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News Item3/13/08 6:51 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Allan wrote:
Would God convert a drunkard and cause him to desire to stay in the bar to convert others?
Which is a worse temptation... a saved ex-roman catholic attending the roman system he was indoctrinated with, or the ex-alcoholic attending a drinking session at a bar? (I don't actually know the answer)
I can state categorically that I am not being tempted to go back to believing the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass by continuing to attend the RCC because I am trusting 100% in Jesus for salvation.

News Item3/6/08 8:49 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Michael Hranek wrote:
No! You've gotten it wrong again.
LIGHT has not fellowship with DARKNESS.
Your Roman Catholic Church is very much in darkness with a wicked cursed false gospel and a child of God has no more business staying in the false Roman Catholic Religion than a young man engaged to be married would have of visiting a house of ill repute, even if he was just going there to talk with the nice ladies.
Are you stating that when everybody stands before Christ after they pass away that He will require for entrance into Heaven that everybody had belonged to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in addition to having received Him as their Savior? The Bible states that Christ stated that the only requirement for entrance into Heaven is to become Born Again. Nowhere in the Bible is church membership mentioned as a requirement for entrance into Heaven. My Baptist friend states that I do not have to leave the Catholic Church and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in order to gain entrance into Heaven.

News Item3/6/08 8:28 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Allan wrote:
It's because the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer will not suffer deliberate attendance where there is repeated blasphemy.
If the Protestant protest and beliefs are correct, then they obviously are simply correct. So logic would dictate that that is where people should worship.
And how do you know that the Holy Spirit would not guide a Catholic who has become Born Again to remain in the Catholic Church to bring other Catholics to salvation? That is within the realm of possibility. And besides church membership is totally superfluous to gaining entrance into Heaven and thus Christ does not care one iota which church someone who is Born Again attends because when everybody stands before Christ after they pass away the only thing that Christ will consider in allowing individuals to enter Heaven is if they had received Him as their Savior.

News Item3/5/08 2:21 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Somehow this archbishop had an attack of good sense, but his bosses will soon correct that, unless he carries this good sense on a step further, and [URL=]]]Comes out of the Catholic Church[/URL].
What is with you anyway? Why do you keep stating that Catholics who become Born Again have to leave the Catholic Church and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church? Is it because you believe that when everybody stands before Christ after they pass away that He will require for entrance into Heaven that everybody had belonged to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in addition to having received Him as their Savior? Church membership is totally superfluous to gaining entrance into Heaven.

News Item3/5/08 9:21 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I keep saying John you have [URL=]]]Come out of the Catholic Church![/URL]. There is the big "I" in all of your comments. I have already pointed out you are heretic as far as both Catholics and Christians are concerned. It has been pointed out the RCC cares about nothing as long as you keep a superficial appearance up by participating in the sacraments, which means you are Catholic and not a Christian. As,

from, [URL=]]]Showing Love in Liberties[/URL], you are misleading both Christians and Catholic at home and on this forum.

If I received Christ as my Savior then I am a Christian and I will go to Heaven when I pass away regardless if I do not leave the Catholic Church because church membership is totally superfluous to entrance into Heaven. Just because I am still attending the Catholic Church does not mean that I am not a Christian. As I have pointed out I have totally dispensed with the unscriptural Catholic doctrines, the unscriptural parts to the Mass, only adhere to the scriptural Catholic doctrines and only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass.

News Item3/4/08 9:05 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Just Visiting This Planet wrote:
There is nobody who is running or has ever been president of the U.S. who was really a born again Christian. As a matter of fact, there are very few born again Christians - even in church - period. I would include pastors with that.
Are you Christ and able to see into the hearts of everybody to make the statement that nobody running for president or has every been president has been a Born Again Christian and that there are very few Born Again Christians in church? Only Christ knows who is and is not a Born Again Christian.

News Item3/4/08 8:19 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Because you still attend the apostate Church, [URL=]]]Come out of the Catholic Church[/URL].
Rev 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues:

Remember, John, Christianity isn't just about you, it is also about others, stop setting a big example.

Just because I still attend the RCC does not mean that I imbible the unscriptural RCC dogma's especially when I state that I have totally dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines, the unscriptural parts to the Mass, adhere only to the scriptural RCC doctrines and only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass. When I state that then that is exactly what I mean. End of story. Got it? If you believe that church membership is totally superfluous to gaining entrance into Heaven then why do you keep stating that I have to leave the RCC and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church? You must believe that when everybody stands before Christ that He will require for entrance into Heaven that they had belonged to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in addition to receivng Him as Savior.

News Item3/3/08 1:25 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Minnow wrote:
No John;
They teach "Liberal values" - Which as they say is a whole different ball game, indeed a whole different religion.
Why John it's almost as bad as the heretical dogma's which you imbibe weekly at the papist show.
How many times do I have to state that I have totally dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and only adhere to the scriptural RCC doctrines and only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass? And then you state that I imbibe the unscriptural RCC dogma's?

News Item3/3/08 9:01 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Minnow wrote:
"....warns Christian values should not be taught in schools,...."
Thats strange! I didn't know they were taught in schools?
I mean, they are not taught in the Church of England nor the Church of Scotland; - so why teach the kids that which is alien to the majority of adults?
After all, the Wrath to come is coming for a reason is it not?
Bureaucrats and politicians are stupid!
What do you mean that Christian values are not being taught in the Church Of England and the Church Of Scotland? The Church Of England and the Church Of Scotland teach Christian values.

News Item3/3/08 8:57 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
But John! "Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” from,
Now this is an excellent article, it has my imprimatur on it, so you can read it, John.
[URL=]]]Obama Is Our First Muslim Presidential Contender In The Same Way That Clinton Was Our First Black President[/URL].
Facts are facts. And the fact is that Obama is United Church Of Christ since he attends and belongs to a United Church Of Christ church and therefore is not a Muslim.

News Item3/2/08 9:09 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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The Vatican is right on with stating that Baptism should only be done in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

News Item3/1/08 9:00 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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If Obama gets the Democratic nomination then as a lifelong Democrat I will be forced for the first time to support the Republican nominee for president because Obama is not the kind of Black that I wish to become president. The only two Blacks that I would consider voting for president would be Bill Cosby and that Black college professor from California because Cosby and that Black professor are against affirmative action and tell Blacks to get off their rear ends and graduate from high school and go to work or go to college and then go to work to become productive members of society instead of being involved in criminal activities or being welfare baskets.

David: Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is a United Church Of Christ. Why did you think that Obama is a Muslim?

News Item2/27/08 11:15 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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There is nothing wrong with Charismatic Christianity because Charismatics have been Baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Survey2/27/08 8:46 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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The proper subject for Baptism are both infants and adults since Baptism is just a dedication of infants and adults to Christ and does not impart salvation.

News Item2/27/08 8:29 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Oh, I thought they may have an actual undoctored bible! [url]The Roman Catholic Bible[/url]. By the way, the article makes for interesting reading, even if it is from a secular site. I might add, [URL=]]]Protestants Before Protestantism[/URL] and [URL=]]]Erection of the tribunal of the Inquisition[/URL].
What is your problem anyway with the Catholic Bible? Aside from the Apocrypha(Which I totally disregard and never read) the Catholic Bible is just as good as the King James Bible. In answer to Neil's question about Catholics and interpreting the Bible, I interpret the Bible myself without regard to how Priests, Bishops, Cardinals or even the Pope interpret the Bible.

News Item2/27/08 8:22 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Mr. J wrote:
Really? I have known Baptist ministers who didn't know their knee from their elbow and when it came to the Bible they couldn't find their head with both hands. So you would listen to someone and agree with them just because they are a Baptist minister? the Bereans didn't even agree with the Apostle Paul till they checked the Scriptures for themselves.
Well my Baptist friends Baptist minister knows the Bible inside and out and yet I was told by that Baptist minister that I could continue to own the statue of the Virgin Mary, pictures of the Virgin Mary and the Saints, pictures of Christ and Crucifixes and not be in violation of the 2nd Commandment just as long as I do not pray to or bow down to those items. My Baptist friend also states the same thing.

News Item2/22/08 9:00 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well it seems that there are a lot of individuals who are utterly incapable of logical and analytical thinking if they are joining the Jehovah Witness and Mormon Cults because the Jehovah Witness and Mormon Cults deny the Deity Of Christ and the Holy Trinity. If someone is capable of logical and analytical thinking they would accept the Deity Of Christ and the Holy Trinity because logic dictates that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity.

News Item2/22/08 8:52 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Your Baptist friends fail to see the entire commandment: "Thou shalt not MAKE unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."
Then again, I do not know your heart, and the full extent of value that you place upon these pagan relics. However, the sentimental value that you place upon these things, and your attempts to justify keeping them by selecting portions of the commandment seems to illustrate that you still do not fully understand the important differences between sensual and empirical worship and that which is "in spirit and truth." Their very visible appearance is equivocal.1 Thess. 5:22
The only value that I place upon those items is that they are family heirlooms. I hardly have anything that belonged to my Grandparents. If a Baptist minister states that it is not in violation of the 2nd Commandment to own a statue of the Virgin Mary, pictures of the Virgin Mary and the Saints, Crucifixes and pictures of Christ as long as they are not prayed to or bowed down to then it is not in violation of the 2nd Commandment because a Baptist minister knows more about the Bible then you do.

News Item2/20/08 9:05 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Dr. Phil wrote:
The point is that absolute truth is not conveyed via empiricism. Pictures, trinkets, crosses, statues, candles, robes, etc., can not speak the truth. Even these require statements to explain their significance. This tells us in itself that truth is conveyed via propositions. The Bible is propositional truth and the only place where we can find the "Word of God" not the picture of God. "In the beginning was the Word", not the picture or sculpture.
"And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father. And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made." 1 Kings 15:11-12
Do you think this was an easy thing for Asa to do?
Of course I know that the Holy Bible is the only Word Of God. I also know that nobody knows what Christ looked like. But just owning a statue of the Virgin Mary, pictures of the Virgin Mary and the Saints, a couple of wooden Crucifixes, the two metal Crucifixes that were on top of my parents caskets and two pictures of Christ is not breaking the 2nd Commandment because the 2nd Commandment states not to pray to or bow down to images according to my Baptist friend and his minister. I do not pray to or bow down to those items.

News Item2/18/08 3:01 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Minnow wrote:
There is a comma after Mary.

This is the definition of the word "crucifix" = "a cross with the figure of Jesus crucified upon it."
Please go to a real church John.

I still do not and have never identified Christ on the Crucifix. The only reason why I still have those two Crucifixes is that they belonged to my two sets of Grandparents and I hardly have anything that belonged to my Grandparents.
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