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News Item1/5/09 12:16 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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I would also ask where in the bible is America referred to as "God's land"?

News Item1/5/09 11:54 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AAC~ I have gone back through all your postings, this is what I have found...
From your 9/30 9:37 post--'here in the United States of North America persecution is alive and well'

from your 1/01 3:25 post--'Bernie wrote, are you an Israeli soldier? IN A SENSE, YES

from your 1/01 2:16 post--YES, I AM IN ISRAEL. Sometimes I can't handle the daily persecution and would like to leave'

So apparently AAC, you are misleading us here. You can clear up this mess you've created by telling the truth.

Your lame answer of spiritual and physical doesn't jive with what you've posted

News Item1/5/09 11:37 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Just answer the question aac, you have said here on these boards you live in the United States, then you stated you lived in Israel. Now, which is it? Why do you continually dodge this question? Why do you mislead others here with your claim ?

Where was this 'matter' cleared up?

News Item1/5/09 11:27 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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AntiChrist, what right do you have to come on these boards and continually be divisive? You who do not know how to speak truth! You claim to be a resident of the United States, then you tell some here you reside in Israel! So again I ask you, which country do you physically reside in? And why did you mislead some here?

News Item1/5/09 11:24 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ the only way to 'sort out' truth from error is to go to the only source of truth there is, God's word. The Lord Jesus Christ verified this in John 17:17, "Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth". God is true and faithful to His word, He does not wander from it {"I the Lord do not change" Malachi 3:6}.
If you read Psalm 119, you will see how the Psalmist continually refers to God's word as illuminating, eye opening {vs 18, 105}, eternal {vs 89}, gives direction {vs 133}, and gives understanding {vs 130}. There is so much more in this chapter; may the Lord bless you as you read.

News Item1/5/09 11:12 AM
Lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lyn
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Tinfoil hat~ An 'ignore' button would be so nice!
I would encourage all who belong to the Lamb to remember to pray for these folks, yes they are annoying, but keep in mind, the destination of a soul is at stake.
Our factual arguments are not going anywhere; pray God will open the understanding of these people, while there is yet still time.

News Item1/5/09 11:02 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Good morning Tinfoil~ Yes, it's really me, I know 'cause I just looked in the mirror!
It is tragic what's happened on these boards as of late, conspiracy theory propaganda, being fearful of 'takeovers', drawing what can be known from 'man's knowledge' and taking that as gospel truth. This runs through every thread. This is not edifying to the true body of Christ; the number of posters {you can count them on one hand} responsible for taking over the boards with hysteria continue to post the same thing over and over again and again. It's all senseless ramblings, and should be ignored. If we all join together and 'ignore' these postings, maybe this would put an end to the insanity.

BTW 'banned'~ falsely accusing others is a sin

News Item1/5/09 10:51 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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I am not posting under the moniker of 'tin foil hat', the paranoia accusations are wearing thin. I will repeat this verse again, and I will obey what it says, "Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful, he is self-condemned" Titus 3:10-11

News Item1/4/09 10:45 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ if you would be willing, there is a wonderful insightful book by Charles Spurgeon entitled, "All of Grace" available at

News Item1/4/09 9:11 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Where is "deny that Caesar is king" found in the scriptures as pertaining to the doctrine of election?

GG~ if you wish to e-mail me off these boards to help avoid some of the recent rash of hysterical postings as well as to avoid unbiblical doctrinal 'advice', feel free to do so, I will leave it up to you.

News Item1/4/09 8:27 PM
Lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lyn
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GG~ I don't claim to be either a Calvinist nor an Arminian; however, I will share with you from scripture what I know.
First, God desires all men to be saved {1 Timothy 2:4}. However, most will not be willing to part with their love of sin. The narrow gate is too restricted for them, it requires a denial of self, stripping one's self of worldliness, materialism, lusts. The lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, the pride of life is like a magnet pulling continually at the heart. A true follower of Christ MUST let go completely and submit to Christs' total authority in his/her life. There can be NO treasured, or 'pet' sins cleaved to.
The true follower of Christ comes to Him only after God has quickened his/her deadened heart. One must be broken over their sins committed against a Holy God before they can see the true meaning and preciousness of the cross.

God is indeed just, NONE of us deserve to even draw a breath, for we ALL have sinned against Him.

News Item1/4/09 4:33 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John Yurich~ you claim salvation is yours because you prayed the 'sinners prayer' and that's all that is needed. You did it, you repeated some mechanical form of prayer and now you're in right standing before a Holy God. Your salvation is valid because of your own work?
"And you, who were DEAD in trespasses and sins" Ephesians 2:1
How did you revive your own dead heart John?

"For by GRACE[undeserved favor] are ye saved through faith, and that NOT OF YOURSELVES, it is a gift of God" Eph. 2:8,9

God's word is crystal clear John, only He can change you from the inside out, breaking down the proud heart, bringing the lost sinner to repentance [2 Tim. 2:25]and giving a 'new heart' and a 'new spirit' [Ez. 36:26]
Please don't base something this important on 'self', we cannot claim Christ until God has done a work in our hearts. Heed this verse, 'And the Lord said,"Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men" Isa. 29:13

News Item1/4/09 4:18 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Banned~ your 'hysteria induced demented accusation' of me being fearful of some attack from al qaeda and back to back postings is wearing thin. I have NO IDEA what you are even referring to...but I guess it makes sense 'in your own mind'.
You do seem to reveal a very disturbed repetitious pattern of thinking as it runs throughout every posting you post. You say nothing worthwhile, just accuse others, out of the blue; you are divisive, yet claim to be a christian? You repeat the same thing over and over and is so disheartening to see someone so caught up in a vast array of nothingness, meaningless chatter that leads nowhere.
"As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once, and then twice, have nothing more to do with him" Titus 3:10
May we all heed this passage concerning the recent rash of off the wall postings of late.

News Item1/4/09 9:24 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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By the way aac, speaking of 'truth', why is it you never clarified your residence? Are you a citizen of the U.S., or do you live in Israel? Since no one took this any farther, you seem to of been 'let off the hook'. Why don't you tell the 'truth'?

Words of advice, don't make me your favorite target, it's flattering and all, but I don't want to get puffed up.

now move along!

News Item1/4/09 8:57 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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one word to you aac- true born again believers use discernment {which the Lord gives} when watching tv to separate truth from hysteria. Most {b.a.believers} don't watch tv, search websites, or listen to the radio believing the content is their 'source of truth', then rail at those who disagree. {there are trusted Christian sites that are very informative}

News Item1/3/09 11:00 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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That applies only to born again believers who get their wisdom and knowledge from Christ, those who do not rely on 'websites' for info, as if they were 'gospel truth'. Drawing from man's websites and then trying to argue and make 'valid points' only leads to division. Truth isn't found in 'man's wisdom'. No lost sinner speaks it.
"Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help" Psalm 146:3

News Item1/3/09 10:40 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The verse I quoted references to getting GODLY wisdom, not wild off the wall paranoia. The only wisdom that will sustain a child of God in the end time and keep them from falling prey to all kinds of hysteria is the wisdom Almighty God gives, through His Spirit and His word.

News Item1/3/09 10:22 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John UK~ google United Nations, is it corrupt? and see what you come up with.
Honestly, you can find all kinds of 'websites' to defend both Hamas and Israel. It is hard to separate facts, especially with the rash of recent postings here.
The only place to find truth is in the Holy Bible. Regardless of whether little green men are coming to take us all away or not is really irrelevant, God tells the end from the beginning. If we trust in Him, focus on Him, and draw strength and wisdom from His word, we will stand firm in these turbulent times. Remember the parable about the house built on the rock, and the house built on the sand?

"Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore, get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding". Proverbs 4:7
Let's not live in fear, rather be strong in the Lord.

"Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked when it cometh" Proverbs 3:25

News Item1/3/09 7:18 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Banned says, 'Jesus said he'd rather we be hot or cold, --well the Zionists are definitely hot for Satan, not on the fence whatsoever'

That is taking holy scripture way out of context, to justify a one sided view. Christ was referring to following Him, obeying Him, proclaiming the true Gospel, living holy lives, etc. Christ in NO WAY meant for that verse to be used in a situation of conflict, as the Israelis defend themselves against radical Islamists who want nothing more than to see every Jew dead.

News Item1/3/09 10:47 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John UK~ Good morning!
Yes, you are correct. Wasn't that the gist of the teaching from John Piper I believe I recommended to you?
We share in the covenant promises by God to Israel { those saved by His grace that is } We are heirs, along with saved Jews, we are 'one' in Christ. Praise God!

I have to go, I have some obligations to fulfill this morning at my church. Hope to discuss more with you later.

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