stop sharia in texas, after all, didn't they put on the floor to stop the "alt right"?

and they have been saying the "alt right"are those who support trumps agenda?...

so therefore, we should have freedom of religion and that means letting a political-religious entity called sharia take over wherever it wants?

maybe they will have to call all those texas Christians "mysoginists" or "%$#$$# white males"... to keep them in their place!

if foreigners want to come in and declare sharia law in your city and you don't like it, maybe you are an "alt righty xenophobic mysnoginist"!

News Item6/18/17 9:26 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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the SBC should be happy about this now, because they stopped "trump's alt right" and all their xenophobic mysoginy.

now their girls can be drafted into the army and have open showers.

good job sbc.

the point is that "good Christian girls" "should be nice" to those of special entitled groups, otherwise they've lost their "Christian witness" when using "open showers"....???

News Item6/17/17 9:13 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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northern Ireland is doing a good job of protecting their children.

News Item6/17/17 9:10 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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actually name a problem and fix it...

...instead of letting whiners whine...

imagine that.

News Item6/17/17 9:06 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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now that the SBC has let cultural Marxists run rough shot over their people... anything goes.

anyone remember the sodomite parties at their colleges in the 80s?

now they couch their liberalism in terms of accusations of bigotry to anyone who doesn't agree.

its a more offensive approach to sin.

what didn't happen at the convention in Phoenix? mention of the Kathy griffin beheading picture or the snoop shooting video or the "artistic" theatre depicting another JFK... mention of rejecting the lgbt agenda of males in women's bathrooms mention of protecting the youth as they go into cultural Marxist universities where the students scream at professsors because they are white and tell white kids to go home to remember slavery... mention of the thousands of pedophile arrests under the president and the need to deal with human trafficking mention of the slave trade now rampant in Libya due to the instability there after topple of qaddafi who was bringing in a gold standard (non rothchild or imf bank, but rather regional)

the cultural Marxists are the new slave owners. wrong side of history again

News Item6/16/17 7:48 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Dave wrote:
You'll find your style of replacement theology goes hand in hand with your works based religion you have.
God day
1689 Federalism is not replacement theology

its remnant theology

its not work based, its not race based... its election and grace based...

"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel which are of Israel:

"Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

"That is They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." Rm 9:6-8

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