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Survey4/28/07 4:32 PM
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... which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
(Joh 1:9b)

“…it is best therefore to understand these words of the light of nature, and reason, which Christ, as the word, and Creator and light of men, gives to every man that is born into the world; and … which every man has, and is no other than the light of a natural conscience; and shows how much men, even natural men, are obliged to Christ, and how great a person he is, and how deserving of praise, honour, and glory.”

Survey3/18/07 5:08 PM
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The only true regeneration is of the will of God and by the operation of the Holy Ghost. Armininianism gives men no such warning and its silence is dangerous because it fails to make clear the truth which safeguards men from false security – namely, that God never forgives sin without at the same time changing the nature of the sinner.

‘I speak advisedly,’ when I say that the doctrine of “believe and live” would be a very dangerous one if it were not accompanied by the doctrine of regeneration. By emphasizing that ‘faith saves’ without also insisting that wherever true faith exists there is a new life...regeneration is the cause of conversion; but once the Biblical doctrine of regeneration is grasped it means that no man can be a true believer who does not posses a new life ‘created in righteousness and true holiness (Eph. 4:24).

According to Scripture it is quite impossible to be justified by faith and not experience the commencement of true sanctification, because the spiritual life communicated by the Spirit in the act of regeneration (which introduces the new power to believe) is morally akin to the character of God and contains within it the germ of all holiness.

Survey3/6/07 11:57 AM
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What was the doctrine that the Pharisees confessed and taught? Luke 18:9 gives us the very heart of Pharisaism: " And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others” Here is Pharisaism in all its wickedness. First, the Pharisees "trusted in themselves, that they were righteous…They trusted in themselves - they had confidence in themselves - that they were righteous. They believed that their own works - their doing what God commands and their abstaining from what God forbids - were what gained and maintained God's favor and recommended them to God. They believed that their justification, their sanctification, their perseverance, and their entitlement to heaven, were conditioned on themselves. They believed that one's own righteousness is what makes the difference between heaven and hell. This is the epitome of self-righteousness.

Survey3/6/07 11:12 AM
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In Matthew 16:6, Jesus Christ warned the disciples, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees… What were the disciples to beware of? Were they to beware of the immorality of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Were they to beware of their reputations? After a rebuke from Jesus Christ, the disciples “Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the DOCTRINE of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees”(Matthew 16:12). They were to beware of their DOCTRINE. Their DOCTRINE is what showed that they were lost.

In the first half of Matthew 15:9, Jesus said that the Pharisees were worshiping God in vain…But how do we know they were worshiping in vain? Look at the second half of Matthew 15:9. We know that they were worshiping in vain because of their DOCTRINE. They were "teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”(Matthew 15:9b). Their doctrine was not the doctrine of Holy Scripture. Their doctrine was man-made tradition (Matthew 15:6). They did not abide in the doctrine of Christ (2 John 9). They did not make their judgments based on Scripture; instead, they made them based on their own (and their fathers') vain imaginations.

Survey3/4/07 4:02 PM
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God’s Word is supernatural in it's origin
II Tim 3:16

It is complete in it’s structure
Psalm 19:7-10

It is united in it’s testimony
Luke 24:27,44

It is accurate in it’s prophecies
I Peter 1:10-12

It is unique in it’s details
John 10:24,28,36.37

It is distinct in it’s claims
I Thess 2:13

It is inerrant in it’s content
Psalm 119:89.140

It is authoritative in it’s utterance
Psalm 119:11

It is divine in it’s spirit
II Peter 1:19-20

It is reliable in it’s promises
II Cor 1:20

It is living as to it’s nature
I Peter1:23,25

It is assuring in it’s message
John 5:24

It is Christ revealing in it’s witness
John 5:39

Survey2/6/07 6:47 PM
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...the Evangelist employs the general phrase, every man that cometh into the world, I am more inclined to adopt the other meaning, which is, that from this light the rays are diffused over all mankind, as I have already said. For we know that men have this peculiar excellence which raises them above other animals, that they are endued with reason and intelligence, and that they carry the distinction between right and wrong engraven on their conscience. There is no man, therefore, whom some perception of the eternal light does not reach.

But as there are fanatics who rashly strain and torture this passage, so as to infer from it that the grace of illumination is equally offered to all, let us remember that the only subject here treated is the common light of nature, which is far inferior to faith; for never will any man, by all the acuteness and sagacity of his own mind, penetrate into the kingdom of God. It is the Spirit of God alone who opens the gate of heaven to the elect. Next, let us remember that the light of reason which God implanted in men has been so obscured by sin, that amidst the thick darkness, and shocking ignorance, and gulf of errors, there are hardly a few shining sparks that are not utterly extinguished.

Survey2/6/07 5:41 PM
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Joh 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

“…it is best therefore to understand these words of the light of nature, and reason, which Christ, as the word, and Creator and light of men, gives to every man that is born into the world … which every man has, and is no other than the light of a natural conscience; and shows how much men, even natural men, are obliged to Christ, and how great a person he is, and how deserving of praise, honour, and glory.”

Survey1/14/07 2:58 PM
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A leading Dispensationalist describes it in this way: "Imagine getting up some morning and your wife is not there, and you call for her, but there is no answer. You go downstairs, but she is not there. You call upstairs to daughter asking where mother is, but no answer from daughter. Daughter too is gone. You ring the police but the line is busy. Hundreds and thousands are calling up, jamming the telephone lines. You rush out of doors and bump into the pal of last night’s wild party. He is white as a sheet. He is out of breath, and he stammers a few words, and bawls out, ‘My wife is gone. My brother is gone, and I don’t know where they are.’ Down the streets runs a woman shrieking at the top of her voice, ‘Someone has kidnapped my baby!’ and in a moment the streets are full of people, weeping, crying and howling over the disappearance of loved ones. What has happened? The Lord has come, like a thief in the night. He has quietly stolen away those who trusted him, like Enoch, and no one is left behind to warn you any more, to pray or show you the way." (Rev. Richard W. De-Haan, Radio Bible Class, Nov. 1954). (Quoted in The Millennium p. 172).

Survey1/11/07 4:00 PM
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At any rate it is clear that the Scofield Reference Bible was uncompromisingly Darbyite dispensationalist in doctrine and taught the any-moment coming and the secret rapture of the church…

Earnest Sandeen, The Roots of Fudamentalism: 1800-1920, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970) page 224

Survey1/11/07 3:38 PM
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A leading Dispensationalist describes it in this way: "Imagine getting up some morning and your wife is not there, and you call for her, but there is no answer. You go downstairs, but she is not there. You call upstairs to daughter asking where mother is, but no answer from daughter. Daughter too is gone. You ring the police but the line is busy. Hundreds and thousands are calling up, jamming the telephone lines. You rush out of doors and bump into the pal of last night’s wild party. He is white as a sheet. He is out of breath, and he stammers a few words, and bawls out, ‘My wife is gone. My brother is gone, and I don’t know where they are.’ Down the streets runs a woman shrieking at the top of her voice, ‘Someone has kidnapped my baby!’ and in a moment the streets are full of people, weeping, crying and howling over the disappearance of loved ones. What has happened? The Lord has come, like a thief in the night. He has quietly stolen away those who trusted him, like Enoch, and no one is left behind to warn you any more, to pray or show you the way." (Rev. Richard W. De-Haan, Radio Bible Class, Nov. 1954). (Quoted in The Millennium p. 172).

Survey11/9/06 11:40 AM
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"Perseverance of the Saints does not mean "once saved always saved". This corruption of the doctrine has been popular in recent years, but has never been a true representation of the doctrine. "Once saved always saved" is more keenly given the name "Perseverance of the sinner" instead of "the saint". For it teaches that man can be saved by Christ and then sin habitually, do whatever he wants, and then still "persevere to the end". Perseverance of the saints does not teach this. Perseverance of the saints teaches that once God has renewed the heart of a sinner through the application of the redemption wrought by Christ upon the cross, he will continue to be saved and show forth the fruits of that salvation. The sinner perseveres because of Christ, but he continually shows himself as one who has been changed by Christ. God has saved the individual and will sanctify him until the end when he is ultimately glorified, and in heaven. It does not mean man has a license to sin. Those who think they have a license to sin are not changed and saved by grace. They are still in sin. Those who are saved by grace and changed, desire to show forth the fruits of that salvation."

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